Business Research Methods: Canterbury Travels Case Study Analysis

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Group 2:
Kenny Jain
Spriha Srivastava
Saurabh Bode
Manu Vyas
Avinash Singh
Akhil Chamarthi
9. Are you aware about Canterbury Travels?
____ Yes ____ No

10. If Yes, have you visited Canterbury Travels?

____ Yes ____ No

11. How often do you use the same travel repeatedly?

____ 0-1 times per month
____ 2-3 times per month
____ 4-5 times per month
____ 6 or more times per month

12. How do you pay for your travel expense?

____ Cash
____ Cheque
____ Credit Card
____ Debit Card
____ Others, Specify _______

13. Which of these travel agency’s advertisement have you seen?

____ Holiday Travel
____ Leisure Tours
____ Canterbury Travels

14. Where have you seen or heard the advertisement you described above?
____ Newspaper
____ Hoardings
____ Television
____ Radio
____ Others, Specify _______

The following are the personal questions about you that will be used for
statistical purposes only. Your answers will be held in the strictness confidence.

15. What is your age?

__ 18-25
__ 26-35
__ 36-45
__ 46-55
__ 56-65
__ Over 65

16. What is your gender?

__ Male
__ Female
__ Other

17. What is your marital status?

__ Single
__ Married
__ Divorced
__ Widowed

18. How long have you lived in Hometown?

__ 0-6 months
__ 7-12 months
__ 1-4 years
__ 5-10 years
__ 11-15 years
__ Over 15 years

19. What is your present occupation?

__ Business
__ Professional
__ Salaried
__ Freelancer
__ Labourer
__ Government Employee
__ Student
__ Unemployed

20. What is your highest level of education you have completed?

__ Primary
__ Secondary
__ Graduation
__ Post-Graduation

21. What is your yearly household income?

__ $0-5,000
__ $5,001-$10,000
__ $10,001-$15,000
__ $15,001-$25,000
__ $25,001-$40,000
__ $40,001-$60,000
__ $60,000 and above

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