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eae Leaflet 1762 $8.95 PLASTIC CANVAS nue DICTIONARY FNS R=] 3G TN Ae) PLASTIC CANVAS STITCH DICTIONARY | Yau won't believe bow much fien you can have with fastic canves! With this handy reference to guide por 't breeze through all kinds of plain cand fooncy stitches, joining metbods, cmd oiber techniques, This book teaches everything you weed to know about plastic caneias, and i's as easy to use as @ dictionary? More than 100 stitches are arranged alpbabetically and accompanied ‘by color photographs, clear diagrams, and simple-to-follow instructions. So you cc practice your new skills right away, we also present five eye-catching projects thal feature «variety of the stitches. You'll heep this indispensable aid in your stitching basket for years to comet TABLE OF CONTENTS Stitch Dictionary... . PAGE Sample Projects Tissue Box Cover Doorstop = Bellpull Sampler... Eyeglass Case COMSNORS osc case Stitch Specifics .....secssassessessees pensating Stitches. Stiteh P Selecting Ca Selecting Needles Selecting Yarn... Working With Pk Stitching the Des Joini Washing Your Proj Stitch Index.......... 1 SOVINK 1997 by Letsae: Ar P.O, Hox 55595, Little Rock, AR 7221 STITCH DICTIONARY When working any of these stitches, aimays bring threaded needle up at # (3 or a} and go down at 2 (8 or b) and follow soqrience, miless ofberieive seated. 2 ALGERIAN EYE STITCH ‘This stitch forms a square aver four threads of It consists of eight stitches worked in a counterclockwise fashion, Eack stitch is worked from the outer edge into ihe same central hole, ALGERIAN FILLING STITCH ich is made up of siraight stitches that form a stairstep patiern, For added imerest, mulkiple colors may be used. ALGERIAN STAR STITCH This diamond pattern is a larger variation of the Algerian Eye Stitch, but it is worked in a clockwise manner. It consists of twelve stitches, each worked from the outer edge into the same central hole. ALICIA LACE STITCH This series of stitehes forms a L cy pattern, It consists of simple rows of Tent and Reversed Tem Stitches. ARROWHEAD STITCH This stitch is composed of slanting stitches that form sn arrowhead E. A horizontal row of Backstiiche worked through the center of arrowhead. BACKSTITCH — ACCENT/DETAIL This stitch is worked aver completed -slitches 10 outline or define, Each stitch may be worke y direction and ‘over more than one thread. BACKSTITCH — GENERAL COVERAGE, This small stitch is worked in a backward motion aver one thread of canvas. It is usually used to cow areas that require much detail, iy 5 7 it Be Raa ‘ 4 na HN (aSs) a threads, BARRED SQUARE STITCH This stitch is composed of six st stitches. Th horizontal si are worked! on tap of the three ve stiles. fretresrs: pereee PeSEa Revere troeeerite eereereee 9 SELLE LIPO E Re Petree Peers BRAIDED CROSS STITCH This stitch It may be nee to work extra stitches at corners for betier coverage, BRICK STITCH — BASIC This background stitch is worked in siep pattern thai resembles brickwork. — DOUBL stitehes is worked over forming staggering rows, four threads, BULLION KNOT Bring needle up at ¥ and go dawn. at 2 leaving ah op on lop of the canvas. Th between 1 and 2 is the lengih of the knot. Come up at 1 again, but donot pull needle through {o top of canvas, Wrap loop around needle several times, making first wrap close im canvas and re ing wraps very clase together (A), The number of wraps will depend on the distance between 1 and 2 and the amount of curve desired in the finished stitch. Hokl wraps in plice with nan-stitehing fingers and pull needle and yarn through wraps (B), holding wraps until they must be releases, Pull yarn until ‘wraps lie on eanvas, secure: knot by ping down at 2 (C). Use tip of needle to evenly distribute wraps if necessary: Several Bullion Knots ean he worked together to form flower petals or leaves ora Bullion Rose, eel eres een eereres eee ei es ‘ eeciseeres Peres ae sereeee ore reel PAA APERE LOL PEE OOS EEE RT