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Mystic power

- written by c.v ramana

Edited by c.chaitanya kiran

Dedicated to sage patanjali

scholar of yoga grammer

these are the fragment's of my father's yogic life , he lived a life of luxury & yoga . but his yogic part of life
is ignored owing to many reason's and even people did't try to recognise it now i am trying my best . these
data which iam typing now is from c.v ramana's personal diary he is student of master c.v.v he also had
mystic experience and even painted wonderfull potrait's on yoga the first lines i.e i started master c.v.v
{new yoga } reveal's he had alredy yogic knowledge it reveal , refer's to hardship's experienced by my
dad I like to note important issue this should be understood by meaning although it is not meaningless I
supplied eng meaning also to this doc but critics are advised to know implictness meaning alone,
because spelling may vary to much extent this is implicit doc which can be observed through implicit
meaning than verbal spelling
writer c.v ramana

edited by c.chaitanya kiran

Manuscript of the edition

Master c.v.v Imitiator's daily note

c.v ramana
6-3-60 , bazar st ,
I started the MASTER C.V.V {new yoga } on 16-2-1982 from the very begining day I got good result's ,
continuosly I did it for full 5 months I got the intiation from mr. p. chandrasekara raju native of grimespet
due to mental tension or I am not able to understand the new yoga with fully unsolved doubt's 'or'
weaving less question I was weavered my mind . and lost pieace of mind . with lot of anger I left the
MASTER YOGA for the period of 7 months
In these middle of ' '7' months I did'nt cared of me {by health or by mind} but I did'nt got a single
one of my friends so was left house . without telling to any body . they {may be searched} for him for 3
days and worried very much .
without any of my coucious{ it may be conscious} a idea came to me and made me to go for MASTER :
YOGA center . with soul heartedly I got a good news that the missing boy will be traced by tomorow
evening .
In these time I challenged myself that itf the above thing happens . I will come back to MASTER YOGA
the boy was been traced and Ialso come back to the YOGA .from the first day I got very good activity I
can challenge that there is more powerful YOGA than MASTER C.V.V YOGA
make me sincour and attain me the full knowledge
your's friendly

20-4-83 morning
first day for a long time very good . activities satisfied .
no important notifications
20-4-83 evening
as usually
as usually
22-4-83 evening 6 pm
sat in yoga for half an hour MASTER appeared
{1} chilled sensation in the two ears .
{2} battery shock in the pin point of the toungh
{3} a flow in the right side of head
{4} full body shacked and light fear in nervous
{5} In vision with 30 years lady {
Ventrukalu virabosukoni pedda bottu erra leka nalla chikatilo

