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What Shall We Call Him? ....................................... "'

Editorial-A Divine Warning By The Prophet For the Nations .......

Prophet Makes Plea To‘ Nation ..................... .- ...........

The Voice Of The Prophet ................. g ...................

Religious Controversy .........................................

moc asrmi'cn
Savior Of Humanity ...........................................

What Is Islam? ............................................ .. . . '10

Caveat Bmptor .................. -".’*'.v.‘ ..... ...................... 11

Prophet Announces His Authority And Power ..................... 11

The PrOphet Has Spoken .............. .. .. . ..................... 12

Think This Ov’ergYou Moors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 18

Divine Warning . . . ............................................. 14

General Laws As Said Bv. The Prophet ................... - ...... 15

Prophet Sends Marriage Law To All Temples .............. . ...... 16

Moorish Costumes Ball ........................................ l6 '

The Industrious Acts Of The Moslems ........................... 17

' Moorish Leader's Historical Message To America ......................... 18

The name and symbols are covered by

4:) Copyright and 0 Registration
What Shall We Call Him?
So often our various journalists find ilization. Probably two hours in an up-
trouble in selecting the proper name for to-date library w0uld serve to relieve
the Moorish American. Some say “Neo the-strain on our men of letters. When
gro,” a_nother'will brand him “Race the occasion presents itself for -a title
Man." still another will call him “Afro- for these people. The matter' of the
American,” and then come “Colored,” various names given‘ to these twenty-two
“Dark American." "Coon." “Shine.” million pe0ple with all colors of every
“The Brethren," and your “Folks.” It race of the globe was an act of Euro-
is indeed a.hard matter to find some- pean psychology. They gave hun' a
thing suitable for the various occasions name. then defined it as something in-
where a title needs to he used. Is it ferior to theirs. “\Vhite." they defined
that these people have no proper as a color of purity; “Black.” they say.
name? Did they have a NatiOnal name represents everything of evil. The “No
when first brought to these shores in the gm." as they were called in this na-
early part of the Seventeenth Century." tion. have. no nation to which the}
lf so, what was it? Did not the laml might look with pride, Their history
from which they new forced have it starts with the.‘ close of the Civil War
name? It now appears a goon" idea or more properly with his being forced
for those whose duty it is to write {or to serve some one else. Thus he is sep-
the various journals to find out “hat arated from the illustrious history of
the National Name of the forefathers
of these people was. Also look inio the his forefathers who were the founders
history of the founders of civilization of the first civilization of the Old
and see who they were and it here they World. This matter should be looked
stood in the building of the. present'civ- into with a hope of‘correcting it.


A Divine Warning By. The Prophet";

