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Đề 1 Xe hơi qua cầu

1. Cars are lined up on the bridge.
2. He is looking at dislays of shirts.
3. An item is being loaded into a cart.
4. A woman is filling at a cabinet.
5. One of the women is riding a long the path.
6. A presentation is taking place .
32 C1. Asking about a job application
33. A large number of responses
34. An e-mail

35 C2. A post office

36. A relatives birthday
37. A shipping label

38 C3. An outdoor seating

39. Eat at a later time
40. It’s free to use car park for retaurant’s customer

41 C4. Hold some merchandise.

42. They are not warm enough.
43. He did not find what he want.

44 C5. Watering some plane.

45. Write a reminder.
46. An office key.
47 C6. Special shampoo.
48. It’s popular with customer.
49. A free sample.

50 C7. Marketing.
51. A butget is small.
52. Schedule a meeting.

53 C8. Update some records.

54. He knows a soffware system.
55. Contact her co-workers.

56 C9. Promote a course.

57. He is only free in the evenings.
58. Send some information.

59 C10. Kitchen renovation.

60. He preffers to review a document later.
61. An item is expensive.

62 C11. Order some food.

63. A special.
64. Entrace 3.

65 C12 Setup a dislay.

66. The 2nd floor.
67. He is new to a job.
68 C13. Thursday.
69. The ground may be wet.
70. The availability of chairs.

Báo công an đi chị
Địa chỉ để đến bắt
Anh cán bộ ám ảnh
Chị cán bộ ám ảnh
Để bắt được cô ấy
Đi bắt cô ấy đi
Điện Biên báo cán bộ
Bắt công an ăn chơi

Đề 2:Người đàn ông rót nước

(lấy ly hứng nước trong labo)
1.A man is filling a cup with water.
2. A man is emptying his wheel barrel.
3. A man is cleaning some glass.
4. A man is holding some paper.
5. Shadovs are being cast on a pavement.
6. People are applauding a presenter.
32. C1 Meeting time
33. He left the office early
34. Check his calender

35. C2 A dry clearning service

36. A machine is not being worked
37. Expedite a service

38. C3 Hours of operation

39. Hiring addition staff
40. Place an advenrtment on newspaper

41. C4 A rental is short term

42. Conduct a research
43. Internet access

Đọc báo biết bản án
Anh chị ăn ảnh dữ
Để anh báo anh Cường
Công an đi bắt cướp
Bọn cướp chạy bản án
Coiong an đi bắt á
Đâu biết được công an

Đề 3 Người đàn ông đang lau bàn

1.A man is wiping a desk.
2. They are looking at some clothes.
3.A woman is pouring water into a cup.
4. Flowers are put on a desk.
5. Women are packing some packages.
6. Workers are removing trash.

32. C1 Flooring store
33. Reschedule an appointment
34. Where to park

35. C2 Catering company

36. Akey
37. It could bring more business

38. C3 Training manual

39. He want to print it in color
40. Update employee benefit information

44. C5 Manufacturing plant

45. Cast of production
46. Chage a timeline
47. C6 Make travel arrangement
48. A budget
49.Free trasportation

50. C7 At a newspaper company

51. Share an office
52. Whom he recomments as a mentor

53. C8 He opened at business

54. A magazine artile
55.Extend an invitation

56. C9 Complain about a bill

57. Travelled a broad
58. Turn off a device feature

59. C10 Software development

60. Management communicates well
61. A product will be released

62. C11 Paint store

63. He likes it color option
64. 15% discount

Bồ công anh đọc báo

Báo đăng ảnh đi bơi
ảnh con bồ câu chết
Bỏ 3 anh đi
chưa đi bình dương à
bồ câu bình dương chết
đêm đêm bay đầy đường

Đề 4: Người đàn ông đang đánh máy

1.A man is texting on key board.
2.A man is pulling a cart of boxes.
3. A woman is selecting a fruit.
4. Plant are hanging in row.
5. A man is distributing pieces papers.
6. Some chairs have been arranged on the beat.

