An Experimental Investigation of A Low Temperature Al O - H O Nano Uid Based Direct Absorption Solar Collector

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Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396

An experimental investigation of a low temperature

Al2O3-H2O nanofluid based direct absorption solar collector
Hemant Kumar Gupta ⇑, Ghanshyam Das Agrawal, Jyotirmay Mathur
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India

Received 6 June 2014; received in revised form 1 April 2015; accepted 2 April 2015
Available online 21 June 2015

Communicated by: Associate Editor Brian Norton


The conventional tube-in-plate type flat plate solar collectors have low efficiency and higher heat losses due to surface based solar
energy absorption and indirect transfer of heat from hot absorber surface to working fluid flowing through tubes. A full scale direct
absorption solar collector having gross area of 1.4 m2 and working on volumetric absorption principle was developed to perform
experimental study using thin film of Al2O3-H2O nanofluid. Use of nanofluid as working fluid improves the optical and thermo physical
properties that result into an increase in the efficiency of the collector. Experimentation was carried using four different volume fractions
of 20 nm Al2O3 nanoparticles, 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01% and 0.05%. ASHRAE standard 93-86 was followed for calculation of
instantaneous efficiency of solar collector. Improvement in efficiency of solar collector has been recorded in all four cases of using
nanofluids in place of water. Instantaneous efficiency enhancement of 22.1%, 39.6%, 24.6% and 18.75% has been observed for
0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01% and 0.05% volume fraction respectively. The experimental results also indicated that collector efficiency peaked
at certain volume fraction, and decreased for lower and higher values of volume fraction.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Direct absorption solar collector; Al2O3-water nanofluid; Collector testing; Efficiency enhancement

1. Introduction in plate’ type flat plate collector absorbs incident solar radi-
ation through a black solid surface, and transfers heat to
Solar energy is one of the most popular renewable working fluid flowing in tubes called risers, brazed onto
sources of sustainable energy with least environmental the surface of the absorber plate. The efficiency of a solar
impact and free availability for every human being all over thermal collector relies on the effectiveness of absorbing
the world. The major limitation with the use of solar energy incident solar radiant energy and heat transfer from the
is poor collection and conversion efficiency of solar sys- absorber to the carrier, which is normally fluid. Due to
tems. Solar thermal collector is one of the most common surface heat absorption and indirect transfer of heat to
type of solar energy based system for collection and con- working fluid, the conversion of sunlight into thermal
version of solar energy into thermal energy. Among these energy suffers from relatively low efficiencies (Pacheco,
different types of solar collectors, the conventional ‘tube 2001).
In order to improve the efficiency of solar thermal col-
lector, researchers proposed the concept of directly absorb-
⇑ Corresponding author. ing the solar energy within the fluid volume in the 1970s
E-mail address: (H.K. Gupta). called Direct Absorption Solar Collector (DASC)
0038-092X/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396 391


I global solar irradiance (W/m2) Greek symbols

Ta ambient temperature (K) g efficiency
Tin collector inlet fluid temperature (K) gi instantaneous efficiency
Tout collector outlet fluid temperature (K) a absorptivity
Qu useful heat gain (W) / volume fraction
Cp specific heat (J/kg K) q density (kg/m3)
m_ mass flow rate (kg/s) s transitivity
mnp mass of nanoparticles (kg)
Vt total volume of nanofluid (m3) Subscripts
Ac aperture area of the collector (m2) nf nanofluid
FR heat removal factor np nanoparticle
UL overall loss coefficient bf base fluid
Ug uncertainty for efficiency (%)

