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ENVIRONMENT (n)=surroundings, nature, habitat

It is imperative that we protect the environment.

ENVIRONMENTAL (adj)=ecological

The Save –the- Wales campaign was one of the first popular environmental
movements in America.


Bees play an important role in the ecological balance.

ENVIRONMENTALIST (n)=ecologist,conservationalist

He became an environmentalist two years ago.

THE FOOD CHAIN= a series of living things that are connected because

each group of things eats the group below it in the chain

The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.

THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT=  is the problem caused by increased quantities of gases

such as carbon dioxide in the air. These gases trap the heat from the sun, and cause
a gradual rise in the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

They claim that the floods are a result of the greenhouse effect.

GREENHOUSE EMISSIONS= the emission into the earth's atmosphere of any of

various gases, especially carbon dioxide, that contribute to the greenhouse effect

everybody is now aware of the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

FOSSIL FUEL= fuels, such as gas, coal, and oil, that

were formed underground from plant and animal remains millions
of years ago

As fossil fuel reserves diminish, alternative renewable sources of energy will

be needed to sustain economic growth.

Scientist explains how forests affect the availability of rain and underground water.

The doctor's office said they had no availability until next month.


Try to buy wood that you know has come from a sustainable source.

CARBON FOOTPRINT= the amount of carbon dioxide released into the

atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular individual, organization
or community.

The four main areas that determine your carbon footprint are
electricity usage, oil or natural gas usage, car mileage, and airplane trips.

How can we reduce our carbon footprint?



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