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Editor in Chief: February 16th 2011

Shani Blankrot Page 1

Treeplanting! Go for it!
times July. Perfect employment
tive and plentiful. That time you
pooped on the block and sprinkled
exhaustive working regime getting
drunk or stoned on a regular basis CO-OP CORNER
some soil on top, only to find that is simply not an option. Save it Things to Remember:
Damon (4th year Mechanical) for a university student! Generally at the end of the day someone had for your days off, I suppose. Ulti- • The Co-op website offers
you get 10-12 cents per tree plant-

planted a tree in it. That time you mately, the best drug is the utopian many tips and is very infor-
he most difficult article to ed in British Columbia. However, thought you were part of project mindset reached on the final push mation. The website is
write would have to be an ar- I’ve heard reports of receiving no MKULTRA (Mackenzie Division) of a long run or bicycle ride.
ticle about treeplanting. There is more than 7 cents a tree in Ontario. observing your Toronto buddy’s So what character traits are inher- • Round II is from February 15
so much to be said about the indus- Planting 1500 trees a day is gener- rebirth from an egg to a 6 foot ent in a good treeplanter? – April 8
try and the experience that all past ally a good baseline. Higher-end 5 firmly build Irish-Canadian; A trip to the local art gallery is Word of the Week
attempts quickly fragment- necessary to find the means Threadjacking (v): when someone
ed into uncorrelated, loose- of truly describing the tree- adds a message to a twitter thread
ly connected thoughts and planter breed. Exhibit when they weren't part of the
observations. Perhaps in a initial discussion. Sometimes awe-
placards always have the some, sometimes frustrating.
similar manner that Kurt most peculiar adjectives.
Vonnegut’s final novel But due to time constraints Editors’ note: Word of the Week is a humour column

did. Nonetheless, however and pending assignments,

based on popular expressions around Sexton Campus.
If you have any complaints or suggestions, please email
uncorrelated, there were haggard, spastic, amor- Obviously we prefer suggestions!

fragments that drove right phous and colourful will

to the heart of the situa- have to do.
tion. The comedy inherent The most important as-
in all things; whether you pect of the job is music.
are taking on the subject of For those of you who are
tree planting or your disap- going out for your first sea-
pointments with modern son, make sure to bring a
society. So here goes… comprehensive collection
There is nothing like of Canadian music. Your Write.
waking up at 5:30am in a Cowboys Fringants, Tragi- Get Paid.
UNBC campus dorm, feel- cally Hip, Timber Timbre, Send articles to
ing for the role of duck Gerry Boulet, Caledonia,
tape to wrap up your plant- Neil Young, Pépé et Sa
ing fingers. Fingers which, Guitare, The Band etc.
if you are lucky, you will Bumping along a barely
jam into the ground 2000 navigable skid trail in your
times by the end of the day for treeplanters might shoot for 3000- only to remember that you your- F-150, 40 grade slope on both
that $250 in piece work. Or, if you 4000 a day. Halifax's Best Trivia!
self took a hit of something. The sides, dazed after a 12 hour, 3000
are useless and came treeplanting To put things into perspective, time, 30 days into a desolate and tree day listening to those boys Sexton Campus
to ‘do your part for the planet’, or if you are an efficient treeplanter, extremely isolated logging camp, from Southeastern Ontario is it…
60 percent of the trees you have
some bull like that, you will bare- to be specific, that all the themes The most satisfying point in your
planted will live to see another
Looking for something to do?
ly plant enough trees to pay your introduced in Joseph Conrad’s life.
summer. If you are a slow, care- Not spending enough time
camp costs and will generally be a ‘Heart of Darkness’ were appar- The end of the day; time to crack
nuisance to fellow planters. ful, thoughtful planter who relates mingling with other faculties/
ent. The numerous times you see open a Pacific Pilsner and get at
What is treeplanting? Treeplant- with narcissistic organizations like bears and moose on the block. The some good literature. Cook some
disciplines? Then check out
ing involves replanting logged ‘Friends of Earth’, 65 percent of helicopter drop-ins to blocks in- pasta or chili for the week, maybe some of these events.
sections of Canada’s forests with the trees you have planted will accessible by road. The trips you read your Advanced Engineering Thursday February 17th
foot-long seedlings. A logged plot live to see another summer. But to take with fellow planters on days Mathematics book.
point out some ‘Simple Math’, the
Civil/Mining Society Night, T
of land is called a ‘Block’. You re- off to Whitehorse and beyond… In short, go for it! Treeplanting
efficient treeplanter would have Room
introduce to it your fir, spruce, and Of course illicit recreation drug will be the experience of your
pines with a dibble or modified planted a substantially higher vol- consumption is an insignificant, lifetime; an indefinite character Friday February 18th
shovel. You carry 300 trees at a ume of trees, meaning her 60 per- if not non-existent, aspect of tree- builder. Trivia - Med Vs. Engineers
time in bags strapped to your back. cents went further. planting. Treeplanting can be lik- Have fun firing trees into the
The season is during the summer The stories you will walk away Monday Feb 21 - Friday Feb 25
ened to running one or two mara- ground this summer!
months: May, June, and some- with treeplanting will be lucra- STUDY BREAK
thons a day. Under a physically

