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Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp.

61-72 (2005) 61

Short Paper


Shiu-Wu Chau*, Jen-Shiang Kouh**, Teck-Hou Wong***, and Yen-Jen Chen****

Key words: high-speed craft rudder, non-cavitating hydrodynamic phenomenon occurred at propeller and rudders. The
characteristics, turbulent flow computation, computational cavitating characteristics of rudder are valid for the
fluid dynamics.
high-speed region, while the non-cavitating character-
istics of rudder are applicable in the low-speed region.
The presented paper focuses on the non-cavitating
ABSTRACT hydrodynamic characteristics, where cavitation is
neglected. The cavitating characteristics of rudder
This paper focuses on the numerical analysis of non-cavitating
hydrodynamic characteristics of practical rudders used for high-speed are also very important for high-speed craft rudders,
crafts, which is valid in the low-speed region. The force and moment and are definitely different from the non-cavitating
acting on rudder are calculated by integrating the shear force and pres- characteristics. The cavitating performances of rudders
sure force on the rudder surface, which are obtained from the turbulent will be discussed in the second part of this study and
flow calculation around rudder. The non-cavitating hydrodynamic
presented in a separate paper, where the turbulent cavi-
characteristics of NACA rudders, as well as rudders using simple pro-
files, are computed and then compared. Three non-dimensional tating rudder flow is computed through the coupling of
coefficients, the lift, drag and stock moment coefficient of rudder, are Rayleigh-Plesset equation to take the influence of cavi-
evaluated to investigate the influences of profile shape and profile tation effect into account. Many experimental and
thickness. The influences of rudder’s geometrical parameters on the numerical analyses are conducted in the past to investi-
stall characteristics are also discussed. According to the predicted
gate the performance of low aspect ratio NACA foils
results, the location of maximum thickness is the most important
factor to influence the non-cavitating hydrodynamic characteristics. both in fields of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.
For all studied rudders, the thicker rudder generates larger stock Experimental measurements of a family of all-movable,
moment despite of the profile difference. low aspect ratio control surfaces in free-stream at vari-
ous Reynolds number have been performed [10]. A
INTRODUCTION relevant experiment to investigate the force and mo-
ment characteristics of six high-speed rudders with
For high-speed crafts, cavitation is an inevitable aspect ratio of 1.5 and different section shapes under
cavitating conditions can be found in [2]. Furthermore,
a series of rudders with a geometric aspect ratio of 1.5
Paper Submitted 10/07/04, Accepted 05/05/05. Author for Correspondence:
Shiu-Wu Chau. E-mail: but widely varying section shapes was constructed to
*Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chung Yuan determine the effect of section shape on the cavitating
Christian University. performances while operating in the propeller slip-
**Professor, Institute of Engineering Science and Ocean Engineering, stream [5]. However, few works for other profile shapes
National Taiwan University.
are observed. Recognizing the need for providing use-
***Graduate Student, Institute of Engineering Science and Ocean Engi-
neering, National Taiwan University. ful information in the rudder design and the proper
**** Assistant Professor, Department of Multimedia and Game Science, selection of rudder gears, further investigations on the
Lunghwa University of Science and Technology. performance of high-speed rudders are essentially
62 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005)

necessary. As mentioned in [8], the model experiments pressure, respectively, u 'i the fluctuating velocity
produce accurate hydrodynamic forces at model-scale component, ρ ‚ the density, v the fluid viscosity, v t the
Reynolds numbers, but are poor to give maximum lift turbulent viscosity, and x i the Cartesian coordinate. A
due to the scale effect. One popular approach used to two-equation turbulence model, i.e. the k − ε model [4]
analyze the rudder flow problems is the potential flow is used in the numerical computations:
calculation. However, it failed to give any stall condi-
∂(k U j )
= ∂ v + σ t ∂k + P k – ε
tion due to neglecting viscosity, which leads to turbu- v
∂x j ∂x j k ∂x j
lence and flow separation.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the non-
cavitating hydrodynamic performances of NACA
∂(εU j )
= ∂ v + σ t ∂ε + c ε 1P k ε – c ε 2 ε
rudders, as well as rudders using simple profiles. A v 2