32.C1 Asking for a direction
33. Musical performante
34. Using a different form of transportation

35.C2 A radio advertisement

36. It has longer hours of operation
37. Participate in a bicycle competition
38.C3 Prepare a video conference
39. An office manager
40. Using a different room

44. C5 At bank
45. Taking course online
46. Investigate

47. C6 Energy drink

48. Some sale figures were low
49. Advertise with social media

50. C7 There was an problem with an ordering system

51. Sending text massages
52. Make an announcement

53. C8 Checking graphs

54. Book a ticket
55. Express concerns about doing a task alone

56. C9 Staff meeting

57. A website redesign
58. Review user feedback

59. C10 Theirs clours

60. He is warried about missing a deadline
61. Contact a customer
Anh cuốn bánh cuốn bánh
Ăn bánh cuốn bánh cuốn
Đi đặt bánh cuốn đi
Chờ được đi ăn bánh
Chúng anh ăn chưa được
Chờ đợi bánh cuốn à
Chuẩn bị ăn bánh đúc

Đề 5: Người đàn ông ngồi trên cái ghế gỗ ngoài trời

(1 ông lão đọc báo)
Part 1
1. He is sitting outdoor.
2. There is a glass beside the paper.
3. A man is working at the counter .
4. A bus is turning around the corner .
5. A pot is placed on the booth.
6. A woman is having her ear examined.

Part 3:
C1. 32. At a bakery.
33. Business’s address
34. Check a website.

C2. 35. An office desk.

36. Organize some files.
37. Sign a form.
C3. 38. They work in the same company
39. Raise money for an organization.
40. Begin a training program.

C4 41. Visit some museums

42. School teacher
43. It has science

C5. 44. At a restaurant.

45. He doesn’t have a reservation.
46. A menu.

C6 47. Creating a company budget

48. Business card
49. Send some documents

C7. 50. Publisher’s conference.

51. New marketing techniques.
52. Counsel with an editor.

C8. 53. He has been doing excellent work

54. Transfer to a different location
55. He is willing to wait for his response.

C9 56. A mechanic
57. She is disappointed
58. Give a status update

C10. 59. Investment in a company.

60. Won a contract.
61. Decide an amount of money.



A D C đi rừng á
Bot bị anh bảo kê
Anh chỉ bảo đàn anh
Đánh con bò đi a
Anh A D C à
Chị Bảo Anh đừng đánh
Anh A B chỉ X Bách

Đề 6 Người đàn ông đi xuống cầu thang

(Xa xa có 1 ng đang vẽ tranh )
1. He is working down some stairs.
2. She is wearing safety gloves.
3. A man is setting down a tray.
4. A train has stopped at a platform.
5. A man is adjusting shelves.
6. Some artwork have been mained on the wall.
Part 3
32. C1 Human resourcess
33. Holding an information
34. Send a meeting invitation

35. C2 At a restaurant
36. To negotiate a price.
37. By speaking with a manager.
38. C3 An apartment complex
39. An item is difficult to carry
40. Setup an appoitment

41. C4 Internet designer.

42. They are not taken out of the building.
43. Transfers a call

44. C5 Develop a marketing strategy

45. Handcrafted
46. Offering a discount to certain customer

47. C6 House painter

48. To reassure with a supervisor
49. Contact a customer

50. C7 Meet a project deadline

51. A directors meeting.
52. The possibility of a promotion

53. C8 Yearly diner

54. He donate some artwork
55. Update an attendance list

56. C9 An electronics company.

57. A product is not functioning probably.
58. Change a project timeline.

59. C10 Publishing

60. A design does not look good
61. Prepare a new sample

62. C11 Sale associate

63. Verify flexers
64. Check an inventory

65. C12 He is on a wrong train

66. South
67. He has to make a seminar presentation

68. C13 Office 303

69. Drop off some documents
70. His coworkers are on vacation


Đi đâu đó anh chị

Đi ăn đi anh bạn
Nguyên Bàn
Anh bạn ăn đu đủ
Đãi cho bàn cao cấp
Anh chị đi ăn đi
Anh bạn anh chuẩn bị
Củ cải ăn với bánh dày
Bánh cuốn ăn với bánh bèo

Đề 7: Chị trong phòng thí nghiệm

1.. She is wearing glasses
2. A man is kneeling down.
3.She is putting an item on the shelves.
4. He is waking to the bridge.
5. A vehicle’s door is being left.
6. Some curtains have been pulled close.
C1: 32. At a camera store
33. A device is not working
34. Contact manufacturer

C2: 35. A restaurant manager

36. It’s located for
37. A new location will be opened

38 C3. Interview a job

39. Some identifications
40. Have a ticket stamped
41 C4. Recent weather
42. Meet with a client
43. Suggeest different option

