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Architecture and construction Engineering program (S.S.P)

CAE405 Design Studio -3 Autumn Semester 2020/2021

Resilient Elementary School

Adaptable Learning Environments in the light of COVID-19 pandemic

Project Overview
Immediate responses to keep students and staff safe seem to be more of an exercise in organization but
evaluating how current school design is falling short in the face of a pandemic provides an opportunity
to innovate new school designs that will be more resilient in the future.

Good school design matters. It is about the education and life chances of young people. Teaching and
learning in primary schools continues to be a process of evolution. The design of new school buildings
needs to reflect this, and provide facilities that can change with the times.

Design Considerations
- Prepare the space for social distancing: by laying out the physical distancing rules while also
giving students the chance to collaborate and engage with each other.
- Direct foot traffic flows by clearly identifying a separate exit and entrance and adding floor
markings to designate traffic patterns. Using brightly colored floor tape and signage may encourage
students and staff to further respect physical distancing.
-Implement flexible furniture. Flexible school furniture can be easily moved and reconfigured, which
means classrooms can readily “shift” design to accommodate physical distancing and support additional
functions during emergency situations.
-Fostering a positivr learning environment by taking classrooms outside where possible or even
using roll up doors that allow for a blurred boundary between indoor and outdoor space increases the
natural ventilation that limits the spread of airborne disease and fosters a positive learning
- Classrooms draw upon natural and electric light sources and requires special attention to the (varied)
activities being lit, the use of technology, orientation, and time of year.
- Creative design of outdoor spaces in order to encourage creative play and help children ,maintain
social distancing.

On the given site, you are requested to design a safe, efficient, Flexible and attractive learning
environment, an elementary school (2500 m2 ), to accommodate 200 students and includes the
following spaces:
▪ A reception Hall, 6 administration offices (Principal’s office, Assistant Principal’s Office,
meeting room, accountant,
▪ Classrooms designed to accommodate various activities while maintaining a spacing 0f 2
meters between students. Lighting in the classroom needs to be adjustable to the task.
▪ Outdoor classrooms
Architecture and construction Engineering program (S.S.P)
CAE405 Design Studio -3 Autumn Semester 2020/2021

▪ 2 Lectures recording studios

▪ staff rooms
▪ Science lab
▪ Art Room
▪ Music Room
▪ School Supply/Storage Area
▪ A clinic including a doctor room and treatment area (20 m2 )
▪ Isolation rooms (in case any students showed symptoms of the virus)
▪ Gymnasium
▪ Library — Schools are changing traditional libraries into media centers, adapting to new
▪ Assembly area, outside play areas
▪ Two outdoor sport court for (volleyball, basketball, or handball)
▪ Adequate services (Staff Toilets, Students Toilets, Ramps, emergency exits, electrical
room, etc……)
▪ A parking space for cars and school buses.

▪ 2-D Drawings : Site Plan (Scale 1:500), Floor Plans, Facades and Sections (Scale 1:100)
▪ 3-D Drawings : Perspective and isometric views
▪ Physical Model


1 Sat Initiation and Data Collection

2 Sat Revision of Data
Thurs (Groups presentation and discussion)
3 Sat Preliminary Design ideas
Thurs (Study model and Concept discussion)
4 Sat Architectural Drawings
Thurs ( Floor plans)
5 Sat Architectural Drawings
Thurs (Elevations, Sections and perspectives)
6 Sat Finalizing and detailed Architectural Drawings
Thurs Starting Final Production
7 Sat Final Submission
Architecture and construction Engineering program (S.S.P)
CAE405 Design Studio -3 Autumn Semester 2020/2021

Concept and Interpretation (form, Style, Composition…) 30
Functional requirements (Structure, Efficiency, Flexibility …) 60
Presentation (Precision, Clarity…) 10

With best wishes!

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