numerical method based on computational fluid dynam- ∂x j ∂x j ε ∂x j k k

ics (CFD) is applied to predict the non-cavitating hydro-
dynamic characteristics of rudder. The force and mo-
∂U i
ment acting on a rudder are calculated by integrating the P k = – u 'i u 'j (6)
∂x i
shear force and pressure force on the rudder surface,
which are obtained from the turbulent flow calculation
around rudder. Therefore, viscous effects, such as flow v t = C µ kε (7)
separation, can be taken into account. Therefore, the
stall phenomenon can be reasonably predicted, which where k denotes the turbulent kinetic energy, and ε the
cannot be predicted by the potential methods. Through dissipation rate of k. The constants in the above equa-
the calculated results, valuable information can be con- tions are given in Table 1. Because this paper focuses
cluded for the rudder design, which compromises be- on the non-cavitating performance of rudders for high-
tween the hydrodynamic performance and the manufac- speed crafts, the computations are performed for turbu-
turing cost. lent flow at Reynolds number (Re) equal to 10 6. The
effect of transition from laminar to turbulence is
GOVERNING EQUATION AND TURBULENCE neglected, which means that the flow is fully turbulent
MODEL along the wall. The wall function approach is adopted
to bridge the viscous sublayer near wall, where the
The steady and imcompressible Reynolds-aver- equations (4) and (5) are no more valid. The shear stress
aged Navier-Stokes equation and continuity equation on solid wall τ w is computed as follows, where u p
are used as the governing equation to describe the flow denotes the local velocity component parallel to the
around rudder: wall of the first grid point from wall, y the distance to
wall and µ e the effective viscosity (≡ µ + µ t):
∂(U i U j ) ∂ u 'i u 'j
1 ∂P + ∂ v ∂U i + ∂U j
=– ρ up
∂x j ∂x i ∂x j ∂x j ∂x i

∂x j τ w = µ e y , if y + ≤ 20 (8)

(1) τ w = µe , +
C µ if y > 20 (9)

∂U i
∂x i
=0 (2) τw
y ρ (10)
y+= v
∂U i ∂U j
u 'i u 'j = – v t + + 2 δ ij k (3) NUMERICAL METHOD
∂x j ∂x i 3

All the vector quantities such as position vector,

where U i , P denotes the mean velocity and the mean velocity, and moment of momentum, are expressed in
Cartesian coordinates system. A second order finite
volume method is utilized to discretize the governing
Table 1. Coefficients of the k − ε model
equation into a system of algebraic equations. The
Cµ σk σε cε1 cε2 governing equations are first expressed in an integral
form over a control volume V bounded by the control
0.09 1.00 1.30 1.44 1.92 surface A with outward normal vector n . The integral
S.W. Chau et al.: Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of High-Speed Craft Rudders Via Turbulent Flow Computations, Part I 63

