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Armies of Middle-earth This section ofthe book outlines rules for choosing armies and then follows wth army lists for Allthe major powers of Middle-earth, Army ists describe the compositions of cferent armies, "giving parameter forthe number and type of Epic Heres, infantry, cavalry, and war machine Ma given force, These lists qude an aspiring warlords selection of models and help to __ organise a player’ collection into an ay. ‘amyl ip today the ‘personaly’ ofan ary —fr instance, an ary of Rohan has aces to "eat del of ary anda player oud eid an ere outed force, something not every army Isteaters for Conversely te engrd ary ist pres a host of wk armoured infty apts {the Fighting Uruk-hai) but contains few cavalry choices. Army lists provide many options, but also lntatons An amy of Mordor can have as many Ore Wrbands a your clacton slow, Bit yu an ony ever Feld @ Sn Sauron! ‘ith army its ad ther points values tis ossibie to work outa point ota for aga Wich allows a range of extingpossbites for gaming Scenarios. na maichp of two armies equal points aes, the wine should be deaded by sland cunning manoeuste (although excisional ue may ply 2 ne). nmismatched points toa, one side an underdog and aces ‘aespondingy greater challenges 0 oveceme. Can even the greatest heres of Middle-earth “deft sich lpsed ods? Perhaps and perhaps ot, but by austing pont values ether way, ayes may tack the ods and measure the rel ‘Aumy sts allow payers who don't even speak the same language to understand the composition © ofeach others armies. They are a source of daydream planning (perhaps I'l add an lied formation?) and frustration (wy can't ft both Aragorn and Gandalf in my 1,000 point army Ist). Some players will want to maintain a ‘purist’ approach and teat the army Ist as sacrosanct, while ‘thers prefer some leeway ('l give you 150 extra points if | can make up some rues forthe Watcher {nthe Water). We have found that players, ourselves include, love to discuss army lists in genesal ‘and their amy list in particular. What influences your army selection, be it tactical combinations, 2 particular theme from the books or films, or simply the look of the models themselves, i entirely fo you ©& Forging Your Army (Over the course ofthe next few pages youl learn Before you choose an army you'l need to agree how to choose an amy for War af The Ring Forging _& scenario with your opponent and taal your collection of miniatures into an army iS not only points each of you will spend. Every formation in necessary to play 2 game, its alo eat fun = you ‘The Ring has 2 points value that represents is ‘an add your favourite model, unlock new tactical the game, and allows players to fight fat ad bala ‘opportunities and craft a truly individual force. ‘games. A1,500-point game normaly provides There are plenty of options for you to explore in hous of gaming ~ the perfect amount fran your quest for victory! Whist strategy and good ‘or evenings worth of pla. Both players shoud fortune have a huge role in determining a bates victor, spend the same amount of points, although sa the composition of your army sno Tess important and special scenarios later in the book give one ‘offers a great opportunity to outfox your opponent advantage in points, balanced by wctory cond before the game even begins! special ules that favour his opponent. © amg, (ES) Minas Tsth Watins 2 pons capa Formation Profile @Command This is where you'll find the name of the unt ts This section Ist all the command upgrades ava characteristic profile and cost without upgrades. 2 formation, such as Captains, Banner Bearers nd For example, the entry shown above is for a formation _as well s the associated points costs. Some ‘of Warriors of Minas Tinth that costs 25 points formations have command upgrades included int basic points cost. this isthe cas, it wil be tated Formation Class and Size ‘There are four types of formation in War ofthe Ring: @)Special Rules Common formations, Rare formations, Legendary Many formations in War of The Ring have spac formations and Epic Heres. ‘which are detaied inthis secton. if only the names Special rl s given, that rule a commen spel ‘This box wil ao tell you the maximum number of and can be found on pages 61. Sometines a _adctional compares that can be purchased. nthe til be so unique that it hes own speci uke ‘example above the Wares of Minas Trth formation case, details of those ruts) willbe gven hes. Stats with one company, but may include up 10s ‘costing 25 points each Epic Actions (€pic Heroes and some Legendary format @Wargear ‘Tiss where yu'l find deta ofthe Epc actos A formations wargear can havea profound impact on can perform. AS with specal rules, many ED: its combat ables, and you'l find deta ofthat wargear shared by several Heroes ~ details ofthese can bef listed here. Hf the formation has the ability to take entra. _on page 69, Some Epic actions are unique to cota cor aliferent wargear, that wil be shown here, alongside any additonal costs Seicppbiapihe toherapih ¢ Choose a Faction FoF all you need to cicose a faction to build your Samy around. There are ten factions in War of The Ring Beas presented in detail in the amy lists that folio Hightol these factions represent the significant powers Bhat for contol over Middle-earth, from the noble Hetiendes of Gondor to the fearsome Uruk-hai of Hetgat The other two factons are not so much $Btgansed groups, but largely unaligned forces that Kansometimes be persuoded to join the fray at the Behestof onesie or the other Each faction has its own Gpecatsations and troop types that in turn sut different lang ses, 50 if you're beginning your collection of SMe Lord of The Rings models, i's worth taking time to ieee which faction suits you best. Each faction has its Epic Heroes are generally the most powerful leaders su {35 Aragom, Galadriel, Gil or the Witch-king of Angmae ‘The second group from which your leader can be selected ate the Legendary formations. These mostly represent the second tet of Heroes in Middle-earth ~ the determined Captains of Good and Evi Legendary formations comprise one or more famaus Heroes and their bodyguard such as Glir’s Household, Uglik Raiders or Denethor’s Guard Some Legendary formations suchas Faamirs Rangers, have more than one named Hero in their ranks. it Cases, it wil normaly be lear on whom the mante of leadership should fall, ut you are fre to nominate Hero you wash ‘A few Legendary formations are not realy formation un ay 2 shown bal Si, but Heroes 0 powerful that hey fight alone! Such Good Factions Page Sauron, but might also represent the greatest of mortal ‘onto and Arce 2 champions 2s wl The kingdom of fan 108 The then Kings 118 Heroes are betes site for leadership than others The Darl Has 130 thet specal ables confer bonuses not ony on tht The Frgaten Kegon 40 cnn formation but nearby alles as wel Other Heres are warriors fist and leaders second ~ the fighting abies Bail Factions Page dre formidable, bu they dort ing much othe batten Morir Es way of sitiety and inspretion, The best leaders ae TeForves of engard 168 ‘hve Heroes that Combine both rats ~ suchas Aragorn, The Naty Mourtars 1 oF pethaps Sauron = but of couse, these are the ones TheFalen Reams 190 that cos the most pnts Angrar 206 — Between i pic Heroes and Legendary formations, each Beth you may not choose The Frgoten Kingdoms factions army ist offers plenty of choices fr yout ear Bs icued tere out of» sense of completeness, Theres no right or wrong choke, You can chaore your Bis aio, anc formatonsinctoed nts army et favoutt Hero, ofthe one that you think wil eng the Henny evr be chosen a ales (see over the page) ‘most benefits to your army its entirely up to yu Iihen youve chose you faction, you' ako have Hiadea far more profound decsion, indeed one that Il dctermine the fra fate of Mile-earth. The econ in question is your alegiance to Good or Ev. Barre nights that you shoul choose your allegiance to TheFiee Peoples oto Sauron before you select a faction Bathe ruthis tat even the nobest heart canbe tainted jhe dese to weld the dark sorcery ofthe Nazadl just isthe darkest soul canbe redeemed by the glory of the BBs chose the army you lke the most, and let your Heteptin or coruption attend to tse. Your alegiance Tver portant, 2s tis dictates the ales you'l be able Hoa, ad te Forunes or Fates avaiable to your army (ee page 87 for details) Choose a Leader Bout fcion ad alegiance reconciled (ts not 20 Bbetoctange your mint ts now tne to start buldng Horan, The fst sop to crocs a leader fr your Hote Ws wal be the mighty narir or wise wizard who Hesasentied the amy and under whose bonne’ ne Benj marces ino tale some scenarios, he erty ede canbe cco the enemys goal maybe toser hin The ate two kinds of formations from which you can Heese your leader. The fst kind are pic Heroes. Epc Hates are dynamic leaders who do not travel with a Beale bodyguard, but move from formation to Formation 1 be wherever the fighting thikest 86 The First Formation With your leader chesen you can now get on with selecting the ret of your army, Begining with your fist Every army must include atleast one Common formation you can include more if you wish. Common formations represent the heart of your faction’ fighting forces and form the backbone of thet armies. Theres no mit cn the number of common formations you can have in your army, 50 if several diferent types catch your eye, don't waste time deciding which you want to chase fist youl have plenty of opportunity to add extra Common formations late. The Rest of the Army oul jim allentat nd decree fotion Us we ns ody pet of pts to spare) you can ort on wth ssecing the enandr of your army The ependture of Your remaing pots govered by folowing tee Sle decrees ‘The Decree of Rarity You may never have mare Rare formations of any kind than you have Common formations of any kind. Similar, you may never have more Rare companies than you have Common companies. Some troops ae simply es numerous than others. Gondor can draw upon many regiments of Warrior, Archers and Knights but ony a few of Fountain Cour Guard. The Decree of Ray ensures that your army will ot only be a fai and balanced force it also helps your army capture the spit ofthe force it represents ‘A Rohan army is being built. Théoden (an excelent balance between leadership and combat ability) has already been chosen asthe army's leader, alongside 3 formation of Riders of Rohan. One Rare formation an be included immediately as there is already one Common fermaton in the army (the Riders of Rohan). However, @ second Rare formation cannot be added unt a second Common formation as been included. ‘The Decree of Legends ‘You are fre to incude as many Legendary formations {and Epi Heroes in your army 35 you Wish, however You may not include the same Legendary frmaton ‘twice, oF the same Epic Heo twice. As much a we right wish i otherwise, theres only one Aragorn and only one Gothmog! smetimes there are several diferent ways of including «particular Heroin an aemy. Gandal, fr example, an fielded alone as the Epic Hero Gandalt the Grey ‘oF as part ofthe White Council Legendary fomtion, He cannot be fielded 3s both - you must choose Whi you will use. f you field Gandalf as an Ep Her You wil nt be able to choose the White Counc at la choose wisely ‘The Decree of Allies The tales of Middle-earth are heavy with instances of two oF more factions coming together in common ee the Bate of the Pelennior Fields and the Last lang being the most commag, As such, War of Te Ring would hardly be complete if you could not forge alliances of your own! You may spend up toa quarter (25%) of your total points on ales. Ales can be selected from any ofthe other factions withthe same allegiance a your my, ie. a Good army can choose ais from any other Goad factions and an Bal army can choose alles fom any other Evi factions Its important to note that the Decree of Rarity and the Decree of Legends apply acoss the whole at, not across each segment of the army chosen fm diferent factions. As lang as you never have more Rare frmallans than Common formations it does net matter whether they are allied formations or roops chosen fom your main faction Continuing the example above, the Rohan army now includes Theoden, twe formations of Rides of Rohan (Common), ane formation of Sons of Eo are) and one farmation of Wood Er Sentinels (Rare chosen rom the ves faction). Ifthe Rohan payer wishes to incude a second formation of Wood Elf Sentinels he needs 0 Include another Common formation. This could be chosen from the Rohan faction, the Eves faction or een 2 thi faction, providing he doesnot exceed the foal ‘number of points he can spend on ales ortunes and Fates hon prepared the army, there will aways be elements that ate the course ofthe battle Weepons le waiting to be discovered and put to sagan, midhty Heroes avait their moment of 20d the great powers stretch their influence across th, hoping to shape the outcome ofthe War of eR tothe own ends. A legacy of war has left sand areas of hidden power scattered across the le sndscap, However, such fortune cannot be ed upon. ts often ite more than bind chance Benes such opportunity into needy hands ~ ts forthe beneficiary to unlock is power! and Fates can be purchased as upgrades for Heroes ad formations Fortunes are avalable to armies, whist Fats can be chosen by il armies, fRoreentabeneficent gt (r curse) from a higher enchanted Ewen raiments,heooms of power, ons of Sauron o:peshaps even the