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Graph Writing

Look at the following line graph and complete the report with the correct forms of the verbs and
the correct prepositions from the box. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Note: Prepositions are NOT given in the box.
The line graph below gives information about the number of visitors to three London museums
between June and September 2013.

A. increase C. visit E. rise G. remain stable I. be k. go

B. receive D. see F. drop H. Fluctuate J. show

The graph (1)__________ how many people (2) __________ three London museums in
the summer of 2013. Most visitors (3) __________ to the British museum (4) __________
June and September. The number (5) __________ between 500 and 750. By contrast, the
Science Museum and the National History Museum (6) __________ fewer visitors. The
number of people who visited the Science Museum (7) __________ gradually from 400
thousand to 300 from June to August then (8) __________ to 450 thousand (9)__________
September. We can (10) __________ that the trend for the National History Museum
(11)__________ similar. There was a sharp drop in visitors from June to July. The number
(12) __________ in August and then (13) __________ steadily in September.

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