form of generic function φ (= 1, U i, k and ε ) is given as widely used for rudders due to their smooth pressure
follows: distributions along the rudder surface, which could
significant reduce the vibration of rudder caused by an
φ ( u ⋅ n ) dA = Γ φ ( ∇ φ ⋅ n ) dA + q φ dV unsmoothed pressure distribution. The third one is
often used as the basic profile for propeller blades. It is
(11) investigated in order to validate the differences between
the rudder profile and propeller profile. For small
where u denotes the velocity vector at cell interface, crafts, such as boats, in order to minimize the manufac-
the diffusion constant Γφ and the source term of qφ. The turing cost of rudder, rudders of simple shapes are often
value of φ is then expressed in terms of the neighboring employed, which fall into the category of the latter
nodal values. The number of neighboring points and three. The name of studied shapes is expressed by
mathematical form depend on the order of the approxi- alphabetic characters and numeric digits, where the
mation scheme. Here a deferred correction approach [3] alphabetic characters denote the profile shape, and the
is employed to approximate the convection term, where numeric value after the alphabetic characters gives the
a central difference scheme is blended with an upwind maximum thickness of the profile, e.g. Rectangle08
difference. Then the governing equation is discretized means the rectangle rudder with a maximum thickness
into a system of algebraic equations as follows: of 8% chord length. All rudders are geometrically
symmetrical about their nose-tail line. For rectangle
a φc φc = Σa φi φi + S φc (12) and wedge type rudders, the trailing edge doesn’t con-
verge to a single point and have a finite end thickness.
where the subscript c denotes the considered cell node, Because the slope nears the trailing edge changes
the subscript i the neighboring cells, a the linearized drastically, a significant pressure change near the trail-
coefficient and S the linearized source term. The re- ing edge is expected, which deteriorates the conver-
sulted algebraic equations are solved by the SIP method gence of the turbulence model with wall function
[9]. The SIMPLE algorithm [6] is applied to compute employed. Hence, small geometrical simplifications
velocity and pressure updates. The pressure interpola- near the leading edge and trailing edge are made, as
tion at cell faces follows a special treatment [7] is shown in Figure 2, in order to obtain a better numerical
adopted to obtain a non-oscillating pressure field. Please convergence in the turbulence model. This geometrical
reference [1] for more details.
The geometric definition of rudder used in this
paper is shown in Figure 1. It consists with the one used β
quarter chord axis
in [10]. The mean chord length (cm), taper ratio (Tr), and
aspect ratio (Ar) of rudder are defined in Eq. (1) to (3): Cm h/2
ct +cr
cm = (13)
Tr =c (14) Ct/4

A r = ch (15) Fig. 1. The geometric definition of a rudder.


where ct and cr denote the chord length at the tip and the
root of the rudder, respectively. The height of the WedgeXX
rudder is represented by h. The angle intersects be- L.E. T.E.
tween the quarter chord axis and Z-axis is known as the
sweep angle β . The geometric aspect ratio and taper L.E. T.E.
ratio of the rudders are 1.5 and 1.0, respectively. All
rudders are with zero sweep angles.
Six rudder shapes: NACA 00 series, NACA 16 Original Geometry
series, NACA 66 series, wedge shapes, ellipse shapes Modified Geometry
and rectangle shapes, with different geometric param-
eters were evaluated. The first two profile series are Fig. 2. Simplification of rudder geometry.
64 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005)

simplification could influence the pressure distribution CONSTANT MAXIMUM THICKNESS

along the profile, especially near the trailing edge.
Because the pressure near trailing edge has only little The influence of the rudder shape is examined in
contribution to the total force calculation, the pressure this section. Six rudder profiles, including Ellipse08,
change due to the geometry change near the trailing Rectangle08, Wedge08, NACA 0008, NACA 1608 and
edge has quit limited influence on the lift and drag, NACA 6608 are considered with a constant maximum
which are calculated through the integral of stresses thickness of 8% chord length, Figure 5. The drag coeffi-
along the profile. This approach has been justified in cient (C D ), the lift coefficient (C L ), and the stock mo-
[1], in which a similar approach was adopted. ment coefficient about the axis at 25% chord length
from the leading edge (C M, 0.25 ) of these rudders are
GRID TOPOLOGY shown in Figures 6-8, respectively. Generally speaking,
the C D of the Rectangle08 rudder is much greater than
The arrangement of the computational domain, the other rudders. Besides, the drag produced by the
Figure 3, is created with the strategy described in [1]. The Wedge08 rudder is also larger than those of NACA
upstream part of the computational domain is a half series. The C D of the Ellipse08, NACA 0008, NACA
cylinder with radius R and height T, whereas the down- 1608 and NACA 6608 rudders are almost in the same
stream part is a rectangular block with length R, width order of magnitude. This is due to that the streamlining
2R and height T. Since the rudders are assumed to be shape has a considerable effect on the drag reduction.
symmetrical about their root section in the numerical The differences of CD between the NACA series rudders
computation, only one half of rudder is modeled. In are quite small. Obvious differences are only observed
order to avoid unfavorable effects of the artificial outlet at large angles of attack (before the stall angle). Among
boundary, R and T are specified as 5 cm. The computa- these rudders, the ones with convex end seem to produce
tional domain is divided into 400,000 cells based on a C- lower drag for large angles of attack. The results
H topology, Figure 4. The local grid quality can influence demonstrate that the streamlining of section shape is an
the discretization error significantly. Therefore, the important factor that affects the drag coefficient.
grid lines in the horizontal planes near rudder surface In Figure 7, the CL curve of the Rectangle08
were clustered with elliptic smoothing to keep the grid rudder deviates significantly from the other rudders
lines almost orthogonal in order to reduce the interpola- with the increasing angle of attack. With the angle of
tion errors due to grid skewness. attack α = 10° for instance, the C L of the Rectangle08