For The Nations
The citizens of all free. national gov- any group of people to violate the na~
ernments according to their national tional constitutional laws of a free na.
constitution are all of one family hear tional government and cling to the
ing one free national name. Those who names and the principles that delude
fail to recognize the free national name to slavery. .
of their constitutional government are l, the Prephet. was prepared by the
classed as undesirables. and are subject. - Great God Allah to warn my people to
to all inferior names and abuses and repent from their sinful ways and go
nustreatments that the citizens care to back to that state of' mind to their fore.
bestow upon them. And it is a sin for fathers’ Divine and national principles
i that they be law-abiders and {Lu Freedom. and Justice. supporting our
ceive their divine right as citizens, ac- free national constitution of the
cording to the free national constitution United States of America. ‘
that was prepared for all free national I love my people and I desire their
beings. They are to claim their own unity and mine back to their onn l'rcc
free national name and- religion. There National and Divine standard because
~ is but one issue for them‘ to be recog- day by day they have been violating the
nized by- this government and of the national and constitutional laws of their
earth and it comes only through the government by claiminh-r names aml
connection of. the Moorish Divine Na.- principles that are unconstitutional. ll'
tional Movement. which is incorporated ltalians, Creeks, English, Chinese. Jup-
in this government and recognized by anese, Turks. and Arabians are forced
all other nations of the world. And to proclaim their free national name
through it they. and their children can and religion before the constitutioal
receive their Divine rights. unmolested government of the United States of
by other citizens that they can cast a America, it is no more than right that '
free national ballot at the polls under the law should be enforced upon all
the free national constitution of the other American citizens alike. In all
States Government and not under a other governments when :1 man is born
granted privilege as has been. the ex- and raised there and asked for his
isting condition for many generations. national descent name and if he fails
You .who doubt whether J, the to give it. he is misused. imprisoned.
Prophet, and my'principles are right orexiled. Any group of people that
for the redemption of my people,-go to . fail to ansner up to the constitutional
those that know law, in the City Hall standards of law by name. and prin-
and among the officials in your govern- ciples. because to he a citizen of any
ment and ask them under an m‘telligent government you must claim your na-
tone, and they will be glad to render tional descent name. Because they
you a Favorable reply, for they are glad place their trust upon issue and names
to see me bring you out of darkness formed by their forefathers.
into light. Money doesn't make the man. The word Negro deludes in the Latin
it is free national standards and power language to the word nigger: the same
that makes a man and a nation. The as the word “colored” delude's to any-
wealth of all national governments. thing that is painted. varnished and
gold and silver and commerce belong dyed. And every nation must bear a
to the citizens alone and without your national descent name of their forc-
national citizenship by name and prin- fathers. because honoring thy fathers
' ciples. you have no true wealth. and I and thy mothers, your days will be
am hereby calling on all true citizens lengthened upon this earth. These
that stand for a National Free Govern- names have never been recocanized by
ment. and the enforcement of the con- any true American citizens of this day.
stitutro'n to help me in .my great mis- Through your free national name you
sionary work because I need all sup- are known and recOgnizecl by‘ all na-
port from all true American citizens tions of the earth that are recognized
of the United States of America. Help by said national government in which
me to save-my peOple who have fallen they live. The 14th and 15th Amend-
from the constitutional laws of the ments brought the North and South in
government. I 'am depending on your unit, placing the-s Southerners who Were
support to get them back to the con- at that time without power, withthe
stitutional fold again that they will constitutional body of power. And at
learn to love in'stcad of hate. and will that time. 1865, the free national con-
live according to Love, Truth, Peace, stitutional law that was enforced since
1774. declared all men equal and free. thers, and learn to stop serving carnal
and if all men are declared by" the free customs and merely ideas of man, that
national constitution to be free and have never done them any good. .lmt
equal since [ital constitution has never have alnays harmed them.
lust-n changed. there is no need {or the 50, l. the l’rOphet, am hereby calling
application of the llth tnnl 15th A- aloud with a Divine plea to all true
mentlt-nts I'Or the salttttihn of our "Wu. American citizens to help me to remove-
pln and citizens. this great sin “hit-h has- lie-en tommit.
Sn, there isn't lmt one snprenn: in‘~.uc’. ted antl'is luring practiced in. my peo-
for my people to use to redeem that ple in the United States of America.
uliich was lost, and that is thrlnngh the hecausetln-y know it is not thetrne and
above statements. Then the lion and Divine ha) and- uithout understanding
the lamb can lie (lonn together in )on- they have fallen from the true light in-
(ler hills. And'neithcr will be harmed, to utter darkness of sin, and there is
lrecause Low. Truth. l’eace. Freedom not a nation un'earth today that will
and Justice “ill be reigning in this recognize them socially. religiously.
land. in those days the United States politicall} or economicall}. etc. in
“ill .be one of the greatest civilized and their present condiIiOn of their endear-
prosperous governments of the uorltl. urment in uhich they themselves tr) to
hut if the above principlcw are not car- force upon a civilized world. the)
ried out by the. citizens and in} neopla- hill not it'lrain l-TOIN their sinful uays
in this government. the worst i.- yet to of action and their deeds have brought
come. because the Great le of the iim-crnuism. segregation and every-
Universe is not pleased “ill: the nan-ks thing that brings harm to human beings.
that are being performed in Z‘int'llt ntl earth. And. they fought the South-
America by my PPOIDIP and this great erner for all these great misuses. but I
sin. must be removed from the laml to have travelled in the South and have
save it from enormous earthquaLPs. dis- examined conditions there, and it IS
eases, etc. the harks of my I'J'eople continuohsly
practicing the things uhich bring dis-
And i. the Prophet. do lit-reln. lie- honor. disgrac'e. and disrespect to any
lieve that this administration of the nation that lives the life. And I am
government being more uisely prepar- herein" calling- on all true American
ed by more genius citizens that lielieve
citizens for moral support and finance
in their free national constitution and to help me in my great missionary Work
laws and through the help of such to bring my people out of darkness in-
classes of citi_zens. l. the Prophet. trulv to marvelous iight.
believe that my people will find the
true and Divine wa) {iii their fort-ia- .__FROM THE PROPHET.

Prophet Makes Plea To Nation

Our Divine and National l’iurement 'l’ere'tl much and severely in the past
stands for the specific grand principles through misunderstanding of what the
0f LOVE, Truth. Peace- Freedom. and movement was dedicated to.
Justice. and l. the Proplxet.‘am apply. It is. the Great God Allah._ alone that
ing to all loyal. faithful Moors. men).- guides the destiny of this Divine and
bers, and the American citizens to help National Movement; I know all true
me in my great 'uplifting acts of up.- American citizens are identified by na-
lilting fallen. humanity among the tional descent names toanswer and
Asiatic race and nation. {or I have suf~ apply'to the free national constitution
\. \

of this' free National Republic of the flag of your forefathers, there is not a
United States of America. That's why national divine title of the government
I am calling on all. true national citi- in which we live.
zens to help me morally and financially This is iromyour true and Divine
in my great work I am doing to help Prophet unto, all American and foreign
this national government. For without sympathizers. -
a iree national name, with a descent PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALl

The Voice Of The Prophet

If you have race pride and love your men to Uplift the nation and take your
race, join the Moorish Science Temple place in the affairs of men.
of Amene'a and become a part of this lf the Europeans and other nations
' Divine Movement. then you will have are helping .me. why. not you. ll is
power to redeem your race because you your problem. The Negro problem is
will know who you are. and your fore- being solved only as it can, and that is
fathers were. _Because where there is by the. Moorish Natiou'va.‘ Divine Move-
unity there is strength. “Together We ment. li you have a nation you must
stand, divided we fall." ‘ have a-free national name in order to
Come, good people, because l, the be recognized by this nation as an
Prophet, sent to redeem this nation American citizen. This is what was
from mental slavery which you have meant when it said, “Seek ye first the
kingdom of Heaven and all these things
now, need every one of you who think
would he added unto you."
that yOur condition can be better. This"
is a field open to strong men and wo- BY THE PROPHET.

