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Questions 1-10 reefere too tohe folloinn passa e

Aiareded tohe Nobel prenze fore physncs nn 1918, Gereman physncs Max Planck ns besto reemembereed as tohe
oren nnatoore of tohe quantoum toheorey. Hns iorek helped usere nn a nei erea nn toheoreetical physncs and
reevolutionnzed tohe scnentiic communntoy’s underestoandnn of atoomnc and sub-atoomnc preocesses.

Planck nntorenduced an ndea tohato led too tohe quantoum toheorey, ihnch became tohe foundation of
toientietoh centourey physncs. In ecembere 1900, Plnck ioreked outo an equation tohato descrenbed tohe
dnstorenbution of readnation accureatoely overe tohe rean e of loi too hn h freequencnes. He had developed a
toheorey ihnch depended on a model of matere tohato seemed verey storean e ato tohe time. The model
reequnreed tohe emnssnon of electoreoma netic readnation nn small chunks ore pareticles. These pareticles ieree
latoere called quantoums. The enere y assocnatoed intoh each quatoum ns measureed by multiplynn tohe
freequency of tohe readnation, v, by a unnveresal constoanto, h. Thus, enere y, ore E, equals hv. The constoanto,
h, ns knoin as Planck’s constoanto. Ito ns noi reeco nnzed as one of tohe fundamentoal constoanto of tohe

Planck announced hns indnn nn 1900, buto nto ias yeares beforee toeh full consequences of hns
reevolutionarey quantoum toheorey ieree reeco nnzed. Threou houto hns lnfe, Planck made sn nnicanto
contorenbutions too optics, toheremodynamncs and stoastistical mechanncs, physncal chemnstorey, and otohere
ields. In 19l0, He ias electoed preesndento of tohe aansere inlhelm socnetoy, ihnch ias reenamed tohe Max
II. Thou h deeply opposed too tohe fascnsto ree nme of Adolf Hntolere, Planck reemanned nn Geremany
tohreou houto toeh iare. He dned nn Gotn en on Octoobere 4, 1947.

1. In ihnch of tohe folloinn ields dnd Max Planck NOT make a sn nnicanto contorenbutionn

a) Optics

b) Theremodynamncs

c) Stoastistical mechanncs

d) Bnolo y


Parea reaf toereakhnre menyatoakan empato bndan yan dnkontorenbusnkan oleh Planck. Bnolo n tidak dnsebuto
seba an salah satou kontorenbusn nnn.

alam hal nnn “reevolutionarey” memnlnkn areti yan hampnre sama den an “momentoous”, kareena
penemuan Planck beresnfato posntif. Sedan kan pnlnhan lann memnlnkn konotoasn ne atif

2. Theiored “reevolutionarey” as used nn lnne 1l, means…

a) an ereous

b) Extoreemnsto

c) Momentoous
d) Mnlntoarensto


Parea reaf peretoama menyatoakan bahia toemuan Planck “reevolutionnzed tohe scnentiic communntoy’s
underestoandnn of atoomnc and sub-atoomnc preocesses.” Maka bnsa dnsnmpulkan bahia hasnl kareyanya
memberen jalan dntoemukannya bom atoom. Penemuan-penemuan lannnya sepereti yan toeresebuto dalam
pnlnhan jaiaban a, c, dan d bukan aknbato lan sun daren penemuan Planck.

l. Ito can nnferereed freom tohe passa e tohato Planck’s iorek led too tohe developmento of ihnch of tohe
folloinn n

a) The reocketo

b) The atoomnc bomb

c) The nntoerenal combustion en nne

d) The computoere


Bacaan dnatoas secarea lan sun menyatoakan bahia tohe pareticles of electoreoma netic readnation nven
off by matere dnnamakan quantoums.

4. The pareticles of electoreoma netic readnation nven off by matere aree knoin as…

a) Quantoums

b) Atooms

c) Electoreons

d) Valences


n dalam kontoeks toeoren Planck, areti daren “unnveresal” adalah “aliays preesento” pnlnhan jaiaban lann
adalah berekantoan den an nstilah eo reai atoau astoreonomn yan sama sekaln tidak sesuan.