eeceeee Perrone, eeereee eecreerrasad sencececd Pee hreee le ee Ler Poe PL Oe RRP P AP eR ETe Peele Meee pager chiar ees Cee eeeaele sare s PLPSLPSLLSS REDS eread PHL eege ee eee le roe BYZANTINE STITCH — BAS! A rigeag effect is created by the Byzantine Stiteh. It is composed of slanting stitehes worked in a diagonal pattern, The number of threads and intersections covered may vary REE CS RR REE INE STITCH — IRREGULAR stiches worked in a diagonal stairstep pattern, The number of threads and t % v- ay JACQUARD sTrTcH Slanted stitches worked over two intersections alternate with Tent Sitches to create this stitch. s stiteh pattern forms small, open TACED CHAIN STITCH ‘This pattern has a knitted look. The first row of loops is formed by weaving yarn under the str and through the canvas (A). Continue weaving under previous row of Loops and through canvas (B). Always work in direction of the arrows. ‘This loop stitch can be petals or leaves. Bring ne Insert needle in the same hole, leaving a loop on top of Bring needle up at 2 and through the loop. To secure loop, insert needle at 2 and gently pull yarn back through canvas LEAF STITCH — BASIC Composed of ni this stitch may be worked 1 horizontally. The length of the stitches may LEAK STITCH — DIAGONAL Work the eight straight Gobelin Stitch ina counterclockwise direction belore adding the long, slanted Gobetin Stich. The length of the stitches m LEVIATHAN STITCH — BASIC ‘This siteh is worked over four threads and is composed of four stitches, all Crossing atthe center, {VIATHAN STITCH — DOUBLE. ich is worked over four threads composed of eight stitches, all crossing at the center. LEVIATHAN STITCH — DOUBLE [ATION ch gets its diamond s\ replacing the fin al stitches of the Double Lev Stitch with five small Upright Cross Stitches, 7 MILANESE STITCH ‘The Milanese is a series of triangular. shaped stitches. The diagonal rows are worked side by side to fill in background areas. The dieection of the triangles alterasies with each rom. chee PObCe eer y eee ey ooo ooo o> REM ER ERE eee MOCK WHEAT STITCH This stitch is composed of six Gobel Stitches and looks similar to a bundle of wheat. All six stitches go down in the same center hole MOSAIC STITCH — BASIC This three-stitch pattern forms small squares, STITCH — ALTERNATING is made by working Mosaic Stitches in alternating directions, MOSAIC STTTCH — CROSSED This silich siaris with a Mosaic Stitch then adds a top stiteh that crosses the Mosaic Sitch stitch is worked in diagonal rows, ORIENTAL STITCH Diagonal rows of triangle. sitches, stitched in opposite diree in between the rows of triangles rows of Gobelin Stitches. OVERCAST STITCH — BASIC This silich covers the edge of the ‘cans oF joins pieces of Canvas. IL may be necessary {0 go through the sume hole more than once to gel even coverage on the edge, expecially at the conters. OVERCAST STITCH — ALTERNATT! This two-colored stitch covers of the cunvas or joins pieces of canvas With first color, work Overcast St every other hole. Then, wit f, Work Gvercast Stitehes in ily be necessary [0 ¢ hole more than ‘once to get even coverage on the exige, especially a the comers. SRS 80 te ce | | ches z oo t PARISIAN STITCH — BASIC poooooog This series of straight stitches worked fel vertical rows. farms a Ce AN STITCH — PADDED TIgll_l@!l @ LIL) his compased of one long i ssraight stitch covered with a series of siraight stitches worked in horizontal or vertical rows that form an interlocking pattern. 