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Verb Noun Adjective

Civilize Civilization Civilized

- Explore: ‫يستكشف‬ - migrate: ‫نزح‬ - heritage: ‫اإلرث‬
Represent Representation Representative
- Ancient: ‫ عتيق‬/‫قديم‬ - policy: ‫سياسة‬ - deserve: ‫يستحق‬
Map Map Mapless/mappable
- Civilization: ‫حضارة‬ - emerge: ‫ بزغ‬،‫برز‬ - included in: ‫داخل في‬
Think Thought/thinker Thoughtful/thoughtless
- Flourish: ‫ تزدهر‬/‫يزدهر‬ - evolve: ‫يتطور‬ - access: ‫دخول‬
Flourish Flourishing flourishing
- hanging: )‫معلق (ة‬ - decline: ‫ إنحط‬/‫إنحطاط‬ - goods: ‫البضائع‬
Define Definition Defined/ definite
- Chronology : ‫تسلسل زمني‬ - originate: ‫يعود أصله إلى‬ - transit through: ‫تمر عبر‬
(chronologically : ‫)متسلسل زمنيا‬
Change Change changeable
- Provided: ‫ معطى‬،‫مقدم‬ - spread: ‫ينتشر‬ - Port: ‫الميناء‬
Associate Association Associate/associable
- rise (rose) : ‫صعد‬ - fall to decay/ ruins: ‫ تنهار‬/،‫تسقط‬ - Ottoman: )‫العثماني (ة‬
İnterview )‫أطالل‬ ‫(تصبح‬
İnterview/interviewer/ interviewee /
- ruins: ‫ أطالل‬،‫خراب‬ - vanish: ‫ زال نهائيا‬/‫غاب عن النظر‬ - features: ‫الخصائص‬
Answer Answer answerable
- historians: ‫مؤرخون‬ - mature: ‫ينضج‬ - priviliged: ‫مميز‬
Rise rise Rising
- Collapse: ‫ تنهار‬/‫ينهار‬ - bloom: ‫أزهر‬ - Basin: ‫حوض‬
Fall fall Fallen
-refinement: ‫ تنقية‬،‫تكرير‬ - measure (v): ‫يقيس‬ - Boast of: ‫تزخر بـ‬
Invent invention inventive
- import: ‫يستورد‬ - epidemics: ‫األوبئة‬ - Witness: ‫شاهد‬
İnform information informative
- raw materials: ‫المواد الخام‬ - geometry : ‫علم الهندسة‬ - Prestige: ‫ جاه‬/ ‫مقام‬
Start start /
- available: ‫متوفر‬ - irrigation: ‫سقي‬ - engravings: ‫الحفريات‬
Explain explanation Explanatory/explicable
- to barter : ‫يقايض‬ - attempt: ‫محاولة‬ - yield: ‫ يثمر‬،‫ينتج‬
Refine Refinement Refined
- items convey meaning: - pace: ‫ خطوة‬/‫سرعة السير‬ - cradle of civilizations: ‫مهد‬
‫عناصر توصل معنى‬ Contribute contribution ‫الحضارات‬ contributive
- reservations: - myths: ‫أساطير‬ - archeologists: ‫علماء اآلثار‬
‫محميات‬ İmport -crafts:İmport/importer/importation
‫حرف‬ İmportable
- coach: ‫عربة‬
- ancestors: Control
‫األجداد‬ - historical sites: control
‫مواقع تاريخية‬ Controllable
- speak eloquently: ‫التكلم بلباقة‬

- prairies: ‫البراري‬Barter - declare: ‫يعلن‬ barterer - conquests: ‫اإلنتصارات‬/

- layers (of culture): )‫طبقات (ثقافية‬ - dedicate: ‫يهدي‬illustration - Achievement: illustrative
- trading posts: ‫تجارية‬ ‫مواقع‬ - carrying on thereservation
torch of - elaborate: ‫ أتقن‬reservable
civilization: ‫حمل مشعل الحضارة‬
‫ ميناء‬Force force‫طاليس‬ Forceable/forceful
- harbour: - Thales: )‫(عالم رياضيات‬ - collision: ‫اصطدام‬
Survive Survival/survivor Survivable
- merchandise: ‫السلع‬ - transmit: ‫يرسل‬ - bonding: ‫مقيد‬
Emerge emergence Emerging/emergent
- thrive: = flourish ‫يزدهر‬ - integrate: ‫يدمج‬ - the raiding war-bands:
‫إغارة حرب العصاباتـ‬
Evolve Evolvement/evolution Evolvable
- erecting: ‫ـ إقامة‬،‫إنشاء‬ - possess: ‫يملك‬ - revere: ‫ يقدس‬،‫يحترم‬
Develop development Developing/developed
- throbbing cultural heart: ‫القلب‬ - establish: ‫أسس‬ - dwelling: ‫ دار‬/ ‫مسكن‬
‫الثقافي النابض‬ Collapse collapse Collapsed
- exert (ed) influence: ‫تمارس‬/‫يمارس‬
Originate - regain: ‫ استرجاع‬Origin - perforce: ‫اضطرارا‬
‫مارس(ت) تأثير‬
Decline decline declining

Vanish vanishing Vanishing

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