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Name: Pamorada, Pedro Joseph II M.

Grade&Section: 11 ABM - Blessed Angelo of Furci

Struggles of Today’s student

Education is one of the most important aspect in our society. It is the very foundation of
human success. It gives people the knowledge that they need in life, helps them learn, hones
their skills, and improves their overall aspects as a human being. Education is what gives
people the ability to be mindful of their society and enhances their personal perspectives in
life. But sometimes, there are some circumstances which affects education. Take the current
crisis for instance, this pandemic is what holds people from having an effective education for
all students. It forces us to use an alternative to continue giving and providing students an
effective education, the online or virtual classes. This alternative might or might not be an
effective way for the students to receive education. This could have been a disaster to some
students, or a blessing to some.

Online or Virtual classes is what the Department of Education thinks as an effective

substitute for the traditional face-to-face classes. But is it really effective? How could the
students be able to cope up with the sudden change of course? Would it really be better to
continue this academic year? It is not only for the students but for the teachers as well. Some
people might think that this method is a very effective way to continue providing the students
their esteemed education. But many people has been opposing this idea of having online
classes. It could work out better for those people who have a stable life and have the ability to
buy the specific things needed for the virtual classes. But what about those who aren’t
fortunate enough to be able to sustain the budget required for the situation, like those who
depends solely on a family member's income for daily basis, which are usually not enough to
spend for the rest of the week or even a day. These students are trying their very best to cope
up with the sudden change, but many students cannot really do it and are forced to drop out
of class for this year. Some government officials have told the students to refrain from
enrolling if they think that they cannot cope up with the requirements of the online classes,
but students would not want their selves to be left behind by their peers and classmates, thus
forcing themselves to the extent that some already had a mental breakdown. This method is
far from being effective if we are talking about the entirety of the students in our country.

To sum up the ideas, online classes may be convenient for other students to receive
education, but it is not effective for the entirety of the students, and has a huge impact for the
students’ physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Students does not have any choice but
to force themselves to be able to cope up with the current situation. Every students have their
rights to have the quality education that they deserve, regardless of their financial abilities. As
Dr. Jose Rizal stated, “Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng bayan,” but how will this be able to
work, if our beloved students could not even access an effective education for all and if the
medium used for education is only accessible for those who are fortunate and not for those
who are not.

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