Religious Controversy
' In this. age there is still much relig- a different direction, so have they done
ious controversy as to the right thing. with the truth that is supposed to have
come from the East.
Big and powerful ministers have
come to the conclusion that something There are but few people who know
is wrong. Some .say it is the Ten - what the truth is about man. and that
Commandments, others say there is a few know that it is foolish to try to
lack of sincerity in the purpose of- the impart it to the ignorant. Although
churches; still others think it is all the ignorant has finished college. he is
worthless and not fit. for} the time it a fool fight on, being trained to jump '
talce's to attend them. However or what- through a hoop. The longer he stays
ever their final decision might be, it is in the schools. the better he can jump.
certain they will make. a change Or and the more vivid will he defend his
rather try to make One. jumping.

The fact of the matter is that they From the East comes all light, but
have always had only a reflection of though the sun is hanging at high noon;
the truth and not the real thing. Like the blind cannot see. The same is the
one who holds up to the sun a mirror Islamic Creed from the East was
and casts a few of its diverted rays in brought to the Asiatics of America by

the Prophet, NOBLE DREW ALT. and Jesus, Mohammed, Confucius. and all
. offered to those who were sick at heart, Of the other prophets, which remedy
tried for many years, yet they ye blind is truth. i
and cannot see the light, Nor is the
The nations do not want the truth;
Prophet trying to put new wine in old’ it istoo stern, but until they accept it
skins, for he knows that it will burst and find out where it is, there'will con-
them. Still he has the only remedy for tinue to be religious controversy.
the nations. The remedy brought by

Savior Of. Humanity

In this electrified age men are racing rock of salvation. There are some who
into this life without complete lcnowl» claim to do this but upon m'vestigation.
edge of where they are going. or what one finds that they have slouched uno
the end will be. whenlriches seem to be der the wings of their cross to extract
their only pursuit. to be obtained any- from those who come to them, means
way and at any cost; when selfishness. by which they can have the pleasures
avarice. greed and lust dominate their of this life; while they point their fol-
very heing;- when humanity in general lowers to joy after death.’ While they
is left at the mercy of those who have “feed their sheep” they also shear them
no mercy in them. It is truly wonder- while eating. At the close of their day
ful and astounding to see one come the Master will be heard to‘ tell them."
into this mad human drama ‘for the sole "You have your' 'r'eward, get thee
purpose of saving humanity. Losing hence.”
all sight on those things worldly and.
yielding absolutely to a cause higher Rare is it that you find a‘ real prophet
than has ever yet been attained. This Whose mission is the salvation of the
picture is the likeness of Prophet nations. The land is full of false
Noble ‘Drew Ali. who serving hu‘
manity. ‘\\
prophets whose mission is'to fleece the

Coming as he does with a message

for the nations 'in somewhat the same The time_was and‘ now is that there
manner as did Jesus. Mohammed. Bud. should come into the land a prophet
dha. Confucius and other-prophets of in the likeness of his brothers, to re-
their day. Only the things of this
deem them from 'sin and slavery. Truly
prophet’s day dilier from the ills of
this Prophet Noble Drew Ali is the
the days of the past: and yet the
man, bringing with him the message of
remedy for the ills of today is about
Love. Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Jus.
the same as the remedies for the davs
tice. which alone‘can save the nations.
past; all turning about the pivot Love
Like the coming of Jesus, .he does not
“love for humanity.
come from the elect, nor the rich, nor
Humanity must he lifted from the the mighty in worldly power. but all
unwholesome depths of poverty. misen' power is given unto him to do good.
and suffering and placed on the solid This power is from Allah.
lt will-he his work-s that will make come. it will he through his uurL that
men of every nation accept the truth humanity will he l-rought from lln-
that he brings. it will be through his slime of life and placed mt lhv'sulid
teachings that the nations of the earth rock of glvation.
will nnderstand the will ol‘ the Master;
it will be through him that “Peace on
earth and good will to all men" shall

What ‘15 Islam?

lslam is a very simple faith. It re- The cardinal doctrine of. lslauil is Iln-
quires ‘man to recOgnize his duties to- unity of the Father—ALLAH. We .lw-
uard Cod Allah. his. Creator and his liere in one God. Allah “ho is All
fellow creatures. it teaches. the su- God. All Blue): and All l’oner. He is
preme duty of living' at peace with perfect and holy. All Wisdom. All
one's surroundings. It is [.rreeminently Knowledge, and All Truth. These are
the religion of peace. The very name. some of His great :utrihntcs so .far as
Islam. means peace. The goal -of a we can understand.
man‘s life, according to Islam. is peacr .
\.-ith everything. Peace. with Allah and He is free from all defects. holy and
peace \ut'h man. transcendent. He is personal to its in
so far as we see His attrihntes working-
The Koran. the Holy 800k of. Islam.‘ for us'and in us: but He is. neverthe-
tells us that the final abode of man is
less, impersonal. Because He is infinite.
the “House of Peace." ‘where’ no vain
word or sinful discourse will be heard. perfect. and Holy. we (lo not helimc
The Holy Divine Prophet. Noble Drew that death. decay. or sleep overtake
Ali. says that a foll'm'er of Islam' in Him. neither do we. helieve that He is
the true sense of the word is one whose. a helplessly inactive and int-rt fttrr't'.
hands. tongue. and thoughts do tmt
Nothing happens u‘itlm'ut his kilnhlfi‘lr'}?
hurt others.
and will. Hr- m-ither ltPgt‘l“ tmr is He
Object of man's life. according to hep-lotten. hecunse these are the traits of
Islam. 15 its complete unfoldmmtf frail and weak humanity.
lslam teaches that man is, born with
_ unlimited capacities for Drogress. ls- This unity of Allah is the first and
'la'm does not support, the idea that man foremost pillar of ‘lslam and every
was horn in sin. '1! teacheslthat'eve’n’ other belief hangs tipon it.
one has within him the seed of perfect
development and in rests solely with
himself to make or mar his fortune.

