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People live in a challenging world, where the role of educational

institutions is being transformed. The available technologies allow new conditions

to access learning; however, as they evolve very fast, sometimes it is challenging

to track this evolution regarding the changes that entail to all, which may

contribute to a digital divine if it is not well addressed. This research intends to

present the impact and responses of new normal education among criminology

intern students in Naga College Foundation, Inc. With this, it presents the

universal design for learning and its crucial role to make inclusive virtual learning

environments. Like every modality that exists, there are some challenges that

need to be addressed, as well as some benefits that allow seeing the potential of

this modality learning.

This refers to the modality where learning takes place between the

teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during


It is assumed that pandemic of this scale happens in waves and is cyclical.

Furthermore, WHO has recently pointed out that the Covid-19 may never be

eradicated; people will have to live with it. As a response to such event,

countries now plan to introduce an element of distance learning even in normal

education. This will help facilitate coping once the crisis hits and minimize

negative impacts. The approaches may include adjustments to the academic

calendar; prioritizing students in grades preparing for high-stakes examinations;

and continuing with distance learning in parallel to school. Educational

administrators and policymakers can use this crisis as an opportunity to introduce

new learning modes that can help each and every one to prepare for

emergencies, and to make the system more resilient.

If the world is not filled of people who do not induce in making changes,

then human beings would have not been existent today. The continuous

propagation of mankind is a core proof of the knowledge that has been divinely

endowed during the primitive era. The primeval people visibly strived hard to

achieve education, reflective of the perks that all of have been enjoying in this

century. The strategy in learning has really driven along the curves over the

passing years, and that the room for improvements has been occupied and the

occupants have bought lots to build vacancies. Merely, the evolution of education

has continually upgrading and will continue to do so in the future by the aid of

those who have obtained knowledge through education.

Today, the youth are appointed as the 21 st century learners and the

endearment goes beyond the mere meaning of the claim. Being a part of the 21 st

century, students are automatically assigned to engage in acquiring the core


competencies of learning such as critical thinking, problem solving, cooperation,

and digital literacy.

Synchronous to the modernization all of that they have been enjoying

today, mediums to helping a certain learner are also developed from printed

materials to e-learning modules. In fact, the internet has become a medium in

educating the learners as of today. Aside from these, tactics in helping a certain

student on his pedagogical needs has been invented. In today’s classrooms,

most traditional ways in learning are slowly adapting to some wide changes.

With the evolution of technology, it is likely conceivable to transform the way

people discover and understand the facts presented to them.

In the traditional way of learning, students learn through a frontal session

with the teacher. They are granted access to the instructors, they interact with

one another and they learn through that method. But as it has been previously

said, we are bound to adapt to changes for changes are constant in this world.

Therefore, mentors and students are bound to meet the challenges of coping up

with the evolution of learning. The highlight of all these changes is E-Learning.

EL involves a student learning partly through online instruction and partly

with a teacher in a school building. Students may complete online instruction in a

classroom, a computer lab, or at home, with varying degrees of control over

time, place, path, and pace (Denisco, 2013).

It is known that EL appears to have been in use since the popular advent

of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the late 1990s however, like many

other internet buzzwords around this time (e.g., new economy, e ‐learning), its

precise connotations have changed and subsequently converged and stabilized.

From 2006 to the present, E-learning has technology ‐mediated

instructional forms and practices (Freisen, 2012). With this, this portion from the

introduction aims to map out the definition of EL in simple words. Generally,

the term E-learning is applied to the practice of using online learning experiences

when teaching students. (, 2013).

This is due to the reason that students become self-driven and responsible

in tracking their individual achievements, which helps develop their ability to find

the resources or get the help they need. It is self-advocating so they can reach

their goals. The use of E-Learning materials increases a student’s ability to set

appropriate learning goals and take charge of his or her own learning, which

develops an ability that can be translatable across all subjects (Giarla, 2015).

Though there is a scarcity of network infrastructures in the Philippines

which leads to talking of the drawbacks of EL. EL has its potent disadvantages

especially in dealing with the online system which is crucial in blended learning.

Internet connection is massively needed in employing E-learning, in order for

both the teacher and students stay connected to the course.

Another critical issue is the access to network infrastructures. Although

the digital divide is narrowing as the internet becomes more pervasive, many

students do not have pervasive and ubiquitous access to the internet not even in

their classrooms (Ramirez, 2016).


Along with this that is worthy to address is the pace of advancement: this

primarily looks like an upside turns into a downside when someone comes to

review specific learning scenarios. For example, the use of lecture recording

may actually result in learners lagging behind the course flow.

Some students may choose to linger around for a while and then watch

a bunch of video classes in one sitting, while others would rather make the

interactive class part of their daily/weekly routine. At the end of the day, an

instructor trying to sync up both streams with ongoing offline activity is faced

with a daunting task. The other issue is IT literacy, the tech resources

employed in E-learning need to be reliable; easy to use and unanimously

accepted by all stakeholders of the learning process. Otherwise, the initiative

will most likely be gathering dust until some remote milestone is reached

(Winstead, 2013).

And just as how there is existence of the disadvantages there are also

bright sides within EL. By using a combination of digital instruction and modules,

students can work on their own with new concepts which frees teachers up to

circulate and support individual students who may need individualized attention.

Rather than playing to the lowest common denominator – as they would in a

traditional classroom – teachers can now streamline their instruction to help all

students reach their full potential. Online learning allows for personalized

education, replacing the model where a teacher stands in front of the classroom

and everyone is expected to stay at the same pace; allows students to work at

their own pace, making sure they fully understand new concepts before moving

on; and allows teachers to use a combination of digital instruction and modules

to improve efficiency.