{i.e with her hair not tied & with large bottu , she in red or black darkness}
she was bigger than master and master is sitting by the left side of her
morning -6 am
sat in yoga for 20 minutes . good activities no important notifications
23-4-83 evening 6 pm
sat in YOGA for 25 minutes good activities no important notifications
24-4-83 morning - 6 am
sat in yoga for 15 minutes good activities no important notifications . for the past two days Iam praying
master to let me know the truth and wake me sinciour
25-4-83 morning 6.45
{1} In vision star appeared
{2} astral body shake .
good working
26-4-83 morning 6 am
good working no important notification
26-4-83 evening 6 am
good working
{1} namaskaram with bend
{2} white star appeared
{3} rose colour covering yellow border . finishing with green yellow mist .
{4} breake {may be breaking} soundf in ears
{5} breake . sound in the middle of neck above
{6} flettering shock through out the body
{7} sensation throughout the back bone and middle of head
27-4-83 morning 6
today is my birthday
good working .
vision appeared . star in the galaxy
{2} MASTER blessed with his followers
today started no =1-12 times
27-4-83 evening 6 pm
good working , star appeared throughout the yoga . but not constantly iron tast in the toungh{may be
28-4-83 evening
good working
lemon yellow mist vibration with spring action star formed satrun planet appeared
29-4-83 morning 6 am
good working
{1} vibration from both sides of buttocs .{may be buttocks }
{2} left side brain stiffering
good working
{1} from hip to toe fell stiffering
{2} rose colour mist release .
{3} star formed
30-4-83 morning
good results activities in several parts .
30-4-83 evening
same morning results a sort of pain in both sides of the neck
1-5-83 evening 5.10 pm
Today I increased no=1 from 12 to 24 and the times 10 +50 to 30+50
by doing each time i got a vision
is the last time it appeared as a star
In physical structure body was bee{ay be been} swetted and felt some acess heat {may be excess
heat}. very plesent working
evening 6 pm
good working . peacock vibration throughout body , sensation in hand , head ,brukuti {skt word}. and etc
2-5-83 morning
good working sensation in several parts star appeared
star appeared peacock flettering throughout body
today is my birhday date good activities . sensation in several parts
star appeared astral body shake
4-5-83 morning 6 am
today the meditation is been worked good . today I am going to madras
on 4th evening I was in MADRAS and at the time 6o clock I was going on , through madras roads . so at
that time I prayed once and proceded with my work
on 5th morning I done my prayer at my cousin's house the prayer was been very satisfactory I was been
in prayer for half an hour sensation in several parts I can't express any feeling in words
evening I was been busy and at 6o clock I just prayed and proceded with work
very important
MADRAS 6-5-83 . 6o clock morning
today I had my prayer at my cousins house in MADRAS
I was been in prayer for half an hour and some of the intresting incidents happened
{1} in vision I was been so long as krishna when he showed his visva report before krishna
{2} lord hanuman came to my vision first time and in a woogey woy he appeared {I men in the poster of
{3} In meditation I thought about the BAGAVAT GEETHA and on the time of CHANTING i got peacock
vibration sensation
{4} other sensations were been happening but I cannot explain it
In the evening I was been returning at the time of prayer I am in the bus . I prayed for a while and I was
looking the seating sum . for some minutes because I got the habbit of seeing sun in the morning and
evening . and if I close my eyes I will see the SUN BALL in vision in different colours and if I open my
eyes I will see the same in walls and others where my eyes will concentrate
today also I done the same thing but today I did'nt got the full ball vision but some colour appeared and in
those colours RED COLOUR appeared much .
after opeaning my eyes . I was looking into the sky . there the sky also formed into red colour wherte my
eyes concentratefor some seconds
In the night I looked into a bright star the star also appeared to me in a red colour . to test my doubt I
looked in other star it also appeared to me in red colour . again I i saw all the stars all the stars appeared
in red colour . saw very eager{may be eagerly} to know about the incident
7-4-83 morning
I was tired much and at 6o clock I prayed once and went to sleep
evening 6o clock
good working the prayer is going softly to test the yesterday vibration sensation I again remembered the
geetha words at the time of chanting Igot the same vibration {peacock}
again with dought {may be doubt } I CHANTED OTHER LIKE SUPRABATH ganesh stuthi and other all
the time I got the peacockl vibration . and in vision MASTER appeared . He changed as GANESHA first
and venkateswara . and with his structure he was telling all are one . and I am also came from there only
after that I thought that there is only one power all will call it in different name
{2} The eyes are going {pulling} deep and i am expressed events were happening
8-4-83 evgening 6 pm
prayer started in the morning at 6 am and workings were good . In the evening also workings were good
after the prayer I viewed my eyes to the burning bulb for some minutes and closed the eyes and watched
misst. to sorrounding parts of the light {bulb} appeared after that bright white light appeared the
straight to brukuti {middle part b/w two eyebrow’s} and disappeared . like this several times it appeared .
after the 3rd time it changed into bright red colour covering blue border lastly it came black and mixed
I done it in past get now I can control and get it into control
9-4-83 morning &evening
started prayer at 6 . good working
evening .
good results . deep sensation in top of head & other parts of body
good working
deep working no special notification continuous sensation in righ Lbow {may be elbow}
good working
{1} prayer was deep
{2} ice flow in left ear
{3} sensation in several parts
good working
{1} sensation in several parts
{2} ice flow in left ear
{3} In the ending of the prayer in vision a person was been pouring water or milk in the end of the vessel a
"mokka "{ i.e plant in english } was been came out and . adi vichukonadi . apudu adi gulabi yokka puvuto
kapadi {then it blossomed . it appeared as ropse flower --- according to english language} prayer
mugisindi {prayer was finished }
good working
in the evening
 {1} a saint was sitting in front of a god {the god did'nt visible} and distrubuting kids to ladies and
all the
kids keeping the childs and formed in line
 {2} I has sensation in forehead and all over body
morning prayer went softly .
evening in prayer sharp sensation is heared .
{2} there was a hearing that somebody saying that suppervision supper vision
{3} in the morning after prayer I saw some wonder which cannot be seen with nacked eyes {akasam
chusta tella tellani mrcusy vanti kanalu vantivi kanipinchayi microscope lo chusta jeevulu ela
kanabadatayo ala { when looked to sky there appeared white mercury like atom's [ in the case of
it appeared like microorganism's when looked through microscope [it may be like concept of "prana"
pranic healing by master cho kok sui }
{4} an ice flow in the left ear
morning prayer went softly
{1} sensation throughout body
{2} some nake. eye vision as formed yesterday
In the evening
{1} sensation {sharp } on forehead
{2} sensation flow in the right side of head
{3} open sensation in the right ear
{4} a blasting in the spinal cord
{4} baga kommulu tirigina pottelu kanipinchi mayamainadi{ a ram whose horns are well built and turned
appeared and disappeared}
morning prayer went softly .
In the evening I came late at about 7.45 to prayer first i did no = 1-24 and after prayer no . specific
morning prayer went softly .
in the evening
{1} britest {may be brightest} star appeared
{2} warmth flow in left side of head & face
{3} ice flow in the left ear
{4} In the bottom of the body near annes{may be anus} some cone shakes
sensation through out {may be throughout} body
In no = 1 . sensation in spinal cord and after completing a blast in mooladhara .
In the morning prayer in vision KALI {dhurga} {may be durga} . power appeared . my view went around it
and she was lifting a child .
sensation in several parts .
In evening I .done my prayer at 6o clock and at 6.30 . CAME TO CENTERAND HAD MY PRAYER .
{1}in the middle of spinal cord there was sensation
{2} A down flow from head to spinal cord formed good activation
18-5-83 , morning . 6 AM
motrning prayer , went softly not done more than 10 minutes
in the evening first did no = 1while doing no = 1 star appeared in vision till ending of no = 1
In prayer today I got a new working
{1} sensation started in several parts
{2} ice flow in left ear
{3} A starting force . entered both the ears and came to center of agya chakra and with the same force a
sharp sensation passed to down and upwards . and at the same time peacock vibration formed
throughout body
{4} sensation activities started in the skull and in the center of head
Today I felt a new inspiration
and also call flow around the stomach
19-5-83 6AM
In the morning prayer , got good working . and sensations
In the evening prayer sensations in several parts
{1} In head
{2} in left & right legs .
{3} in sholders
{4} in spinal cord
{5 call flow in left ear
In vision . an 45 years old body appeared seeing my working
when the sensation , is going on in spinal cord . a sleeping lion appeared suddenly it woke and went to
fight with a bull . both fighted and the lion wounded the bull in