Caveat Emptor
Hours are men. upright. independent here in America. All of the Moors are
and fearless who care for their loved active not passive. A member's in-
mum and follow the Prophet to a des- terest can only he in one direction and
lin} which is not uncertain nor un- having traveled over the road years
knuun. They are fortified by the im- before the Proyihet knows where every
pregnahle doctrine built up0n Love. member is along the rmd.
Truth. Peace. Freedom and Justice. lt
i~_ therefore. folly at its greatest height A few feet below is another road
fur .~tttt°ll\_' culprits with their insidious where schemers w. ‘-
where trailers

plans to invade such realm. grin. and culprits bask in the sun.
They think they are on the same road
They try and try hut their own had with true Moors. but the Moors are
planninHu hrings down wrath upon their high above on a pinnacle where they
heads like the sword old Damocles had. might view the destructionists as they
intrigue and scurrilous cunnings find fall for the last time and their .hones
.1 diilicult path to travel within the hleach in the sultry midday sun.
ranks of the Mocrs. This is so because
the Moorish Movement has heen well
Hungry scavenger: flying high. catch-
planned l»_\' l’ruphet Noble Drew Ali.
\\ hose latent p0\\t’l’s are ahunoant. nu- scent. devour and leave cr.\ing out:
knoun and may he called into action. Caveat Empwr —— cast out‘the dead
:t< a_ matter of defense. at any moment. carcass. The lMoors high ahove see
these plotters. purveyors. the worst that
Prophet Nollie Drew Ali knows the exist. hurl themselves downward by
people within his ranks who are intero
their own works as the hawks wait.
ested. Thev are vanguard of the Move-
ment as the Moorish hordes increase

Prophet Announces His Authority And Power

Forced to make changes. All Gov- Ali and those whom he appoints to
rruurs and other officers of the Moor- _act as in the'Spprcme Body. The
ish Science Temple are hereby con- Prophet has the authority and power
gratulated for their past loyalty and to expel any officer or m-mher of the
tidelity. for I know it will be the same Moorish Science Temple vi A‘mertca
in the future. Because 01 certain inci- who wilfully violates or refuses to
th-nts that have risen in some of the. comply with the rules in regard to
'l'emples which seem to come from the hranch Moorish Science Temple. and
I'm-t that there are those' who do not such suspensions and expulsions shall
hum where the seal of power is vest— stand until in the judgment of the
nl lht‘ l’rulilnct has ordered the ful- Prophet. the members and ollicers shall
lmtin; tn ltc pulslished: have made satisfactory atonement. All
ulhcers and members of the Moorish
\ll :mthm'iti‘ and power of the Science Temple of America and any
\lunri~h Science Temple of Amertca such rules and regulations of the con.
.1 w~tnl in thc Pruphct antle Drew stitution shall he in writing and not at
variance with any law of the city, required of each and every officer or
town or nation which the Prophet shall member of the organization.
declare a law.
The Prophet will pasitively not tol-
During this session of the conveno erate any interference with the oper-
lion, all rules, regulations and laws of ation of this National Divine Move-
the constitution and such as might be ment- from any one.
enacted and ordered by the Prophet. By the Prophet,
shall express and explain in detail, so
there can be no doubt as to what is NOBLE DREW ALI.

The Prophet Has Spoken

All Governors and Grand Sheiks and Shell: or whosoever in charge without
head ollieials that guide any body of the consultation of l. the Prophet. All
Moors of any Temple of the Moorish uplifting funds, books, are to be is-
Science Temple of America:
sued only through I. the Prophet, be-
He or she must be of good moral cause that money is to finance the
standard and a heart of love and their Moorish Movement.
works must be of Love. Truth,. Peace...
Freedomand Justice. They are to imi- The head of any Temple can matu-
tate the Prephet in speech and teaching tain an emergency fund which cannot
in any said Temple. Trey must not be exceed the amount of from 25 cents
under the influence of intoxicating li-
to 50 cents a week per member. All
quors or any other harmful motive that
will terminate to become detrimental nublic collections and dues also to the
to the organization. It must not be supporting of each said Temple and
known that any leader is staying its domestic work.
away From home or neglecting his
duty at home or must allow the pub. No finance books are to be served
lie to know of their wrong doings. in any Temple except by the Prephctl
They must forever live the life of
The head of every Temple must by
Love _at home and it must .be known,
by all the members. They must no: law obey the. word of the Prophet. and
speak rash words nor any profane if any leader or head of any Temple
language in the mildest form to any fails to obey these laws —- embezzle-
other individual because a leader ment is his charge, and is subject to
without influence of good works can-
enforcement of the law by the Grand
not be a leader, and to be a real
Body. And the pe'nalty may be a fine
Moorish leader you must_ study the
Koran and the Divine Constitution or a removal from office. or placed
is handed down unto you by I. the under a ve_rv heavy restriction of the
Prophet. law.

No finance b'uain'eas” is to be opened Supreme Words of the Prophet,

with anygroup of members of any
Temple by the Go'vemor or Grand- NOBLE DREW ALl.

