Exp.#1-Percent Compaction and Thickness

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Experiment No.

Standard Test Method for
(ASTM D3549-11, ASTM D2726-13, AASHTO T 166-11)

1. Purpose:
This method describes the process for removal of a core sample of compacted bituminous
material from a pavement for determining the density in place of asphalt concrete pavement,
thickness and the percent compaction of asphalt concrete pavement.

2. Significant and use :

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the proper amount of field compaction and to
pavement thickness are achieved according to standard specifications

3. Apparatus :
1) Coring Machine –A motor driven core machine shall be used to obtain the sample. The
device shall be capable of obtaining a core to the full depth of the bituminous material.
Fig. 1.1.
2) Core Bit – The cutting edge of the core drill bit shall be of hardened steel or other
suitable material with diamond chips embedded in the metal cutting edge. The core
barrel inside diameter shall be as specified.
3) Retrieval Device – A device for removing core samples that will preserve the integrity
of the core.
4) Dimensions apparatus –Any of apparatus may be used to measure the dimensions of
test specimens to the nearest 0.1 cm like a tape, rule or calipers.
5) Balance.
6) Water bath.
7) Damp towel.
8) Drying Oven.

4. Test Procedures:

1) For freshly compacted bituminous materials, the core shall be taken when the material
has had sufficient amount of time to cool to prevent damage to the core.
2) To accelerate the coring process, a cooling agent may be used.
3) Place the coring machine such that the core bit is over the selected location.
4) Provide a means such as water or air to aid in the removal of cuttings and to minimize
the generation of heat caused by friction.
5) Keep the core bit perpendicular to the bituminous surface during the coring process.
6) Apply constant downward pressure on the core bit. Failure to apply constant pressure,
or too much pressure, may cause the bit to bind or distort the core.
7) Continue the coring operation until the desired depth is achieved.
8) Use a retrieval device to obtain the core.
9) Clearly label the core.

Figure 1.1. Universal Petrol Core Drilling Machine (http://www.jetmaterials.com/product/core-

10) Immediately after cores are removed from the road surface and they have been marked
for sample number, they will be placed in an insulated container which is equipped to
maintain the temperature of the cores at 10oC and prevent the cores from being
damaged until delivered to the specified laboratory for testing.
11) Backfill the core holes with hot asphalt mix and compact with hand held Marshall
compaction hammer or backfill the core holes with concrete pavement. Core holes shall
be dry and clean prior to backfilling. A core hole must be backfilled before proceeding
with the next core location.
i. Specimens shall be free of foreign materials such as seal coat, foundation material, soil,
paper, or foil.
ii. Where desirable, specimens may be separated from other layers by sawing, shearing or
other suitable means, provided a well defined construction plane is achieved.
iii. Transport cores on a smooth surface, top side down in a container(s) that prevents
damage from jarring, rolling or impact with any object.
iv. Prevent cores from freezing or from excessive heat, 54° C, during transport.
v. Cores which cannot be tested for density in the same day they are received.

5. Calculations

5.1 Thickness Determination

1) Measure the thickness of the specimen or layer using suitable apparatus. Make
thickness measurements approximately perpendicular to the upper plane of the
specimen. Measure between upper and lower surfaces.
2) Make four measurements at approximately quarter points on the periphery of cores or
at the approximate midpoint of each of the four sides of rectangular, sawed specimens.
Record the average of these measurements as the thickness of the specimen.
5.2 Bulk Specific gravity of Core Determination
1) Weigh the core and record the apparent dry weight to the nearest 0.1 gram (A).
2) Immerse each core in water at (25°C) and record the submersed weight to the nearest
0.1 gram (C).
3) Remove each core from the water and surface dry by blotting with a damp terry cloth
towel and record the saturated surface-dry mass to the nearest 0.1 gram (B).
4) Calculate the individual core bulk specific gravities from Equation below:

Bulk Specific Gravity (Gsb Field) = A / (B-C) …………………………………… (1.1)

A = mass (gms) of specimen in air (constant weight).
B = mass (gms) of specimen SSD in air.
C = mass (gms) of specimen in water.
Some standards are recommended that the dry weight (A) should be taken after place the
core in oven at 100 °C till constant weight then the core is left in room temperature for
determining core weight to the nearest 0.1 gm..
5.3 Degree of Compaction

The degree of core compaction is determine by divided bulk specific gravity of core (field
specific gravity) to bulk specific gravity of Marshall specimen (laboratory specific gravity).

Field speci�ic gravity

Degree of Compaction = ∗ 100 … … … … … … … … (1.2)
Marshall speci�ic gravity

Marshall sp. Gr. is determined according to Marshall mix design (see chapter four).

6. Example
Data of Marshall specimen
 Weight of Marshall specimen in air: 1207.4 gm
 SSD weight of Marshall specimen: 1221.3 gm
 Weight of Marshall specimen in water: 725.7 gm

Data of Pavement core

 Weight of Marshall specimen in air: 940.7 gm
 SSD weight of Marshall specimen: 946.3 gm
 Weight of Marshall specimen in water: 535.7 gm

 By application Eq. (1.1) on data above:-
 Bulk sp. Gr. of Marshall specimen = 2.436 gm/cm3
 Bulk sp. Gr. of pavement core = 2.291 gm/cm3
 Subsequently, By application Eq. (1.2):-
 Degree of compaction = (2.291/2.436) *100 = 94%.

7. Data Sheet

Road Name and location :__________________________

Station of the core: __________________________________
Tested by: __________________________________; Date of Testing: __________________

Table 1.1. Pavement core results analysis

Sample Weight SSD Weight Specific Average Degree of
Description Height
number in air weight in water gravity of Sp. compaction
(gm) (gm) (gm) gr. (%)
Marshall 1 63.5 1207.4 1221.3 725.7 2.436
specimen 2.436
2 ……… ……… ……… ……… ………
data 94
Pavement 1 49.5 940.7 946.3 535.7 2.291
2 ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

8. Specifications
According to the Iraqi standard specification for roads and bridges the bulk density of the
mixture (core) shall not be less than 96% of the laboratory bulk density of the mixture
when compacted in Marshall moulds with 75 blows on each face.

9. References
1. ASTM D3549-11, “Standard Method of Thickness or Height of Compacted Bituminous
Paving Mixture Specimens ”.
2. ASTM D2726-13, “Standard Method of Bulk Specific gravity and Density of Non
Absorptive Compacted Bituminous Paving Mixture Specimens ”.
3. AASHTO T 166 , (2011), Standard Method of Bulk Specific of Compacted Asphalt
mixtures Using Saturation Surface Dry Specimens”.
4. Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction “WAQTC”, (2008), “ Standard
Practice for Field Sampling Bituminous Material after Compaction (Obtaining Cores)”
TM 11 – 08.
5. Ministry of Iraqi housing and construction, (1983), “Standard Specification for Roads
and Bridges”, Baghdad-Iraq.
6. Saskatchewan Highway and transportation (STP), “Standard Test Section: Asphalt
Mixes Procedures Manual Subject: Asphalt Concrete Samples Obtained by Coring”,
STP 264-5.

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