Thursday March 3rd
The dean of engineering sits
Top 10 Iron Ring Rumors The Sextant is published by the
IE Society Night, T Room

on a throne the entire time, Dalhousie Sextant Publishing
Gossip Geek's identity will of Aramark sandwiches (wait, and if you look him in the eye you Society and aims to represent Saturday, March 5th
be revealed at this year's isn't this more expensive than a sit burn alive. all of the students studying and IRON RING

ceremony. down lunch at the Westin?).

9 6
A lamb is sacrificed. living on Sexton Campus.
Iron ring holders wear robes Students will be required to Editor: Shani Blankrot Does your society have an

covering their faces and chant. use a calculator, while blind-

folded, to solve a math problem You have the opportunity to Assistant Editor: Dilan Watson event on Sexton Campus? Send
Food Science students get iron join a polygamist cult during
given to them on a stone tablet. Treasurer: Riccardo Ciccarelli an email to and

the ceremony.

we’ll post it here!

Due to budget cuts, this This year's iron ring event is If you have any concerns about
a discipline challenge. Make Everyone is branded on their the paper, please email sex- Don't forget - it's free to adver-
year's lunch will either be a left butt cheek.
hamburger and hot dog BBQ, a sure to buy a dress or suit in your tise a society on The Sextant.
Chinese buffet, or an assortment discipline's color.
February 16th 2011
Page 2
Dal Eng dominates at the AEC
type designs, so there were lots of
Laura Weeden flying doctors!
(4th year Civil) Laura Weeden won third place
for her presentation on Bioenergy
On Munroe day while you were in the Communications competi-
all relaxing and enjoying a day tion, and the two Dal teams in
off doing homework, the DalEng Consulting Engineering did a
team was working hard at the great job putting up a tough fight
Atlantic Engineering Competi- for the other teams!
tion (AEC). The competition was Finally, Senior Design, the most
hosted by Université de Moncton anticipated event of the weekend:
this year. After one long weekend we had two teams who both had
and a snow storm, Dal holds 1st, very creative designs. The task
2nd and 3rd places in many dif- was to design any form of device
ferent events! that would help an old man
In Debate, Evan MacAdam and get coconuts down from a tree
Donald MacIsaac showed Saint because he can no longer climb
Mary’s who’s boss, taking first up and get them himself. It was
place with topics such as "Should a tough task, but in the end Mike
Canada become nuclear power Marchand’s team of Nick Greeno,
dependant?" John Skonnard, and Chris Carter
In Junior Design, both Dal teams took second place with their
worked very hard. Shelby Pottle, grappling hook design.
Philip Iatridis, Mitchell McInnis, Great job team!! Good luck to
and Grace Dobek took first place the Debate, Junior and Senior
for their design to get the "doc- teams, as they advance to the Ca-
tor" (an egg) across the "river" nadian Engineering Competition
(comparable to the size of a kid- hosted by McGill in Montreal, the
die pool) to the "sick people" on weekend of March 12th. Knock
the other side, intact. Most were em’ dead. Comic by Jeremy Lai in Electrical Engineering
trebuchet, sling shot, and catapult Do you have a comic/picture/drawing/abstract art? Email that baby over! You get PAID.
lic environmental consciousness tial transparency and a bit of extra
What you should know about FAIR TRADE has led to grocery stores adopting work), which is essential for any
ter systems that will make Fair methods. Additionally, farmers alternatives to the plastic bag. ethical sourcing or “Fair Trade”.
Emily Stewart
Trade irrelevant. The changes that are prevented from using banned The anti-sweatshop movement Fair Trade seems like a simplis-
(4th year Enviro)
occur, in trade and Fair Trade spe- pesticides. The sufficiency of that was all about using this consumer tic answer to a complex issue of
cifically, over the coming decades is up for debate, but environmen- pressure: "Stop Sweatshops" was trade that fails to meet the needs