simple es ofa mocking destiny. Used atthe prope tine the proper place, Fortunes and Fates can seal your 0 choose and use) them wisely! Fortune oF Fate contains tree important pieces land description. Tis identifies the Fortune or presents a short naratve that explains ts effect the stor of your battle. This i alo where you't pont value lon type. This tells you whether the Fortune or ferealed at the star of the game (persistent effec) play goes on intervention). See Activating Fortunes Fates below, This paragraph explains what happens when you Fortune oF Fate. Inthe case of an intervention €50F Fates, it wll bo tell you when it can be used. Choose Your Fortune Fortunes and Ftes are selected when bulng your army The numberof Fortunes or Fates allowed vate sath the armyssze Fortunes/Fates upto 1 ‘Army size (02,000 points 2,001-3,000 points upto2 3,001- 4,000 points upto 3 ‘2ach further 1,000 points “ Note that this table shows the maximurn number of Fortunes and Fates you may choose — you can select fewer if you wish, or even take to battle without! Each Fortune or Fate has an associated points cost. This counts towards the cost of your army in the same \way as formations and their upgrades. Generally Speaking, the more expensive a Fortune or Fte, ‘the moc effective it wil be. Using Fortunes and Fates Sarr fe rt fo target your amy hs brought bale, ort eas he table sis of «parce Hee, Others portray fateful moments inthe atte, where courage fs redoubled inthe face ofa tesibe threat, fr bold warrior strides forth to change the course ofthe battle Not all Fortunes and Fates ae in effect at the beginning ofthe game ~ some have to be dedared as the game {9085 an, There are two kinds of Fortunes and Fates: Persistent effect and Intervention. Persistent effect Fortunes and Fates must be revealed ‘and allocated to their target at the start ofthe game ~ they then lst forthe duration ofthe game, or unt ther target is removed from the bo2td, Intervention Fortunes ‘and Fates can only be used once, so choose your moment ‘wisely — once used, they wil play no Further part in the bate. However, une Persistent eect Fortunes and Fates, Interventions need not be revealed to your ‘opponent until used! if one or more imewertion Fortunes or Fates are activated atthe same stage (ofthe tun, they come into effect inthe order in which they were declared, COngalyou have activated a Fortune or Fat, follow the inststos given ints envy ts a good idea to place Counters as reminder fr the effects of Fortunes and Fates that lst fora phase or more this is especially true of persstent Fortunes and Fates, whose effects las all game! DBC, Sarxmby a Fortunes ‘Athelas 150 points This little-known leet has powerful healing properties in the hands of ane wi knows is secrets. Intervention. Use tis Fortune when one of your Epic Heroes has Been sain, That Heo is instant eturned tolife with hs Might reduced to 0 and his Reslence reduced to 1 ~ place him ina friendly formation within 12° Hf there is no friendly formation in range, you may ot use Athelas Indomitable Defiance 150 points (Great deeds are often needed to oppose a great evi ~ no matter the sacrifice Intervention. Use ths Fortune when your side ose fight = your sde s now treated as having won the fight by @ single casualy instead Seat of Ancient Power 100 points There are yet places in Middle-earth where a wholesome power pervades. ving fresh determination to nearby ‘creatures of goed heart Persistent effect. Place a maker, or suitable terrain piece, to represent the Seat of Ancient Power anywhere on the board aftor forces are deployed but before the game begins. All Good formations within 3° of the Seat of Ancient Power have +1 Fight ‘Orebane Weapons Mory ong and tev hove been eg al the Eves and the Orcs, and many weapon forged wi ‘enchantment crafted to prove deadly to the foe Persistent effect. Choose one formation in yout ai That formation gets the Orcbane specal ke Gee page 61 Steeds of Pure Blood 100 Though the bloodline i thinning, there are yet sme steed in Midde-earth that hark back tothe fathers of horses Persistent effect. Choose one caval formation in army, That formation’ Move characters smc Trolbane Weapons 100 In. ages past the Dwarves of Khazad-dim craft mi weapons 0 slay Tals. Though Khazad lim has ong Since fale into shadow, some ofthese weapons ead in the armoures of Midae-earth Persistent effect. Choose one formation in yout am ‘That formation gars the Trolbane special nde (Gee page 61 Fate Smiles Upon You * The fortunes of 9 kingdom can tum ona single moment of serendipity Intervention. Use this Fortune after you make a thce rol You may alter the score of that ce ol by 1 (up oF down) Galadhrim Longbows * These are the finest of longbows — lovingly eae strung with the golden hair of EN maiden and bese the Lady of Lathlonen herelt Persistent effect. Choose one formation in your ail That formations shoot value is improved by 148 a formation with Shoot 4 would now have Shoot Hero of the Hour 5 Wars have tumed upon the deed of ene brave Wei the right place and atthe night time, Persistent effec. Choose one Hero in your amy ata Epic Hero ora Hero leading a Legendary fort) ‘That Hero has +1 Fight and +1 Courage Mithril Coat % AS hard as ctagonscale and light asa feat, Mh (oats can stop even the most dolorous Bow. Persistent effect. Choose one Hero or Epic Heo (bv Ral Monstrous Hero) in your army That Heras Resienels increased by Patantr 75 points sfones of ancient Nimenor are ponetu! tool fof one who commands sorcery Ife Choose one Epic Hero in your xmy ~ bearer ofthe Palani. Whist the bearer of the efais ave, you mey add 1 to yout Prioity rls, er ofthe Free Peoples joF3 mighty king, hosted above the fan form a ratjing point fr the entice army. 50 points feflect Choose one formation in your army shat Bearer That banner Isnow an Army Banner er ofthe game. Heroies 50 points : in felonship, fora sacrifice made by benefit another Use ths Fortune a the stant of any Privy the olor priority is made. Nominate one jpes wth at east 1 Might point remaining ~ Might 'simmediatly reduced to 0. However, fimmedately choose another Hero within 12" — 50 points 5 Heroes let thet true power lt ned fs ypon them. When Use ths Fortune immediately before one of {causes an enemy to take 2 Tero test ~ tis fled automatically, f 50 points ig yee of forgotten alories can awake courage in ng ear. ‘Use this Fortune before one of your fakes a Courage testo pass automaticaly 50 points ‘Choose one Hero or Epic Hero in your tars the game with an addtional D3 50 points Ke, even the meckest and most pDeclte you are using ths Fortune at Prony phase. You may automatically yer has pricy that turn Ancient Lore The wise have assembled great volumes offre conceming the weaknesses of Ev creatures, the better fo counter they machinations 25 points Intervention. At the start of any Prony phase, before the rll for priory has been made, you may nominate an ‘enemy formation and nulify one ofthe folowing special ‘ules fr the remainder ofthe turn: any kind of Bane, Expert Rider, Pathfinder, Prowler, Skies Ride, Spin Grasp, Spiit Walk, © eror Counterspell 25 points tis diffu to undo the sorceres of another. Dificut, but ‘not impossible Intervention. Use tis Fortune when an enemy Hero uses ‘a magical power but before they rol fr the effect. The spell fas to have any effect, just as if a Wil of Iron rll had been made Forgotten Fortifications 25 points Who can say how many forgotten bastions fe scattered throughout Middle-earth watting fora new cause? Persistent effect. Before forces are deployed on the board, nominate a single building or ruin. That feature’ Defence bonus increases by 2, S&S & Fates %” Morgul Blades 125 points These blades have a ghastly inteligence for ther shards wil seek the heart of wounded foe ~ even the slightest scratch becomes @ fatal wound. Intervention, At the start of the game, secretly choose ‘one formation in your army to bear the Morgul Blades land make a note on your amy rose). You may eclae they are being used atthe start of any Fight phase For the remainder ofthe phase, the formation Carrying the Morgu Blades wil wound ther opponents Dark Shine 100 points Sauron’ touch withers and destroys, leaving only bast his power that sicker al creatures of 2 ‘900d heort Persistent eect. Place a marke to represent the Dark Shrine anywhere on the board afte forces are deployed but before the game beains All Good formations within 3° of the Dark Shrine have -1 Fight Dwvartbane Weapons 100 points There have been many wars between the Duarves and Goblins, and many weapons forged as a rest. Tho. Goblin weapons are shoddy and crude, they sometimes Persistent effect. Choose one form ‘That formation gets the Dwarfbane special rule see page 61) Greed for Glory 100 points The Dark Lord of Mordor knows the secret wishes unthinking recklessness Intervention, Use ths Fate at the start of any Charge phase, after any Heroic Charges have been declared Nominate one Good formation - that formation must attempt to charge ths turn, f thee isan enemy ia nge ithe Good player may chacse which formation charged, should there be a choice). The nominated armation wil auomatially pas any Courage tests equited, and may charge even iit has made shooting attack Cursed Armour of Uddin 75 points Forged through knowledge stolen from Namenoy, the suits of armour created in Un are akin to Elven plate in hardiness. The wearers are to be feared Persistent effect. Choose one formation in your army. That formations Defence value i increased by 1 Tainted Palantir 75 points only to Eleni and his sons. Now, several Persstent effect. Choose one Epic Her in your amy this isthe beater of the Palani Whilst the bearer of the Palantir remains alve, you may add 1 to yout Banner of Barad-dar 50 points Where the banner of Barac-dOr fs, there do the minions ofthe Dark Lord redouble their eft Persistent effect. Choose one formation n your am that has a Banner Beoer. That banner now an Ay Banner forthe remainder of the game Faltering Nerve 50 points How wil the armies of Good fare if their Heroes Be hfeer and indecision Intervention. Use this Fate when an enemy Hero deca ‘ Herat action. Rol a D6 —on a 2 of more, anes Might point must be spent or that Herc action does not take effect and any Might aleady commited Ia of Fallen Kings 50 points 1 fear and obedience thatthe Nazgil command se second only tothe for insted by Sauron hil Minions that bear the Nazgo's mark fight lhe mare su hey fal Persistent effect. Choose one formation n you at That formation has Strength for the See the game. However whenever the formation Gefeated in combat, it immediately siflers D6 of Camm Dam 50 points sha of metal and ie waste wikia ‘Night point i immediately regained. On suifes a number of automatic hits equal Might cannot be used to alter this ol. 1n0 Dawn, 50 points Sa choking black sy to the bate, Jmisons end sapping the valour of foes. PL Bae te start of ay Poy rth fr pry mae or he Feira a errtors ray el fated 50 points servants need not tread the bated the shadow they cast in men's hears is ‘Choose one Evil Hero or Epic Hero — that Teor f the Heo already caused Teor, {Courage tests taken when charging (or by) that Hero, must be reolled ~ the 50 points fear and tusted by sorcery, even horses ‘Choose one cavalty formation in your i Strength characteristics increased 25 points these projectiles are set aight wien fred, flame tothe horor ofthe attack ‘Choose one of yout formations armed 3. For the remainder of the game, ‘made by that formation wil drive the they cause so muchas a single attack made by the formation pany tobe removed, the distance the enemy ck wl be DS" per company rather than D3 have aStenath of 6 red at Ents 25 points th tres have fallen under shadow, sleeps in thor hears. Only a fool risks jeccupying that train feature immediately Strength 10 hits. Curse of Morgoth 25 points fl sleeps not, and never forgets one who has sighted ft Intervention, Use this Fate after one of your opponents formations makes a dice rol. You may alter the score of that dice roll by 1 (up or down). Tokens of Terror 25 points Severed heads branded with the dark runes of Mordor ~ few things can inst! dismay a effectively Pesstem effect. Choose one formation in your army. That formation causes Terror for the rest ofthe game Haunted Wasteland 25 points Cn this blasted land the spirits ofthe dead lurk, trapped ‘by necromancy and hungry to have the lung jin them in their confinement. Intervention. Use thi fate when a formation moves through dificult eran. Any formation moving through that dificult terrain must make @ Courage test but on 2 single D6 only For every point the tests failed, the formation sues a casualty (nota hit!) 3s several of its ‘wartors ae lured to their doom Infestation 25 points The Lord of Mordor has many malignant pets that lark in Ark places. A nesing drake or a handtul of giant spiders ‘can make even the most formidable cefensive poston utteriy untenable, Persistent effect. Before forces are deployed onthe board, nominate 2 single defensible terrain feature. That feature’ Capacity decreases by 1, and the Defence bonus it offers decreases by | Watcher in the Shadows 25 points ‘These three headed statues guard the passes into Mordor {and other eu strongholds. Ther gaze causes fear inthe heats ofa but the boldest. Persistent effect. Place a marke, o suitable terrain pce, to,epresent the Watcher in the Shadows anywhere on the board after forces are deployed but before the game begins. All Gocd formations within 6” of the Watcher in ‘the Shadows have ~1 Courage, FTE a 4 Without doubt the greatest of the realms of Men in recent history, Gondor stands lke a bulwark. between Mordor and the peoples of the free world. Iti through the unceasing viglance.and strength of arms ‘Common, Formation (One to six companies. xe Common Formation ‘ne tose companies Ke ‘Common Formation (ne ti companies Minas Tirith Warriors RACE _TYPE Warrior of Minas Trt Man infantey Captain of Minas Tith Man Infantey Wargear ach company has hand weapons, heavy armour and shields. Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the following options: Captain of Minas Tirth 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points Archer of Minas Tith Wan lfantey Coptain of Minas Tinth Man infantry Wargear ach company has hand weapons, heavy amour and bows Command The fst company purchased i automatically the command company, ‘The command company may have the following options: Captain of Minas Trith 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hoenblower 15 points Minas Tirith Knights RACE TYPE. ight of Minas Tati Man — Cavalry Knight Captain Man Cavalry Wargear Each company has hand weapons, heavy armour and ances. The ete may be given shields ~ increasing each companys Defence to 516) fot per company. Command The first company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the folowing options Knight Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Homblower 15 points Sarscobyyice hey 30 points per company | Common Formation ‘ne to six companies. infantry mie Ds = “he \rean Warriors 25 points per company — Common: ol Formation RACE TYPE MF S DA _R C Mt One tosixcompanies freffimenor Man infortry 6 aia+ 3 a6) 8 13 Infanty <5 242 Jcompany may have the flowing options: HNoFNimencr $0 points Bearer 35 points / 15 points ean Archers 30 points per company Common ca Formation SD ARC mt _ | Onetosixcompanies 3 4 8 RACE TYPE M mofNimenor Man infant 6 Nofhimenor Mon inforty 1 24 2 F wae es Reompany has and weapons, armour and bows. [company purchased is automatically the command company. Icompany may have the folowing options jotNumeno: 50 points 35 poins 15 points Common Warriors of Amor 25 points per com Formation ‘Ore tos compoin. RACE TYPE M FS DAR € iar of amar Man —ifanty 6 as 350) 8 Captan ofaner Man ifanty = 5 2 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, heavy armour and shields Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company The command company may have the following options: Captain of Arnor 50 pons Banner Bearer 35 pons Hornblower 15 points Rangers of Arnor 30 points per (One to six companies. RACE _ TYPE . Ranger of Arnor “Man Infantry 4 Captain of Rangers Man Infantry AR oa 2 Wargear Each Compary has hand weopons armour and bows Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the folowing options: Captain of Rangers 50 points Special Rules Pathfinders (Master. Common Citadel Guards Formation ‘One to sx companies RACE TYPE Gtadel Guard Man Infantry Guard Captain Man Infantry Wargear Fach company has hand weepons and heavy armour, The ene formation be gwen longbows for +5 points per company. ‘Command ‘The fist company purchased is automatically the command company The command company may have the follwing options Guard Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points ori iypeh pera @BhE Sovrepbyipi 1s of Dol Amroth 35 points per company Common Formation: me we om + cmt | ennetseerreris Non Flonny we 3 wes 35 poins 15 pons sofDol Amroth 45 points per company Common | Formation mace wee om Fs DA e_ | One wostenmpanes Balan Wan —wrenty aes ¢5cn ° eay Rc 14 oui 2 has hand weapons, heavy armour and shields. purchased i automaticaly the command company Ri campary may hae the following options 50 points 35 points 15 points {Amroth! The Knights of Dol Amvoth make an unstoppable charge on 3 father than a6 (hey mus stl have enough move to reach the foe) hts of Dol Amroth 50 points per company | Common 2 Formation One sc corpaies has hand weapons, heavy armour, shields and lances Sripany purchase is automatically the command company. company may have the folowing options 50 points 35 points 18 ponts The Knights of Dol Anoth make an unstoppable charge on a ther than a6 (they must stil have enough move to reach the foe). hgh YB PaeRGt oscar BS Saajephy Vasa Rare TS) Guards of the Fountain Court 35 points per Formation: ree sate nace We MF s DA iounih Coat Gand Won wianty 6 Be 36 Gard Capa Man tfonty © \ Wargear Es esa hs href eacee a or ard Le Command Ths copay puch Sacra te oe The crn cpa ay hav folowing Spo ated cata 50 pins ee 33 points eres i pons Rare [Gd Avenger Bolt Thrower 50 points per Formation ea altar Te nace TE MF os DA Sooctobe [Eee ee wetharnrsons of tas omm eom Waryear ach company has hand weapons, heavy armour and a Bolt Thrower Range Strength” Bolt Thrower 24 6 Special Rules [Artlry, The Avenger ues the following tbl, ater than the on on ‘Avenger Bolt Thrower Table TPZ. Mis, The shot spaters the target with mud but causes no dana 355. On target, The target formation sues D6+4 Stength & his + uy Stik. The ‘orge formation suffers D6+8 Sengih 6s Rare (Battlecry Trebuchet 100 points per Formation ne to thee companies. Tis RACE_TvE_ MF Company wes aspecal base | Batlecy Webuchet — Man Infanty 6 Si ‘rth dimensions oft east ‘20mm x Onn. Wargear Each company has hand weapor heavy armour and a Trebuchet. Range Trebuchet 12-72 Special Rules Aatillery. Sooyazp0 of the Dead 60 points per company Rare aa pany Formation RACE TYPE MF SD A RC Mt Onetosixcompanes faded spt wonty 8 av 35 8 1 _! heed Spiit infonty - 4 - - - 2 6 2 ofthe Dead count as armed only with hand weapons, regardless of they are actualy caring prigany purchased i autoratically the command compar. 50 poinss 35 points 60 points per company | Rare percompany | Formation cmt | One to sic companies. Spit Cevany Dead Spit Covaly purchased is automatically the command company. company may have the folowing options: Dead 50 points 35 points Infantry ieee 2 Man infanty ailaas hasten armour and two-handed weapons Pan purchased is automaticaly the command company. [company may have the folowing: 35 points i 15 ponts ; ' ne Fat jan inthe army may include Frlong the Fat for +75 pont. twill then | dary formation instead, $ yal At the start of the Fight phase, the Axemen of Lossarnach can tas beng armed wth pikes, rater than two-handed weapons, PeighgSh poXietgyiS | OF saiibsitins 5 Cocaaaaaall Rare Formation. One to six companies. 22 Legendary Ea Formation (One to six companies. at Legendas Formation (ne tose companies. ba jphiaysr RACE TYPE MF Clansmen of amedon Man Infantry 6 aide ‘Angbor the Fearless Man Infanty 6 Clansmen of Lamedon 30 points per: AR a4 2 > 4 5 Wargear Each company has armour and two-handed weapons Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company The command company may have the folowing options Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points (One formation in the army may include Angbor the Fearless for #75 pots then count asa Legendary formation instead Special Rules Furious Charge. The Clansmen of Lamedon wil chrge 0646" rather than 612", and receive a Charge bonus of +2 rather than +1 Rangers of Ithilien 95 points + 30 per: RACE TYPE OM FS DAR Ranger of ies Man ifentry 6 W383 4 BN Mac! Man infantty = 5 - 2 Danvod Mon infty = ae ss 2 2g Wargear Each company has hand weapons, armaut and bows Command The fist company purchase is automatically the command company and Mai and Damtod ince in the base cost Special Rules “Ambushers, Pathfinders (Master) ‘Bodyguard. Wrile Damod is ave, the controling payer can choose ti fight any Heroic duels drected at Madi Denethor’s Guard +35 per RACE TYPE MF S$ DAR GiadelGioré "tan Want 6 aa 65 BT eregond a Denathor Man Wanty 2 Se 2 2 2 2 Wargear Each company has hand weapons and heavy amour. Command ‘The fst company purchased is automaticly the command company andi Denethor, Beregond, a Hornblower and a Banner Bearer included nthe Special Rules Bodyguard, Vie Beregond is alive, the contoing player can choose tim fig ony Hero Duels ected at Derthor Broken Mind. Denethor always takes Courage tests on 306. ‘Whist Denethor salve, his formation must use hs Courage, OF alliage 3 Ghorkcpby 120 points + 35 per company Legendary Formation MF SDA RC Mt Onetosixcomparis. inlanty 6 Aue 4 57) 81s infantry - 5 2 ae purchased automaticaly the command company and has \ fa Banner Bearer include inthe Base cost. The command company folowing 15 points Beit Whi cron i stil ave, the Osgiath Veterans Teor ests f the Dead King 145 points + 30 per company Legendary oo Formation RACE TYPE M FS DA RC Mt Onetosh companies Spit inlanty € 3 35 8 1 5 Dead Spikt Inlntty = a 262 the Dead count as armed only with hand weapons, regardless of they ae actualy carrying, so the rules for tworhanded weapons, 00h ulchased is automatically the command company and has the and Barer Bearer included in the base cost Rl a5 at the start ofthe Move phase, before Heroic Moves [On afol of 4+, the Court of the Dead king may not At the Double! is increased to 24 for the remainder ofthe turn in of Arnor ~ 75 points + 35 per company Legendary i | Formation (One 05 companies Man thfanty 6 43+ 44 8 1 3 - Men Infenty = 5! - 253 hand weapons, armour and longbows spa purchased is atomic the command company and has Jedin the base cost. The comand compony may have. 15 points Patho can choose 1 pend 3 Might pont at the start of any ti does 0, the Donedan of Armor are counted as Rating a Shoot the endo he shase ¢ z whys peat shcfher ype WE MF S DAR C Mt 4 § fi The Grey Compan 75 points + 40 : Pees | | rey pany points ‘One to six companies. RACE TYPE MF S DA ___| Rangerofthe Noth Man Infantry 8 43+ 4 5 6 ‘abbarad Man infanty = 5-2 Wargear Fach company has hand weapons heavy amour and longbows ‘Command. ‘The fst company purchased fs automatically the command company and Halbarad included in the base cost. Halbarad may carry the Banner ofthe +50 points Special Rules Pathfinders (Master, Stalwart, Indomitable. “The Valour of Forgotten Armor. na fight, the Grey Company sre at time as cavalry ‘The Banner of the King. If Halbarad caries the Banner ofthe King, all companies in the formation have +1 Fight. f Aragorn joins the famaton he the Inspiring Leader (Master) specal rue with an unlimited range. | Legendary Royal Guard of Arnor Formation (ne to 5 companies. RACE TE OM FS DAR Warhor ofAmor Man infant 6 ae 3 80) 8 1 King Arve Man infty = Se = = = 2 Mabeth the Seer = Man Infanty = 3h 2 + = Wargear Each company has hand weapons, heb amour and sis ‘Command The fst compory phased is automacly the conned Oa King Arve Malet the Seer ond a Bone Bearer med i ea ‘The Formation may have the flowing AZ Hombione 15 points . Special Rules The Gift of Foresight. ach tne the formation ues it DE €f 6, Moloth hs forewarned Ns companions sit the sac prevertd and he formation dos not sulle casa Th abi Malbeth ssi a Le ‘Never (G& we Halen ia Tit into ge ba ae mre 8 0 tower 102 soipohiers CH PR IGRE Pigg A PU of the Keys 110 points + 60 per company RACE TYPE MF SD AR C Mt es Man injanty 6 44+ 38 8 1 4 ‘Man infantry = 5A 253 thas hand weapons and mithibforged heavy armour above the cheek-quads were Set the white wins of sari purchased is automatically the command company and has ‘bt the elms gleamed with Banner Bearer included nthe base cost. The formation may have the 2 fame of ee." ~The ard of The ings 15 points 105 points + 25 per company Legendary | a | Formation Mf Ss DAR Cc mt | Onetosicompanies. 