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Design of DC Machines

Prof. (Dr.) Jitendra G. Jamnani
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Electrical Engineering
School of Technology, PDPU, Gandhinagar

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Outline of Presentation
General concepts and constraints of design of rotating machines
Main Dimensions D and L
Total loadings and specific loadings
Output equation of a dc machine
Relation between Pa and P
Choice of specific magnetic and Electric loading
Factors affecting size of rotating machines
Selection of no. of poles
Choice of armature diameter
Pole proportion and profile
Length of Air gap

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Outline of Presentation
Armature Design
Design of Field System
Design of commutator and Brushes
Design of Interpoles
Losses and Efficiency
Temperature rise of armature

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Design of Electrical Machines
Design of electrical machines mainly consists of, obtaining the
dimensions of various parts of the machine to suit given
specifications, using available material economically and then to
furnish these data to the manufacturer of the machine.

The aim of designer is to obtain

1. minimum losses (High efficiency)
2. better performance under no load and load conditions
3. lower cost
4. smaller size
5. lower weight
6. wider temperature limit

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Design of Electrical Machines
In order to determine the design information, for the machine (dc),
designer needs the following:

1. Detailed specifications of the dc machine

2. Limiting values of performance characteristics like iron losses, Cu
losses, efficiency etc.
3. Design equations, based on which design procedure is to be
4. Information for proper choice of various design parameters
5. Information regarding availability of material for various parts

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Main Dimensions
The armature diameter D and armature core length L
are known as the main dimensions of a dc machine

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Total Loadings
(i) Total Magnetic Loading
(ii) Total Electric Loading

Total Magnetic Loading

The total flux around the armature periphery at the air
gap is called total magnetic loading
Total Magnetic Loading = PΦ
Total Electric Loading
The total number of ampere conductors around the
armature periphery is called total Electric loading
Total Electric Loading = IZ Z

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Specific Loadings
Two types of loadings are specified which are the starting point
in the design of rotating electrical machines.
• Specific Magnetic Loading
• Specific Electric Loading

Specific Magnetic Loading

The average flux density over the air gap of machine is known as
specific magnetic loading

Bav =
π DL
Specific Electric Loading
The total number of armature ampere conductors per meter of
armature periphery at the air gap is known as specific Electric
ac =
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Output Equation
The output of a machine can be expressed in terms of
its main dimensions, specific magnetic and electric
loadings and speed, the equation describing this
relationship is known as output equation.
Power developed by armature (kW)
Pa = C0 D2 Ln

C0 =π2Bavac×10−3

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Estimation of Pa
The given specification is always the power output P.
So we have to relate Pa with P, the output of the
For large dc machines (generators and motors),
Pa =
Pa = P

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Estimation of Pa
For small dc machines (generators and motors),

 2 +η 
Pa = P 
 3η 

1+ 2η 
Pa = P 
 3η 

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Choice of Specific Magnetic Loading
Size of machine
Flux density in teeth

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Choice of Specific Magnetic Loading
The frequency of flux reversal in the armature is given
f = pn/2
High frequency will result increased iron losses in the
armature core and teeth. Therefore there is a
limitation in choosing higher Bav for a machine
having higher frequency.
Size of Machine
It is possible to use increased values of flux density as
the size of the machine increases.
As the diameter D of the machine increases, the width
of the tooth also increases, permitting a increased
value of gap flux density.
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Choice of Specific Magnetic Loading
Flux density in teeth
The maximum flux density in the teeth at minimum section should not
go beyond about 2.2Wb/m2. Higher flux density
1. causes increased iron losses and
2. requires higher ampere-turns for passing the flux through teeth leading
to increased field copper losses and increased cost of copper.

For high voltage machine space required for insulation is more, thus for
a given diameter less space available for iron on the periphery leading to
narrower teeth.
Therefore lower value of Bav has to be taken as otherwise teeth flux
density increases beyond permissible limit.

