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B.Tech. Degree Examination
Mechanical Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 2015–16)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
Instructions: Each module carries 12 marks.
Answer all modules choosing one question from each module
All parts of the module must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
1. Explain the purpose of the following engine parts
a) Piston b) Piston rings c) Gudgeon pin and d) Flywheel 12
2. a) Explain the principle of a valve actuating mechanism in an
automobile 6
b) How do you decide the optimal firing order? Explain with an
example 6
3. a) Why is fuel injection better than carburetor? 6
b) Explain how a motorcycle carburetor works 6
4. a) Which type of lubrication system is used now a days in cars?
Explain 6
b) How does an engine cooling system work in a car? 6
5. Draw the layout of an electronic ignition system and mention the
function of each component 12
6. a) Explain the principle of a cone clutch with neat diagram 6
b) Write the important features of battery and magneto ignition
systems 6
7. a) Draw and explain with a simple sketch. Working of a constant
mesh gear box 6
b) Explain how shock absorbers work 6
8. a) Explain with a schematic diagram, working of rigid axle front
wheel suspension system 6
b) Explain with a neat sketch automatic gear transmission system 6
9. a) What are the types of steering mechanisms? Also explain the
merits and demerits of each type 6
b) Explain the working of hydraulic brake system in detail 6
10. a) Draw the schematic diagram of pneumatic braking system and
explain it 6
b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic brakes? 6

[08/VII S/118]

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