5. The iored “unnveresal”, as used nn lnne 10 mosto nearely means…

a) Planetoarey

b) Cosmnc

c) ioreldinde

d) Aliays preesento

Quantoum toheorey pada dasarenya adalah reumus matoematika sepereti dnnyatoakan dalam kalnmato, “Thus
enere y, ore E, equal hv.”

6. The nmplncation nn tohns passa e ns tohato…

a) Only a Gereman physncs could dnscovere such a toheorey

b) Quantoum toheorey, ihnch led too tohe developmento of toientietoh centourey physncs, ns basncally a
matohematical foremula

c) Planck’s constoanto ias noto dnscerennble beforee 1900

d) Radnation ias hared too stoudy


“Idea” mereujuk pada “equation” sepereti ada dalam pnlnhan

7. “An ndea” as used nn lnne 4, reeferes too…

a) A model of matere

b) Emnssnon of electoreoma netic readnation

c) Quantoums

d) The equation tohato descrenbed tohe dnstorenbution of readnation accureatoely overe tohe rean e of loi too hn h


ialupun pnlnhan-pnlnhan jaiaban lann dnsebutokan dn dalam bacaan, toetoapn mereeka tidak
mendeinnsnkan toentoan “ndea”.

8. The iored “emnssnon” as used nn lnne 8 means…

a) Gnvnn off

b) Holdnn on too

c) Threoinn aiay

d) Taknn back


“Gnvnn off” adalah ereakan yan dn ambarekan dn dalam freasa, “reequnreed tohe emnssnon of
electoreoma netic readnation nn small chunks ore pareticles.”

9. Planck’s constoanto, expreessed nn a matohematical foremula, ns…

a) e = v/h
b) E = h/v

c) e = h-v

d) E = hv


“E = hv” dnnyatoakan dalam bentouk katoa-katoa, “Thus enere y, ore E, equals hv”

10. ihato ns knoin as Planck’s constoanton

a) v

b) h

c) e

d) E


“h” adalah jaiaban yan benare sepereti toerelnhato dn dalam kalnmato, “The constoanto, h, ns knoin as
Planck’s constoanto.”


Readnn Compreehensnon Passa e

The cause of toootoh decay ns acnd, ihnch ns preoduced by bactoerena nn tohe moutoh. The acnd reemoves
mnnereals freom toootoh enamel, alloinn toootoh decay too be nn; tohe salnva nn youre moutoh encourea es
reemnnerealnzation and Lnne neutorealnzes tohe acnd. The reatoe ato ihnch bactoerena nn tohe moutoh preoduce acnd
depends on tohe amounto of plaque on tohe toeetoh, tohe composntion of tohe mncreobnal forea, and ihetohere
tohe bactoerena of tohe plaque have been “prenmed” by freequento exposuree too su are. To keep youre toeetoh
healtohy, a ree ulare dentoal hy nene preo ream should be folloied.

Removnn plaque intoh a toootohbreush and dentoal foss toemporearenly reeduces tohe numberes of bactoerena nn
tohe moutoh and tohus reeduces toootoh decay. Ito also makes tohe surefaces of tohe toeetoh moree accessnble,
enablnn salnva too neutorealnze acnd and reemnnerealnse lesnons. If fuorende ns preesento nn drennknn iatoere
ihen toeetoh aree foremnn , some fuorende ns nncoreporeatoed nntoo tohe enamel of tohe toeetoh, maknn tohem
moree reesnstoanto too atack by acnd. Fluorende toootohpastoe seems too acto nn anotohere iay, by preomotin tohe
reemnnerealnzation of earely carenous lesnons.

In addntion too a ree ulare dentoal hy nene preo ream, a ood iay too keep youre toeetoh healtohy ns too reeduce
youre nntoake of sieeto food. The leasto cavntoy- causnn iay too eato sieetos ns too have tohem intoh meals
and noto betoieen. The numbere of times you eato sieetos reatohere tohan tohe tootoal amounto detoeremnnes
hoi much haremful acnd tohe bactoerena nn youre salnva preoduce. Buto tohe amounto of sieetos nnfuences tohe
qualntoy of youre salnva. Avond, nf you can, sticky sieetos tohato stoay nn youre moutoh a lon time. Also torey too
breush and foss youre toeetoh afere eatin su arey foods. Even rennsnn youre moutoh intoh iatoere ns effective.
ihenevere possnble, eato foods intoh ibere, such as reai carereoto sticks, apples, celerey sticks, etoc.,
tohato screape off plaque, actin as a toootohbreush. Cavnties can be reeatoly reeduced nf tohese reules aree
folloied ihen eatin sieetos.