20 RAILROAD TRACKS STITCH Work horizontal stitches first, then complete pattern with vertical stitches RHODES STITCH — BASIC This square stitch looks similar to the Leviathan Stitch, Worked over any even number of threads, the sti worked in a clockwise direct hes are 1 RHODES STITCH — DIAMOND. This diamond-shaped stitch is worked counterclockwise over eight threads Thisstiteh may be worked in horizontal rows (AJ oF in an interlocking py (BD. RUODES STITCH — HEART A ree Work the stitches in a clockwise oa. direction to form ether the large (A) enh ‘small (B) variation of thi ich. eevee . reas ; + referer eeaee eee eee reer eevee Pe ere opener bovererercrrse reeks bere ee 2 bageee AW RHODES STITCH — OCTAGON This heavy stiteh is worked in a clockwise manner over a multiple of three threads. RHODES STITCH — STAR TOOT = - Follow the numbers 10 work the = FJ lei oo4 x Das side stitches unterclockwise Gite! IIL 5 ok jon. Work the Gross Stich at the if JV Al by en last i x eicl be ae I > f\ = ke pai ] OL Ss OOS WEN SOUL 53) OOOSieoo at ee DINE ari been RIBBED WHEEL STITCH Use a one-yard lengilt of yarn to work his stitch, This stitch is formed by first liching eight spokes into a central hole (A). Bring needle up near the central hole. Refer to A sind wrap yarn around each spoke once before going under the next spoke. Continue working in the same direction to completely cover each spake (B). Go dawn near a spoke end to finish. RICE STITCH This decorative stitch is formed by first working a large Cross Sitch ever four threads, then working a stitch aver each leg of the Cross Stitch, second color may be used for the stitch over each leg, ROMAN STITCH This stitch is a combination of straight stitches. ROSE STITCH Use a U/eyard length of yarn to work this stitch, Work five spokes inte the same central hole. Bring needle up in iral hole. Weave yarn over and pokes, Keeping hy Continue weaving until spokes are fully covered. Pull yarn slightly io “pull” rose, SCOTCH STITCH — BASIC This series of skunted stitches, worked over three or more threads, forms squares. SCOTCH STITCH — ALTERNATING In this variation of the Scotch Stitch, ihe stitches in cach square slant in the opposite direction from the stitches in SCOTCH STITCH — BOXED A border of Teat Stitches is worked around cach Scatch Stitch, ‘SCOTCH STITCH Scotch Stitch s¢ s squares of nine Tent Stitches to- form this pattern, SCOTCH STITCH — DOTTED In this pattern, the long center silich of seach square is replaced with three Tent Sitch, 23 = z eeeeerzezreee eRVPeeE weer PeReRe oe ee eee ee 24 SOOTCH STITCH — PATTERNED atten, Scotch Stitches alternate with straight Gobelin Suiehes to form a. checkerboard erm, Make sure work the Gobelin Stitches over the ends of the Scotch Stitches. ‘otch Stitch with a SEA SHELL STITCH ‘This lange stitch makes a nice border. It is composed of long, slanting Gobelin Stiches. Complete the stitches in A; then, add the stitches in B for cach individual Sea Shell Stitch SHEAR STTTCH This stitch is composed of three upright stitches drawn together im the middle by a horizontal tie-down stitch. Complete each stitch before going on tothe next ‘SHELL STITCH This h is composed of three upright stiches drawn together in the middle by a horizontal tie lown stitch Alier working all Shell Stitches, work ‘Straight stiches. SMOOTH SPIDER WER STITCH This decorative stitch is made by first 5 I spokes into a central hole, us Ieyard piece of yarn (A), Come up through a hole next to the central hole, Weave over two spokes and back under one spoke until all spokes ire covered (1) ‘STEM STTICH — BASIC The Stem Stitch is a series of shunted stitches worked vertically with each row changing direction STEM STITCH — VARIATION This variation is a series of slanted stitches worked vertically with each ectian. A row of worked between the row changing stitehes. 25 eeebeverce PPPOPIE DTI SERIF OP ED® ‘TURKEY LOOP STITCH ‘To work this locked-loap stitch, bring ‘eeedle up through hole and back down through same hole, formiag a loop oa op of the canvas. A locking stitch is then made across the thread directly below orto either side of the loop, VICTORIAN STEP STITCH ‘The patiern is a series of straight sitches which form siairstep design, WAFFLE STITCH This square stitch has a woven look and may be worked over any number of treads WOVEN PLAIT STITCH This stitch looks like the Square Herringhone Stitch but is worked in ‘diagonal rows. WOVEN STITCH g the Woven Suite, the ‘worked from lelt to right and