6 aa 3 4 infantry = 5 pay hashand weapons, heavy armour and longhows purchased i automaticaly the command company and has Ja Banner Bearer included inthe base cost. The formation may have 15 points Captain of the White Tower 175 points Epic Hero Single model RACE TYPE M FS D AR C Mt the Banner of Minas Tirth for +50 points — he then counts as Bearer and a Hornblower Boromir can choose to expend a Might point at the start of any el he does 0, each hit he makes will couse a casualty regardless of Epic Hero Single mode e “twat not tthe Wate Cy fa or ou peopl = Amgen The Felons of The Ring Epic Hero Single model Epic Hero single mode 8 @ Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir RACE _TYPE Aragon Man Hero Epic Actions + Epic Challenge + Epicstrike + pic Journey + pic Due Eple Journey. Aragorn leads his companions along secret pats ad tunknown fo the enemy. An Epic Journey costs two Might point for ee Companies in Aragorn’ formation (rounding up) and can be called when Aragot's formation moves, Move Aragorn’ formation anywhere on the bi irespectve of distance or train etc. Aragorn’ formation may not chug or enter & defensible train feature inthe same tutn i goes on af EB a Epic Duel Tis Epic action works exactly like 2 Heroic Duel, save forthe fa ‘Aagotn rls two dice, rather than one, and uses the highest eu Special Rules Inspiring Leader (Men). "Mighty Hero. Aragorn may expend a single pont of Might each tum reducing his store ‘Anduril. Forged in the days of old. as Nars, and reforged for anew age a ‘Anduri, ths Blade contains grest power. n close combat, Aragorn omg {942 bonus to thei ol To Hit Faramir Epic Actions + bic strike + Epic Sacrifice Special Rules Inspiring Leader (Men) ‘Valour Unbound. Tis ability can be used when a friendly formation is called upon to take a Courage test. f the controling player chooses this ability, the tests passed automaticaly. Valour Unbound may’ Be Used per turn Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel RACE TYPE M FS DA Parearin Hobbit Hero| ae : Epic Actions: + pie Detence Special Rules Prince of the Halflings. Peearns formation aay rll fled Co ‘andi steadfast ona rl of 5 or 6, rather than 6, This increases t04, Sa Faramie i within 6° ‘Courageous intervention. You may remove Feregin from the game a ‘casualty to immediately mody 2 dice roll made by his formation (er in the formation) by up 0 3 goxrbyg ince Imrahil of Dol Amroth 125 points DAR CM 36 3 Brisson of hess, and iris iter bough. §Gondoc ard Rohan ae rane cy boeto hi oa.” nati The erd of The figs 225 points DAR CM 36 4 i apotent sword, forged inthe age of the master smiths nals Company has a +2 bonus to thei ol To Hit. 85 points Rc m 36 3 Epic Hero, Single mode! a Epic Hero, Single mode é Epic Hero Single mode ee parte ye The Kingdom of Rohan _ Rohan isa kingdom born of battle. It was originally a great part of Gondor’s western domains, but was gifted to the Rohirrim in recognition of aid given during a time of great peril tren ship betwe them, huncre Though hin Rohan is governed from Medused, the Golden Hal of Edoras. Even in the losing yeas of the Thi kings can be traced b: e Riders of lohan — the need, the Ho lords of Rohan ae considered pees, not but also forth 109. | Common One to nine companies. One to six companies. ‘One to nine companies, SHE peggy Be desbyg of poet Riders of Rohan fored 30 points per Race TYE MF $ DAR Fides ofRoban Man Covaly 10 Wt 3 a8) 22g Coptain of ders Man Cavalry - Se > = = 2 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, thrown weapons, shields, amour and Command Tie fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the folowing options Captain of Riders 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Homblower 15 points Special Rules Expert Riders. Royal Knights 35 points per! RACE TYPE MF S$ DAR € Rohan Royal Eights Men Cavalry 10 aids 3 5(6) 22 Knight Cootan Man Coaly - Sh = = = 2S Wargear Each company has hand weapons thrown weapons, shields, heay amaue and lances Command. The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command compan The command company may have the folowing options: Knight Captain of Rohan 50 points Banner Bearer 35 pois Homblower 15 points Special Rules Expert Riders. Oathsworn Militia RACE TYPE @ Warriors offohan Man infarty 6 Me 3 36) 8 1 Captain of Rohan Man infantty ~ ale -2@ Wargear Each company has hand weapons, thrown weapons, amour and Shi ‘Command The fst company purchased i automaticaly the command company ‘The command company may have the folowing options: Captain of Rohan 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Homnblower 15 points Bowmen 20 points per company cere An cm 6 ‘Man — infantry 3 8 ins Rohan Man infantry Eee has hand weapons, thrown weapons, armour and bows purchased s automatically the command compan. [company may have the folowing options Rohan SO points 35 points 18 pons 35 points per company Tyee DAR CM Cavalry a2 2 3 fy fas hand weapons, thrown weapons, armour and bows. purchased is automatically the command company W company may have the following options: 35 points 15 points Royal Guard 35 points per company me RACE TYE MF SD AR (Guard Man —infanty 6 aa 3 50) 8 1 pian Man infantty - 5 - ~~ 2 © 4 ime as hand weapons, town weapons, heavy armour and shel Paty purchased is automatically the cormmand company. id company may have the folowing options: 50 points 35 points 15 points il Formation ‘One to nine companies. ka Common [| Formation: es cre Common B Formation (One to six companies. ee trie Rare Formation ‘One to six companies, Legendary Formation (One to sk companies a Ea The Sons of Eorl 45 points per Race TPE om FS Sons of Eo ‘Man Cavalry 12 aia 4 5(6) 2 Marshalofohan Man Cavalry 5. = Wargear Each company has heavy armour, shields, thrown weapons and hand) Command The first company purchase is automatically the command company The command company may have the folowing options Marshal of Rohan 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points Special Rules Stalwart, Expert Riders. Horns of the Eorlingas. uring @ tun in which the Sons of Fol make a successul charge, they cause Terror unt the end of the turn, The King’s Guard 100 points + 35 per se RACE TYPE OM F SD Foyal Royal Guard Man infantry 6 4 35D) Gaming Man infanty - Hama Man infanty = 4 (r (choose which when the formation is selected). fay Royal Gud Man Cay 10 als 356) Gaming Man Cavalry = a= Hama Man Cavalry > 4h = Wargear Each company has hand weapons, thrown weapons, heay armour and mounted, they aio have ances Command ‘The fst company purchased f automaticaly the command company and Gaming and Hama included inthe base cost. Gaming may cary the Rol Standard of Rohan for +50 points. The command company may have the. following options: Hornblower 15 points Special Rules Expert Riders (Cavalry ony) Bodyguard. While Hamas ale, the controling player can choose to hale him fight any Heroc Dueks directed at Gaming or any Epic Hero that hsp the formation Royal Standard of Rohan. The Royal Standard of Rohan has the flowing special ule: the fist time in each tun a Heroin the formation calls a Hera action, olla D6, On a score of 4 or mor, the Heroic ation maybe led “without expending any Might. Note that ths rule doesnot appy to any Ele factions that are called “they come to bargain for our goods a Helms Gate they wil ay 2 gh k= Soni. The Loaf oycbagied ipakge 115 points +40 per company | Legendary (a) Formation Mes DAR € Mt) Onetoskcompanis Coely 10aas @ acy 22S > eyo - 2 4 8 has hand weapons, thrown weapens, shields, armour and bows. pany purchased is automatically the command company and has Janda Bannet Bearer included inthe base cost The command Bellet Whist Erenbrand is stil alive, Ekenbrand’s Riders pass Tero tess. 's Knights 135 points + 45 per company Legendary | sa} Formation RACE TYPE MF SD AR C Mt Onetosiccompanies Man Cavalty 1054+ 3 56) 2 2 Men Cawly - 9 - - > 2 4 2 twoWN weapons, shields, heavy armour and lances, purchased is automaticaly the command company and has Ws Bane Bearer incloded in the base cost, The command company allowing options: 15 points “The fist tine each turn Théodted expends a Might point, roll esi of a4 or more, Theodred immediately regains a Might point. id's Helmingas 85 points + 30 per company | Legendary [a] Formation | AACE _TVrE MF SD ARC Mt Oneioshconpanies an wlorey—e 3ev 43) 8 Te Sete has hand weapons, thrown weapons armour and shields. purchased i automaticaly the command company and has “Ard then al he hes of Ren Banner Bearer included inthe base cost. The command company | bustint song. and they sing as allowing options: they sey forthe jy of bate was 15 points The Lord of The Rings f° apatigeigyie Legendary Os Elfhelm’s Riders Formation ‘One to six companies. ‘hele Rides Man Cavalry 12 424 3 46) 22 thei Man Cavalry - 5H - = = 2 Wargear Hand weapors, throw weapons, shies, amour and bows. | APeatrene tbe wis cin Command mon were arog these The fest company purchased is automaticaly the command company ad Croins hewn, svi. ting Ethel and a Banner Bearer included in the base cost. The command the foes io te fret." ‘may have the folowing The Lord of he ings Homblower 15 points Special Rules Expert Riders, Pathfinders (Master). Epic Hero Théoden, King of Rohan Single model nace Pe Thode Man Heo Epic Actions: Epic Challenge Epic Saciice = bie Charge Special Rules Inspiring Leader (Men), Touched by Destiny. Heroic Example. Al indy formations within 12” of Théoden may! Courage tests King of the Rohirrim. If Théoden joins a Rohan formation, the enti ses his Fight value, rather than just his company. Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan RACE TYPE M Hobbit He = Fie Sacritice Special Rules inthe Name of the King! Meriadoc’s formation alos vols fled tests and fs steadfast on 2 ol ofS or 6, rather than 6. This increases to Theoden is within 6° Courageous intervention. You may remove Meriadoc fom the game as casualty to immediately masity a dice roll made by his formation (er. in the formation) by up to 3. *tang’s mon! Kiegis ment Yu mus stay by hi” “Mery, The Lod of The Rings Li79PS ISIGE BGS PB Marshal of the Riddermark 90 points | Epic Hero ry a» “ ‘Single model. s DAR Cm —s RACE TYPE MF eae Uk Tose or Eowyn are iain, then for the rest ofthe game formation must charge an enemy if posse in the Charge phase ght where needed to een his charge range). f heres more gible target, Eom’ controling payer may choose whic to charge. omer must cal an Epc Rage each turn but does 50 for ree ~ he | “Tree are inded range cys rams and mow sing oe cut of te ras” ome, The Lord of The Rings 75 points Epic Hero: rot DAR CM 25 2 s Eowyn has dsquised herself to avoid being recognised by her trends spat deployed in a formation atthe start ofthe game. Instead, [ecard which formation Eowyn has joined. You may reveal Eowyn’ {any point the game, immediately placing her in that formation’ any Hand Shall You Fal. na Heroic Due, Eowyn rolls two dc, rather than Buses the highest result. However, i Eowyn falls to say her ernove her a 2 casualty, 135 points Epic Hero Single mode! ' The fist tine each tun Eor expends @ Might point, rol a D6. {a4/or more, Eorl immediately regains a single Might point. Epic Hero © Frkenbrand, Captain of the Westfold 75 Single model RACE PE M FS DAR 1 you include Erkenbrand, Frkenbrand Men Heo = Sh = = = 8 Captain ofthe Westiold in your army, you may not Epic Actions: Indude rkenbrands Riders. + ~Epic Charge Special Rules Bold Beyond Belief. :kenbrands formation automatically passes Terr ‘The Red Shield. n Erkenbrand’ mighty hands, this great shield is but weapon. in Heroic Duel, Erkenbrand must oll wo cee, rather than ene the highest result Epic Hero 6 Théodred, Prince of Rohan 125) Single model RACE TPE M F S DAR Ifyou indude Théodred, Theoated Man Heo = SE = = ince of Rohan in your ay, you may not indude Epic Actions: ‘Teodred’s Knights + Epic Defence * Epic Sacrifice Epic Intervention Epic intervention. Théodred may call an Epic Intervention on when a Hero within 12" cals an Epc action of ther own ~ Theodtad counts immediately called an Epic acton of identical type to the one called by enemy Hero. Special Rules Hero of Legend. The fst ime each turn Théodted expends a Might '6, On the resi of a or mor, Théodred immediatly regains a Mi Epic Hero © Péorwine, Captain of the Royal Guard 90 sie rote mace Te MF os DA Diaries Marie Epic Actions: 7 ecsaatel site tieg otf horsot ‘Rohan in that hour was lke Special Rules Seerenieperees in Delencs of te Xing Dene ch he ree err hitmen” Thleried or ome woh SG enh ne one of efoeion a ~The Lord of The Rings hit. On ato of 3 or more, Déorwine takes the blow upon himself —the resohed against Déorwine instead.” ‘The Horns of Rohan. Dgonines formation causes Terror when it ; ose haCF Piggy _ The Elven Kingdoms _ The Elves are the oldest, wisest and most skilful of all Middle-earth’s races. When united beneath the heraldry of their lords, there are none that can stand against them. he Eves are a dwindling race, thelr time of dominan tong lost. No king have they any longe, not since Gilgalad fell batting Sauron 3 Second Age, Their realms are sundered and ther flk re returning west oversea to thei spiritual homeland the Eves have vowed not to abandon thei alls to the shadow of Sauron. Though the armies ofthe firstborn eidom to open war, they guard many of Middle fart’ chief havens, and shield many lands that would tecting themselves, From Rwendel 1 the Halls of Thrandul, Elf werrors fell an against Ore, Tolland el spin dor not find isl surrounded by a sea of shadow, for without the efforts ‘ofthe Ehes, the evils of Angmat, Mora, Dol Guidur and ‘2 thousand others would have long ago surrounded th These armies are as nothing to the mighty hess that trod the world in earlier ages, yet they ae terrible foes to face. Few creatures of evi heart can stand before the Eves, for the fistborn ate infused by the glory ofthe creation, a goodness and purty that the tain nnat abide. When they go to war the Elves carry weapons forged of tempered steel, and are clad in armour so sturdy as to rval the best dara Tey strike wth gra beyond the dream of Man ot Dwar! and can pick a path through the densest of terran without perl or hind Whitt The One part to ply in th (arkness beware. ne Elves wil have a ne Let the forces of ng ‘Common Formation. One to si companies id Formation (One tos companies. kil B =) “The Ha, Galadhrim Regiment 45 points per mace Te Mf Ss DAR Gibahvin Waves "tN ionty 8 Se 3 a 8 Gaudin Copan et Inforty =e > fhensometer et amy > i Wargcar Each company has glaives and armour. The entire formation may be ohn increasing each company’s Defence to 46) — for +5 points per company Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company ‘he command company may have the folowing options Galati Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Even Stormcaler 100 points ven Hornblower 15 points Magic ‘An Eien Stomcaler knows al he Spel ofthe Wildemes. He asa level of 1 Special Rules rathfinders (Master), Terror. Galadhrim Archer Regiment _ 50 points per RACE TYPE MF S DAR Galedhim Aches «BY fanty <8 S343 4 8 1S Galodhvin Capitan =f nfanvy - <6 > + = 2 6 Wargear ach company has hand weapons, langhows and armour Command ‘The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company Te command company may have the folowing options GGalaghvim Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 ponnts Even Storcaller 4100 points (see Galadtrim Regiment above) Even Homblower 15 points Special Rules Pathfinders (Masten), Terror. tine of the