{may be hump} and a big flow of blood came out from the bull the place in the next sean {may be scene}
, became as SIVALINGA

after that it disappeared

Morning prayer
1. Sensation on head and several parts
. The mark

appeared In the evening while doing no=1 star appeared

2. Peacock vibration throughout body
3. Current vibration in right hand
3. Sensation on head and throughout body
. Morning prayer went softly activities good
. Evening prayer
1. Sensation in several parts
2. Current vibration in right side of back no {of} more notification
. 22-6-83
. Today morning prayer was done for one minuite
. In the evening
1. Light appeared
2. Master appeared and formed the symbol

2. Sensation in back side of head
. 23-5-83
. In the morning I was in a marriage function so I had my prayer for a while there
. In the evening prayer I got new results
1. Total body became head and I felt some hot blows were coming from all sides
2. 1.11 Sweating in my body and I am very happy to having such sensations
3. An current vibration started from left to right and totally full vibration throughout body
4. A mist was passing through my eyes
5. While doing no=1 for one unit {12:} I.e the middle lot of light bees cause and urade to disturb the
count .but patiently I completed the unit
. 24-5-83
. In the morning prayer good activities . and satisfactory sensation as before
. In the evening I am going to Vijayawada so I did my prayer for a while i.e my way
. 25-5-83 VIJAYAWADA 6AM
. For the first time I did prayer with senior members good working
1. Sensation in both hands
2. Shock vibration for several times
3. A sharp pressure in the center of the head
4. In vision several sceanories and humour’s appeared
5. Anew tast felt
. 25-5-83 evening 6 pm
. Got good activities shock vibration formed same others as morning prayer
. 26-5-83 thurs to 27 rs VIJAYAWADA
. In the morning prayer I started to chant the 3
. CVV MASTER M.T.A because of initiating the courses flow . our present medium mr sarara maya
. During these days I done .chamdra, bruhas pathi and ------- all the time I got very very satisfactory
activities I cannot express my epoch and every experience became of late dairy writing but those
the courses I done were perfectly participated in my body and soul
. Specially on 27 I got very good working I imeditate from starting to end there is no downfall in
. I am very proud to have an such a working and to coming to VIJAYAWADA
. 28-5-1983
. Sat to 30-5-83
. In these days I done my prayers and courses all the time I felt maximum pluses this is the first
there same doing the course so I thought it as a first experience and also due to busy working on
YOGA I owe forget to write dairy daily
. I n these days I did the Saturn , sun and more regulations I felt the maximum satisfation