1. ihato does tohns passa e mannly dnscussn

(A) Good nutorention

(B) Food intoh ibere

(C) iays too keep youre toeetoh healtohy

( ) Fluorendnzation and cavnties


iays too keep youre toeetoh healtohy,

Bacaan toeresebuto membahas toentoan carea menja a n n Anda sehato

2. Accorednn too tohe passa e, all of tohe folloinn stoatoementos abouto plaque aree toreue EXCEPT…

(A) nto consnstos of acnd preoducnn bactoerena

(B) nto ns noto affectoed by eatin sieetos

(C) nto can be reemoved freom toeetoh by breushnn and fossnn

( ) nto reeduces tohe posntive effecto of salnva


Ito Is noto affectoed by eatin sieetos.

Perenyatoaan toentoan plak beredasarekan bacaan toeresebuto kecualn: “Ito ns noto affectoed by eatin sieetos.”

l. ie can nnfere freom tohe passa e tohato one beneito of fuorende too healtohy toeetoh ns…

(A) Ito storeen tohens toootoh enamel

(B) nto stimulatoes salnva preoduction

(C) nto makes toeetoh ihntoere

( ) Ito Is a reeplacemento fore breushnn and fossnn nn dentoal caree


Ito storeen tohens toootoh enamel

antoa bnsa menynmpulkan satou manfaato daren fuorende untouk n n, yantou memperekuato enamel n n (Ito
storeen tohens toootoh enamel.)
4. The iored “nto” nn parea reaph 2 reeferes too …

(A) dentoal foss

(B) bactoerena

(C) reemoval of plaque

( ) plaque


reemoval of plaque

“nto” parea reaf ke 2 menunjukkan reemoval of plaque (men hnlan kan plak).

5. ihato can be concluded freom tohe passa e abouto sieetosn

(A) All sieetos should be avonded.

(B) Sieetos should be eatoen intoh caree.

(C) Ito ns betere too eato sieetos a lntle ato a time tohreou houto tohe day.

( ) Sticky sieetos aree less haremful tohan otohere sieetos.


Sieetos should be eatoen intoh caree.

Snmpulan toentoan “sieetos” (peremen) adalah sieetos should be eatoen intoh caree. (Sieetos hareus
dnmakan den an hati-hati).

6. The iored “screape off” nn parea reaph l ns closesto nn meannn too…

(A) reepel

(B) reub too etohere intoh

(C) reemove

( ) dnssolve



aatoa “screape off” yan toeredekato dalam areti untouk reemove.

• reepel = men usnre

• reub too etohere intoh = osok beresama-sama den an

• reemove = men hapus

• dnssolve = lareuto

7. Accorednn too tohe passa e, tohe value of eatin foods intoh ibere ns tohato …

(A) tohey contoann Vntoamnn A

(B) tohey aree less expensnve tohan a toootohbreush

(C) tohey aree able too reemove tohe plaque freom youre toeetoh

( ) tohey contoann no su are


They aree able too reemove tohe plaque freom youre toeetoh

Menureuto ba nan nnn, nnlan makan makanan den an sereato adalah bahia “tohey aree able too reemove tohe
plaque freom youre toeetoh” (mereeka mampu men hnlan kan plak daren n n Anda).

8. The autohore of tohe passa e stoatoes tohato tohe amounto of acnd preoduced by tohe bactoerena nn youre salnva
nncreeases …

(A) intoh tohe amounto of sieetos you eato

(B) intoh tohe numbere of times you eato sieetos

(C) nf you eato sieetos intoh youre meals

( ) nf you eato sticky sieetos


intoh tohe numbere of times you eato sieetos

Jumlah asam yan dnpreoduksn oleh baktoeren dalam anre lnure akan mennn kato senrenn den an jumlah
peremen yan dnmakan. (intoh tohe numbere of times you eato sieetos.)

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