elves és over. Midle- le een tw ths te Galadriel, The Two Towers if Warband 40 points per company | Common fe) Formation ace Tre mF 5 DAR Cm Onetosn compares 78 c Ef Infantry @ 5a 3 1s 6 BF infantry - 6 26 2 Rcompany purchased is automatically the command company, company may have the following options 50 points 35 points 15 points 55 points per company | Common = Formation RACE TPE MF $ DA RC Mt Onetosu compl, a é BF infenty - 7% - - - 2 6 2 has heavy armour and glaives. iumpany purchased is automatically the command company fend company may have the following options: 50 points 35 points 15 points (Masten), Terror. hEIfArcher Regiment 60 points per company | Common Formation we | Grew coro RAE TYPE MF oS DAR Ef ianty 8 63+ 3 5 8 1 : ff Wavy - 7 - = - 2 6 2 has and weapons, heay armour and longbows purchased is automaticaly the command company. di company may have the folowing options: 50 points 35 points 15 points (Masten, Terror. Jeoicobyy poh sholig ys Ce Rare Formation One to four companies ‘One to six companies. ‘ne to four companies. aX Mirkwood Sentinels 50 points per company RACE TYPE MF S DAR Cm Wood HF Senines Gf —nfanty 8 83+ 3 3 8 1 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, longbows and enchanted cloaks ‘Command The fst company purchased is automatically the command company The command company may have the flowing optons ‘Wood Elf Captain 50 points (se page 121 Bannee Bearer 35 points Special Rules Pathfinders (Master, Terror. Enrapturing Song. Ary enemy formation in base contact wth one of moe formations of Wood Ef Sentinels tthe stat ofthe Fight phase must pass ‘Courage test or have its Strength reduced 101 forthe remainder of the phase Galadhrim Knight Regiment _ 50 points per company RACE TYPE MF S$ DAR Gabdhrim Frights €f —Cavaly 12 58s 3 4 4 2 Knight Captain BY Cavalry <6 2 Wargear Each company has glaives, armour and longbows. The ene formation may exchange its longbows for shields - increasing each company’s Defence to al) ato additional cost. Command ‘The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company ‘The command company may have the folowing options: Knight Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Even Hornblower 15 points Special Rules ‘Expert Riders, Pathfinders (Master), Terror. High Elf Cohort 60 points per company RACE TYPE M FS igh Ef Warriors EH infantry 8 634 3 Commander BF infanty = 7h = Wargear Each company has hand weapons, heswy armour and shields ‘Command The fst company purchased s automatically the command company The command company may have the fllowing options Commander 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Even Hornblower 15 points Special Rules Pathfinders (Master), Teror. Rare =| Formation cE MF SD A RC Mt Oneto fourcompanes Gf ifanty 8 6+ 358 Ef nfgnty =e oe has hand weapons, heavy armour and pikes any purchased is automaticaly the command company. and Frodo sa tat hey ere d company may have the folowing options fall and cd in rey mai and from te shouts ng bog 50 points vie oaks 35 points Tre Lord of The Rings 100 points (s2e Galadhrim Regiment on page 120) 15 points Guard 125 points + 65 points per company Legendary BD Formation Mt Onetosic companies 5 63 RACE TYPE M FS DOA Ef infanty @ Ge 3 50) 8 BF infamy = 7 = R 7 2 hashand weapons, heavy armour and shields, 's Household 160 points + 40 points per company | Legendary Ba Formation: RACE TPE MF SD ARC Mt | Onetofourcompanes Mf infamy 8 6ar 338 1 5 - MH infanty - 7 - = - 2 6 2 ay has hand weepons, onghows and enchanted cloaks pany purchased is automatically the command company and has Banner Bearer included in the base cost. al the Spells ofthe Wilderness. He has a Mastery level of 2 Pathfinders (Master), Terror. P jhigg aie dio fotiibgyse @ Glorfindel, Lord of the West RACE TYPE OM oF S$ DAR lorie EH Monster 8 7136 4 7 & 2 Wargear Glorfindel wears amour and wields 2 gave. Magic Glrfind!, Lord ofthe Wes, knows al the Spel of Command. He has level of 2 Special Rules Orcbane, Pathfinders (Master Spirtbane, Terror, Trllbane, Very Hard to Kil Ride Asfaloth! Ridel The swttness of Glorindes mighty steeds by its grace and agit. Glorfindl, Lord ofthe West moves and charges i hing monster Legendary () Haldir’s Elves 95 points + 50 points per Formation: (Oe t for compares nace TE MF Ss DAR Golovin Waris Wfanty@ Se 34 BD fat eH inerty = 6 > 2 Wargear ach company has hand weapons, armour ana longbow. Command “The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company nd Haldir, a Hornblower and a Banner Bearer included in the base cost Special Rules Pathfinders (Master, Terror. Take Aim! Haldr can choose to expend a Might point atthe start ofa phase. i he does so, Haldr’s Elves are counted 3s having a Shoot value the end of the phase Legendary ([)__-Guardians of Formation Caras Galadhon _125 points + 70 points per (ne to four companies. RACE TYPE MF S DAR Galedivim Guard = —farty «8 «GBs 4 5 8 F Rul BH ifenty = 7H “2 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, heavy armour and pikes. +10 son of ge wos upon them Cries it ware te does” Command tires for thee ere keen The fist company purchased is automatically the command company ssuncesin eseright.” Rul, a Hornblower and a Banner Bearer included in the base cast The = Mhe Loe of The ings command company may have Even Stormealier 100 points (seg Galadhrim Resiment on Special Rules ‘Orcbane, Pathfinders (Master, Stalwart, Terror. ; SojpareF Pig 175 points sD ARCM 7+ = 2 68 Galadriel may call an Epic Renewal atthe stat of any phase. fienaly Hero within 12" ~ that Hero immediately regains a single spent eaier in the game. i. Glade may call an Epic Channeling atthe start of her May rel faled Focus tess forthe eemainder ofthe turn. “aay tbe aK youn dark places, when al other ights goout” ™ Galo, The Lord of The Rings athe Spelsof Dismay and al the Spells of Command, She has 2 |, Protectress of Lothlorien 200 points Epic Hero oO Single mode! RACE TYPE M FS DAR C Mt Gf Heo ~~ «10h - - - 3 6 3 | Youmay only include one Galadte in your amy, 175 points Epic Hero Single mode. Mf os DAR CM ie a= 38 3 dof Lothlorien if Celeborn is with a formation of Galadhrim (indusing "Koghts and Guards of the Gaiam Court the entire formation uses ES Hage Hy Pye Epic Hero Thranduil, King of Mirkwood Shige motel RACE TYPE M_ F nda or ‘ Epic Actions + Epic strike + pie shot Magic q ‘Thvandul knows all the Spel of the Wilderness. He has a Mastery evel of 2 Special Rules Pathfinder (Master), Terror. Epic Hero Elrond, Master of Rivendell Single model RACE TYPE M Brond ef He Epic Actions + Epic Renew! + ic Restoration Epic Renewal. Elrond may cll an Epic Renewal atthe start of any chase. ‘Nominate a friendly Hero wthin 12° — that Hero immediately regains point of Might spent ear in the game. Epic Restoration. Elond nay call an Epic Restoration atthe start of any pl Nominate a friendly formation within 12°. that formation has 2 depleted ‘company, that company immediatly recovers 3 models fst ear inthe Magic ond knows al the Spells ofthe Wilderness and all the Spel of Command. “rhave seen tra ages inthe West He has a Mastery level of 3. ofthe wot, aned many defeats and mary fries tories." Special Rules ~ Etch The Law of The Ares Inspiring Hero (Elves), Orchane, Pathfinder (Master), Teor “Epic Hero. © Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood single mode RACE TYPE M Tegolas ef Hero Epic Actions © Epic Defence + pic Shot Special Rules ‘error, Pathfinder (Master). Crippling shot. Legolas can use Crippling Shot at any point during his Mowe phase. Nominate an enemy monster or fing monster within 28° and olla D6 fn a de that mode's Resivence i reduced by 1 forthe remainder ofthe tum. isa special kindof attack and does not prevent Leglas from moving at fl or charging. “Aredsun ses, blood hasbeen Swift Strike, Legolas iin an infantry formation, that formation sties athe spied is ight Same time a5 caval, if Legolas in a cavalry formation, tha formation ses Legos The Lord of The Rings the same time as monsters. Sif FE FSGIVE IGS fi 75 points sD ARCM eee fer (Master). of Foresight. Each time Crdan’ formation sues a hit, olla D6. On a roll has forewarned his companions against the attack ~ the hits prevented oes not sutfer a casualty. Ths ality i ost if Crdan i slain 5.90 ad save that his eyes were Heen a5 tas. of Coden, The tort of The Regs 300 points Roc Mt ip. Gi-galad may call an Epic Leadership atthe start ofthe Proty the remainder ofthe turn all tienly formations on the battlefield al faled Courage tess This mighty spear of old was crafted with the aid of lore long since lost 10 be gtetest of smiths. In dose combat, Gi-galads company has a +2 bonus of Gg andthe Sor of len Aig and Nas none cout withstand” Frond The Lord of The ings Evenstar RACE TYPE M et (Master, Terror. ows af the Spells of the Wilderness. 5B Mastery level of 2 if Pig ght Pip Epic Hero Single model. Epic Hero Single mode oy ° Epic Hero. e Elladan 35 Single mode RACE TYPE M FS DA RC Haden a es Epic Actions + Fpicsirke Special Rules Pathfinder (Master), Terror Unbreakable Bond, adn may take advantage of Hero ston called y twin Eri eallsa Hero action ladan can immediately eal a Here the same type without expending any Might. Ths ule des not alec EB Hunter of Ores. Eladan and his formation are automaticaly staat in se combat by Ors. Epic Hero © Brohir 35: ‘Single model RACE TYPE MF S D ARC roe ef Hem ee Epic Actions + Epic Defence Special Rules Pathfinder (Master), Terror Unbreakable Bond. Echr may take advantage of Heroic actions called by twin If Eladan casa Herc action, Erorit can immediatly calla Here the same type without expending any Might. This ule doesnot fect EB Hunter of Ores. Echt and his formation are automaticaly steadtat if de in cose combat by Ox Epic Hero e Haldir, Guardian of Lorien B Single model RACE TYPE M FS DAR Hf you include Hala, Guardian | Haid ef Hero or 2am ‘of Loren in your army, you ae may not indude Haldrs Wes. Epic Actions + Epic Sacrifice fic Shot Special Rules Pathfinder (Master), Terror. {Guardian of Lothlorien. Hair alvays passes At the Double! ros if Galadriel are included as part the same force and til ale) Piapnh tiagt jojahygics The Dwarves are an old race, hardy as the rock from Which they hew their mountain halls. ran and gold are their playthings, and from these the Dwarves ! fashion weapons and armour that are the envy of ! all, and have been the doom of countless Orcs. [5 Dwarf Warrior Kinband 40 points percon Formation ‘One to six companies. RACE _ TYPE DAR Dwarf Warriors Owart infantry 6 Dwarf Captain wart Infantry : ‘Shiolabearer wart Infantry s c 4 5 4 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, armour and two-handed weapons. The formation may exchange is twoshanded weepore fr shields ~nceasng company’s Defence to 68) for re. Command ‘The fst company purchased s automaticaly the command company. ‘The command company may have the fllowang options ) Duaet Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Shildbearer 25 pomts Hornblower 15 pons Shieldbearer. No true Dart can best to fal back whilst under the gaze of ngs own Shielabearer& formstion that conta Seldbesrer wil be ; ‘na rol of 5 or 6 rather than 6. Special Rules Stalwart. Common [1 Dwarf Archer Kinband Formation: area ne nace TYPE MF 5 Dea artes tre Nanya Dear Corey A we iteny es Wargear ach company has hand weapors, armour and shartbows Command The first company purchased is automaticaly the command company “he command company may have the following options Dwarf Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points Shieldbearer 25 points (se Owart Warrior Kinband above) Special Rules Stalwart. “Thegdpees ‘ent bee asl Mae He hai dew. cae Gimli, The Return of the King wheat dicry BiG desk 35 points per company — Common. go Formation RACE TYE MF Ss DAR C Mt ry F c ‘One ta si companies. Dwarf infty 5 4304 5 8 1 4 ~ Capiain Owart infanty - 5 252 thas hand weapons, thrown weapons and armour The entre ake bows or two-handed weapons for +5 points per company. purchased is automatically the command company, company may have the folowing options Be Captain 50 points 15 points Guard Kinband 30 points per company Rare Eg Formation EMF S$ DA RC Mt Oneto four companies, iy Sau 5 7 8 1 5 Guars wart infantry - 5 26 2 tas hand weapons, heavy armour and two-handed weapons. purchased is automaticaly the command compar. - [company may have the folowing options: 50 points 35 points 15 points 25 points (see Dwarf WariorKinband on page 132). 