Think This Over, You Moors
All Sheiks, Grand Sheiks must pre- The Emergency Fund is iss‘ued by no
pare for the Prophet before he comes book, .but by an emergency card
to visit them. Must see to it «that all punched according to contribution,
is clean and in pcrfehtion as far as then marked on book; that is the law,
comfort is possible, or. otherwise don't and the law must live. The govern-
arrange to have his presence. All mem- ment is behind me, and I must get be.
bers shouldpay from 25 cents to 30' hind you. For I must uphold and en-
cents weekly towardS'the Emergency force the law, my mission is to save
Fund. - This fund will increase so that you Moors.
it will soon amOunt to the grand sum
of $1,000. That is, if you are loyal The heads of all Temples, Grand
Moors. The Emergency Fund goes in- Sheiks, Grand Sheikess must confirm to
to the bank. The treasurer will tend the Divine principles: Love, Truth.
to the responsibility of seeing that the Peace, Freedom, and Justice. They must
money- is in the bank. yes. and under live the life among the 'members and
the name of' the Moorish Science Tem- be loved even as the Prophet is loved.
ple of America Finance. When need- They must not practice the principle
ed, act according to the law pertain- of segregation among any group in his
ing to the procedure of performing or her Temple. Let it be he or she that
an Emergency Act. is head of any. Temple of the Moorish
Science Temple of America that if
No head of any said Temple is to there should come any grievance that
borrow from any member more than cannot be settled by the head, notify
five to ten dollars unless by notifica- the Prophet at once.
tion of the Prophet, the necessity for
the loan. rWhen any. said Tem-ple de~ No member is to attendAdept Chem.
sires to purchase property they must, her that has not lived a moral and clean
firstfnotify the Grand Body or the life, and has not paid his or her’ducs
Prophet and it must be purchased un- or assessments, providing that he or she
der the name of the Moorish Science is working or able, cannot consider
Temple of America or Noble Drew himself a Moor. But traitors must. be
Ali. An individual name should never excluded from the books after having
be applied. 1. Noble Drew Ali. am fair trial by the head of their Temple,
responsible for? all finance, so there- and that must be sent into the Grand
fore let I, the Prophet, know what is Body. And all members that ‘arye’ able
on me. to, subscribe towards the Uplifting fund
because it takes finance to uplift a na~
Some of you have slipped and slip- lion. And those that are abie and fail
ped drastically, so you had better lace
to act, are not Moors, but traitors to
up your shoes before I get there. Every-
thing, every business transaction or their cause and trust and their nation;
anything pertaining to finance is to be and are not allowed to share allzthe’d
transacted in the name of the Moorish Moorish honors. And the penalty is—-
Science Temple of America, or Noble it is embezzlement of the faith of our
Drew Ali. We Moors must maintain creed. All heads of all Temples must
a grand treasurer, just as in the days. observe these laws.
of our forefathers; then you are a
nation-—-until then, you are nothing. By rm: PROPHET.
Divine Warnintgr By The Prophet
Noble Drew Ali
Prophet lr'umx .411 Mus/mm —- Cor-prams Ordered Tn Rrud

l’rorlamation At [fur/r Meeting

ll, hereby inform all members that l’rophct. If they lose confidence in
they must end all radical agitating their Prophet. they should turn in
speeches while at work in their homes their card and button. cease nearing
or on the streets. We are {or peace
their turban and fez and return to the
and not destruction.
state u here I. the Prophet. found yo".
Stop flashing your cards at Euro-
peans; it causes confusion. Remember This is a holy and divine movement
your card is for your salvation. founded by the Prophet Nollie Drew
Ali. and if the. Prophet is not right.
Failure to obey these orden. uill In: Ihe templeis~ not righl.
of severe consequence.
The Prophet. therefore. is >ending
We are for Love, Truth. Peace. Free-
out the divin ,ulea to all Moorish
dom and Justice. and when these prin-
Americans that they do their part in
ciples are violated. justice must then
take its course. protecting their Prophet and the Tem-
Any member or group of members
who hold malicious feelings toward. the This is an everlasting movement
temple or the Prophet. or violate the founded by the Prophet through the
divine covenant of the Moorish More will of Allah to redeem his pe0ple
ment will receive their reward from from‘their sinful trays.
Allah {or their unjust deeds.
By Order of-
All true Moors will and must obey
the law as laid' down to them by their PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI.

General Laws As Said By The l’mplust
Tuesday, October 17, 1928

Every Temple and head is to func- world. The button is 25 cents, (-nnl
tion by words, deeds, and actions. imi- 25 cents; and one month's does is paid.
tating the Prophet ~- especially when Every member pays 50 cents a month
leaching a group of Moors. any group for dues. This money goes tounrds llu'
of Moors. These are the Cem‘~rul support of the Temple. This. if not
Laws; the Supreme in“:~ “ill ho hund- paid. does not entitle you to the protec-
ed you later. The heads of all Tem- tion that is provided for you. and ospr-
ples are to suhmit a report monthiy ' cially il'you are not working or in the
of all finance. The heads of oil Tem- position to work. li you neglect to lul.
ples are to refrain from all uralhiul fill this small duty assigned \nu. hon
words, profanity~ in the mildest form can you rightfully expect money or
from all the members of his or her other help when you are sick or other-
Temple. They must live the life of wise disable? '
Love, Truth. Peace. Freedom. and Jus-
tice, and refrain from all alcoholit' And to be a real Moorish leader you
liquors or any other harmful possi- must study the Koran and the Divine
bility that “ill terminate lo destru}
PeaCe. or any other of the Divine Prin- constitution that is handed doun unto
ciples. They are not to contribute to you by l, the Prophet.
anything that will cause the public to
disagree with him or her. And for one The head of any Temple can main-
to lead a group of Moors. you must tain 3K emergency fund which can not
keep your house clean —— clean with exceed the amount of from twenty-five
good deeds. kind words—your wives. cents to fifty cents a week per mmnher.
brothers must hear good words. kind All public collections and does also go
words; and must know of your good to the support of the Temple and its
deeds. if there are children you must domestic; work. The head of every Tern-
see to their support. Follow lhis Di- ple_must. by. lawhobeythe word of the
\‘ine Principle. for if you don’t restrict Prophet. and if any head leader or head
to thts' Divine Principle then you are of any Temple fails to obey these laws
~embezzlen1ent is his charge and is
n‘ot a‘true Moor._ and the heads are not
mbject to enforcement. of the law by
to chafrge for membership. or to over- Grand Body; and the penalty may be a
charge for cards. buttons or for an}- fine or removal from olficc, or placed
thing' issued by the Prophet. Those- under a very heavy restriction of the
who contribute to either of, the pre- law.
ceding are not Moors hut robbers.
Supreme Words of the Prophet.
Membership, sisters and brothers. .is
free; not only. here but all over the NOBLE DREW ALI.

