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Volume 102 Number 9



Innocence and Sophistication: Users and Equipment

About twenty years ago, as the era of the tightly con- of grants is usually received. Subsequent instalments are
trolled economy began to slowly fade away, universities uncertain, as finance department at institutions and the
and research laboratories in India were poorly equipped. agencies engage in a war of attrition. The situation is
Major facilities for research were to be found in very few compounded by financial rules written for another day
national institutions. Even the best of our laboratories and age. The sudden spurt in the number of grants and
could only boast of equipment which were far from being grantees strains administrative structures, which were
comparable to that available in most laboratories in the created long ago in a more leisurely era.
West. Changes have happened rather dramatically in the A consequence of the rapid increase in funding levels
last fifteen years. Science funding has grown steadily, is that India has quickly become an important market for
foreign exchange is not a limiting factor and customs manufacturers of sophisticated scientific equipment.
duty exemptions and clearances for publicly funded insti- Institutions, old and new, acquire major research facilities
tutions are available. Most importantly, aspirations amongst with a frequency that was unheard of some years ago.
a new generation of scientists are significantly higher Instrumentation centers and centers of ‘excellence’, a
than those of their predecessors; an inevitable corollary much abused word, are emerging across the country.
of globalization and liberalization. A host of government Many years ago when a ‘sophisticated instruments faci-
schemes now provide grants to equip laboratories in uni- lity’ was set up at the Indian Institute of Science in the
versities and national institutions. Internal funding, in the late 1970s, it boasted of a single NMR spectrometer
laboratories supported by large organizations like the operating at 270 MHz. Upgradation and expansion was a
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) and the Council of very slow and arduous process until the late 1990s. In the
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), has grown 1970s, biochemistry and biology departments used rela-
substantially. In the last twenty years, government depart- tively few pieces of major equipment. Even spectropho-
ments, originally conceived as funding agencies promot- tometers and refrigerated centrifuges were prized
ing research, have created and acquired institutions of departmental possessions, to be used in a disciplined
their own, which then receive significant core funding. manner. Ultracentrifuges were looked upon with respect,
Both the Department of Science and Technology (DST) rotors jealously guarded and users carefully instructed
and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) oversee a before they were permitted to begin their work. Money
growing number of dedicated research laboratories, was scarce, equipment scarcer and spares and services
which proudly display state-of-the-art facilities. Once were difficult to obtain. The revolutions in biology and
impoverished University science departments are now in materials characterization occurred in the late 1970s and
the fortunate, but unfamiliar, position of being able to throughout the 1980s, leading to an explosion in the
seek support for major equipment from a multiplicity of range of techniques used to characterize and analyse
agencies. New schemes introduced by the University molecules, materials, cells and tissues. Microscopy sud-
Grants Commission (UGC) are available to equip denly transformed our view of materials and biology.
research laboratories, even in colleges. UGC’s new initia- Electron microscopes of ever increasing resolution, with
tives have been characterized by a departure from the tra- accessories that probe chemical composition raised the
ditionally slow decision making process; an empowered bar on materials characterization. Confocal microscopes,
committee cuts through many of the delays in fund dis- exploiting the remarkable power of lasers and the ability
bursement. The drive to infuse more money into research of molecular biologists to introduce optical probes into
has not always been accompanied by the creation of new cells, quickly became indispensable tools in cell biology.
administrative and financial mechanisms, both at the The human genome project spawned a host of new tech-
funding agencies and the recipient institutions. Grants nologies. DNA sequencing is being achieved in ever
may be sanctioned and received, but utilization can be a shorter times at rapidly falling costs, with a reliability
bottleneck as many institutions struggle with non- that was hardly anticipated in the days when the genome
functional administrative structures. The first instalment appeared an almost impossible goal. The ‘omics’ revolu-
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 102, NO. 9, 10 MAY 2012 1241

