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Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer Study Guide Questions

Literary Devices Review

In the novel Caged Warrior by Alan Lawrence Sitomer, there are many examples of similes,
metaphors and hyperbole.

Simile: is a comparison of two unlike things using the words like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is as bright as the sun.

Metaphor: is a direct comparison; a comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.

EX: Suzanne’s hair is the sun.

Hyperbole: an exaggeration of the facts.

EX: I have told you ten million times to do your homework!!!

Identify each of the examples from the novel below as either: simile, metaphor or hyperbole.

1. __________ I watched as the syringe...disappeared into my flesh, and shot streams

of liquid fire up my nerve endings.
2. __________ Basically, I’m a street mutt.
3. __________ My body was a weapon poised to strike.
4. __________ Like a cougar I was on him, my knees pinned to his shoulders…
5. __________ In D-Town…(there are) too many monsters to count.
6. __________ To have a kid like me knock him from Detroit to Pluto was a big blow
to his ego.
7. __________ Underground cage fighting was like riding a motorcycle at high speeds
while weaving in and out of stop and go traffic.
8. __________ We were trapped like rats in a cage.
9. __________ The fight with the beast will be a war for the ages.
10. __________ Razor…roared like a lion.
11. __________ I was warring a greased up wolverine.
12. __________ He played me like an XBOX.

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