(Minardi and Chunag, 1975; Bertocchi et al., 2004). Yousefi et al. (2012a) reported the experimental results
However, the efficiency of direct absorption collector is on a tube in plate type conventional solar collector (size
limited by the absorption properties of the conventional 2 m2) using Al2O3-H2O nanofluid of 0.2 wt% and 0.4 wt%
working fluid, which is very poor over the range of wave- concentrations for three different mass flow rates and
length in solar spectrum (Otanicar et al., 2009). In the found 28.3% improvement in efficiency with 0.2 wt% of
beginning, black liquids containing millimeter to microme- nanofluid in comparison to water. Yousefi et al. (2012b)
ter sized particles were also used as working fluid in direct also examined the effects of multi wall carbon nanotubes–
absorption solar collectors to enhance the absorption of water nanofluid and observed remarkable efficiency
solar radiation that had showed efficiency improvement. increase with 0.4 wt% nanofluid.
The applications of micron-sized particles into the base Tyagi et al. (2009) numerically studied a direct absorp-
fluid for DASCs lead to pipe blockage, erosion, abrasion tion solar collector using aluminum nanoparticles in water
and poor stability. Particle sedimentation from the suspen- for performance evaluation and reported efficiency
sions resulted in clogged channels (Minardi and Chunag, improvement up to 10% than that of a flat-plate collector.
1975). Otanicar et al. (2010) experimentally studied the role of dif-
Advance material synthesis technologies provide us an ferent nanofluids as the absorption medium on the effi-
opportunity to produce the nano size materials called ciency of horizontal micro size (3 cm  5 cm) direct
nanoparticles. The mixing of nanoparticles in a base fluid absorption collector in indoor environment and reported
(nanofluid) has a dramatic effect on the liquid thermo phys- efficiency improvement up to 5%.
ical properties such as thermal conductivity and optical Very few studies on the thermal performance evaluation
properties. Studies suggested the thermal conductivity of flat plate solar collector with nanofluids are available. As
enhancement due to dispersion of nanoparticles (Wang such no study on full size (1.4 m2) tilted DASC under
and Majumdar, 2007), intensification of turbulence (Pak actual outdoor condition is available. An attempt has been
and Cho, 1998), Brownian motion (Xuan and Li, 2000; made in the present paper, to experimentally study the
Keblinski et al., 2002) and thermophoresis (Koo and effect of Al2O3-H2O nanofluid flowing as thin film over
Kleinstreuer, 2005; Buongiorno, 2006). the glass absorber plate as a direct absorbing medium on
Masuda et al. (1993) dispersed Al2O3 and TiO2 the efficiency of a tilted direct absorption solar collector
nanoparticles in water and found thermal conductivity under outdoor condition. Effect of four different nanopar-
improvement by 32% and 11%, respectively. Grimm ticle volume concentrations i.e. 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01% and
(1993) dispersed aluminum metal particles (1–80 nm) into 0.05% were considered on the DASC efficiency and the col-
water and claimed 100% increase in thermal conductivity lector performance was also compared with base fluid dis-
of the nanofluid for 0.5–10 wt%. Natarajan and Sathish tilled water.
(2009) investigated the thermal conductivity enhancement
of base fluids using carbon nanotube (CNT) and suggested 2. DASC experimental set-up
efficiency enhancement of the conventional solar water
heater by using CNT based nanofluids as a heat transport Schematic diagram of experimental set up of direct
medium. Nanoparticles also offer the potential of improv- absorption collector is shown in Fig. 1.
ing the radiative properties of liquids, leading enhanced An experimental set up of direct absorption solar collec-
efficiency of direct absorption solar collectors (Mu et al., tor of size 1.54 m  0.9 m (gross area of 1.4 m2) has been
2010). developed as shown in Fig. 2.
392 H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396

Table 1
The specifications of DASC components.
Component Dimension Remark
Collector 1.54 m  0.9 m Gross area = 1.40 m2
Absorber 1.44 m  0.80 m Effective area = 1.15 m2
Transparent cover 6 mm Material-toughened glass
Base plate 6 mm thick Material-toughened glass
Collector box inner 6 mm thick Material-plain glass
glass wall
3= 00
Film formation 4 header pipe with Aluminum pipe
system 1 mm dia holes-106
no, pitch 1 mm
Bottom insulation 50 mm thick Glass wool
Side insulation 25 mm thick Glass wool
Fig. 1. The schematic of experimental set up.
Frame 200 mm height Material-M.S.

