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letter from the editor

ur mission is to continually connect you with the

O world’s most powerful success information, giving
you the Edge at work and in life.


In this issue of able foe he calls Resistance. Most people fall vic-
AdvantEdge I am thrilled tim to this foe and adopt a comfortable life of
to introduce an incredi- mediocrity, abandoning that life we most desire.
bly prolific author, We each manifest this Resistance in different
Steven Pressfield, and ways, but the result is always the same. It is
his article “Achieving whatever is keeping us from living the life we
Your Unlived Life.” A most desire — the life we each know we can and
while back a friend gave should be living — but for some reason we are
me a copy of an oddly titled book, The War of Art. not. The reason ... Resistance.
It sat on my nightstand for a few weeks, until one This obscure book was Steven’s first work in
day I decided to see what this “war” was all nonfiction. As so, the information has an energy
about. and pace that could be conveyed only by a fic-
I read the first words: “Most of us live two tion novelist. When I approached Steven to
lives. The life we live and the unlived life with- write an article on Resistance for AdvantEdge, I
in us. Between the two stands Resistance.” I was skeptical that we could convey the true
couldn’t get that simply brilliant phrase out of power of this concept in a magazine-article for-
my head. In a way that only a novelist could, mat. However, what he was able to create is
Steven’s words captivated me for the next two nothing short of a road map to conquering your
days as I absorbed this concept of Resistance and Resistance and living your ... Unlived Life.
learned the secrets to overcome it. Steven teach- I hope you find the same inspiration in its
es that whether we admit it or even appreciate it, words that I have.
every day we wage a war against an unquench- Enjoy!

Carson V. Conant
Editor in Chief, AdvantEdge

Please email me your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions about anything
relating to AdvantEdge. Are there certain articles or authors you enjoyed most? Do
you have further questions for the authors? Do you have a success story to tell?
Email me today. I look forward to hearing from you.

8 May/June 2005

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