I h/2

Fig. 3. Computational domain for rudder flow. Fig. 4. Grid arrangement near the rudder surface.

Fig. 5. Profile shape of NACA series.

S.W. Chau et al.: Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of High-Speed Craft Rudders Via Turbulent Flow Computations, Part I 65

rudder is 29.3% smaller than that of the NACA 0008 are not favorable for applications with large variation in
rudder. The Wedge08 rudder with the maximum thick- angle of attack, and this explains why they are preferred
ness at the trailing edge seems to stall earlier among all in the propeller blade design, where small operation
rudders except the Rectangle08. The Ellipse08 rudder, range of angle of attack are expected. The NACA 0008
which has a convex end and the maximum thickness rudder provides the largest maximum lift coefficient
located at the chord middle point, generates smaller lift (CL, max) and stall angle (αstall), whereas the Rectangle08
when compared to the NACA rudders. Rudder is a kind rudder offers the smallest ones. The CL, max and the αstall
of hydrofoil that should operate over a wide range of for all rudders are summarized in Table 2, where x max
angle of attack, and the location of maximum thickness denotes the location of maximum thickness. Figure 8
of the rudder section should be designed close to the demonstrates the required turning moment for each
leading edge in order to deliver large lift. The maximum rudder. The Wedge08 rudder with an unusual location
thickness of NACA 1608 and NACA 6608 section are of maximum thickness at the trailing edge shows the
situated near the middle chord. This is why they yield most unfavorable performance (the largest moment) in
lower lift than the NACA 0008 rudder. Therefore, they C M, 0.25 for all angles of attack. This is due to that the
high-pressure region of this rudder, which is generally
corresponding to the location of maximum thickness, is
found most distant from the stock location than other
rudders. The same mechanism leads to that the NACA
0008 rudder produces the smallest C M, 0.25, because its
maximum thickness is located very close to the rudder
stock. From the predicted results, both the location of
maximum thickness and the shape at trailing edge play
an important role on the rudder performance.

Table 2. CL, max and αstall of rudders

Rudder CL, max αstall (°) xmax

Ellipse08 0.53 15.6 0.5
Rectangle08 0.32 11.2 −
Wedge08 0.45 11.8 1.0
NACA 0008 0.88 21.0 0.3
NACA 1608 0.56 15.0 0.5
Fig. 6. CD of rudders with different profile shapes.
NACA 6608 0.54 14.4 0.45

Fig. 7. CL of rudders with different profile shapes. Fig. 8. CM, 0.25 of rudders with different profile shapes.
66 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005)

Figures 9 and 10 depict the drag-lift ratio (C D/CL) performance.