the second row from right io left. 27 SAMPLE PROJECTS The projects on the next 10 pages feature many of the slitches from the Stitch Dictionary. By seeing how different stitebes cat be used together and seeing the role that color choice plays in the completed project. we hope you will be inspired to design your own plastic eanvas creations. Most of plastic canvas pieces are cut in standard sizes so that you may also use these pieces as templates for future projects. ‘TISSUE BOX COVER Size: dv! wx 51h x 40d 30 x 30 threads) outique tissue Supplies: Worsted weight or plastie canvas yarn in colors of your choice, one From outer to hect of 7 mesh plastic canvas, inner edge: try needle, Cross (over 2) 1. Follow charts to cut pieces. Stitch pieces Gross (over 1) sted or with sitches of your choice We've labeled each ype of stitch we used. Scotch 2, Join Sides along long edges; join Top to Sides. Cover bottom unworked edges, We used Overcast Sitch and Braided C Sitch to join our Tissue Box Cov ‘cover the bottom unworked edges. Railroad Tracks ‘Tent Herringbone - Crossed Tent pepeoes Sheat LULL eee Bate cees pep yy’ co: Gobelin ~ Padded ‘Tied Windmill with Tent Cross - Smyrna [3 Mock Wheat Horizontal Fly Mosaic — Alternating Instructions; DOORSTOP 1, Follow charts to- cut pieces. Stitch pieces as charted or with stitches of your choice, We've labeled each type of stitch brick and join Back, and Long Sides. tack, and Long Sides along long cages; join Zus e248 eet sac tHe AS Ez zg fs figE23 2 eae as 5 SE 8 ae Bg Si Ss ig 2d et =tes #3 3: se ges Ss gaa zee 22 Bee fc eai 325 Ses ge sEpet ue eieneg eeeees? aesaas : i q a a ot foe 4 = tress ate z SS esd & SHEEN ai tere: RASS SANS Fae erereee Scotch = Boxed. Scotch — Patterned Alicia Lace ‘Seoteh — Cheeked versed tS NS eas Atari i omaees Baas Coarerestete nt sa ices Weotatewneteaseeers Cae R= So ete OC ON Long Side (17 x $7 threads) (stitch 2) 30 eae 3 TEE o 2 * i BELLPULL SAMPLER Bellpull Sampler — Stitching Section #1 Size: vw X 240K paola Sampler is one plece of canvas, (sex x 151 threads). Cexcluding fringe) f Supplies: Worsted weig Cor paste Casas yi plastic canvas, #16 tapestry needle, 9 Jong pre-finished wooden dowel decorative ends, and craft Rhodes — fue. Star with Instructions; ‘Triangle 1, Cutone piece 43x 151 threads for Bellpuil. Beginning with : n #1, follow Herringbone — Crossed |. Shell (were: allpull Sem a 2. Follow chan to cut [4 Hanging Tabs. Stitch as Cross — | charted or with stitches af Upright {fe your choice, Use Overcast "Tent si Stitch to cover long, eee eters aes unworked edges of Hanging Barred Square cee with Gross. ng ag n shart edges of (over 2) anging Tabs to Bellpall ge. We iad Tent Sitch to j Hanging Tabs to the Bellpull Cross — Trim Fringe. ‘Tied Double | Byzamine oro Cross (over 1)» Cross (aver 2) ~ Cross (over 1) + ntinued on pg. 34. YERRNS Bellpull Sampler — Stitching Section #2 DO NOY RESTITCH SHADED AREA. Shaded area is repeated from Stitching Section #1. 2 ¥ 2 2 SeeEevese sez 2 y & & g = 2 222222252 32 at & & 3 z : e535 = q a 2 2 a 2 i ean 2 sé 2 = i = 1 2 g 8422 a7 z = g = z Speirs & ail 3 a 3 é 1 2 Baia : gs I a & eae & a3 4 2 3 i= g 2 a aos E E a & a: SAAN = = 22 DRS = 3 we SEES SEES & ON MOS Es aaa a 1 ge - gs Vay 2 62 s FrontBack (26 x 48 threads) (stitch 2) EYEGLASS CASE ize: 34'w x 7Y"h Worsted weight or plastic canvas yarn in colors sheet of 7 mesh plastic J craft glue of your choice, one 10%" x 13/ 416 tapestry needle, fel Overcast Herringbone ra Lace Cross ~ Irregular Long-Legged Woren Instructions: 1. Follow chart to cat pieces, slitch pieces as charted or with stitches of your choice, We've labeled each type of stitch weused 2. For lining, cut two pieces of felts ont and Back. Glue felt to wrong side of Front and Back. 3. Join Front to Back along unworked edges. We used Overcast Stitch to join our Eyeglass Case dy smaller if 23 ze uf Be Cpa eaten soe 2 8? < ae Fane 2 = us 5 Eo 2 2 COASTERS ine: 3/'w x 37h cach ‘Supplies: Worsted weight or plastic