C5: 44. A advertising agency

45. Backpack
46. Many different designs

47. C6 Collaborate a project

48. He can not send some information
49. Instructions electronically

50.C7 Attract more applicants

51. Calling a local university
52. Confer a colleague

53. C8 It’s selling well

54. Her team is
55. Participate a meeting

C9: 56. Bussiness trip

57. Expenses were too high
58. Talk to a supervisor
Bà chị anh cùng anh
Cùng chuẩn bị di choi
Đi ăn bun bo á
Bà chị anh da an
Doi anh an bun bo

Bánh canh anh chưa ăn

Chị chuẩn bị đi chị
Để ăn bún bò á
Bánh canh anh đã ăn
Đợi anh ăn bún bò
Đợi anh chuẩn bị ăn
Đợi anh, đợi cho anh

Đề 8 Người đàn ông cầm dù

1.A man is opening an umbrella.
2. There is a pile of mulch next to the house
3. The woman is boarding in the bus.
4. The woman are holding some documents
5. People are relaxing on the rocks
6. There are plants in the room
By a book
On Sunday
It’s closet to the bookstore

Fitness center
Traning session
220 dola

A make up artist
To see work samples
Set up an appointment

In a lobby room
There was not enough time to do the task
The company got a new printer

Terminate a contract
Reschedule the time
His phone number
Chụp ảnh đi cô bé
Chụp ảnh chụp ảnh đi
Bỏ ảnh đi anh chị
Anh chị được bao ăn
Bà chị chụp bức ảnh
Để bồ anh chụp cho
ảnh đã chụp đẹp á
chụp ảnh đi anh Dũng

Đề 9: Anh trung niên ngoài công viên

1.He’s reading a newspaper.
2. The man is walking down a staircase.
3. One of the woman is resting arms on the counter .
4. The women are shaking hands .
5. Some cans are lined up on shelves
6. Some train rails are built a long the building

C1 32. Tree removal
33. She has to leave for work
34. Mail an invoice

C2. 35 Technology
36. Find a job
37. Access his email account

C3 38. Organezing a party

39. To reject a suggestion
40. Contact

C4 41. A news reporter

42. Electrisc bicycles
43. Wear a visitor’s badge

C5 44. Clothing
45. Attend a presentation
46. It can dry quickly

C6 47. Lauched a product

48. They had high sales numbers
49. Providing ticket’s to concert

C7 50. A visit of colleagues

51. He is unable to attend a lunch
52. Bring a computer

C8 53. At a supermarket
54. Installing some equipment
55. Put up signs

C9 56. Web site designers

57. An official logo
58. Send some meeting notes

C10 59. A dry cleaning service

60. Attracts more customers
61. Taking to an accountant

C11 62. An ice creaming shop

63. Space B
64. Visitting a location

C12 65. A journalism conference

66. Fitness center
67. A form of identification

C13 68. A community center

69. Cap flower seeds
70. Notify the man when a shipment arrive
Đi bộ bằng chân đất
Anh Ân bỏ chạy à
Bỏ bạn chơi AB
Anh Ân chơi ad
Để Ân chơi đc ashe
Đánh cùng anh bot à
Bảo đảm ăn con Blit
Anh chưa biết chơi chóganh

Đề 10: Người đàn ông cầm hộp

1.He is carrying some containers.
2. A woman is standing on the path.
3. He is using a telephone.
4. She is a shopping for jewelry.
5. A man is putting some vegetables in a bag.
6. Some vehicles are paking on the strees
32 C1. She can’t find her phone
33. Seat number
34. At a baggage

35 C2. Log in a computer

36. Give a presentation
37. A copy machine

38 C3. At a art gallery

39. It’s exciting
40. Fix some equipment

41 C4. Sale assistants

42. A pist
43. Look at some product

44 C5. At a warehouse
45. Hiring a new employee
46. Update a document

47 C6. To talk about event prepatation

48. Packge hasn’t arrvived
49. Call a company
50 C7. At a medical clinic
51. He has come on wrong day
52. Siting in the waiting area

53 C8. A training session

54. A budget need to be approved
55. Email a director

56 C9. Employee communication

57. Using a web site
58. Coordinate

59. C10 At a property management office

60. A renewed contract
61. She is worried about a deadline

Chú D cầm cái box
Anh D cho D bánh
Anh chi

Chị Dung chưa chăn bò
Anh Dũng cầm đuôi bò
Anh chị bắt bò đái
Bò đái ào ào ào
Anh biết ăn ass bò
Anh dắt bò chưa anh
Anh bắt được con cọp

Đề 11: Người phụ nữ chơi violong

1.Two people are playing music.
2. A woman is holding some plates.
3. A man is reaching for a dislay.
4. Two men are holding some food contoiners.
5. People are gathering near a waiting area.
6. Some water jugs are arranged.