tion in biology has been fuelled by the ever increasing pieces of relatively widely used equipment. In the better
resolution and sensitivity of mass spectrometers. It is funded institutions and laboratories replacing equipment
hard to believe that mass spectrometers capable of ana- appears more attractive than resurrecting instruments that
lysing biological macromolecules were unavailable in our have suffered from misuse. Poor training of students in
laboratories even in the late 1990s. In the span of less the methods essential for their research is often the root
than a decade Indian institutions, public and private, have cause of the many mishaps that occur in research labora-
become major buyers of mass spectrometers. High per- tories. The failure to solve problems that are amenable,
formance computing is another area which has exploded, despite the availability of analytical facilities, is a direct
with ‘clusters’ proliferating in many institutions; a result of a lack of appreciation of the intricacies of inter-
dramatic change from the past when computing was pretation. Problem solving in many areas requires both
always centralised in the ‘computer centre’. Every area good experiments and careful interpretation.
of science has seen an explosive growth in the sophisti- In thinking about the new problems created by the
cated tools necessary for modern day research. Unsurpris- funding boom, I was drawn to a recent commentary in
ingly, the many new institutions that are being set Nature which argues that ‘over-reliance on automated
up begin with formidable shopping lists for equipment, tools is hurting science’. In a column entitled ‘Under-
even as they struggle to recruit competent faculty to stand how it works’, the head of Vanderbilt University’s
exploit the facilities being created. Older institutions core microscopy laboratory emphasizes the ‘need to do a
replace and upgrade instrumentation with a frequency better job of teaching students how techniques work
that was unimaginable a decade ago. Individual laborato- before they start using them (Piston, D. W., Nature, 2012,
ries now possess equipment which not too long ago were 484, 440). He illustrates the pitfalls that may be encoun-
prized as central facilities. Despite this sudden improve- tered in microscopy using automated image analysis.
ment in the facilities available for research, it is hard to Describing a specific example of a mis-interpretation he
visit an institution without hearing complaints about concludes: ‘In this case it wasn’t inspiration that was
inadequate supporting infrastructure, which limits effi- lacking – it was instruction. The researchers had used a
cient utilization of the available equipment. Complaints proven and validated tool, but in a way inappropriate for
about uncertain power supply are commonplace. A more the problem at hand.’ Piston voices a concern that re-
disturbing grouse is the absence of trained technicians, search supervisors might do well to heed: ‘Unfortunately,
with a high level of competence in operating and main- this scenario is becoming all too common in many fields
taining facilities. of science; researchers, particularly those in training, use
A great deal of the most sophisticated analytical facili- commercial or even lab-built automated tools inappropri-
ties used today can indeed be directly operated by trained ately because they have never been taught the details
users. Microscopes and spectrometers of all kinds should, about how they work.’ He notes correctly that ‘the inter-
in principle, be accessible to direct use by researchers, disciplinarity of modern biomedical research makes it
primarily students, provided they are adequately trained almost impossible for one person to understand the sub-
and supervised. In most, if not all, institutions ‘opera- tleties of all the procedures on which they rely’. He goes
tors’, with a minimum knowledge of the methods that on to argue for creating an instructional programme in
they use, stand as custodians of sophisticated facilities. training research students which will ‘emphasize better
Users, who often display a degree of technical innocence the fundamental concepts and practice of experimental
that is almost touching, turn to these operators for solu- techniques. This would necessarily include hand-on-labs
tions to problems that occupy their attention. Very often involving state-of-the-art equipment and instruction from
it is a case of the ‘blind leading the blind’. Few major experts with proven success in using these techniques’.
facilities in India are staffed by technically competent His conclusion, that students must not only be taught
professionals who can indeed address problems posed by ‘how to formulate hypotheses, design research appro-
their clients. Most major facilities are sub-optimally used aches and write manuscripts, but also how to build,
and sophisticated instruments are rarely exploited to their implement and troubleshoot their experiments’, merits the
full potential. Senior researchers who preside over large most serious attention.
groups of students and assistants generally have a limited Indian institutions need to enhance the level of techni-
‘feel’ for the wide range of analytical methods that are cal competence in their core facilities, examine ways of
required for much of the characterization that is central to recognizing and rewarding those who play an important
modern research in biology and materials science. Ph D role in sustaining facilities and promoting enlightened
students sometimes use a bewildering range of methods usage, and plan on organizing instructional workshops
in their research, but profess ignorance of the principles centred around major research equipment. Technical
behind the techniques used in their studies. Unfamiliarity innocence, in an age when experimental facilities are
with instrumentation results in a quick demise of user rapidly expanding, may no longer be acceptable.
operated facilities, as a consequence of casual and cava-
lier treatment of spectrometers, chromatographs and other P. Balaram
1242 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 102, NO. 9, 10 MAY 2012

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