The value of Bg varies between 0.55 to 1.15 Wb/m2 and the

corresponding values of Bav are 0.4 to 0.8 T.

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Choice of Specific Electric Loading
Temperature rise (Heating)
Speed of machine
Size of machine
Armature reaction

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Choice of Specific Electric Loading
Temperature rise (Heating)
A high value of ac can be used in a machine where a high
maximum temperature rise is allowed.
The maximum allowable temperature rise of the machine is
determined by the type of insulating materials used in it.
Speed of machine
If the speed of the machine is high, the ventilation of the machine
is better and therefore, greater losses can be dissipated
(Cu losses).
Thus a higher value of ac can be used for machine having high
In high voltage machines, larger space is required for insulation
and therefore there is less space available for conductors (for a
given diameter). Thus, in high voltage machines we should use a
small value of ac.
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Choice of Specific Electric Loading
Size of machine
In large size machines, there is more space for
accommodating copper, therefore higher value of ac
can be used.

Armature Reaction
Using higher value of ac leads to increased armature
ampere turns. Therefore under loaded condition, the
field form will be distorted to a greater extent because
of increased armature reaction due to large ampere
Now to compensate this, field ampere turns are
needed to be increased. Thus overall cost of copper in
the machine will increase.
The value of ac usually lies between 15000 to 50,000
ampere conductors/m
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Choice of Specific Electric Loading
The use of increased value of ac increases the inductance of
armature coils. The reactance voltage in coils undergoing
commutation is directly proportional to the inductance. Thus, the
reactance voltage is high in case a high value of ac is used.
Now higher reactance voltage results in bad commutation. Hence
from the point of view of commutation a small value of ac is

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Factors Affecting Size of Rotating Machines
Output Coefficient
From output equation, the volume of active parts of a machine is
2 Pa
D L=

Therefore the volume of active parts and hence the size and the
cost of the machine deceases with increase in speed or increase
in the value of output co-efficient.

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Selection of Number of Poles
Factors to be considered:
Weight of iron parts
Length of commutator
Flashover between brushes
Labour charges
Distortion of field form
Weight of copper

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Selection of Number of Poles
f = Pn /2
For constant speed, f α P (No. of poles)
With large number of poles, f large, therefore large iron losses.
Weight of iron parts
Yoke area: by using greater number of poles, area of cross section
of yoke is proportionality decreases.
Armature core area: the amount of iron in core decreases with
increase in no. of poles.
Overall diameter of the machine decreases if the no. of poles is
Therefore, the total weight of iron required by the machine decreases
with increase in no. of poles.

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Selection of Number of Poles
Length of commutator
the length of brush arm and therefore length of commutator
decreases with increase in no. of poles.
Flashover between brushes
Possibility of flashover increases between the adjacent brush arms
as the no. of poles is increased.
Labour charges
For large no. of poles, there are more armature coils to wind,
insulate and solder to commutator , more commutator segments to
built up, more poles to assemble, therefore labour charges will
Distortion of field form
With large no. of poles, distortion of field form reduces.
Weight of copper
Armature copper and field copper decreases with increase in no.
of poles.
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Guiding Factors for Choice of Number of Poles

The frequency of flux reversals in the armature core generally lies

between 25 to 50Hz.

The current per parallel path is limited to about 200A. Thus the
current per brush arm should not be more than 400A.