When students use adaptive learning technologies to work on their

comprehension of new concepts, teachers can use the additional class time to

give struggling students the individualized attention that they need. Rather than

playing to the lowest common denominator, as they would in a traditional

classroom, teachers can now streamline their instruction to help all students

reach their full potential, and that education can be extremely expensive.

Online learning is able to personalize education in a way that a more

traditional classroom setup simply cannot. Unlike the previous set up where

teachers stand in front of a sea of desks and educate students about a new

concept; online learning allows students to work at their own pace, making sure

that they fully understand new concepts before moving on to the next lesson.

With the help of software teachers can the collect the student data and measure

the students’ academic progress. In this way, they can clearly see the areas in

which each individual student is excelling, and where he or she may need a little

more guidance.

Digital fluency is a goal of the Common Core State Standards, and states

are working to implement the new academic guidelines and will need to make

sure that technology is integrated into a variety of subject areas. And this online

learning can easily accomplish this task (, 2013).


Learners who become addicted to gaming, texting or social media and

doing these in class, may disrupt their learning and lead to disciplinary action. In

this online learning at home, these may interfere also to their study time. With

this, the negative effects of electronic gadgets on health are well-documented.

Persistent use of gadgets encourages a sedentary lifestyle and may lead to poor

posture and weight gain. In extreme cases, this may cause obesity, neck and

back issues and wrist and hand pain. (Gillespie, C. August 23, 2018).

Carpo, M. (2016) concluded that technological advancements influence

how people live today. People keep on exploring things, looking for some

solutions just to lessen the efforts that people need in accomplishing their tasks.

The Internet is an undeniable example for this shocking, yet pleasant evolution

of science. The special thing that people know about the internet is that it does

not only support people in their works, but also lessens the time spent in

accomplishing certain tasks. The digital revolution is changing everything, and

the field of education is no exception.

In conclusion, every teaching-learning methodology has its benefits and

drawbacks. As always, the institution that provides it has to measure required

mediums against existing options. Questions such as these must be considered:

will the EL benefit the learners?; are the rewards equal to the risks or they

surpass each other?; and are the students prepared to adapt to this new


Disadvantages of E-learning will always be there but they are far from

being passable. Its bad impacts can be minimized or even changed to

progressive undertakings if the educators keep an eye on students’ reactions,

technology capabilities and deliverance of the quality of the courses.

Look around, the world may be probing into this too and people have

been lagging behind. They should broaden their knowledge, explore the field

and comprehend through variables and variables. Each and everyone’s

moments are unique, that make them peculiar and able to protect their own

originality along with their perception towards life due to their various

experiences. Hence, may this be a reminder thought to all that every opinion


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to explore the underlying issues behind the education

system of NCF and how it affects the CCJE student’s performances specifically

the 4th year intern students.

The researcher intends to determine what makes them learn and discover

more by enumerating and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the

topic. Specifically, this research endeavors to answer the following questions:

1. What is the student’s demographic profile?

2. Is electronic learning effective to the intern students of the College of

Criminal Justice Education of Naga College Foundation?


3. Are there any strategies used by the students to cope up with electronic


4. What are the perceptions of the students regarding electronic learning?

Objectives of the Study

In the duration of this research, the researcher aims to:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness of Online Education among the intern students


2. Find out the learning and coping strategies used by the intern students in

of CCJE-NCF; and

3. Know the perceptions of each student as they meet electronic learning

upon enrolling to NCF.


The study is guided by the following assumptions:

1 The technology is utilized in academic productivity.

2 E-learning thought to be beneficial to learning;

3 The students and educators are able to meet through E-Learning modes.


This study has these hypotheses:

1. There are no underlying issues found behind the NCF Education

System: Electronic Learning.


2. There is no significant relationship between electronic learning and

the performance of the students.

3. Electronic learning does not exhibit any implication towards a

learner’s performance.

Significance of the Study

The integrated vitality of the implications of the Electronic Learning

towards the performance of the students multiplies its need to be known by

most people especially students who are undergoing this teaching method and

thereby gives the trial for an educator to make his class more efficient with the

simultaneous use of the OEL.

This study as a whole will be beneficial to the following:

Administrators. This research will help administrators make more useful

catalysts for educating their patrons, more reliable future plans for the online

education and effective teaching strategies. This will also help as a guide in

setting up a new framework for future learners regarding Electronic Learning.

Parents. This will give them the understanding on how this e-learning

education impacts their children. Parents are responsible in monitoring their

children using gadgets, and they will be able to guide and mentor their children

in their academic performance and in their social facets.

Students. This research will help the students in acquainting them with

the issues underlying Electronic Learning.


Teachers. This research will help the teachers in augmenting their skills

on becoming an effective mentor while the students learn from OEL teaching


Future Researchers. This research will help the future researchers who

intend to use the context as their reference. This context may also be considered

as their driving force to conduct more profound study related to this.

Scope and Limitation

The study will utilize all the 4 th year intern students of the CCJE of Naga

College Foundation academic year 2020-2021. They will be given the research

instrument and it is up to the respondent if he wants to remain anonymous as

long as the necessary answer from the questionnaire has been elicited.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are the essential in understanding the entirety

of the context:

E-Learning. Electronic Learning is the delivery of learning and training

through digital resources, it is provided through electronic devices such as

computers, tablets and even cellular phones that are connected to the internet.

Implications. This is the impact, result and its effect to a certain variable

to another variable.

Online Education. Online Education is education gotten from the

internet prepared by the school one has enrolled to.


CCJE. College of Criminal Justice Education

NCF. Naga College Foundation

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