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The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers Resource Package explained the different

domains and strands that teachers can use as guides to be more efficient and effective in their
profession. Because of this, there’s a new assessment tool formulated by the Department of Education,
the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS), to ensure efficient and quality
performance of teachers. This new assessment tool ensures its alignment with the PPST. To keep the
teachers guided with this new assessment tool there is a Manual provided for them. This manual serves
as a guide in preparing and completing RPMS documents.

After the discussion of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers Resource Package
during the first day, RPMS Manual was discussed on the second day. Participants of the second day were
the brilliant teachers of Baliwasan Senior High School – Stand Alone.

The second day started with a prayer by Ms. Jesusa C. Nuñal and then she proceeded with the
recapitulation of the topics and activities done during the first day through an activity. After the activity
by Ms. Nuñal, a short video presentation created by Mr. Anton Sanson was played, the video has series
of pictures from the first day.

After the recap, an introduction of the resource speaker was done by the Master of Ceremonies,
Mr. Erbert Medellin.

The speaker during the morning session was the Assistant Principal, Mr. Rogen Jahari, and he
did a run-through of the Modules of the RPMS Manual, Module 1 through 3 specifically. He started with
the discussion of Module 1 which discussed about the format of the RPMS Tool, IPCRF, the MOVs
needed for each Key Area of Responsibility, and the Performance Indicators. Next was the Module 2,
which he talked about the Self-Assessment Tool for the RPMS. He also discussed the RPMS cycle which
consists of four (4) phases; (1) Performance Planning and Commitment, (2) Performance Monitoring and
Coaching, (3) Performance Review and Evaluation, and (4) Performance Rewarding and Development
Planning. Before the discussion of the Module 3, an energizer was given by Ms. Pia Fritzie Luna, Sports
Subject Group Head. After which, Mr. Jahari discussed about the Classroom Observation Tool based on
the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers. After his discussion about COT, lunch was served.

The afternoon session started with an energizer led by Ms. Luna. Then Mr. Jahari discussed
about the preparation and organization of RPMS Portfolio. He provided us with sample portfolio for us
to be able to see how relevant documents should be arranged. Next topic discussed was Module 5 in
which he talked about annotation. The participants had an activity about this topic. The last discussion
was the final module in which he talked about the RPMS Portfolio Assessment Process. He also gave an
activity to the participants in which the participants rated different scenarios.

During the run-through, the participants were so eager and interested about RPMS. There were
queries by the participants which were answered by the speaker.

Impressions about the workshop were given by Mr. Zamir Caluang, Science Teacher, and Ms.
Ma. Joanette Paalan, TVL teacher and Guidance Counselor.

Certificates were awarded to the resource speakers and participants by Mr. Romeo E.
Ms. Farrah V. Dua gave the closing remarks in behalf of Ms. Wafia Sajili to formally close the

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