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Using Technology in the TESOL/TEFL Classroom

Effective Online Teaching

The learning tasks in technology-based environments play
an important role in determining learning outcomes. They
determine how learners will engage with course materials
and the different forms of learning that will take place.
Contemporary thinking suggests that technology-based
activities must be active and engaging. They need to
develop cooperation and collaboration among learners
and in doing so must provide opportunities for learners to
reflect on and articulate about what they have learned.
The activities must provide the purpose and the context for
learners to deal with new content and information.
Choosing and developing content for technology-based
learning is seen by many teachers as the most important
step in creating online learning environments. It is
sometimes estimated that online teachers spend 90% of
their planning and development creating content and on-
line learning resources.

When it comes to online teaching, students’ interaction

and engagement should be front and center. With the
possibility of so many external distractions, some students
might struggle to remain focused in an online class. In
addition, as a new online teacher, you will have your own
challenges to overcome.
Becoming an Effective Online Teacher

It is common for beginner online teachers to feel a little

nervous during the first few classes, which is why it is
important to keep interaction and engagement in mind. If
you provide opportunities for students to interact with you
and they are engaged, your class will achieve its primary
goal which is your students will learn something.

If you are just starting as an online TESOL or TEFL

teacher, the best way to ensure the interaction is to get to
know your students. When you are aware of their likes and
dislikes, you can try personalizing your class, which will
increase the students’ engagement. Sometimes, you may
not be able to personalize the lesson. However, you can
still find things that the students might have in common
and use them to your advantage. Also, with your online
class, you will have an opportunity to create polls, ask
questions and reply to your students’ questions. This can
easily be accomplished using live chat, which is a
common feature of most online learning management
systems or online platforms.

Before getting started with online teaching, make sure you

have some audience interaction techniques down. It will
increase your confidence, and your online class will be
more successful. You can also apply online teacher-
student interaction tactics, such as giving your students
feedback and encouragement each time they participate.
As a new online teacher, the ultimate goal is to help your
students learn the most online. When it comes to online
teaching, you should always ask yourself:

• How do my students learn?

• How can they learn more efficiently?

All students have different learning styles, and you can try
to appeal to each of them. Most importantly, students tend
to perform better in a relaxed environment. If you manage
to add a little fun to your online class, your students will
learn more.

Online teaching is made possible by technology, so one of

the best online teaching suggestions for beginner online
teachers is to find a reliable online platform or learning
management system and to use the technology to your
advantage. There are many software applications you can
use to enhance your online teaching. When you are just
starting, the easiest way to improve your online teaching is
to learn from other teachers. Online tutorials can also be
extremely helpful.

Another important online teaching strategy for beginner

online teachers is to try and create a dynamic online class.
If you have multiple video sources, for example, a
webcam, pre-recorded videos, and images, you will be
able to direct your students’ focus. Whereas, just talking to
the camera will make it hard for your students to keep
paying attention to you. If you are teaching intermediate to
advanced students, put together a list of videos, websites
and other sources you can use to exemplify the lessons
main points.

As a new online teacher, it will be your responsibility to set

expectations for your students. Your students may not be
used to doing classes online and might see it as an
opportunity to relax too much. It is therefore essential that
you discuss with your students what is expected of them
and what they can expect from you, as the teacher, during
the online sessions. In addition, the teacher should talk to
the students about the types of activities they can expect
to take part in, how often the teacher will be assigning
homework and how they, the students, will be assessed.
Bad classroom behavior may also be something the new
online teacher have to deal with. It is essential that you
set out behavioral guidelines before you start the online

Building rapport in an online class is considerably harder

than in a face-to-face learning environment. While video
conversations are effective, they do not equal being in the
same room. For this reason, it is important to build a
sense of community among your students, so they feel
part of a group and want to continue learning together.
Creating groups and making sure your students work
together on assigned projects can help overcome the
problem of lack of rapport in the online class. Moreover,
as a new online teacher, you should give yourself enough
time to prepare for every class and plenty of time for short
breaks between classes.

Another valuable online teaching technique for beginner

online teachers is to get feedback from your students
regularly. Some online teaching platforms already provide
for this. If this resource is not included in the platform you
are using, make sure you create a feedback system for
yourself. It is one of the best ways to improve your online
teaching over time.
Online teaching is far from easy, but it can be gratifying. If
you are a new online teacher,
• help your students learn the most every step of the
• keep your creative energy flowing.
• explore and take advantage of the technology you
are using.
• be patience.
Using Zoom for online TESOL/TEFL classes:
Zoom is one of the newer names when it comes to online
TESOL or TEFL classes, but that does not mean it should
not be used. Zoom offers a free version to any teacher
and has a lot of useful features that can improve your
online classes. The free version features include:
1. Host HD video and audio calls
2. Host group calls (40-minute max)
3. Host 1-1 video and audio calls (unlimited time)
4. Share your screen
5. Use a whiteboard
6. Create break-out rooms (great for group lessons)
7. Embed videos (and play the audio from the video)
8. Have private and group chats
9. Schedule lessons
10. Use Zoom effects

It is a good idea for new online teachers to practice using

Zoom before they teach an online class. Because Zoom
runs on multiple devices, including mobile phones, one
great way to practice is to launch a Zoom meeting on your
computer and then sign into that meeting on your iPhone,
iPad, or Android Device. You should leave the audio off in
order to avoid getting feedback. Zoom’s host and co-host
controls in the meeting guide reviews most of the functions
you will need to know. As the teacher, you might also want
to practice with your students by scheduling an
introductory class meeting in Zoom with the purpose of
having all the students log in and check for the four most
common technical problems: students unable to see or be
seen, students unable to hear, students who cannot be
heard, or students’ microphones picking up background
noise or causing an echo. These guidelines should help
you begin to use Zoom as your online learning
management system or online platform:
• Remind your students to download and install the
Zoom app on their devices well in advance of the first
class meeting.
• Explain to your students that if multiple students
connect to the same Zoom meeting from the same
location (like a classroom), the first time someone
unmutes their microphone there is a high likelihood
there will be audio feedback. This can be avoided by
social distancing (literally by not being in the same
location as other students), by using headphones
instead of speakers, or by playing the meeting’s audio
on only one device’s speakers.
• Give your students a tour of Zoom during your first
class session and teach them how to mute and
unmute themselves. Remember, this may be the first
time your students have ever used Zoom.
• Determine if you are going to require your students to
have their web cameras on during your entire class or
if you are going to allow them to turn them off and set
that as a class rule during your first Zoom meeting.
• Remind your students about the importance of being
mindful about what is happening behind them when
their web cameras are on, particularly when it comes
to roommates or family members who may
unknowingly be in the background.

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