Task 2 The Best Way To Solve The World

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The best way to solve the world’s environmental problem is to increase

the price of fuel.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is an opinion that increasing the cost of petrol is the best way to solve the environmental
matters. I strongly agree to this statement because it can make the society use the oil (Consume
the gasoline/ oil doesn’t mean fossil fuel. Be more spesific) efficiently, and the citizens will find
the alternative energy to mobilize (not only for mobilization, but also for electricity) them.

The intensive use of petroleum has damaged the environment since the CO2 released from the
oil burning process causes the pollution in some areas around the world (unnecessary, it is better
if you change it with specific area polluted. Eg ; water pollution or air pollution ). If the (oil rate
= kadar minyak) gunakan price atau cost) is imposed higher than before, there will be such
awareness among inhabitants to consume it as efficient as possible, (alternatif kalimat : if the
higher price is imposed) and it can reduce the carbon dioxide in the earth’s surface. (missing
link ; harga naik – pengunaan bahan bakar berkurang –co2 menurun )For instance, the use
(repetition ; gunakan the utilization) of fossil fuel which results the polluted air in European (alt :
which polluted European air) countries forces the local authorities to increase the oil rate for
their people. Although some citizens still drive their private cars, the intensity is less often,
moving to use public transports more frequently. The future result is the decrease of pollution
rate in some European countries.

Because of the higher rate of fossil fuel, the citizens will tend (would likely or are likely )to find
cheaper energy to use. The renewable energy, at the moment, is more expensive if (it is)
compared to recent oil fare, but it will be contrasted due to the increase of oil price. (alt ;
contrasted if the government increase the fossil fuel) The electric cars, as the example, might be
preferred as they have no dangerous effect to surroundings. It can be seen in Japan and Korea
that the local people have started to change their conventional private cars with mobiles using
electricity to support their daily life, and the quality of the air is eventually getting maintained.

To conclude, imposing higher fuel cost will be beneficial to the environment. The effects of this
policy such as the efficiency of oil consumption and the substitution to the more friendly energy
as the cheaper one will lead to a reduction of environmental problems.

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