. Prophet Sends Marriage Law T-o-All-Temples
All marriage ceremonies of. members vine laws and covenant and the lane.
of the Moorish Science Temple of ol‘ the land. -This must be proclaimed
America must be performed by an or-
and made known to every temple so
dained minister and the head of the
temple. that there will he no. misunderstand-
ing. There will be'no misunderstand-
And any man desiring to take unto ing about I. the Prophet. and my
himself a wife and receive our Moor- teachings because Allah alone binds
ish rites, he must go to the City Hall two hearts together as a unit. These
and receive his license to be register-
are the marriage ohligations and in-
ed in that city. county, and state. It
structions. for man and'u'ile.
then must .be turned over in the hands
of the aforesaid ordained minister and
head of a temple after it has been Chapter 22 from our Koran is to be
properly signed by city officials. The read first to the husband and chapter
price thereby for such administerin;r 21 is to be read .seco'ndly to the wife.
to man and wife will be five dollars. These are the instructions of marriage
For all those who have their papers
and desire" our Moorish marriage cer- from our Holy Koran. Please obey the
emony. it is three dollars. law as given \vou by your Prophet
through your Governor.
We Moors cannot marry no one but
we obligate you, according to our (li- PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI.

Moorish Costumes ‘Ball

50 enthusiastic was the reception of in obtaining through certain Asiatic
the costumes worn by the Moorish costume dealers, all the costumes we
Americans dunn'g their parade that the wanted. '
members of the Moorish science Tam:
ple‘ have decid"ed to have at ‘difi‘erent The Moorish Costume Ball will be
ttm'es what they will call a Moroccan among the first of such given. where
Costume Ball. This' affair will be had an idea is put forth that has to do
shortly af'ter' the holrd'ays, about New with the origin of the millions of peo-
Year’s Eve. The Prophet consented ple in this country, who can trace
that this could-helm- the entertain- their ancestors back to the illustrious
ment of the members. Other groups founders of civilization. It will re-
of people in the city have been using mind the descendantsof these people
the dress of our forefathers and imi-
tating them all but the olive hue they of the time when their forefathers were
cannot get. the main people to spread the .-m05t
progressive ideas of civilization. In
During the Moorish convention more fact they saved civilization many
than fifteen hundred Moroccan cos- times.
tumes were rented to Europeans who
had seen the program and knew the When more barbaric tn'bes from the
Moors were to have a costume parade. North were ravishing all countries,
But, nevertheless,- we were successful they were permitted to enter. It was
the forefathers of the Moorish Ameri- libraries was a fad for despotic.
soldiers. ~
cansand their near kin that saved the
This costume ball will he much
historic records that were threatened looked for and appreciated.
during- the days. when the burning of BY THE PROPHET.

The Industrious Acts Of The Moslems

The fndustrt'ous Jit'ls of (/u- Mosh-mt. 0/ Northwest and Soul/tum: A/ricu

These are the h‘loaln'tes. Hantathites. geniously simple.‘ The walls in their
L'anaanitcs who “CFC driven out of the naked state “CFC divided off by lines
iand of Canaan hy Joshua. and in:- crossing at right angles. such as artists
ceivcd permission of the Pharaohs of use in copying a picture. Over these
Egypt to settle in that portion of Egypt. were drawn a succession of interesting
In later years: the} formed themseltm regiments of circles. By the aid of
kingdoms. These kingdoms are cali- these the artists could uork “ith cel-
_etl this day Morocco. Algiers. Tunis. erity and certainty and from the mere
Tripoli. etc. The} originated the henn- intersection of their plain and curved
lies of the Alhambra and to an un- lines arose the interminahle variety of
practiced eye the light relhes and patterns.. and the general uniformity
fanciful arabesq‘ues \xhich rover the of their. character. Much gildingl was
nalls of the Alhambra appear to haxe used in the stucco work. especially of
been sculptured by the hand. With a the cupolas. and the interstices were
minute and patient labor. and inex- delicately penciled with brilliant col-
haustible variety of detail. \.et a .g-en'~ ors. such as vermilion and lapis lazuli
eral uniformity and harmony of de~ laid on with the whites of eggs.
sign truly astonishing. And this may
especially he said of. the. vaults. and The primitive colors alone were us-
t-npolas which are '.-.'rought like honey- ed. says Ford. by the Egyptians.
comb: or frost work. with stalactites. Greeks. and Arabs. in the early period
and pendants which confound the lie- of art. and they prevail in the Alham-
holder with the seeming intricacy. of bra wherever the artist has been
their‘ patterns. The astonishment ceas- Arabic or Moorish. It is remarkable
es. however, when it is discovered that how much of their original brilliancy
this is all‘stucco w'ork. plates of plas- remainsaiter the lapse of several cen-
ter of‘ paris cast in moulds and skill-
turies. The lower part of the walls
fully joined so as to form patterns of
in the saloons to the height of several
every size and form. This mode of
feet is encrusted with glazed tiles. join-
disappearing walls with arabesques
and stuccoing the vaults with grotto «d like. the plates ol‘ stucco work so as
work was invented in Damascus but to farm various patterns. On some
highly improved by the Moors in M0- of these are emblazoned the cscutch-
rocco to whom Saracenic architecture eons of the Moslcm Kings traversed
owes its most graceful and fanciful uith a hand and motto. These glaz-
details. The process hr 'u'hich all this rrl tiles. Azzulijas in Spanish. Azzuli-
fairy tra'cery was produced I‘ll" in- ia in Arahic arc of Oriental origin.