canvas yarn in colors of sour choice, one 10/2 x 131 c ‘canvas, and #16 tapestry needle, also need cork or felt and craft glue Instructions: _ Follow chars fo cut Coasters. Stitch as charted or with sltches of your choice, We've labeled each type of stich we used 2. Use desired color yarn to cover edges. We used Overcast cho over thee desired, cua piece of cork or felt slighty ich Coaster. Glue backing to wrong side of Coaster (26 x 26 threads) From outer edge to center: Gobelin ~ Straight Ali Lace ‘Smooth Spider Web Cross — Diagonal Upright ‘Tent and Tent — Reversed Hee Pee ee = Coaster 36 Coaster (26 x 26 threads) From | outer | edge to | center: itch ~ General From outer Cross (over 1) ‘Tent and -| Tent — Reversed Rhodes — STITCH SPECIFICS This dictionary includes our best efforts to illustrate the wide variety of sltches available fo you along with some hints for plastic canvas stitching, Use these stitches and our suggestions ta create your own designs. TYPES OF STITCHES General Coverage Stitches. cover large areas of canvas. T ‘Siiches are some of the typical general coverage stitches. Accent Stitehes. These stitches are used (o provide detail and decorations. They include such stitches #s French Kno Backstitches, and the more complex, Rhodes Stitches. Joining Stitches. These stitches, the mast popular being the ‘Overcast Stitch, are used to join pieces of canvas. COMPENSATING STITCHES When using many ofthe stitches in this dictionary, you should be aware that you may not always be able to hegin or complete the stitch patterns at ull edges of the cams. In that case, you rust also use small stitches ealled compensating stitches: wo fill im your canvas (black stitches shown in Fig. 1) Fig. 1 STITCH PLACEMEN This dictionary illustrates the stitches used in the typical horizontal, vertical, or diagonal manner and over a particular number of threads. When experimenting with your designs, don’t let your imagination be sifled by our sugges Be creative with stitch placement. Try changing the direction of the stitches or using mirror images to achieve your desired effect. You may also of threads covered by a stiteh to enhance PLASTIC CANVAS POINTERS SELECTING CANVAS Mesh Size. The main difference hetween types of plastic uma is the mesh size, Mesh size refers to the number of holes in one inch of canvas. Seven mesh is the most popular sive of camas used in projects. 5 mesh Tmesh = 10 mesh = 10 holes per inch 14 mesh = 14 holes per inch Canvas Colors. Most projects are stitched «an clear eanvas, bot carreas is also seailable in a wide range of colors. Try using:an open stitch pattern on colored canvas if you don’t \waat lo stitch the entire background, The calor of the canvas then becomes part af your design Canvas Pliability. Some canwas is firm and rigid while other canvas is mare soft und pliable. The type of canvas you will need is based om how the project will be used, Choose a finm canvas if your project nceds support ar a softer canvas when ltlle supports desired or for ease in bending. Amount of Canvas, When buying canvas, remember that several different manufacturers produce plastic canvas; therefore, there are often slight variations in canvas, Because of these variations, ry fo buy enough canvas for your entire project atthe ssume time and from the same manufacturer: As a general rife, i isalways better fo hay too mac canvass and use the leftovers for practice or small projects. SELECTING NEEDLES A blunt needle called a tapestry nocd is used for stitching on plastic canvas, Tapestry neelles ure sized by numbers; the higher the nurnber, the smaller the needle. Generally, the cartect size needle to use depends on the eanvas mesh size {see table belaw). You may wish to use a smaller needle depending on the yarn thickness or aurnber o strands of embroidery floss. SELECTING YARN ‘Colors. Color is the easiest way to personalize a project and make it truly unique. We have nol

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