and moment-lift ratio (CM, 0.25/CL) curves for the rudders.
Again, the NACA 0008 rudder shows its superior per- PROFILE THICKNESS
formance on C D/C L and C M, 0.25 /C L compared with the
other rudders. The Rectangle08 rudder, which has a In this section, rudders of four common profile
zero slope on the profile shape along the downstream shapes: NACA 00 series, ellipse, rectangle and wedge
direction, produces the largest C D/C L and C M, 0.25 /C L . with various profile thickness are analyzed. Figure 11,
The Wedge08 rudder gives lower CD/C L and CM, 0.25/CL Figures 12 and 13 describe the computed C D , C L and
than that of the Rectangle08 one but obviously greater C M, 0.25 curves of the NACA00 rudders (NACA 0008,
than the other rudders. Therefore, a foil-shaped rudder NACA 0012, NACA 0015 and NACA 0018). As shown
not only produces lower C D but also offers greater C L, in the figures, the differences of drag and lift coefficient
higher C L , max and larger α stall. The calculated results between the NACA 00XX rudders are quite small for
indicate that the location of maximum thickness is the most angles of attack. Hence, no notable difference on
most important factor that influences the rudder C D /C L curves is observed in Figure 14. The thicker

Fig. 9. CD vs. CL of rudders with different profile shapes. Fig. 11. CD of NACA rudders with different profile thicknesses.

Fig. 10. CM, 0.25 vs. CL of rudders with different profile shapes. Fig. 12. CL of NACA rudders with different profile thicknesses.
S.W. Chau et al.: Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of High-Speed Craft Rudders Via Turbulent Flow Computations, Part I 67

NACA00 rudder gives larger C L, max and greater α stall drag than the other ellipse rudders. Figure 17 depicts that
without much increase in drag force. This is because the the thinner ellipse rudder produces larger lift for a
effective angle of attack of thicker rudder is smaller fixed angle of attack. Nevertheless, the thinner one
than that of thinner one, so that the thinner rudder seems to still stall at a smaller angle of attack than the
produces larger CL at a fixed angle of attack and stalls at thicker one. The CL,max of the Ellipse11 rudder is 28.3%
a smaller angle of attack than that of thicker one. larger than that of the Ellipse08 rudder, whereas the
However, the thicker rudder required a larger moment. αstall is 31.4% greater than that of the Ellipse08 rudder.
The C M, 0.25/C L curves of the rudders deviate from each However, the Ellipse11 rudder requires larger turning
other with the increase of angle of attack, Figure 15. moment for all attack angles. The predicted results
The C D , C L and C M, 0.25 curves of three ellipse show that only 3% increase in profile thickness for
rudders (Ellipse08, Ellipse09 and Ellipse11) were shown ellipse rudder will result in about 28% to 31% increase
in Figures 16-18, respectively. For α < 10°C, the C D in CL,max and αstall, respectively, but at the same time the
curves are quite similar among the ellipse rudders. But moment coefficient |C M, 0.25| increases by 36.9%. For
after α = 10°C, Ellipse08 rudder experiences larger most angles of attack, the difference in C D /C L curves,

Fig. 13. CM, 0.25 of NACA rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 15. CM, 0.25 vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses.

Fig. 14. CD vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 16. CD of ellipse rudders with different profile thicknesses.
68 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005)

Figure 19, is somewhat small. Besides, the C M, 0.25 /C L decrease with the increasing profile thickness, because
curves, Figure 20, significantly differ from each other with the profile slope significantly influences the effective
the increasing angle of attack. The C D, C L and C M, 0.25 angle of attack of rudders. When compared with the
curves of the rectangle rudders are illustrated in Fig- Rectangle08 rudder, the Rectangle04 rudder gives a
ures 21-23. The thicker rectangle rudder (Rectangle08) increase of 71.9% in C L, max and a increase of 31.2% in
produces a drag increase by 200% when compared to the α stall. As illustrated in Figure 23, the Rectangle08 rudder
drag generated by the thinner one (Rectangle04). Be- has a worse characteristic on turning moment than the
fore α = 5°C, the lift gradient of the two rudders are thinner one. The C D /C L and C M, 0.25 /C L curves of the
almost identical. After α = 5°C, the slope of lift curve rectangle rudders are given in Figures 24 and 25,
for the thicker rectangle rudder decreases severely. The respectively. Although the performance of the Rect-
Rectangle08 rudder generates a lower CL, max and smaller angle04 rudder is more favorable than that of the Rect-
αstall than that of the Rectan-gle04 one, which is differ- angle08 rudder, the thinner one may fail to provide
ent from the trend given by the NACA 00 rudders. The sufficient structure strength.
effective angle of attack of rectangle rudders does not Three wedge rudders (Wedge08, Wedge12 and

Fig. 17. CL of ellipse rudders with different profile thicknesses. Fig. 19. CD vs. CL of ellipse rudders with different thicknesses.