2.1. Experimental apparatus and procedure

working fluid loop has two tanks called bottom storage
For experimental study, a set up of DASC was devel- reservoir and upper reservoir. A simple manual globe valve
oped and erected at the roof top of Mechanical is used to control flow rate of working fluid and flow rate is
Engineering Department, Malaviya National Institute of measured with the help of electromagnetic digital flow
Technology, Jaipur (26.01° latitude and 75.52° longitudes). meter (Make-Electronet, range 0–5 lpm, accuracy ±1% as
The collector was oriented due south with a tilt angle of per given by supplier). A centrifugal pump circulates the
26°. Photograph of experimental set up (Fig. 2) showing collected fluid in the system.
direct absorption collector, two tanks and instruments used Five J-type thermocouples were installed to measure col-
along specification of the collector components used in lector inlet and outlet fluid temperatures, the ambient tem-
Table 1. It mainly consists of a glass base plate (1.5 m long, perature, bottom temperature of glass base plate and glass
0.9 m wide, 0.006 m thick), mounted on a wooden box with cover temperature. These readings were collected and
inner glass wall on all four sides and equipped with a spray stored in a computer through a data logger
system for film formation over the glass base plate. In (Make-Agilent, model-34970A, 16 channels). Intensity of
DASC no tubes are used for carrying fluid and nanofluid total solar radiation was recorded using digital solar meter
flows directly over the glass plate, which is used in place (Range-1 to 1200 W/m2, accuracy ±5% of measurement as
of black absorber plate. A perforated header pipe (106 per given by supplier). The experiments were performed at
holes of 1 mm diameter with 1 mm pitch) is used to obtain different inlet temperatures of working fluid according to
a uniform nanofluid film on the glass plate. ASHRAE Standard 93-86.
Experimental test set up consists of a solar collector, Before every test run, the experimental test loop was
working fluid loop and data acquisition system. The cleaned using distilled water to remove oxides of nano

Fig. 2. Photograph for setup of direct absorption solar collector.