Today is the last day , prayer i.e VIZAYAWADA prayer , went softly . in the evening prayer , very good
activities &sensations .got full bend namaskaram with full shivering
Morning prayer was done on train because we are on journey to chittoor so prayer done for a while
Evening at exactly 6 pm I came home by auto and think {thought} for a while after 6.30 came to YOGA
CENTER and continued the balance
2-6-83 Thursday 6 am
In the morning prayer got good activities started to do prayer by forming symbol on body

Sat in prayer for 20 minutes

Evening prayer
In vision . in a shiva temple {i} saw a biggest nandhi and got namaskaram {nandi saluted}
While doing no =1 . by forming half symbol

Between mooladhara , swadistana by 2-3 group out the number of 5 all heart sensation formed very
3-6-83 morning 6 am
In todays prayer deep feeling and some what I was present in my body sensations on head and other
Evening 6 pm
In the prayer deep feeling and I sat for one half an hour , an full namaskaram with full body bend and full
shivering while namaskaram formed
4-6-83 6 am
Good working no important notification deep sensation in the morning while doing no=1 on mooladhara ,
an{a} current vibration in the left side of the chest on auiluted nervous
Evening 6 pm
In the prayer deep sensation star formed working on eyes misty vision and stars appeared
Deepest sensations good working
In the evening prayer sensation on several parts an {a} coold{cool} flow below the seat and felt that I was
sitting on water or wet place
7-6-83 6 am
Prayer went regularly no important notification
In the evening also soft activities
In the night dream on 7-6-83 between 3 to 5 or 6 am I saw
.dunnapotulu tirupati govindarajaswami veedhilo
pujalandukontunnavi tala matram vera jantuvudi migata
avayavalu dunnapotudi oka addula bandi lo unchi
intiintiki velli dinidwara bikshamandukuntunnaru

{in tirupathi govindarajaswami street ,an animal similar to

buffalo i.e it has head of a a different animal but body of a
buffalo is seen to be prayed and people are asking alms by taking
it in carts}
8 -6-83
Today I went on deep sleep I did my prayer at 7.35AM good working In the evening also good working no
important notification
9 -6-83
No special notification workings were good
10 -6-83
No special notifications workings were good
Today I did my prayer at 7.40AM because I slept till 7.30
In the evening the working were on eyes firstly is the left side the inner eye started and an lemnon yellow
mist forms round the eye and it will pass
In this moment there is normally activity in the right eye it is like an sence less
After some time the working in the left eye stopped and the working started on right eye same as in the
left eye the working went on after that both the eyes were started to focus In these activity so bright and
fast ways were happened and an sporks and twinckles were formed and other sensations were as it is
12-6-83 6 AM
Good morning deepest activity sensation on spinal cord {2} an bubbling flow in the right 4 finger H to
upwards body
In the afternoon while I am going to sleep at 2.15 or 2.30 in vision I saw the below structure in front of me

On that time I got very very speed working vibrations flow leg to head and deepest sensations and speed
activity say seeing I was little funked and automatically chanted MASTER C.V.V and after that slowly it
disappeared and I opened my eyes
In these time my body condition is . if feaver {may be fever} comes how do we feel the body temperature
like that
19-6-83 PM
In the prayer in the very beginning on very good sensation the left side of the head{back} an sucking
pressure was felt for one second and in the left hand near figure an pressure was fallen and the nerves
twisted an flow passed through hands to shoulders very good working
22-6-83 6PM
In the evening ,at the very beginning the working started body was been dumping by some power an
pleasurable sensation throughout eyes were been wet by swept full peacock flattering sensation
throughout body much in left side of body
23-6-83 6AM
The same above day activity . an chilled sensation in ears and .thummu
{i.e sneeze} came and workings fastened . an slight stass {may be stress} formed

My dad with great people

My dad had good relations with kanchi kamakoti peethadipati chandrasekara saraswathi,
jayendrasaraswathi, vijayendrasaraswathi , kamal hasan etc I have their photos with me taken in live
These are some of it

My father with jayendra saraswati i.e meditating before swami
Here my father is left most

The meditation posture of my dad
Mystic power photo with my dad’s signature

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