32 C1. A receptionist
33. To make an appointment
34. Have a medical chekup

35 C2. To have dinner

36. Her triends will be late
37. A discount
38 C3. Attract more customers
39. Advertise on web sites
40. Research prices

41 C4. Printing some tickets

42. At a train station
43. Go to an information desk

44 C5. At a conference center

45. His flight

47 C6. Developing some new products

48. A software program
49. Check for budget

50 C7. Financial advising

51. To decline her offers
52. Provide some materials

53. C8 A joumalist
54. Make some revisions
55. She is going on a trip

56 C9. A damaged computer

57. An instruction did not work
58. Go to the woman’s office
62 C11. A training program
63. Table 2
64. Ordering some supplies

65 C12. Health conscious consumer’s

66. The name
67. A project dealine

68 C13. A sales event is going on

69. Table for 6
70. Assembly
Đẻ ba by chưa dì
Áo để anh chuẩn bị
Chuẩn bị đan áo chưa
Bà chuẩn bị áo chưa
Anh chị đặt áo chưa
Để bà cho ăn bánh
Bỏ 3 ao cũ
Đề 12: Chị đứng trước tủ bánh kẹo
Part 1
1. A woman is looking at the glass of cakes.
2. A man is sorting his below.
3. The train stops at the station.
4. A man is standing in front of a microphone.
5. Some decorations are mounted all the wall.
6. Movers are loading a vehicle with some furniture

Part 3
32.C1 Giving tours of a theater
33. They usually had low ticket sales
34. Email some theater patrors

35. C2 At a department store.

36. An item was damaged.
37. Look for a replacement.

38. C3 Make a presentation

39. It is wanted proof
40. Confirm a delivery.

41. C4 Size of an other

42. She would like a help at the work
43. Deschedule a shipment
44. C5 Correct a misunderstanding
45. Join colleagues for dinner
46. Arrange transportation

47. C6 Training materials.

48. Some named were misspelled
49. Change delivery date.

50. C7 An interior decorator

51. Some clients will visit
52. An erea will be cleaned up

53. C8 Can’t log on her computer

54. Some epuipment was upgraded
55. Submit a hold request

56. C9 Visit some suppliers

57. Some items are expensive.
58. Place a sample order.

59.C10 Inquire some information for a banquet

60. Number of attender
61. Send him a document


Anh báo công an à

Được đi cùng bộ đội
Anh bộ đội chiến binh
Bộ đội chưa biết bơi
Đi chơi biển được tập bơi
Được chuẩn bị áo cưới
Chuẩn bị bán cua biển

Đề 13: Chị Cầm Nắp Chảo

Part 1:
1.She is holding a lid on the led hand.
2.Some people are riding bicycle along the street.
3.He is pouring lipuid into a container.
4.Seats have been arranged on the platform.
5.A boat is docked near the house.
6.A worked is wearing safety clothes.

Part 3 :
C1: 32. Schedule a technician visit.
33. Specific time
34. Update a work order.

C2. 35. Local music group

36. He was visiting family
37. Check a schedule.

C3. 38.To get help with an internet problem.

39. He must finish repairing for a client visit.
40. Send a notification.

C4: 41. Can't accept an invitation.

42. Time necessary to finish some work.
43. Special graphic.

C5 44. Painting company

45. A colleague
46. Start date

C6. 47. Television set.

48. Picture quality.
49. Check the stockroom.

C7: 50. At a restaurant.

51. Lost item
52. Go to an office.
C8. 53. A delivery.
54. Business ran out of paper.
55. That some supplies be moved.

C9. 56. Appliance store.

57. Requester faster service.
58.Contact manager.

C10 59. Solar heating company

60. Free consultation
61. Send some information



Bà Anh Bắt Anh Ăn

Anh Định Chuẩn Bị Bóc
Ba Anh Chưa Ăn Đó
Chú Công An Đã Ăn
Chú Âý Ăn Bánh Đa
Đồ Chú Ăn Bỏ Chó
Chú Biết Đó Chú À

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