H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396 393

particles and fouling residue that could affect the collector bottom of the flask even after twenty four hours. During
performance. the experimentation, the time taken to complete the exper-
iment is less than the time required for first sedimentation
2.2. Nanofluid preparation to take place and hence surfactants are not mixed in the
Al2O3 nanofluids. Four different volume concentrations
Preparation of stable nanofluid with uniform dispersion of 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%, and 0.05% were used in the
is an important requirement for improving heat transfer study.
performance of conventional fluids and nanofluid needs
to be prepared in a systematic and careful manner. Three 3. Testing method
methods available for preparation of stable nanofluids
are (Trisaksri and Wongwises, 2007). Thermal performance of solar collectors is commonly
evaluated using ASHRAE Standard 93-86. Collector ther-
i. Surfactant addition to the base fluid. mal performance is calculated by determining collector
ii. Acid treatment of base fluid. instantaneous efficiency for different incident solar radia-
iii. Ultrasonic mixing of nano powder in base liquid. tions, ambient temperatures, and inlet fluid temperatures.
Intensity of incident solar radiations as well as useful heat
Thermo physical properties of nanofluids are affected gain by the working fluid is measured under steady state
with the use of surfactants and acid treatment may cause conditions.
material degradation after some days of continuous usage
of nanofluids in practical applications. The sonication is 3.1. Time attempt
an approved technique for dispersing the aggregated
nanoparticles (Liu et al., 1998). In the present study ultra- As per ASHRAE Standard 93-86 steady-state condi-
sonic vibration mixer is used for preparation of nanofluid tions should be maintained during the data period and also
with minimum aggregation of nanoparticles and improved during a specified time interval prior to the data period,
dispersion behavior. Dry Al2O3 nanoparticles of 99.99% called the pre-data period. For attaining steady state condi-
purity and average size of 20–30 nm (procured from tions the mass flow rate must be within ±1%, irradiation
Nanoshel-Intelligent Materials Private Ltd, USA based must be within ±50 W/m2, the outdoor ambient tempera-
company) are used with distilled water as base fluid in ture must not vary more than ±1.5 K, and the inlet temper-
nanofluid preparation. Properties of the Al2O3 nanoparti- ature must be within ±0.1 K for the entire test period.
cles used are tabulated in Table 2.
The quantity of Al2O3 nanoparticles required for prepa- 3.2. Governing equations for efficiency calculation
ration of nanofluid of different volume concentrations is
calculated using formula in Eq. (1). A sensitive balance The experiments were performed at different inlet
(make-citizen, model-CTG 602 resolution-0.1 mg) is used temperatures of working fluid according to ASHRAE
to weigh the Al2O3 nanoparticles very accurately. Standard. The measurements were taken for ambient, inlet
& outlet temperature, global solar intensity and the mass
mnp ¼ V t :/np :qnp ð1Þ
flow rate of working fluid. The useful heat gain by the fluid
where mnp is the mass of nanoparticles (kg), Vt is the total can be calculated using Eq. (2).
volume of nanofluid (m3), unp is the volume fraction of Qu ¼ mC
_ p ðT o  T i Þ ¼ Ac F R ½IðsaÞ  U L ðT i  T a Þ ð2Þ
nanoparticles and qnp is the density of nanoparticles
where Qu is the useful heat gain (W), m_ is the mass flow rate
of fluid (kg/min), Cp is the heat capacity of water or nano-
Ultrasonication was applied for 6–7 h to mix calculated
fluid (J/kg K), T o is the outlet fluid temperature of solar
amount of Al2O3 nanoparticles in distilled water using
collector (K), Ac is the surface area of solar collector
ultrasonic vibration mixer (Make-Toshniwal, model-UP-
(m2), F R is the heat removal factor, (sa) is absorptance–tr
600S, power-600 W, frequency-27 ± 3 kHz).
ansmittance product, I is the global solar radiation
The Al2O3 nanofluid thus prepared was kept for obser-
(W/m2), U L is the overall loss coefficient of solar collector,
vation and no particle settlement was observed at the
and Ta is the ambient temperature (K).
The heat capacity of nanofluid is calculated with the
Table 2 help of Eq. (3) (Liu et al., 1998).
Physical properties of alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles. C p;nf ¼ C p;np ð/Þ þ C p;bf ð1  /Þ ð3Þ
Size of particles 20–30 nm
Shape of particles Spherical particles where / indicates the volume fraction of nanoparticles, and
Density 3700 kg/m3 C p;np and C p;bf are heat capacities of nanoparticles
Surface area per unit weight 15–20 m2/g (773 J/kg K) and base fluid (4180 J/kg K) respectively.
Crystal form Gamma Instantaneous collector efficiency relates the useful heat
Al2O3 content 99.99%
gain to the incident solar energy by Eqs. (4) and (5).
394 H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396

Qu _ p ðT o  T i Þ
mC 4. Results and discussions
gi ¼ ð4Þ
Ac I I
ðT i  T a Þ 4.1. Water as working fluid
gi ¼ F R ðsaÞ  F R U L ð5Þ
Experimental tests were performed with distilled water
If the thermal efficiency test is performed at the normal on direct absorption solar collector from 10 AM to the
incidence conditions then F R (sa), and F R U L is constant for time at which stagnation point is reached for three flow
the temperature range of the collector. When the efficiency rates of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 l/min on three consecutive days in
values obtained from averaged data is plotted against ðT i T

