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When object is searched, perform IQ check and roll 2d6. Failing IQ roll has no affect.

Making IQ roll will improve 2d6 result

by one column shift to the right. How often the thing has been searched before can result in column shifts to the left to
determine what bad things happen, followed by a different result to see if Supply Tokens have been found.

What IQ if make IQ check, column shift right 2d6 result
Searching Check sucks 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12 special

Room 7+ D3+1 Z 3Z Z Z & HST ST ST & HST 2 ST

Car 9+ D3 Z Z N3 nothing HST ST Spcl T

Container 8+ D3+1 Z N3 N1 nothing HST ST Spcl T

Body 6+ Z & N2 Z N1 nothing cmn uncmn rare

Modifiers for Place/Thing being Searched

sealed/untouched Roll 2d6 twice, 1st shift 2 column left for bad result, then 2nd shift right 1 column for what is found, IQ
check can shift 2nd roll
abandoned After resolve bad results as rolled, get 1 column shift right and IQ check shift if applicable
searched Perform IQ check, roll 2d6 and apply to table
looted After resolve bad results as rolled, get 1 column shift left for good stuff found and IQ check shift if
picked over After resolve bad results as rolled, get 2 column shift left for good stuff found and IQ check shift if

#Z the number of zombies spawned in the room or adjacent to the car/object

N# is the number of noise tokens generated by the searcher
ST is a regular supply token, Heavy 2
HST is a heavy supply token, Heavy 3
Spcl T special token, choose a common item or roll for an uncommon item
cmn is a common item
uncmn is an uncommon item
rare is a rare item

2d6 Common Item Uncommon Item Rare Item Supplies

2 pump shotgun magnum pistol mod kit hydration system
3 sawed off shotgun chainsaw riot shield cold wthr clothing
4 heavy club heavy blade military SMG d3 pure water
5 knife bow surplus SMG d3 fuel
6 club high pwr rifle tactical vest d3 booze
7 Supplies noise makers reflex sight d3 scavenge points
8 semi-auto pistol surplus AR combat shotgun d3 medical supplies
9 revolver crossbow military AR d3 medicine
10 polarized sunglasses molotov sniper rifle d3 preserved meals
11 hunting rifle scope grenade d3 water pure tablets
12 scope backpack silencer backpack

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