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The concept of respect in the family is the most important. The key to a successful family from God’s
standpoint is “RESPECT”. The Parents must be respected: Ephesians 6:1 “Children, obey your parents in
the Lord: for this is right.” The parents are the leader of the home and fulfill their responsibilities with
absolute authority over and respect from the children. Respect include loving, honouring and being
loyal to the parents.

The ultimate respect must show to their parents is through obedience. Since the parents are completely
responsible for the welfare of the children, it is necessary for every child to follow completely the
directions of the parents. The standard is for children to obey at the first command without a negative
attitude, without complaining and without constant challenging by asking “WHY”. Disobedience or even
reluctant obedience accompanied by a negative attitude represents a lack of respect. None of this
should ever be allowed to go unnoticed, but should be consistently corrected every time.

Most of the young people now shows negative attitudes towards their parents and elderly, they express
their rebellion and displeasure through their attitudes when they would not dare express it with their
words or actions. Even certain sighs and sounds, frowns and facial expressions, ways of looking at the
parents (e.g. glaring, gestures etc… can indicate negative attitude and a lack of respect.

The New Testament binds a great responsibility on children Ephesians 6: 1-3. The key words are
“honour” and “obey”. There is no time limit on this, God does not free a child from this responsibility
simply because he has now gone to college or is married. A child in the earliest years of adulthood
makes a tragic mistake by neglecting his parents.

It is necessary that we say something about the word "obey". Children are to obey their parents "in the
Lord". One must never forget that his allegiance to God comes before any man. That includes
government, companions and parents. The early apostles expressed it well when they were commanded
not to preach in the name of Christ. They responded by saying in Acts 5, verse 29, "We ought to obey
God rather than men".

The term "obey your parents" indicates that the parents have laid down some laws or provided some
instruction to guide the children. This is what is meant by the wise man when he said in Proverbs 22,
verse 6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it". It is
understood then that the law is to be obeyed by the child is that which will make him a fine, decent,
responsible person. Instructions of parents should be revered by children beyond the parents death. No
time limit then on "Children obey your parents in the Lord" Ephesians 6:1. The other word that stands
out so predominantly in the children's responsibility to their parents is the word "honor". The Bible says
in Ephesians 6, verse 2, "Honor thy father and mother".

This responsibility deals with the child's attitude and respect toward parents. Dictionary says of the
word honour, it is "High regard of great respect given". "Something done or given as a token of respect".
The home for centuries has provided an environment for one to learn all of the ABC's of Christian living.
It is in the home that seeds of character can be sown and given an opportunity to flourish. The great
principles of God are to be taught, practiced and cultivated in the home. The child who has learned to
honour parents can then effectively show high regard toward his fellow man. He later can easily show
respect for a companion and his own children.
Christ provides us with an example in all things. Having returned from the visit to the city of Jerusalem at
the age of 12, the Bible says that Christ, "was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in
her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man" Luke 2, verses
51,52. Christ was obedient to his parents. His affection and respect for his mother was manifested from
the cross. He was concerned about her care and well-being. He gave this responsibility to the beloved
Apostle John (John 19:25-27). You shall always be children in the eyes of your parents and in the eyes of
the Lord. Your response to the commandment, "Obey your parents" and "Honour thy father and thy
mother", will be a pretty good yardstick measuring how well you will obey your Lord and give Him honor
through faithful worship.

The child's responsibility is a lifetime achievement, an achievement that will be richly blessed in all walks
of life. In the words of Ephesians Chapter 6, it is the first commandment with promise

3 areas in which we can honour our parents:

 First, we should count our parents better than we are. If parents are poor and we are rich
we still owe them honour. If parents are ignorant and we are educated we owe them
honour. If parents are old and infirm and we are young and healthy we owe them
honour. The Bible teaches, Proverbs 30: 17 “A wise son maketh a glad father but a
foolish son despiseth his mother.” “The eye that mocketh at his father and that
despiseth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the
young eagles shall eat it.” No Christian young person ever grows too old to honour his
father and his mother. As you step into adulthood you will be freed from the obedience
you were under to your parents as a young person, but in adult life you will never be
freed from the honour you owe them simply because they are your parents.
 Second, honour your parents by willingly helping them. Under God your parents are responsible
for your being here and in large measure for whatever health, sanity, and intelligence you may
have. This is a debt you should not forget and that should cause love and honour to spring up in
your heart for them. When you were a helpless babe in arms your parents cared for you. It was
impossible for you to care for yourself and in the early years of your life they guarded you every
moment. After you were a little older they made genuine attempts to give you a better life and
better opportunities than they had. By and large, all parents sacrifice for their children. Until you
have children of your own you will little realize the care your parents are under for your general
welfare, well-being, and success in life.
 Third, show honestly and openly that you love your parents. The older your parents get the
more they need to be shown the love of their children. You may feel that as a young adult your
parents feel no need of your love but this is not true. The parents whose children are adults very
much need the love of their children. God has shown His judgment against disobedient children
in the Scriptures in such cases as Hophni and Phinehas and in the case of Absalom. Isaac and
Rebecca were deeply grieved by the behaviour of Esau, and the Scripture indicates that this
sorrow for their son followed them to their graves. David cried out, “Oh Absalom, Absalom,
would to God that I had died for thee. Oh Absalom my son, my son.” He wept bitterly and
refused food.

Thank you!
Life lessons on this topic, Christians must honour your parents although you cannot follow their
example, you must honour them and you must love them. You must pray for them. You must be
especially obedient to them and in a particular way let them know that you love them deeply and if they
do not respond to your love you must continue to love for Christ’s sake. You must learn to speak wisely
and meekly and avoid preaching to them or nagging at them. They are your parents and they must not
be belittled.

May God bless you as you read over these thoughts and consider your position as a Christian young
person in a society that is in total rebellion against God.

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