Affidavit of Default Judgment and Order

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International Document

Affidavit of Default Judgment and Order

28 December 2020

Plaintiff/Authorized Representatives
Hezekiah & Muriel Montia El
c/o 100 Commerce Drive #454
Tyrone, Georgia republic [30290]

Salma Jahan Abedin
Asm Abiding
N Food Mart
1985 Campbellton Road, Unite 2
Atlanta, Georgia republic [30311]

Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
. Moorish Consular Court case number:

Unlawfully occupying indigenous land

Re: 1985 Campbellton Road, Suite 2, Atlanta,

Georgia Republic
Latitude/longitude (33.708070, -84.454220)
GPS Coordinates: coordinates 33° 42' 29.052'' North
84° 27' 15.192'' West.

Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.

Stare Decisis Law

Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787/1836

Article 20
How disputes shall be settled

“If any of the citizens of the united States, or any persons under their protection, shall
have any dispute with a Moor, the Consul shall decide between the parties, and whenever the
Consul shall require any aid or assistance from our government, to enforce his decisions, it shall
be immediately granted to him.”

Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Article 22
How estates of deceased citizens shall be disposed of

“If an American citizen shall die in our country and no will shall appear, the consul shall
take possession of the effects and if there shall be no consul, the effects shall be deposited in the
hand of some person worthy of trust until the party shall appear who has a right to demand them,
but if the heir to the person deceased be present, the property shall be delivered to him without
interruption and if a will shall appear, the property shall descend agreeable to that will as soon as
the consul shall declare the validity thereof”

The constitution for the united States of America. article. iv.

section. 1. full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and
judicial proceedings of every other state. and the congress may by general laws prescribe the
manner in which such acts, records and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof.

"whoever, having taken an oath before a competent tribunal, officer, or person, in any case in
which a law of the united states authorizes an oath to be administered, willfully and contrary to
such oath states or subscribes any material matter which he does not believe to be true, is guilty
of perjury and shall be fined no more than $2,000.00 or imprisoned not more than five years or
both." 18 U.S.C. §1621

In this action, the above referenced property is in the care and control of indigenous Moorish
nationals (authorized representatives) Hezekiah Montia El and Muriel Montia El. These living
beings are part and parcel of the Washita nation in Moroccan empire at north America. The
Respondents was served with an Affidavit of Fact and command with notice of intent to lien on

Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
December 7, 2020. The Respondent are currently occupying the referenced aboriginal property
and refuses to vacate or abide by the lawful lease agreement. As of this date, the Respondent has
failed to respond to the Affidavit or vacate the property.

In absence of such response to the Affidavit and failure to vacate, this Consular court hereby
inserts and records this default judgment upon and against Salma Jahan Abedin and Asm
Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart and all other parties of interest related to this matter. Respondents
having not honored nor answered the ‘Affidavit of Fact and command’ served on them on
December 7, 2020 and further failure to vacate the property. This constitutes ‘proof of violation
of the supreme law of the law, the Treaty of peace and Friendship 1786/1787/1836’ and the
constitution for the united states of America and grounds to impose a lien upon Salma Jahan
Abedin and Asm Abiding, personally and d/b/a N Food Mart. There being no cause to the

It is hereby ordered, adjudged and decreed that the Respondents are in default. They
are ordered to vacate the property within three (3) days of this order or a lien shall be placed against any
and all of their property. Including any checking, savings, both personal and business property. They are
also ordered to render the amount due and outstanding.

It is further ordered that should the Respondents not tender the amount due up and
until the time they vacate (within 3 days of this order) the commercial lien shall be forwarded to
the provost marshal to arrest and foreclose on the Respondents. The Authorized Representatives
retain the unalienable/inalienable birth right to sue the Respondents as well all other foreign
CORPORATIONS, U.S. CITIZENS herein involved, for injury and slander upon their
appellation/title and any/all other injurious torts made against them.

Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
It is further ordered that the ancestral estate in reversion known as 1985 Campbellton Road,
Suite 2, Atlanta, Georgia republic, with Latitude/longitude (33.708070, -84.454220) GPS
Coordinates: 33° 42' 29.052'' North 84° 27' 15.192'' West, shall and has forthwith reverted to the
aboriginal Washita Moorish American Nationals without interruption, in allodium, as rightful
heirs and freeholders by allodial aboriginal title and inheritance as outlined under article 22 of
the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1787/1836 between the united States of north America
and the Empire of Morocco.

This order is entered on the ______ day of December 2020.

I am:
Yahchanan Shawn Israel
Consul/vizir/ judge
Moorish American national, northwest Amexem
Autograph – all rights exercised at all times
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate

I am:
Anita Cavanough Isra el
Moorish American national, northwest Amexem
Autograph – all rights exercised at all times
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Notice to agent is notice to principal. Notice to principal is notice to agent.

Courtesy Copies to other interested parties:

Aboriginal Chief Lamont Belton

Certificate of service
It is hereby certified that on ___day of December, 2020, the affidavit of Default Judgment
against, Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart, 1985 Campbellton Road, Unit
2, Atlanta, Georgia [30311] and all heirs, assigns, principals, agents and all derivatives thereof
was sent certified mail and email

Placed on the public record at:

Anita Cavanough Isra el
Moorish American national, northwest Amexem
autograph – all rights exercised at all times
Northwest Amexem – Northwest Africa – North America – The North Gate
Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.
Default Judgment Salma Jahan Abedin & Asm Abiding d/b/a N Food Mart
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples’ Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’/Central
Amexem/Southwest Amexem/Adjoining and Americana Islands - The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States; ‘Temple of the Moon and
Sun’ / ‘Turtle Island’: Non - Domestic, Non - Resident, Non – Subject;
– Moors / Muurs - Being the Rightful Heirs and Primogeniture Birthright - Inheritors of the Land.

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