50 points per company Rare Lm | Formation RACE TYPE MF S DA Mt_ | One to four companies YP Rc Dua infanty 5 Site 4 7 8 15 Duar infantry = 6 26 2 thashand weapons, thrown weapons and heavy armour Purchased s automatically the command company. company may have the following options 50 points 35 points 15 points 25 points (see Owarf Wario Kinband on page 132) Rare Formation ne to thre companies. Rare Formation. (ne to three companies. This company uses a special base with dimensions of atleast ‘80mm x 60mm Rare Formation (ne to four companies. Vault Warden Kinband 70 points per con RACE TYPE MF S_D AR © Vault Wardens Dwar infantry 5 Side 5 60) 8 1 SU Wargear Each company has pikes, heavy amour and tower sheds the Deence bon shown inthe prtie above) Special Rules indomitable, Stalwart, We Stand Alon Dwarf Ballista 60 points per compa RACE TYPE M. Dwar Balsta Dwar infantry 5 Mae 4 Wargear Company has hand weapons, heavy armour and a Basta Range Strength Balista 36° 8 Special Rules ‘Artillery. The Balista uses the folowing table, rather than the one on page I Ballista Table 1-2 Miss, The shot spatter the target with mud but causes no da 35 On target. The tacget formation sufers DB Stength 6 his 6+ Lucky Strike. The target formation suffers D4 Strength 8 his Moria Expeditionaries 45 points per compan RACE TYPE M Dwarf Warriors Dwarf Infantry 5 Expedition Master Dwarf Infantry F ae Bs Wargear Each company has hand weapons, armour and shields Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the folowing options: Expedition Master 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Hornblower 15 points Shildbearer 25 points (see Dwarf WartorKinband on page Special Rules GGoblinbane, Pathfinders (Mountains), Stalwart. hoscppohyanct Shrscrey His Bye 60 points per company Formation DAR Com = Dwarf intanty 55 7 8 1S Dwarf infantry = aos 6 2 ayhashand weapons, theown weapons and heavy armour purchased is automatically the command company. {company may have the folowing option: 50 points 35 points 25 points (see Dwarf Warrior Kinband on page 132) 15 points (Mountains), Stalwart. tation. lon Guard Ancients cause Tenor in Ors {60 points per com Rare per company a Ea ne to fur companies. Dwarf infantry hashand weapons, thrown weapons, two-handed weapons pany purchased is automatically the command compar. {company may have te following options gerCaptain 50 points 35 points 1Spoins Single model lon can use the flowing Epic actions asi he were an Epic Hero. E i ‘ase ofthe Duares! The Bwanes ae upon you!” Epic action works exact like @ Heroic Duc, save forthe fact that Dna Wer Cy pion rls two dice, rather than one, and uses the highest result (Dwarves), Terror, Very Hard to Kill! fal he Kings Champion charges, he receives +D3 bonus dice inthe se, father than +1 SIRE porxobygic CF LTS Legendary Formation ‘ne to four companies. endat Formation (One to four companies. endat fofmaton One to four companies ee | ES Marin’s Guard 110 points + 40 points per _____RACE_ TYPE M _F S$ D A R © Erebor Guard ‘Dwarf infanty 5 44+ 4 68) 8 1 4 arin Dwarf Infantry = Sk =~ 25 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, armour and shields Command ‘The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company and hs ‘Murin and a Banner Bearer incised a the Base cost Special Rules Pathfinder (Mountains), Stalwart, Lock Shields! Murin can choose to expend a Might point atthe start of any ‘hase, providing the formation didnot charge that tun. he does, the Guards Defence is increase to 8:10) unl the end of the tun Drar’s Hunters 95 points + 35 points per RACE TYPE MF S$ D ARC Dwarffongas Dwarf infanty 5 a3 4 5 8 1 @ air Dwar infanty - 5H 25 Wargear Each company has hand weapons, armour and bows Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company an Dar included inthe base cos. Special Rules “Ambushers, Pathfinder (Woodland), Stalwart. Take Aim! Drdr can choose fo expend a Might point at the start of any phase he does so, Drér's Hunters are counted 3s having a Shoot value of Unt the end of the phase, Durin’s Guard 200 points + 50 points per: RACE TYPE M FS DAR Khazéd Guard (wart infanty 5 ade 5 7 8 1S ‘Marin Dwarf Infanty = Sk = = = 2 Burin Dwarf Infantry = 6 36 Wargear ach company has tworhanded weapons and heavy armour Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company an Duin, Mardin and a Banner Bearer and Hornblower includ in the Bae Special Rules Goblinbane, inspiring Hero (Dwarves), Orcbane, Pathfinder ( Stalwart, Terror ‘Bodyguard. While Mardin i ave, the contoling player can choos to fight any Heroic Duels directed at Duin Seog apokigen Hi Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria 90 pts RACE TYPE M F S DAR C Mt Dwarf Hero 5) tase aftiendly Hero within 12° — that Hero immediately regains a single ft Wight spent carer in the game. Rules At the sant of each Pity phase, before the ral for priority has fade, Roi may nominate an enemy formation and nulty one ofthe speci rules forthe remainder ofthe turn: any kind of Bane, Export Pthinde; Prowler, Skled Ree, Spit Grasp, Spint Walk or Terror in, Lord of Moria 100 pts RACE TYPE M F S D AR C Mt Dwarf Hero as une Inspiring Hero (Dwarves), Pathfinder (Mountains), Teror. Peet 8 hace tat Cvarves ae tere, aed that in se dep hal fs fates Bee Frcin maybe found of The Rings aes Sa Mort tas alan ut foo Epic Hero ee @ Epic Hero fe) sige note = nace TYPE ‘nForce ——Deat Par Epic Actions + Epic Strike + Epic Challenge + Epic Rampage Epic Rampage. Dain may call an Epic Rampage atthe start of any Fight pi For the remainder of that tun, each time Dain's company scores 3 Nitin ose combat, they immediately make another atack. This continues unt al of companys attacks miss, or the enemy are lin, “cain was st King under he ——-Special Rules Moun and was ow ot, Counsellor, Goblinbane, inspiring Hero (Dwarves), Orchane, Teor, venerable and febuousy ch.” ‘Trollbane. ~The Lod of The Rings Epic Hero. i, son of Gloin ee OD — RACE _ TYPE. ‘Dwar? — Hero Epi trike Fic Rage Fic Rampage Epic Rampage. Gimli may call an Epc Rampage at the star of any Fight For the remainder ofthat turn, each tie Gimils company score atin combat, they immediately make another attack. This continues unt all of ‘compary/s atacks miss, ofthe enemy ae slain, “terthom come! Thee sone Special Rules Dwar yerin Mora who at Inspiring Hero (Dwarves), Orchane, Pathfinders (Mountains) ‘res beth” Gini The Felowshpof The Ring Baruk Khazddl During the Shooting phase, Gini’ formation can choos a him into the ranks of a nearby enery. Thee he will wreak havoc for few ‘moments, before picking his way back over the sain to jon his compacions ‘more. Ths special Shooting attack does has the follwing profile Range Strength Baruk Khazad 6° (*aruk Khazid always intcts automatic D3 Performing Baruk Khazad does not prevent Gimli formation fem charging that tur, “Give med Few o) pe necks and reine Mi ics will fly on mel” Gimli, The Lord of The Rings See eee At the dlose of the Third Age, a handful of great kingdoms control most of Middle-earth, but there are other powers hidden in forests and vales. Largely forgotten by the outside world, these lesser realms are rarely roused to wrath, but they should not be underestimated by the servants of Sauron Oldest ofthese forgotten reams isthe forest of Fangorn, Under the eaves of this mighty forest dwell the En the tree-shegheras of Midale-earth, For years uncounted he Ents dielled in Midcle-eerth, caring lite for the weight of millennia. Yet now, roused by the treachery of Saruman and the growing shadow of Sauron, the Ems have awoken from slumber and stand alongside all other popes of good heart Pecching high amongst t Misty Mountains the les ae perhaps the mast mysterious ofall Middle-earth forgotten creature. Few know of thet eistence, and fewer sil have eat thei trust. Of al the ‘wise its only the Wizards who can be said to hav farmed the friendship of the Eagles, and they remain Silent 25 to how such a deed was performed, sewhere in Middle-earth ie more curious lands. On the borders of Gondor es the Druacan forest, home ofthe Wioses. They area simple folk, these inhabitants of Druadsn, yet thelr hearts are true. in the far north fn the borders of forsaken Arnor lies the Shite, an idyllic realm of roling famiand and uncomplicated pleasures, The Hobbits of are weasured by those who know of their existence, for they enjoy an innocence long ince lost across much of Middle-earth. Yet this snot to say thatthe Hobbits are weak or defenceless~they area bom race, whose hardiness and wil sa constant source of surprie to others These forgotten lands may not boast the armies of Mer no: the armoutes ofthe Dvvarves nor the wisdom of the Elves, yet each will have its own part to play in the War (of The Ring, The war against Sauron cannat be won in Gondor if the word outside s borders fall into darkness Common Formation (ne to six companies Ad Common, Formation ‘One to six companies. if ‘Common, Formation Sinale model 3 a @ Hobbit Militia 10 points per RACE TYPE MF S DA ‘obits Hobbt Infanty 4 5+ 2 2 8 ‘Give Leacer Hobbit Infantry = 2h = Wargear Each company has an anarchic moe of hand weapons, including daggers, roling pins and humps of wood ‘Command ‘The fst company purchased is automaticaly the command company. ‘The command company may have the following options Cie Leader 50 points Hobbit Archer Mi 15 points per com RACE TYPE OM FS Hobbit Archers Hobbit infanty 4 13+ 2 Ge Leader Hobbit Infanty = 2h = Wargear Each company has hows and an anarchic mix of hand weapons, including daggers, scythes, roling pins and lumps of wood. Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. The command company may have the folowing options: Civic Leader 50 points Ent RACE TYPE i Ent Monster & 84s Wargear Torn, purmmeling fists (counts asa hand weapon) and thrown weapons Special Rules Hard to kill Pathfinder (Woodland), Terot ‘Tree Slumber. Ents can use the Ambushers special rule, but can only dso woods and forests. ohh eh pojgg ihe ‘Common, Formation RACE TYPE M Single mode! F foal Fine Monster 12: le mmedately meves atleast 24° but no more than 36” ina straight imove.can ben any direction). Every enemy formation the Great Eagle er immediately sfers 3 Strength 6 hits. The Great Eagle may not net Bor At the Double inthe same tu it has performed a Swoop Attack 225 points RACE _ TYPE Ent Monster & Woodland), Terror, Very Hard to Killl fTreebeard can use the Ambushers special rue, but can only do so nd forest. During a turn in which Teebeard calls Heroic Charge, al friendly hin (whether they are Heroes or not) must dedare a Heroic Charge. Heroic Charges do not cost any Might “the Ents are ae to wuke ue Jo wad fe { at they are sori a e sf Y Gandalf, The Two Towers Spotlsiioyise Legendary eS Formation ne company compased of Aragon, Legols and Gir Hf you ince the Tree Hunters n your army, ou may ot include Aragorn, Legoles oF Gi as Epic Heroes = Sima you may not itd the Fellowship of The Ring, This company uses a special base with dimensions of at least 75mm x 50mm, Legendary Formation: O Single model “Quickbeem isa gente cestue, fercely for that ‘Mem The Lord af The ings Legendary ean | O Single model "ound and rund the rck of Crthane the Ents ere sing and storming ike a honting gale” Mary, The Led of The Rings ooze ohpap7G The Three Hunters RACE TYPE M. The Tivee Honters Man lnfanty 8 Wargear The Three Hunters cary hand weapons and wear enchanted cloaks. Special Rules Indomitable, Pathfinders (Master), We Stand Alone. Company of Heroes. Fach Hero in the Thvee Hunters contributes a pat special rule The controling players te to remove casualties in whichevet od he chooses, but once a Heto is removed 2a casualty, the asocated spec le ist The Thee Hunters may nt take pati 2 Hero Duel Let's Hunt Some Ore. (Aragorn). The Thee Hunters may rel fale! To eta during the Fight phase You Would Die Before Your Stroke Fell! (Legolas). The Three Hunters are counted as being armed with Iongbows and alack atthe same time 35 morse \Very Dangerous Over Short Distances. (Gimll) the Thvee Hunters cate, they receive D543 bonus dice inthe ensuing Fght phase rather than +1 Quickbeam RACE TYPE M Quickcam Ent Monster 12 4s Wargear Thorny pummeling fits (counts asa hand weapon) ane thrown weapons Special Rules Hard to kill Pathfinder (Woodland), Terror. Tree Slumber. Quictbear can use the Ambushes special rule, but an ony 0 in woods and forests Beechbone RACE TYPE MW. ‘Beachbone Ent Monster @ Bla Wargear Thorny pummeling fits (counts asa hand weapon) and thown weapons. Special Rules Hard to Kil Pathfinder (Woodland), Terror. Tree Slumber. secchbone can use the Ambushers special ul, but cen onl do in woods and forests, Bombadil 200 points Legendary me RACE TYPE MF SD A RC Mt___ Single model (ou wil : ako need Goldbery, however) "Spirit Monster 206 Spit Monster | - ‘Actions Bombadi may use one of the folowing Enic actions each turn without ng any Might Eric Renewal pic Restoration Renewal. Torn may call an Epic Renewal atthe start of any phase. Nominate Btn Hero vnthia 12° ~ tat Hero mmeciately regains a single point of Might farier inthe game. Restoration. Torn may cll an Epic Restoration atthe start of any phase sie fiend formation within 12". that formation has a depleted that company immediately recovers D3 models last earern the game. fut ooking for Goldbery, Tom is alvvays deployed in contact with a board Be ofthe contig players choice. His lad-love, Goldbery, s then placed 16 of the opposite board edge Ais end of exch of his controling players Move phases, rll 206 and move fhisnumber of inches directly towards Golaberry. this would move Tom intl there is 2 clear area of board in which to place him. Ay formations Tom moves over oF through ae so enthralled by hs eccentric Behaviour (and baby eevaptred by his magical song that they may not move further, shoot ifarue this tun. Torn himself may never charge, nor be charged idoes pot move - she wil wait patiently fr Tom unless she fs charged. |“ 1hnk that. n the endif Galery is charged, te charging formation automatically stall its charge conquered, fombod wil [Gldbeny immediately moves 206° directly away from the charging unit as he was Fst ad thn Night His cud move Goldbery ont (or into contact with) a formation or defensible wilcome feature, extend Goldberry move unt thee sa lear area of board in Glin, The Ler of The ings Ke Tom moves nto contact with Goldberry, remove both models from the they eave this vale of sorows and return to their house inthe Old Fores. Legendary Formation Oo Single mode! ‘RACE TYPE OM OF S| tage Png Monier 127 tack. Gwaihir may make a Swoop Attack instead of