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Rujjanavet 1

Peeraya Rujjanavet
Academic Writing and Research I
Ms.Mariejoy San Buenaventura
February 14, 2019

Reading That Has Affected Me Significantly

Reading the book is not just a simple action but it is also an activity that increases your

creativity. Since I was young, my parents encouraged me to read many books which became my

leisure activity. There is one novel that I have read and still remember it till now. That book is

called ​Wonder​ and written by ​R.J. Palacio Brings​.

In the year 2017, the movie called ​Wonder​ was released. I watched its official trailer on

Youtube and felt very interested in this movie. I searched about it and found that it is based on

the novel of the same name. I wanted to finish the book before the movie gets into the theater.

So, I went to get the book at Barnes & Noble the next day and started reading it. This book is

fascinating to me because the book is divided into parts that have different characters as a

narrative and each character has a story that is related to one another. The story was mainly about

August who was born with a disfigured face and always home-schooled by his mother. But when

he started his fifth grade, his parents wanted him to attend the school. At first, the kids at school

were bullying him because of his appearance but later he got an apology from his friend because

he showed his kindness and encouragement throughout the book. This novel is very well written

for me because it provides a lot of take away lessons. Firstly, is to don’t judge people by their

appearance because it is not related to their personality. I have seen many people that seem not

friendly to talk with but after I spent time with them, I discovered that they are likable. Secondly,

I have to stand for myself and don’t let other people bring me down. There was a time when I
Rujjanavet 2

was too shy to say for my true feeling because I didn't want my friend or other people to judge

me. But later, I learned to overcome it by being with someone I was comfortable to be with and

leave all the negatives behind. This way helps me increase my self-confidence and happiness.

Lastly is the most important thing which is to be kind. People shouldn't bully other people both

physically or verbally because this kind of action is not acceptable in our communication and

should have the punishment for the bullier. Moreover, the words that come out of your mouth

can be hurtful to others. So, we are responsible for the word we say or type. After I finished the

book, I went to watch ​Wonder​ in the theater. At first, I thought that the book might be better but

actually, the movie was illustrated in a good different way and still kept all the strong messages

in it.

Wonder​ is the book that has affected me significantly because it increased my creativity

and also gave me great moral values. It is an efficient way to relate what you have read to your

present. I always recommend this book to everyone who asks for my suggestions because it is

worth reading.

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