October 2013. Each test was performed several times and
a straight line will result according to Eq. (5). Intersection the best data satisfying conditions of ASHRAE standard
of the line with the vertical efficiency axis equals to have been taken. Fig. 3 shows the variation of collector
absorbed energy parameter, F R (sa). At this point the tem- efficiency versus the reduced temperature parameters,
perature of the fluid entering the collector equals the ambi- (Ti  Ta)/I, for each flow rate. The experimental data are
ent temperature and collector efficiency is at its maximum. best fitted with linear equations to provide the performance
Slope of the line indicates energy loss from the collector characteristic parameters of the collector for different flow
that is nominated as energy loss parameter F R U L . At the rates. Error bars for experimental points are also shown in
intersection of the line with the horizontal axis collector the figure. The efficiency parameters, FRUL and FR(sa), at
efficiency is zero and designated as stagnation point, each flow rate with uncertainty values are presented in
usually occurs when no fluid flows in the collector. Table 4.
It is observed from Table 4 that absorbed energy param-
3.3. Experimental uncertainty analysis eter, FR(sa) at 2.5 l/min is the maximum and energy loss
parameter FRUL is the minimum and the instantaneous
As per ASME guidelines, absolute measurements do not efficiency of the collector is the highest at this flow rate.
exist and errors arise from many sources. Some of the
common sources of error are: Calibration errors, data 4.2. Al2O3-water as working fluid-effect of flow rates
acquisition errors and data reduction errors. The uncer-
tainty of the experimental results in the present work was Al2O3 nanoparticles are mixed in base fluid distilled
determined by following ASME guidelines on reporting water to get nanofluid of 0.005 volume fraction concentra-
uncertainties in experimental measurements based on the tion and investigations are performed to determine the
deviation in experimental parameters (Abernethy et al., effect of different flow rates at 1.5, 2 and 2.5 l/min.
1983). The major components to uncertainty in collector Nanofluid is collected in the bottom tank and then pumped
efficiency are the inaccuracy in flow rate measurement, to overhead tank. At each flow rate experiments with sev-
temperature measurement and solar radiation intensity eral test periods at different inlet fluid temperature in quasi
measurement. The results of uncertainty analysis of the steady state conditions were conducted from 10.00 AM to
measurements including all the sources of errors are time when stagnation temperature is achieved on a day.
presented in Table 3. The experimental results are plotted with their standard
The combined uncertainty for evaluating collector effi- error bars as shown in Fig. 4. The efficiency parameters
ciency, Ug, was obtained by the root sum square method
(RSS), based on Eq. (4) by the following relation. 1.5 lpm
"  0.5
2  2  2 # 2 lpm
2 Dm_ DðT o  T i Þ DI 0.4 2.5 lpm
ðU g Þ þ þ ð6Þ

m_ To  Ti I 0.3

The maximum uncertainty obtained in the present study
in determining the collector efficiency, at various tests was
around 6% (including all sources of errors). 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
A number of experimental points used for this analysis (Ti -Ta)/I (m2K/W) →
with their standard error bars are shown in Figs. 3–5 with
result and discussion section. Fig. 3. Efficiency versus (Ti  Ta)/IT curve at three flow rates for water.

Table 4
Table 3 Collector efficiency parameters at three flow rates.
Results of uncertainty analysis. S. no. Flow rate FRUL Uncertainty FR(sa) Uncertainty
S. no. Parameter Uncertainty (%) (l/min) (%) (%)
1 Solar intensity ±5.6 1 1.5 11.197 4.4 0.4926 4.9
2 Volumetric flow ±1.4 2 2 11.56 3.8 0.528 4.5
3 Temperature difference ±1.7 3 2.5 9.9727 5.3 0.5326 5.8
H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396 395

FR(sa) and FRUL of collector for three flow rate of Al2O3 0.9
nanofluid with uncertainty in values are presented in 0.8
Table 5. 0.7 0.005
It is observed from Fig. 4 that the collector efficiency 0.6 0.01

