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Instructor :
Dr. Haider Habeeb Aodah

Course Description :
Tests on subgrade soil; Tests on highway aggregate; tests on Asphalt; Tests on Bituminous Mixes
(Marshall Mix Design) and Field Tests.

Course Objective :
The main objective of this course is to acquaint the student with test and work representing at the
routine tests and procedures performed daily by technicians in asphalt commercial laboratories and
consulting office . data from such tests are used in both design and construction .
Engineers, should know now how the data are obtained and the range in the data that can be
expected. the laboratory test procedures have been developed for teaching purpose and in some
cases do not follow standard procedures. The procedures will not written so that you could have a “
cook book “ to follow .

Course Outline :

Chapter 1: - Tests on Subgrade Soil

1.1 California Bearing Ratio (CBR) in Laboratory.
1.2 Plate Bearing Test (K-Value).

Chapter 2: - Tests on Highway Aggregates

2.1 Sampling Method and Sieve Analysis of Aggregates.
2.2 Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Aggregate.
2.3 Abrasion Test (Los Angeles Test).
2.4 Impact Value Test of Coarse Aggregate.
2.5 Shape (Flakiness and Elongation) Tests.
2.6 Coarse Aggregate Angularity (CAA) Test.
2.7 Stripping Value Test.
2.8 Sand Equivalent Test (Clay Content).

Chapter 3: - Tests on Bitumen (Asphalt)

3.1 Penetration Test
3.2 Softening Point Test
3.3 Ductility Test
3.4 Specific Gravity Test
3.5 Flash and Fire Point Test
3.6 Kinematic Viscosity Test.
Chapter 4: - Tests on Bituminous Mixes (Marshall Mix Design)
4.1 Objectives and Criteria of Asphalt Paving Mix Design.
4.2 Resistance to Plastic Flow of Bituminous Mixtures Using Marshall Apparatus.
4.3 Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixtures.
4.4 Analysis of Compacted Paving Mixtures.

Chapter 5: - Field Tests

5.1 Core Drilling for Extracting Sample (Core Cutter Method)
5.2 Method of Measuring Irregularities (leveling) by straight edge
5.3 Benkelman Beam Deflection Test

Reports :
The laboratory will emphasize clear , concise technical writting and the clear , concise presentation
of graphical and tubular information. grammar will be a consideration in determining grade
assigned to laboratory required of each group.

The Reports Contains :

 Title page
 Abstract
 Test result, tables with the Figures
 Discussion
 Conclusions
 References

Grading :
1-Reports 30%
2-First exam 30%
3-Second exam 30%
4-Others 10%

Laboratory Procedures and Practice :

Laboratory equipments are expensive and should be treated with caution and care . NEVER operate
any piece of equipment without first being checked out by instructor. Each individual group will
clean and be responsible for its work area and equipment .Remembers, others must also use the
equipment .

References :
1) American Society for Testing and Materials (A S T M )
2) American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (A A S H T O)
3) Ministry of Iraqi housing and construction, (2003), “Standard Specification for Roads and
Bridges”, Baghdad-Iraq.

Dr. Haider H. Aodah


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