moving. Gath ately moves at lesst 24° but no more than 36” jn astraght lie (this move bein any ciecion, Every enemy formation the Gwalhi moves over suffers 03 Strength 6 his. Gwaihi may not not charge or At the Inthe same turn he has performed a Swoop attack S eters Legendary Formation ‘One company composed of ‘Aragorn, Boromir, Legos, Gimli, Gandalf and four plucky Hobbits. you indude the Fellowship in youramry, you ‘may not indude Aragorn, Boom, Legolas, irl of Gandalf 25 Epic Heroes — similaty you may not fel the Counel of Weardry, the White CCounel or the Three Hunter This company uses a special ‘base with éimensions of at least 100mm x 75mm The Fellowship of The Ring 500 points RACE TYPE MF SD A RC Mt The Fellowship ‘Man infantty 6 63+8(@) 57) 103-6 1 Wargear The Fellowship cy hand weapons Magic \Whist Gandal is ave, the Fellowship has a Mastery level of 3. These spel ae Considered tobe cast by Gandalf forthe purposes of range, Gandalf knows ii Spels of Dismay and Command Special Rules indomitable, Pathfinders (Master), We Stand Alone. ‘Company of Heroes. Each Hero inthe Fellowship contributes a partiular puch ‘ule, The controling player is fee to remove casualties in whichever order he chooses, But once a Hero is removed as a casualty, the associated special nei lost. Nate thatthe four Hobbits are veated as a single model forthe purposes ob ‘casualty removal i.e. you remove them all at once. The Fellowship may not pat in @ Heroic Duel You Have My Sword (Aragorn. The Felowship receive a +1 bonus tothe results in a fight ‘And My Bow (Legolas) The Fellowship is counted as being armeat with longbows and attack atthe same time as cavalry ‘And My Axe (Gimli) The Fellowship’ Strength is doubled 0 8 Gondor Will See it Done (Boromi). The Fellowship counted as being ame with shields ~ Defence increases shown in the profile. Protect the Halflings (The Hobbits). The Fellowship, and friendly formations within 12°, ae automaticaly steacfast if they lose a fight Bill the Pony The Fellowship may be accompanied by Bl the Pony for +25 points. il canot be removed asa casually, buts removed ifthe ast member ofthe Fefowsip slain, Bil the Pony increases the Fellowship Move from 6 to 8, and thelr cage and fall back values to D6" Legendary oo Formation | ‘ne company composed of Ganda, Galadrel, ond and Sarum. you inctde the White Counc in your army, you may not nclde Gand, | Gate, Bond Sarumen 2 pc Heroes, nor the HEouncl know athe Spel ofthe Wilderness, Command and Dismay. | Council of Wizardry or the Ba coined Mastery lee of & Each tme 2 member ofthe White Fellowship of The Ring aa casaly, Rs Mastery levels reduced by 2. This company uses a specal base wth dimensions of at leat 1m x 60mm Heroes. Each Hero inthe White Coun contributes particule Be Te contin payer re to remove casuates in whichever order but one a Heri removed asa casvaly, the associated special le #Gouncl may not take patina hero du (Gandalf), The white Counc may el fall Focus ros (Saruman). Ary enemy formation wishing to charge the ist festroll D6, On a rl of 1-3 the charge automatically stals |weavesa tapestry of les that bequies his foe. On a4 or more the 525 normal (GaladrieD. An enemy formation forced to take a Tero test for by the White Council must rll thee dice, rather than two, and highest ol (€rond). The White Counc may re-ol failed To Hit ols during the “This ei eaniee a Peres - Vo the pocer of the EL, os. eal Elrond, Fellowship of The Ring rE soighygF nds Be Libacnee ‘eve not for the Beaming, ‘the passage rom Dale to ‘vende woud long 290. ave become mpossbe* = Ge The Felon of The ing Legendary fe] Formation ne company composed of Saruman, Gandaf,Radagast ‘and to others who for now ‘must go unnamed save forthe ish les gen inthe characteristic ety you include the Coundi of ‘Waarty in your army, you may not nude Soruman, Gandalf or Radagast as Eic Heroes siiary you may not field the Felewship ofthe Ring | ‘or the White Cound This company uses a special base with dimensions of at least 90mm x 60mm, “0 not med the tas of ‘Wards, fr toy aes ond ‘uch to angec™ = Gite ngloon Te Land of The Rings RACE TYPE MF Beorings Man infanty 8 a= Grimbeorn Man fanty 8 Sh Wargear Each company has hand weapons and armour Command The fist company purchased i automaticaly the command compary and has Grimbeorn included inthe base cost. Special Rules [Ambushers, Pathfinders (Woodland) Blessing of the Bear. Charging Beorrinas receive +D6 bonus dic in the Fight phase, rather than +1 Council of Wizardry RACE TYPE MF CouneiT of Wiaraky Sprit Infantry 6 Alar Wargear The Counc of Wizardry cary hand weapons. Magic “The Council of Wizardry know all the Spells of Wikleress, Command, Ruin Dismay and Darknes. The entre company i treated asa spelcastr wih a level of 10. Each time a magcal power i used the contling player nomi ‘ofthe modes in the formation to be the caster forthe purposes ange Each time a member ofthe Counc of Wizardry is removed s 9 casualty ts Mast levels reduced by 2 Special Rules Counsellor, indomitable, We Stand Alone. Company of Heroes. Each Hero inthe Cours of Wizardry contributes 3 particular special rule. The controling payers free to remove casualties in ‘whichever order he chooses, but once a Heo is removed a a casualty the associated special rule lost. The Counc may not takepart in a Heroic Due ‘A Wizard Is Never Late (Gandalf. The controling payer may fel his ral each turn Will You Not Consult With Me? (Saruman). Once pe ur, a the sta of the Counel of Wizadrys move, nominate an enemy Heo within 12° and 106 on a4 or more, Saruman enthrl the foe and sizas a Might pot ‘he Counc of Wizard’ Might by one ths may take the value beyond is ‘ring level and reduce the enemy Heros Might by ene ‘Master of Hues and Shapes (Radagast). The Counc of Wizards Move Is doubled to 12, and it attacks atthe same ime as cavalry. a Blessed Brands (Naurandif. The Council's attacks have the Bane pedal agains all foes. ‘Thundercal (Salrandit). Once per Shoot pase the Cound can make an Unlimited range shooting attack witha Strength of 10 Siig I76t Pag RE SiG EF GR Legendary Oo 75 points + 25 per company Formation RACE TYPE MF SD A RC Mt Onetosiccompanies Mon infertty 5 35+ 33 8 1 3 - Man infantry = ar 7243 has hand weapons and blowpipes. Purchased is automatically the command company and has include i the base cost (Woodlands), Orcbane. The ene formation count as wearing enchanted cloaks. Epic Hero @O Single model V Saar may a fc Rare ate tr of ry pase. ) ly Hero within 12° ~ that Hero immediately regains a single Spent eae in the game 9: Seruman may call an Epic Channeling atthe start of his move 3 feo failed Focus tests for the remainder ofthe turn. Saruman may call an Epic Ruination atthe start of his move. For | "What of Suman? Hes eared ff the tun, anj magical power Saruman cass from the Spels of Inthe re ofthe Rings, yt hes increased by 2. Magical powers that do not have a Strength | not among us What his coun tafeced by Epic Runation ithe knows the wings that we Gado The er of The ings the Spel of Ruin, Dismay and Command. He has a Mastery Any enemy formation wishing to charge Saruman’ formation [26,0 a rol of 1-3 the charge automaticaly stalls - Saruman ty of ies that begules his foe. On a4 or more, the charge "is ae & i ae 1 pride has rae will be Mifentakes Cany med ili. a oieseieengli GF PiggE soiotygicF oleiiiey—y6E | Epic Hero © Gandalf the Grey [aeoeecat mace Tee Soni Sant Hero Epic Actions = Epic Defence + Epic Renewal + Fic Channeling Epic Renewal. Ganda may call an Epic Renewal atthe stat of any phase Nominate a friendly Hero within 12° ~ that Hero immediately regina single point of Might spent earie inthe game. Epic Channelling. Gandalf may call an Epic Channeling a the start of his mae. GGendalf may rerol eld Focus tess forthe remainder ofthe tum Magic ’ iy Gandalf knows al the Spels of Dismay and al the Spells of Command. He as has the unique magical power “Blinding Light". Ganda has a Mastery lvl of) Blinding Light (Focus 5). Gandalf projets 2 bear of dazling white light atone enemy formation within 18". The target must immediately take a Courage test ‘the tes is passd, all companies in the target formation ae reduced to Fight Of the remainder of the tur. Ifthe test i faled, the formation addtional reels D6". A formation of Spits targeted by Blinding Light wil abo suffer D3 ‘automatic hits in adltion to any other effects suffered Special Rules {Counselor Inspiring Leader (Master), Touched by Destiny. Gandalf the White J "There are mary owes in tbe You may parade 10 Gandalf the White fr +100 points: Ganda the Whi a | vets fer goed oor eit Some the following adctional special rules: Overlord, Terror and Voice of Co ‘ae greater than fam Against same Tv not yet been messed ut okce of Command. Al friendly formations within 6" of Gandalf the Whe ny te coming" +1 Courage. ~ Gare, The Lord of The ings EpicHero ten OD Radagast the Brown RACE _TYPE_ fadagast “Spit Hero Epic Actions +) Epic Defence Fic Renewal pic Tranquility Epic Renewal. Radagast may cll an Epic Renewal atte start of any phase Nominate a friendly Hero within 12" that Hero immediately recains a Single Point of Might spent ear in the game Epic anquility. Radagast may cll an Epic Wanauility at the start of the C ‘phase. Charges may not be made against Radagasts formation that turn, Magic Radagast knows all the Spls ofthe Widerness and al the Spels of Command He has a Mastery level of 3. “The enemy mist hve same Special Rules Gjeatneed oppose but what ‘Beastwalk Radagast and his formation havg the Pathiners (Mate ele Is tht mates hm okt In adcton, they charge D646", a they were cava these dant ard estes Ian ues Birdsight. Radogst is vested as being able to see everwhere on the boa Fadogast The Lord of The Rrgs he doesnot nee at of ght one of ight for any a his pels, Sauron’s chief stronghold and lair has land of Mordor. This benighted land is evil place that has endured too long under the shadow of an evil master. tir fitful upon the fame-cho breeze, aching of te hundreds, armoured and armed by the crude for Barad- doe, a ‘Common, Formation. (ne to nine companies. Common Formation. (One to six companies. ar Common Formation (One to si companies. reais Mordor Ore Warband RACE _TYPE ‘Ore infantry Ore infantry Ore Infantry 15 points per comp Ore Wann: Ore Captain ‘Mordor Sharan Wargear Each company has hand weapons For +5 points per company, the ente formation may be gen esther sheds ~ increasing the Defence 10 (5) =o tworhanded weapons. ‘Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company. The command company may have the folowing options: re Captain Banner Bearer (Ore Drummer ‘Mordor Shaman (re Taskmaster 50 points 35 points 15 points 100 points 25 points Magic ‘A Mordor Shaman knows all the Spells of Darkness He has a Mase a Special Rules ‘Mob Rule. Orc companies provide +2 dice when supporting, not #1 Morannon Ore Warband RACE _TYPE ‘Maranon Ore Warriors Orc tfantry ‘Morannn Ore Captain Ore Infantry Wargear Each compar has hand weapons and heavy armour The ee fo {en sheds ~ increasing each company’ Defence to 5(7) for +5 pants per company. Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company, The command company may have the following options Ore Captain Banner Bearer (Ore Drummer Mordor Shaman (te Taskmaster So poms 35 pons 1S pons 100 points se Mordor Ore Warton tm) 25 pans Ore Tracker Warband RACE TYPE M. Ore Trackers ‘Ore Infantry 6 ide Wargear ach company has hand weapons and bows Special Rules “Ambushers, Pathfinders (Mountains), Prowiers. Command Te fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company. Solely Warband 20 points per company | Common o Formation mace we Mm Fs m_| One to nine companies Oe Chly 10-3554 Oc Coty = a DA aaa c 2 3 2 fas hand weapons and thrown weapons. For +5 points per Fen formation may be given either shel ~ increasing the purchased is automaticaly the command company. company may have the folowing options 50 points 35 points 15 points 100 points (see Mordor Orc Warband opposite) 25 points Common Formation (ne to si companies. Uruichal infantry Uruichal infantry 9 Ueuichal nfanty purchased is automatically the command company. 