Their coolness, cleanliness and free- lhere‘ upwards of eight centuries..Man-

dom from vermin render them admir- ul'actu'res of them still exist in the
ably fitted in sultry climates for pav- Peninsula and they are much used in
ing halls. and fountains. Encrusting the Spanish houses. especially in the
bathing rooms and lining the walls of southern provinces for paving and lin-
chambers. Ford is inclin‘ ed to give them ing the summer apartments. The Span-
great antiquity. From their prevail- iards introduced them into the Neth-
ing colors, sapphire and .blue, he de- erlands when they had possession 0!
duces that they may have formed the that country. The people‘of. Holland
liincl of pavements alluded to in the
adopted them with avidity as wonder-
. Sacred Scriptures. "There was under
his feet as it were a paved work of sap- fully suited to their passion {or house-
phire stone,” Exod. xxiv-IO and again. hold cleanliness. And thus these
"Behold I will lay thy stones with the Oriental inventions, the Azzulijas of
fairy’ colors and lay their foundations the Spaniards, the Azzulija \{ the
'with aapphires.”~—Isa. IV-Il. These Arabs, have come to be commonly
glazed or porcelain tiles were intro- known as Dutch tiles.
duced' into Spain at an early date by By PROFESSOR DREW,
the Mo_slems. Some are to be seen
among the Moorish ruins have been 'The Egyptian Adept.

Moorish Leader’s Historical

‘Mcssage To America
In connection with the aims, objects, statement will help more clean
rules and regulations of the Moorish ly see the duty and wisdom of at all
Science Temple of America. I deem it times upholding those fundamental
proper to submit to you a hrief state- principles which are desired for our
ment of our organization. covering 1:; civilization of our posterity, such as
inception, rise and progress and of the obedience- to law. respect and loyalty
Mohammedan religion. which i hepe to government. tolerance. and unity.
will be satisfactory to you and be. the
We organized as the Moorish Temple
means of causing you at all times to of Science in the year of 1925, and
adhere to 'the principles of Love. Truth. were legally incorporated as a civic or-
Peace. Freedom, and lustiCe in- your ganization under the laws of the State
relations with mankind in general. i of Illinois: November 29th- 1926. The
further. most anxiously hope this brief name Moorish Temple of Science was