D oes Fair Trade have the

potential to make a long-
term significant difference in
are impossible to fully predict,
and social change is - by nature -
tal standards are an important,
but secondary, goal of the Fair
a very simple version of a more
complex demand for better labour
and environmental standards.
of developing countries.
There are many very large com-
plex problems with trade. Fair
messy. But, Fair Trade is making a Trade movement.
the global trade system? positive contribution now and is Responsible environmental The number of consumers asking Trade Certified offers a great alter-
Fair Trade brings the inequi- likely to create positive effects for management is directly tied to companies to “Stop Sweatshops” native to the problems within the
ties of trade to the conscious- the future. social well-being and health (i.e. has led to many companies adjust- trade of commodities specifically.
ness of consumers, and from Does Fair Trade sufficiently en- exposure to pesticides, source wa- ing their practices in a positive
a system change perspective,
addresses one specific aspect of
able producers to participate in
manufacturing and other value-
ter protection etc.), however, there
are tradeoffs that need to be made
Retailers will respond to consum-
100-200 words -- $15
trade – commodity markets – by added processing? between economic and social ers caring more about where their
200-400 words -- $25
making prices more predictable The Fair Trade supply chain well-being and the environment. coffee comes from. Fair Trade is a
400 - 600 words -- $30
and bringing other benefits to removes many of the middlemen, The use of chemical fertilizers and simple way to send this message.
600+ -- $35
farmers. Fair Trade itself doesn’t which enables the producers in pesticides (herbicides, insecti- Second Cup complained about
Picture(s) with article -- +$5, to a
address all the inequities of trade, developing countries to earn a cides, fungicides) has conclusively the loads of people asking for Fair
maximum of $5
which include tariffs, subsi- bigger share of the product value. shown to improve yields and Trade coffee, and mentioned this
Picture of the Week, Comic,
dies, etc. Bringing trade to the Nevertheless, the largest value- incomes. Coffee, in particular, is was something they were work-
abstract -- $20
consciousness of people, though, add still occurs in the final stages prone to agricultural pests that are ing on getting into place, as well
Note: your content must be
does have the potential to put of processing, which takes place very difficult to control without as more transparent (and better)
printed on either the print or web
the issue higher up on the public in North America or Europe. The chemicals. The appropriate bal- purchasing and environmen-
Sextant to qualify for payment
agenda, which provides much global trading system is imper- ance between environmental, tal policies. National advocacy
greater opportunities for change. fect, and developing countries are economic, and social objectives is amongst Canadians was likely one
Fair Trade can also be seen as a contributing factor to Second Cup Sextant Positions
working on becoming more than an important question for the Fair
stepping stone on a path to better just net exporters of raw materi- Trade movement. The appropri- introducing the Fair Trade blend Fall 2011
trade systems, in a similar way als. ate balance of which is up for “Cuzco” one and a half years later.
that hybrid cars can be seen as a Does Fair Trade Certification debate. There is still a fair amount to learn Needed: Editor in Chief and
stepping stone to better environ- include sufficient environmental How can Fair Trade influence about how these mechanisms Assistant Editor. No experi-
mental systems. standards? corporate policy? work, and on what scale they are ence required. Well compen-
Fair Trade will most likely evolve Fair Trade encourages environ- Companies and retailers react to effective. Also, companies don’t sated. Email
and change over time to better mental sustainability by promot- consumer, market, and societal generally like third-party certifica-
meet changing needs. At some ing the use of organic production trends. For example, greater pub- tion (because it requires substan-
point, we may actually have bet-

Apparel - Belt Buckles (Bronze, Silver and Gold

toned), Keychains and T-Shirts!
EngiBEERing every Friday afternoon in the Design
Commons! Wear a sweater vest for a free beer!

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