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What role does corporate reputation play within organizational performance and social

responsibility? Develop a list of factors or characteristics that different stakeholders

may use in assessing corporate reputation. Are these factors consistent across
stakeholders? Why or why not? Corporate Reputation is extremely important when
considering the role that it plays regarding organizational performance and social

Corporate reputation can be taken as complete inference that its stakeholders carry of an
organization. These include both external stakeholders as well as internal ones. This has
become a matter of focus for many big organizations as the reputation bring many
reimbursements in terms of organization performance. The organization reputation may not
be alike to all stake holders and it depends on the way the stakeholders receive familiarity
once in touch with the organization. This may rise from direct experience with organization
or through some other medium like news channels.

A company’s overall success or demise mainly relies on its reputation. In Business Ethics,
corporate reputation is defined as “one of an organization’s greatest intangible assets with
tangible value”

This meaning that although sometimes a companies reputation may be unwritten, the value of
it is obvious. There are many different factors that could be listed when discussing the
characteristics stakeholders may use when determining the reputation of a company. Some
factors that stakeholders may use are listed as follows: Strong Ethical Bearing-The company
conducts itself in an ethical manner at all times Excellent Employee Relations-Employees are
respected and treated well Welcoming Workplace-The workplace environment is that of a
clean and safe manner Items of high quality-Company produces only the best quality of
products Management-Managers within company realize the ideals and values of the
company thus employing them down the chain Financially Sound-The company has strong
stabilized financial records Social Responsibility-The company has strong ties within the
community it resides The factors above are not always consistent with all stakeholders
because each individual stakeholder has his or her own perceptual view of what is needed in
each individual company to have a strong reputation.
“Stakeholders who are most directly affected by negative events will have a corresponding
shift in their perceptions of a firm’s reputation”

Assume you have just become CEO at Coca-Cola. Outline the strategic steps you would
take to remedy the concerns emanating from the company’s board of directors,
consumers, employees, and business partners; governments; and the media. What
elements of social responsibility would you draw from in responding to these
stakeholder issues?

Organization can never be operated by a single person but the Organization need to be
operated by a proper hireacy and with a proper division of labor.

But still there remain a very great role of the leaders in the proper functioning of the

There are various steps that I would take as acting CEO to remedy the concerns arising from
the company’s stakeholders. As for a CEO the already existing issues are very important so
would first of all analyse that what are issues this company is currently facing and what is its

My plan of action is as follows:

I will call a meeting having some concerned people from all parties meet and discuss the
questions and concerns that they each have with the company Personally meet with groups to
let them know that I am concerned and will be involved with correcting the issues at hand
Have a monthly meeting with all party representatives to ensure satisfaction with all Long
Range Training Plan Comprise a training plan for all employees regarding proper protocol
and procedure in regards to any ethical issues that may arise Training plan will be
implemented in monthly meeting Employee Contractual Agreement Draw up contract for all
employees letting them know that if proper protocol is not followed, they will be held
accountable and actions will be taken against them if they do not comply Social
Responsibility Add a few environmentalists to my team to help brainstorm and come up with
different ideas to make Coca-Cola much more green Develop a website that is strictly
dedicated to specific social responsibility initiatives The elements of social responsibility that
I would draw from when responding to any stakeholder issues would be the ideas that any of
them would have that could overall improve the environment in the workplace as well as any
information they could provide regarding ways to give back to the community in which we
reside.I believe that charity work would also be very fundamental in making sure Coca-
Cola’s reputation stays high among stakeholders, being that they are the ones who make the
company run.

What do you think of Coca-Cola’s environmental initiatives? Are they just window dressing
or does the company seem to be sincere in its efforts?

Initially Coca Cola was facing many sort of environmental issues that would regularly declining
the image of Coca Cola in the eye of the customers and the reputation in the market.

Many of the unethical environmental acts includes depletion of water water wastage disposal of
sludge into the water .

In my opinion after all these events Coca Cola started a really long term investments and
initiatives for the environment as they become very sincere with the environmental initiatives.

Millions of dollars were invested buy Coca Cola just for the purpose to make the environment
green with less harmful toxic agents.

Coca Cola ensured reduction in the greenhouse effects by using refrigeration system that enhance
the performance of Coca Cola and also reduce the amount of cfcs. Released by the refrigeration of
the Coca Cola

Other than this proper investment were done to make the raw water good for drinking Google also
ensured that they would return Equal amount of water to the society as they are using. The water
for their own production

Coca Cola also ensured a green environment by introducing the system of recycling and by
making the packaging of the products of Coca Cola very environment friendly and reusable.
After all these efforts of Coca Cola and different environmental initiative we can easily say that
kukula was very sincere with the environmental initiatives as they had been investing so much just
on the environmental issues and only very long term planning this is also seen that Coca Cola plan
for environment has frequent changes and it was meant that proves the fact that Coca Cola is very
sincere with the environmental initiatives that it takes and it’s not a windowdressing activity.

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