changed to the Moorish Science Temple insula, where the streams of commerce
of America, May 1928. in accordance and culture met and mingled in the
with the legal requirements of the Sec- middle ages, where the markets of ex-
retary of the State of Illinois. change were stationed for treasures of
India and the products of the Mediter-
The object o‘f'our Organization is to ranean coasts- There. this religion was
help in the great program of uplifting established in the unprecedented short
fallen humanity and teach those things period of twenty years. and unlike
necessary to make our members better many other religions. without the aid
citizens. of any royal patronage and support.
Buddhism had its Asoka: Judaism its
A National organization with a rotar- Joshua: Christianity its Constantine;
ian complexion as it relates to branch hut Mohammedanism had no perso.n of
rTemples became obvious with the in- royal rank and power to assist in ms
creasing number of inquiries from men establishment and spread.
and women in different sections of the
country concerning the purpose of the Today this religion is acknowledged
organization. There are branch Tem- by nearly two hundred and fifty mil-
ples in fifteen (15) dilTerent states at lion souls and extends over an area
this the. equal to one-third of the globe. From
Arabia it spread eastward over Persia.
Since the work of the Moorish‘ Sci- Turkestan. Afghanistan: w estw a rd
ence Temple of America was largely across Svria. Asia Minor. Turkey;
religious, the organization has been leg- southward to Africa. covering more
ally changed to a religious corporation than hali‘ of that continent. -lt found
and an affidavit to this effect has been its way to India. and beyond. to the
properly filed in the Cook County He Islands of Sumatra. lava. and Borne-.0.
curder s olhce «:f Illinois.
To the early representatives of this
Inspired by the lofty teachings of the faith the world's debt is incalculahly
Koran, we have it as the revoaled word great. For it was they who transmitted
of God Allah. W'e shall. foster the the treasures of Greek literature from
principles’ol' its teachings among our the middle ages to the Renaissance:
members- This is our religious privi- they who originated the graceful forms
loge as American citizens. under the of which the Tajrnahal and the Alham-
laws of one of the greatest documents lira are the most famous examples. It.
of all‘tirne—the American Constitu- was they who contributed to the sci: ,_
tron. ences of algebra and chemistry, astron» “
omy, andtmedicine; they who dotted
The Mohammedan religion is the the Sarcen Empire with universities
least appreciated and probably the and who built at Bagdad and'Cairn the
most misunderstood of the world‘s most renmvned universities of the
world. During those centuries of et-
great religions. This is especially true
in our western world. Try to under- clesiastical despotism when the (Ihrk-
stand what Mohammedanism stands tian church suppressed all intellectual
for. and some of the things it has con- activities save those that were theologi-
tributed to the world. cal. causing the talent that reproduces
'to supplant the 'geniUs that err-ales.
Mohammed was the founder of the Mohammedans did all in their power
Mohammedan religion. It originated to encourage. and stimulate. research i
thirteen centuries ago on Arabian Pen- every branch of human inquiry.
The Moors or Mohammedans added in theUnited States is considered by
to the‘b_eauty and grandeur of Spain. them in terms as something new. What-
For centuries art, science, literature,. ever the reasons may be for their 0p-
and' chivalry flourished among them, position, the legal right to oppose
while the rest of Bax-ape was still sunk citizens, individuals and organizations
in the gloom of the Da-"k‘Ages. The alike for their religious belief does not
Moors were the most ingenious and in- exist in the United States. The door
dustrious of the subjects of Spain. of religious freedom made by the A-
Their expulsion from Spain in 1610, merican Constitution swings open to
was one ,of the chief causes of deca- all. and people may enter through it
dence of that country, for both agri. and worship as they desire. Without
culture and industry fell into decay religious freedom. no search for truth
after their departure. would. be possible; without religious
freedom. no discovery of truth would
Mohammedanism makes no distinc- be useful;~ without religious freedom.
tion‘ between high and low, rich and religious progress would be checked
poor; it is lik’e the sky, it has room for and we would no longer march for.
all. - ward toward the nobler life which the
future holds for the races of them;
The Koran should be of interest to without religious freedom, there would
all readers. It is the Bible of the be no inspiration to lift our heads and
Mohammedans. ruling over the customs gaze with fearlessness into the vast be-
and actions of over 200 millions of . yond, seeking a hope eternal..
peeple. It is a work of importance
whether considered from a religious. It is a sad weakness in us after all.
philosophical, or literary viewpoint. to oppose our fellowmen for their reli-
zious beliefs. and ii‘ there are angels
In the promotion of plans for the bet- who record the sorrows of men as well
torment of mankind. there has ever as their sins, they certainly know how
been some kind of Opposition. And many and deep are the useless sorrow-vs
strange as it may seem, such opposition that spring forth from such opposition.
has come from sources where there Possibly. love and time will cancel our
were no ideas or the lack of courage ancient hatreds in this regard and prove .
to force attention to ideas. Whether in that in mankind,. tolerance is better
church, state or the social community, than unwarranted opposition.
any attempt to do anything out of the
usual wa‘y, seldom fails to receive criti- In connection with our religious aims
Cism'. Not' because the course cannot and beliefs, we must promote econOmic
be pursued legally or that it is' unrea- security. The preaching of economic
sonable, but because it has been cm.- security among us is by no means as
sidered in terms as new. widespread and intensive as the circum-
stances demand. No. other one thing is
The Moorish Science Temple of more needed among us at this time
America has received some opposition than greater economic power. Better
and criticism. in the .main the oppo- positions for our men and women, more
sition has come from certain Christian business employment for our boys and
ministers. They have expressed them- girls and bigger incomes will follow
-selves as being opposed to our propa« our economic security. We shall be
gation of the Mohammedan religion. secure in nothing until we have eco-‘
Possibly because the promotiOn of the nomic power. A beggar people cannot
Mohammedan faith among our people develop the highest in them, nor can
they attain to a genuine enjoyment of ticles of religion. Every member should
the apiritualitiea of life. have a copy.

Our men. women and children should In conclusion. I urge you to remem-
be taught to believe in the capacity of ber there is work enough for all to do
our group to snowed in business. in in helping to build a better world. The
spite of the trials and failures of some problems of life are largely social aml
of them. Trials and failures in busi- economic. In a profound sense. they
ness are by no means confined to any are moral and Spiritual. llave lofty
particular group of people. Some busi- conceptions of your duties to your
ness ventures of all people fail. We country and fellowman in general and
have many men and women among our
especially those with whom )ou deal.
people who are qualified. both by
training and experience. who are shin- This includes such honesty and righte-
ing lights in the business world of all ousness. as \sill cause 3m to put your-
the people. it is a sad weakness in us self in the other fellou‘s plat-c. Look
as a people that we have withheld the for the host in others and give them
very encouragement. support and pn-
the best that is in you. Have a deeper
tronage that _woulrl have made some of
our worthv business ventures a grand appreciation for \tomanhood. Brighten
success. And worst of all. have joined tho lmpe‘ of our )mtth in order that
in the condemnations of them when their rouragv he increased to dare. and
they failed. 'Except in cases of actual do wondrous things. Adhere at all
dishonesty} discourtesy. lack of sorvire times to the principles of love. truth.
and" actual unreliabilitr. our business peace. freedom. and justice.
enterprises in every field nf‘ endeavor
should have tulle-4 of confidence on. i am your affectionate leader. 1 shall
operation and patronage whenever and continue to labor day and night. both
wherever they can be given. ' in public and private. for your geod.
thereby contributing to the welfare of
Read carefully the doctrines of The our country and its people as a whole.
Moorish Science Temple of America. It
contains our h0pes. aims. rules and ar- NOBLE DREW ALI.

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