Fig. 18. CM, 0.25 of ellipse rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 20. CM, 0.25 vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses.
S.W. Chau et al.: Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of High-Speed Craft Rudders Via Turbulent Flow Computations, Part I 69

Wedge14) are also computed to compare their non- served among the performance of NACA 00 rudders, the
cavitating hydrodynamic performances on lift, drag and thicker rudder should provide a larger CL, max and also a
moment, Figures 26-28. The Wedge08 rudder experi- greater α stall, which is not found in the wedge rudders.
ences larger C D than two other thicker ones, while the Through the geometry simplification of the Wedge12
drag coefficient of the Wedge14 rudder is almost the and Wedge14 rudders, the thickness distribution on
same as that of the Wedge12 rudder. Because the profile is slightly different from the original shape. The
geometric difference near the leading edge between maximum thickness between the Wedge12 and Wedge14
these two rudders is quite small, it explains the small rudders is only differ by 2% of the chord length. For
deviation in the drag coefficient. The Wedge08 rudder small variation in the maximum thickness, the simpli-
gives a larger lift gradient but a smaller CL, max and αstall fied geometry may not reflect the correct influence of
than that of the Wedge12 rudder, as shown in Figure 26. the maximum thickness. Hence, the comparisons be-
The Wedge12 rudder yields larger CL than the Wedge14 tween the Wedge08 and Wedge12 rudders or the com-
rudder for the most angles of attack, while the latter one parison between the Wedge08 and Wedge14 rudders are
produces a lower C L, max and a smaller α stall . As ob- more appropriate to illustrate the influence of profile

Fig. 21. CD of rectangle rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 23. CM, 0.25 of rectangle rudders with different thicknesses.

Fig. 22. CL of rectangle rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 24. CD vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses.
70 Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2005)

thickness for wedge rudders. The thicker wedge rudder Table 3. CL, max and αstall of rudders
demands a larger CM, 0.25 than those thinner ones. This
tendency is also found in other rudder shapes mentioned Rudder CL, max αstall (°)
above. For instance, |CM, 0.25|max of the Wedge12 rudder NACA 0008 0.88 21.0
is 39.9% greater than that of the Wedge08 rudder. The NACA 0012 1.13 27.1
C D /C L curves are depicted in Figure 29, and the thinner NACA 0015 1.21 29.3
NACA 0018 1.23 30.2
wedge rudder offers smaller CD/CL values. The CM, 0.25/ Ellipse08 0.53 15.6
C L values , Figure 30, of the Wedge12 and Wedge14 Ellipse09 0.61 18.0
rudders are much larger than that of the Wedge08 Ellipse11 0.68 20.5
rudder. Therefore, the thinner wedge rudder shows a Rectangle04 0.55 14.7
better hydrodynamic performance compared with that Rectangle08 0.32 11.2
Wedge08 0.45 11.8
of thicker one. The C L, max and α stall of the above Wedge12 0.47 14.1
discussed rudders are gives in Table 3. Wedge14 0.44 13.6

Fig. 25. CM, 0.25 vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 27. CL of wedge rudders with different profile thicknesses.

Fig. 26. CD of wedge rudders with different profile thicknesses. Fig. 28. CM, 0.25 of wedge rudders with different thicknesses.
S.W. Chau et al.: Investigation of Hydrodynamic Performance of High-Speed Craft Rudders Via Turbulent Flow Computations, Part I 71

Fig. 29. CD vs. CL of wedge rudders with different thicknesses. Fig. 30. CM, 0.25 vs. CL of rudders with different thicknesses.

CONCLUSION larger drag. For all the investigated rudder profiles, the
thicker rudder yields larger stock moment.
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