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Land acquisition 
JUNE 29,2020 

Amiya anand 
The Brighton steel company 
123, Kadma 



The Brighton steel company is looking towards acquiring 2500 Hectares of forest 
land in the next 5 years in its Colliery division of WBC-Ramgarh(820172) to continue 
mining coal for steel and truss rod production. 
Upon completion of the project, the company will have enough land to continue 
mining coal for the next 11 years. This will also allow company to achieve 
independence in electricity requirement for Mining plant works.  



We will start land acquisition by  Acquisition starts by Nov 2020 


2500 hectares of land to be acquired  Each year ensures 500 hectare 

in the next 5 years  acquisition and complete acquisition 
by Mar,2025. 

Land acquired should be 20% of  2000 hectares of land out of 2500 
rural land and 80% of forest land.  hectares must belong to prior forest 
land and the rest 500 should come 
from prior rural areas. 

Displacement of 500 families   Displacement of 500 families to a 

new settlement from the targeted 
rural area is to be funded by the 
company, each person getting a 
compensatory amount against the 
amount of land taken 



High level requirements 


1. This project will ensure future proofing of colliery mining division of Brighton 
steels, thus giving the company full self dependence for coal procurement. 
2. This project will ensure goodwill of company amongst local residents as 
every care will be taken in their displacement. 
3. This project will improve profits of company as the company would no longer 
have to purchase coal from second hand suppliers and contractors. 

Assumptions and Constraints 

1. The project should terminate indefinitely before Mar,2025 and render 
2500 hectares of said land. 
2. The Rural displacement has been allocated a fixed fund of $100,000 
with a 5% padding in case need exceeds. 

High level risks 

1. Social and Political unrest. 
2. Probability of symptoms of Negative work conditions developing over 
time due to nature of work thus affecting employee performance. 


3. Acquisition of Compensatory Aforestation(CA) land has number of 
strict government regulations. 

Summary Milestone Schedule 


1. August,2021​:- Acquisition of 500 Hectares of forest land. 

2. July,2022​:- Acquisition of 500 hectares of surrounding rural land. 
3. June,2023​:- Displacement of 300 families to new bagdogra area. 
4. May,2024​:- Acquisition of remaining 750 hectare land. 
5. Mar,2025​:- Acquisition of last 750 hectare land. The project ends here. 

Summary Budget 
The Procurement team has assembled a proposal based on recommendation of previous 
Land management department employees and the Budgeted Cost will be $100,000. 

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