The armature mmf should not be more than 10000A. Therefore to

keep the armature mmf within limits, the no. of poles should
increase as the diameter of machine increases.
Armature mmf per pole, ATa= (ac/2) τ = (ac/2) (πD/P)

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Choice of Armature Diameter
Factors which should be considered when selecting armature diameter.
Peripheral Speed
va = πDn
Value should not exceed 30 m/s, to prevent the overhang from flying
out due to excessive centrifugal force.
Pole pitch
may be used to check for the no. of poles
Pole pitch is limited as per following:
for P = 2, pole pitch= 250 to 300mm
P = 4, pole pitch= 300 to 400mm
P = 6, pole pitch= 400 to 450mm
Above P = 6, pole pitch= 450 to 500mm

Limiting value for armature diameter

Minimum permissible armature diameter, D = 0.001P
For 1000kW machine D > 1m

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Pole Proportions and Profile
Pole section may be square or rectangular
For square pole section, bp = L
L = core length
bp = width of pole body
bp = 0.45 to 0.55 of pole pitch
For rectangular pole section,
L= bp to 2bp = 0.45τ to 1.1 τ
L/τ = 0.45 to 1.1
Usual value, L/τ = 0.7 to 0.9

Some designers prefer square pole face,

Pole arc, b = L = Ψτ
L/τ = 0.64 to 0.72, Ψ = 0.64 to 0.72

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Length of Air gap
Factors to be considered:
Armature reaction
Circulating currents
Pole face losses
Unbalanced magnetic pull
(0.5to0.7) ac ⋅τ
lg =
1600, 000k g Bg
Usual value of air gap = 0.01 to 0.015 τ,
Where, τ = pole pitch

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Length of air gap
Armature reaction
A machine designed with large air gap requires large field mmf.
Thus distorting effect of armature reaction can be reduced if the
length of air gap is made large.
However, the increase in field mmf results in increase in size and
cost of the machine.
Circulating currents
The air gap in case of multipolar machines should be large because
if the gap is small, a slight irregularities in air gap would result in
large circulating currents.
Pole face losses
If the length of air gap is made large, the variations in the air gap
flux density due to slotting is small. Therefore the pulsation loss in
the pole faces decreases if the length of air gap is increased.

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Length of air gap
A machine designed with large air gap has lower noise level. The
operation of machine with large air gap is comparatively quiet.
A machine designed with large air gap has better ventilation
(better cooling at the gap surfaces)
Unbalanced magnetic pull
A machine designed with large air gap has smaller unbalanced
magnetic pull.

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Length of air gap
A dc machine designed with a large air gap has
1. Better cooling at the gap surfaces
2. Lower noise level
3. Lower tooth pulsation loss
4. Smaller unbalanced magnetic pull

But with the increase in length of air gap, a larger value

of field mmf is required resulting in increase of cost of
the machine.

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Armature Design
No. of armature conductors
Cross-section of armature conductors
Choice of current density
Choice of armature winding
No. of armature slots
No. of ventilating ducts
Resistance of armature winding
Weight of copper in armature winding
Design of armature core
Slot dimensions

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Number of Armature conductors
Generated emf in the armature,
E = V+Iarm for generator
= V- Iarm for motor
Where, V= terminal voltage
rm= internal resistance
Iarm= internal voltage drop

Flux/pole Φ = Bav τ L Wb
No. of armature conductors, Z = E.a/ΦPn

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Cross-section of Armature conductors
Copper is used for conductors
Cross-sectional area of armature conductor

ac = mm2
Where, Iz = Ia/a
δz = current density in armature conductors, A/mm2

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Choice of current density
A current density in armature conductors should be quite high from
economic consideration.

However, δz is limited from the consideration of temperature rise

imposed by the insulating materials used in the machine.

As a guide

1. For large strap-wound armatures with normal ventilation,

δz = 4.5 to 5 A/mm2
2. For small wire wound armature with normal ventilation,
δz = 5 to 5.5 A/mm2
3. For high speed, fan ventilated machines, δz = 6 to 6.5 A/mm2

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Choice of Armature winding
1. Simplex Lap Winding
2. Simplex Wave Winding

Wave winding has small no. of conductors (smaller no. of coils) reduces the cost of
manufacturer and repair.
Equalizer connections are required for simplex lap winding making machine costly
while they are not required for simplex wave winding.
Therefore wave winding is used for small machines, lap winding is not used for
small machines.
Lap winding is suitable for high current, low voltage machines because it gives
more parallel paths. Wave winding is suitable for high voltage, low current
machines (A=2)
For a given no. of poles and armature conductors, wave winding gives more emf
than the lap winding.
Dummy coil sometimes used in wave winding to provide mechanical balance to the
armature winding