50 points 35 points 15 points 100 points Saman knows the Spells of Darkness He has a Mastery level of 1 ; 7 35 points per company | Rare [|] Formation: DA RC Mt Cretothee companies eet a IG seoxcpbygnecd Mordor Troll RACE TYPE M F S DAR Mordor Fe) Toll Monster 8 Tite 7 7 3 2 Wargear Armour, thrown weapons and massive sword or spear (hand weapon Special Rules Hard to kil! Terror. Rare a Single model Mordor Troll Drummer RACE TYPE MF S DA ‘Mordor Tall Dummer rol Monster 8 Tide 7-7 Wargear ‘Armour, thrown weapons and massive beat-sticks (hand weapen). Special Rules Hard to Kill Terror. Drums of Boom! Any friendly formation within 12° ofthe Moor Tl Drummer counts a having @ Drummer in its formation, Rare Benin = Single mode Mordor Troll Chieftain RACE TYPE OM FS DA Mordor Toll Chiefain Toll Monster 8 te 8 8 3 Wargear Heavy ame, town weapons and massive sword or pear thand WeSBBR Special Rules Inspiring Leader (Trolls), Terror, Very Hard to Kill Toll Charge. During a turnin which a Tol Chiltan calls a Heri Charge foendly Tol within 6" (whether they are Heroes or not must delve a Charge, These extra Heroic Charges do nat cost any Might. een Oo Single model 50 points per company | Formation: MFS DAR C Unichal infantry 6 Ste 4 50) 8 1 3 Unichal inenty = Ge - - = 2 4 2 meat Mt_ One to thvee companies, ashand weapons, shields and heavy armour purchased is automatically the command company, icompary may have the folowing options “A tat st wasn sale, dark a5 50 points the night bbc fours inant 35 points pan rank marching sty 15 points de alent” 100 points The Lord of The Rings aman knows the Spes of Darkness. He has a Mastery level of 1. Rules Catapult Battery 100 points per company Rare Formation AACE TYPE MF SD AR C Mt —_ Onetotvee componies. Tis Oe Wianty 6 3438 3 13 company ses a special base with dimension of atleast 120mm x 807m AVhashand weapons, heavy armour and a War Catapult Range Strength wR 10 they began to theow mses i marvels high, that Rules they ped ght above The Lord of The Rings Kobe eae re 1“ | Rare | Formation ‘One to three companies. This | company uses a special base | with clmensions of atleast 80mm x 60mm, ; A « Rare Formation @ | Single model. J “There hinges and ion bas ‘were arenched aed ber many of ter timbers were cracked” “The ov of The ings id. = ‘One to three companies. Siege Bow Battery 50 points per com RACE TYE MF S DAR Siege Bow Ore hnfanty 6 35F 3 8 3 A Wargear ach company has hand weapons, heavy armour and a Siege Gow, The fires with the folowing proie Range Strength Siege tow 48" B Special Rules ‘Artillery. The Siege Bow uses ths table, rather than the one on page BI Ballsta Table 1-2 Miss. The shot spatters the target with mud but causes no 3-5. On target. The target formation suffers D6 Strenat Bits ‘6+ Lucky Strike. The target formation suffers DB+4 Strength 8 is Mordor Battering Ram Battering Ram Wargear Armour and hand weapons. Special Rules Hard to Kill ‘Break it Down! Barricades and prepared defences can dite to appa ‘oncoming Battering Ram. Enemy formations do not receive Defence {2 building or tun defensbe terrain feature ina fight that includes 8 Me Battering Ram Shagrat’s Tower Guard 125 points + 25 per comy co > : RACE _TYPE FS DAR Uruk FaiWerros —Uruk-hal Infanty 6 ade 4 4 8 1g Shagrat Unukchal Infanty = 62 = = = 3 Wargear ach company has hand weapons and armour The ete formation maybe two-handed weapors fr +5 points per company Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company nd Shagrat, an Orc Drummer and a Banner Bearer included inthe Base ca command company may abo have the following options: Black Uruk Shaman 100 points (see Mordor Unuk-ha, page 155). Special Rules Stalwart. ‘Brutal Discipline. fShagrat’s Tower Guard fall a Courage test, Shag immediate expend a port of Might. fhe doess0, not only ate Shagats {Guard courted as having passed the test, fr the remainder f the tum ‘automatically pas any other Courage tess and have the Berserk sped Formation RACE TYPE MF SD AR C Mt Onetotree companies Spit Wfontry 8 34,57 8 25 af eeatures, Caselans of Dol Guldut count as armed only wi iteapons, eoardless ofthe equipment they are actually carving Rules amitabe, Spirit Grasp, Spirit Walk, Terror, We Stand Alone. gs Morgul Rats 125 points + 15 per company Legendary i | Formation RACE TYE MF (ne to thee companies. O% infantry 6 35+ Ore Infantry =a 135 points per company Legendary E rams i may be ven either shies - increasing the Defence to 35) ~ bows, ied weapons. mand company and has fn Ore Drummer and @ Banner Bearer included in the base cost. The 25 points 100 points (see Mordor Orc Warbard on page 154) Legendary @ Formation nace ee MF Single model Spider Monster 8 TiS 7 Pounce. Shelob reeves +06 attacks on the charge, rather than 1 Legendary GED seinen (ne to three companies RACE TYPE MF S D AR © re Tackers Ore Infanty <8 3Me 3 3 «8 1 OD Grishnakh Ore Infanty Bah 2q Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company and has Grishnakh included in the base cost. Special Rules ‘Ambushers, Pathfinders (Mountains), Prowlers. ‘Take Aim! Grishnakh can choose to expend @ Might point at the stat of any Shoot phase. ihe does so, Gish Trackers are counted as having a Shook value of 2+ unl the end ofthe phase. Legendary C ) The Necromancer of Dol Guldur 300 poi Formation Single model. You may not RACE TYPE M F S DA RC include the Necromancer in | The Necromancer ‘Spirit Monster ‘10 5¢ 5 8 6 2 6 your army if your force also includes Sauron WE Wd, Te Us his ts my hour. De wow [5] Grishnakh’s Trackers 75 points + 30 per co Wargear Each company has hand weapons and bows, Epic Actions Tre Necromancer can ue the flowing Epc action asf he were an fe +” Epi Channeling + Ee Chaterge + ic Runaton Epic Channelling, The Necromancer may cal an Epic Channeling at the sla of his move, Sauron may reo aed Focus tests forthe remainder ofthe tam Eple Ruination. The Necromancer may call an Epic Ruination a the sar Move. For the remainder of the tur, any magical power the Necromance from the Spells of Run has its Strenath increased by 2. Magical poves that not have a Strenath value are not affected by Epic uation Magic The Necromancer knows all the Spells of Ruin, Dismay and Darkness. He has a Mastery level of 5, and so can use 5 magical powers each tum, Special Rules Hard to Kill Inspiring Leader (Spirits), Spirit Grasp, Spirit Walk Teron PY GE Death when hen You see it? ‘The Witeh-king, The Return of the King B Nine are Abroad 500 points Legendary BD Formation RACE TYPE M ‘One compa. You may not Set aniy 10 include The Nine re Abroad in Set Hero Your amy if your force ako Includes Tuaghe Reerats Ringorats or Winged Nazi ey and weapons and wear heavy armour This company represents ll rine of the Rngwraths BF Abo know 38 the Spe of Demay and Darkness The ent fighting together. uses 2 Geese soelcares with 3 Mastery level of 10. Each tne a magical speci base with mensions teed iecontaing payer nominates one ofthe models inthe frmaton oft least 150mm x 60em. fe catrfor he purposes of ange Fach time a member ofthe Nine are it Ringwraiths 150 points per company Legendary ao jrmation RACE TYPE MF SD A_R_C Mt _ | Onetothree companies owas spn wianty 10-w 36315 You may net include Tight ingots in your ay it your fore ao Includes The Rings cay hand weapons and wear heavy amo fine oad, any Ringarath cr Winged Nazgdl guts know all the Spels of Darkness. Each company fs teated Each company represents Easterth 2 Maser level of 3. Each time a magical power i used th three ofthe Ringwraiths fpajernominates one ofthe models inthe formation tobe the caster fighting together tt uses 2 special base with dimensions (of atleast 100mm x 25mm, oo hee The Tight Rrra profie the Naz at» cme power eel. I's er games set curing a tre when Sauron’s Ben or perhans to represent he Rigas Legendary | Seele wede Your ag aH Winged Nazgail RACE TE OM FS include up to 9 NazgOl or Winged Nazgal ser 12 56 Ringaraithsin any The Witching Spit Fhjing Monster 12. 6-6 Wargear now all the Spel of Dismay an Special Rules Hard to Kill Spirit Grasp, Spirit Walk, Terror. a ‘swoop Attack. A Winged Nazgil may make a Swoop straight line (this move can be in any erection). Every e Winged Nazgol moves over immediately sutfers D3 Ste NNazgGl may not not charge or At the Double inthe sa ‘There Are Nine ach Winged Nazgil aso cial rule 250 points DAR CM 8 4 2 5am 8 4 2 5m ness, It has a Masey tack instead of mone th6 his. The Winged tum thas performed There Are Nine oppose 125 points Epic Hero rot |e =| KD RACE TYPE MF SD A RC Mt__| Youramymayincude up Sprit Hero 5s 25 1 | to9Nazgdl or Ringwraiths Spint Hero e 2 5 3 | inany combination Bah knows al the Spels of Dismay and Darkness. They each have a ev of 3 Rules Teor Each Ringyraith aso has a unique special rule Nine... sou idude a ioawrath or Winged Nazot in you army, you must iol the nine Rngwraiths 1 represents. YoU may field each of the any once, ether asa Ringwrath,o& a Winged NazoU king of Angmar ft For. An fl craton that hs the Witeh-king somewhere behind Passes A the Double! ros and Tor tests A Good formation BeWiiking behind has as 2 penalty to any At the Double! rls, The ass anexa 75 pomts il the Easterling lack Whenever Khamis formation sutfes a ht, rll a 06. On a5 or Hit isnstead discounted or applied to a formation vathin 12° oiling rioyer chooses). The Wicking of Angmar ths The Undying adds +1 to his Mastery level for each enemy thin 12°. He may make Wil of fon rls yithout expending Might Presence ern formations within 12° ofthe Tainted may not use a ge value irstead ofthe ovr feat The Dak Marshal has inspiring Leader (Master Also, you may eration with 12° of the Dark Marshal atthe start of the Fight formation uses the Dark Marshals Faht value instead of ther own Lord Dathiness. The Shadow Lords formation may not be shot at unless its fae Addtonaly the fier receives no accuracy bonus ik Iifienever an enemy Hero spends a point of Might within 12° of 1b DS. On 24 or more, an extra Might point must be spent Bi Heita dice modification ora Hero pic ation, is cancelled aeady commited to I lost Atthe star ofthe Fight phase, the Knight of Umbars formation fo sethe Fah value or Stength (choose one) of any enery Her 12 instead ofits own for 1 Do Mar Epic Hero The Mouth of Sauron sri moda nace TE MF sD Te Meath ofSaIR_ Men > Hee = ae = Fic Actors op Conode ple Coward. The Mouth of Sauron may call an Epic Cowardice at thes ofthe Fight phase He can immediately move to a tendly formation provided that formation isnot itself involved ina fight. Magic ‘The Mouth of Sauron knows all the Spells of Dismay and Darkness. He Mastery level of 2 Special Rules Terror. eas renegade who care of therace of hse tat are named the lack Numencrean.” The Lord of The Rings Epic Hero Oo Gothmog, Castellan of Minas Morgul 110 Single model RACE TYPE MF Gottmog Ore Hero 5 S DAR Epic Actions + Epic Strike + pic Defence Special Rules ‘Overlord. Gothmag also counts as an Amy Banner Master of Battle. Whenever an enemy Hero cals a Heroic or Epic 12°, Gothmog may immediately cal an identical action without ep ‘Might point. In this manner, Gothmog can even call an Epic acon he} otherwise be capable of. Note that this rue does nat alow Gothmog fo other ables thggered by Might points Kardush the Firecaller RACE TYPE M Single model Rash Epic Actions + Fic Comardice © Fic Ruination Eple Cowardice. Kardush may call an Epic Cowarsice atthe stat of | Fires red upto gree it phase. He can immediately move to a friendly formation within 12%, and wrested tout ard formation snot itself involved in a fight ‘black smote sie in the f “The Lordof The Rings Epic Ruination. Kardush may call an Epic Ruination at the sta of hi For the remainder of the tur, any magical power Kardush cass fom Ruin hs its Strength increased by 2. Magical power that donot value are not affected by Epic Ruan, Magic K2rcsh knows al the Spells of Ruin. He has @ Mastery lawl of 2 Mi AF Hight Pig GF Dark Lord of Mordor ne le | DS RACE TYPE ow Single mode F Spint Monster 8 6: allowing Epc actions as if he were an Epic Hero. Sauron may call an Epic Channeling atthe start of his Move aed Focus tess forthe remainder ofthe turn fon may call an Epic Ruination atthe start of his Move. For sum, any magical power Sauron cass from the Spls of increased by 2. Magical powers that do not have a Strength by Epic Ruination, Elon may cll an Epic Strenath atthe start ofthe Fight phase, sphase, Saurons Strenathis increased to 10. the Spe of ruin, Dismay and Darkness. He has a Master level (Waster, Terror, Touched by Destiny, Very Hard to Kill “The One fing answers to Sour ~Aragon, ‘The Fellowship of The ing 50 points Epic Hero @ Golam may not be Single mode chose youre yee DAR Cm Hobbie Her 1 {Gol isnot assigned to a fiendly formation, but an enemy ‘Gandalf, Aragom or Erond ae in the same formation ‘ofthe aforementioned Heroes are inthe same formation formation’ move, rola 06, On a1 or 2, Gollum remains {93 0F more, Gollum has been hunted aut ~ remove him Murder they cles. They cursed us and owe us ay” Gol Th Return f The King 3 foe iS not ene l Lor log or dark tended Ip ee you...” Eowyn, The Return of the King Isengard lies upon Rohan’s eastern border This is the stronghold of Saruman, wizard and loremaster, he who once ed the Free Peoples in ‘their opposition of Sauron. Common [>] Uruk-hai Phalanx 35 points per Formation One tosh companies nace _1yeE ba Tru Wars UnichaWanty 58 ie Cpr Unica font 3 Undebl Shman— Urichas font a Wargear Each company has pikes and heavy armout Command The fist company purchased is automaticaly the command company The command company may have the folowang options Unkchai Captain 50 points Banner Bearer 35 points Uuichai Drummer 15 pots Uruichai Shaman 100 points Magic [An Urukchai Shaman knows al the Spells of Ruin. He has a Masi Common [) Uruk-hai Warband Formation One sx coaris nace Tyee Teka ores — Ue Wary 6 ae 4 50) Bo tnahalcopan, Unetal bare =) Wargear Each company has hand weapons, shields and heavy armour Th ene imay exchange ther sts fo cossbows decreasing each compan Stor ee Command The fst company purchased is automaticaly the command company ‘The command cempary may have the folowing options Uruk Captain 50 points Banner Beorer 35 points Ututchal Brummer 15 points Utukchai Shaman 100 points (se Uruk Phelan aon) Common [ Urulchai Scout Warband 30 points per con Formation One 5 canis, nace Tyee Takata Ura ty 7 Uncbal Copan Urdchal fant = F cs ss Wargear Each company has hand weapons and armou. The entire formation ma shields ~ increasing each company’s Defence to 4(6)— for +5 points per ‘or bows for +5 points per company. Command The fist company purchased is automatically the command company ‘The command company may have the following options LUrukcal Captain 50 points Urulchal Shaman 100 points (seb Urukhal Phat above). Special Rules Pathfinders (Woodland), CF PRY ERS cass Shih

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