lines for 2 and 2.5 l/min intersect each other at reduced 0.05

temperature value of 0.035. For low temperature range, 0.4
(Ti  Ta)/I < 0.035, the collector efficiency is greater at 0.3
2 l/min due to higher value of absorbed energy parameter
and reduced heat losses. However for high temperature
range, (Ti  Ta)/I > 0.035, the collector efficiency is greater
at 2.5 l/min. As collector is operated most of the time in the 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04 0.045 0.05
low temperature range hence, 2 l/min flow rate is chosen (Ti-Ta)/I (m2K/W) →
for further experimental study.
Fig. 5. Efficiency plots for Al2O3-water nanofluid at four concentrations.
4.3. Al2O3-water as working fluid – effect of volume fraction
Table 6
Al2O3-water nanofluid of four different concentrations Collector efficiency parameters for Al2O3-water nanofluid.
of 0.001 vol%, 0.005 vol%, 0.01 vol% and 0.05 vol% were S. Working Volume FRUL Uncertainty FR(sa) Uncertainty
prepared and studies were performed at the flow rate of no. fluid type fraction (%) (%)
2 l/min. The experimental results for water and four con- (%)
centrations of nanofluids are plotted in the form of effi- 1 Water 0 11.56 3.8 0.528 4.5
ciency curves with standard error bars as shown in Fig. 5. 2 Al2O3 0.001 14.346 3.5 0.6447 3.7
3 nanofluid 0.005 15.663 5.9 0.7372 6.3
It is observed from Fig. 5 that collector efficiency with
4 0.01 14.132 6.1 0.6579 6
all the four concentrations of Al2O3 nanofluid is higher 5 0.05 13.693 6.5 0.6271 6.4
than with water as working fluid. This is due to higher val-
ues of absorbed energy parameter FR(sa) and lower values
of energy loss parameter FRUL for Al2O3 nanofluids as efficiency for the fluids become nearly equal toward higher
compared to water as can be noticed from Table 6. It is temperature range.
also clear that for wide temperature range, the absorbed Direct absorption collector efficiency increased with
energy parameter, FR(sa), value for 0.001 vol% of nano- increase in nanoparticle concentration from 0.001 to
fluid is higher than water by 22.1% and correspondingly 0.005 vol% due to increase in absorbed energy parameter
maximum collector efficiency with nanofluid is greater than by 14.35% and heat loss parameter increase by 9.2% as
water by 22.1% because in low temperature range absorbed observed from Table 6. Further increase of nanoparticle
energy parameter dominates over heat loss parameter. But concentration from 0.005 vol% to 0.05 vol%, resulted col-
higher value of heat loss parameter, FRUL, for 0.001 vol lector efficiency decrease.
fraction of Al2O3 nanofluid than water, in high tempera- Collector efficiency peaked at certain volume fraction (/),
ture range causes collector efficiency decrease and collector and decreased for lower and higher values of volume frac-
tion. For lower volume fraction, some of the incident solar
0.8 1.5 lpm radiations were absorbed by the nanofluid film and remain-
0.7 2.5 lpm ing portion absorbed by the bottom base plate. This raised
2 lpm the nanofluid temperature near the bottom plate causing

0.4 extra emissive losses hence lower collector efficiency. At cer-

0.2 tain nanofluid volume fraction when peak collector effi-
0.1 ciency is obtained even temperature distribution within
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
nanofluid volume is observed. For higher volume fraction,
(Ti -Ta)/I (m2K/W) → top layers of nanofluid absorbed most of the incident radi-
ation and allowing little or no radiation to penetrate the
Fig. 4. Efficiency curve at three flow rates for Al2O3-water nanofluid of lower fluid layer and reach the bottom plate. This results
0.005% concentration.
in uneven temperature distribution within nanofluid film
and higher top layer temperature causes excessive emissive
Table 5 losses and drop in collector efficiency. The trade-off between
Collector efficiency parameters for Al2O3-water nanofluid. the two effects at low and high / values described above
S. no. Flow rate FRUL Uncertainty FR(sa) Uncertainty accounts for the trend seen in Fig 5.
(l/min) (%) (%) Tyagi et al. (2009) also explained that increasing the nano
1 1.5 10.903 5.1 0.5455 5.6 particle volume fraction leads to a corresponding increase in
2 2 15.663 5.9 0.7372 6.3 attenuation of sunlight passing through the collector, and
3 2.5 9.4418 6.5 0.5322 6.8
this, in turn, increases the collector efficiency. Since the
396 H.K. Gupta et al. / Solar Energy 118 (2015) 390–396

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