As a guide
1. Simplex lap winding is used for machines with current rating more than
2. Simplex wave winding is used for machines with current rating less than
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Number of Armature Slots
Factors to be considered:
Mechanical difficulties
Economic consideration
Flux pulsations (changes in air gap flux due to slotting)

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Number of Armature Slots
With larger no. of slots,
Cooling of armature conductors is better
Noise level is reduced
Flux pulsations are reduced
Large no. of slots and smaller no. of conductors/slot
are desirable from commutation point of view.
But a dc machine with smaller no. of slots is cheaper
because of decreased cost of punching the slots and
cost of insulation.
If we use larger no. of slots, slot pitch becomes
smaller and therefore width of tooth gets smaller. This
may lead to difficulties in construction.

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Guiding Factors for choice of No. of Slots
1. Slot Pitch (πD/S)
For small machines, 2 to 2.5 cm
For medium and large machines, 2.5 to 3.5cm
to avoid mechanical difficulties.
2. Slot Loading (No. of ampere conductors per slot)
Should not be more than 1500A for better cooling
3. Flux Pulsations
Number of slots/pole pair should be an odd integer. In order to minimize
pulsation losses.
4. Commutation
No. of slots/pole should be at least 9 to prevent sparking at the
commutator . Generally no. of slots/pole varies between 9 to 16 for dc
5. Suitability for winding
For lap winding, no. of slots should be multiple of pole pairs for
providing equalizer connections. (must be symmetrical)
For wave winding, no. of slots should not be a multiple of pole pairs (in
order that Yc is an integer). Yc must be integer to avoid dummy coil.

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No. of Ventilating Ducts
Radial ventilating ducts are used for cooling the
armature, if the length of core exceeds about 120 mm.
A radial duct is provided for approximately every
70mm of core length. Width of duct = 8 to 10 mm.

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Resistance of Armature Winding
Resistance of armature conductor

rc = Ω
No. of conductors in series/path = Z/A
Therefore, Resistance of each parallel circuit,

,  ρ lc Z
ra =  
 az A
A, parallel paths are connected in parallel
Therefore, Resistance of armature winding,

 ρ lc  Z
ra =   2
 az  A
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Weight of Copper in Armature Winding
Total length of all conductors of the armature winding, La = lc.Z
Volume of copper in the armature winding, Vc= az.La m3
Weight of copper in the armature winding,
Wc= 8.9x103 .Vc Kg
Density of copper = 8.9x103 kg/m3

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Design of Armature Core
Flux in armature core Φc=Φ/2
Area of armature core, Ac= Φc/Bc= Φ/2.Bc =Lixdc
Bc= Flux density in armature core
= 1 to 1.5 T
Net iron length of core, Li = (L- nvbv)ki
Where, bv= width of ventilating duct=8to 10mm
nv = no. of ventilating ducts
ki = iron factor for the core = 0.9
Depth of armature core = dc= Ac/Li
Internal Diameter of Armature = Di = D – 2 (ds + dc)
ds = Depth of slot

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Design Problems
Find the main dimensions, no. of poles and length of air gap of a
1000kW, 500V, 300 rpm dc generator.
Assume the specific magnetic loading Bav= 0.7T, ampere
conductors per meter = 40000, square pole face, ratio of pole arc
to pole pitch is 0.7. Assume efficiency as 92% and gap contraction
factor as 1.15.

Find the main dimensions and the no. of poles of a 37kW, 230V,
1400 rpm shunt motor so that a square pole face is obtained. The
average gap density is 0.5T and the ampere conductors per meter
are 22000. The ratio of pole arc to pole pitch is 0.7 and the full
load efficiency is 90%.

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