Business Communication Final Major Assignment. July 2020 PDF

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Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus

Department of Business Administration

Class: BBA 4 (A, B & C), MBAC & MSMS Session: Spring 2020
Subject: Business Communication Instructor: Sheema Ahmad

Total Marks: 25%


Question 1: (Total 08 Marks)

PART – A (4 Marks)
Briefly explain why you think each of the following is or is not ethical in terms of Ethical
Dilemmas and Ethical Lapses;
a. Keeping quiet about a possible environmental hazard you’ve just discovered in your
company’s processing plant.
b. Overselling the benefits of instant messaging to your company’s managers; they never seem
to understand the benefits of technology, so you believe it’s the only way to convince them to
make the right choice.
c. Telling an associate and close friend that she needs to pay more attention to her work
responsibilities, or management will fire her.
d. Recommending the purchase of equipment your department doesn’t really need in order to
use up your allocated funds before the end of the fiscal year so that your budget won’t be cut
next year, when you might have a real need for the money.

PART – B (4 Marks)
A work colleague, prone to exaggeration and playing pranks, tells you that they borrowed an
important piece of the company’s equipment overnight to use at home without seeking
permission. While using it, they dropped it, causing some damage, which will require expensive
re-calibration, but put it back and have told no-one but you about it. Discuss the potential and
existing ethical dilemmas and lapses within this situation.

QUESTION 2: (Total 5 Marks)

Read the following blog posting, and then;

Analyze whether the message is effective or ineffective (be sure to explain why)?
What elements of professionalism should be incorporated in this type of message? Explain.
“It has come to my attention that many of you are lying on your time cards. If you come in late,
you should not put 8:00 on your card. If you take a long lunch, you should not put 1:00 on your
time card. I will not stand for this type of cheating. I simply have no choice but to institute an
Foundation University Islamabad, Rawalpindi Campus
Department of Business Administration

Class: BBA 4 (A, B & C), MBAC & MSMS Session: Spring 2020
Subject: Business Communication Instructor: Sheema Ahmad

Total Marks: 25%

employee monitoring system. Beginning next Monday, video cameras will be installed at all
entrances to the building, and your entry and exit times will be logged each time you use
electronic key cards to enter or leave. Anyone who is late for work or late coming back from
lunch more than three times will have to answer to me. I don’t care if you had to take a nap or
if you girls had to shop. This is a place of business, and we do not want to be taken advantage
of by slackers who are cheaters to boot. It is too bad that a few bad apples always have to spoil
things for everyone.”

QUESTION 3: (Total 06 Marks)

As leader of an international team in one of Siemens’ Munich offices, you’ve learned to listen
and adapt to different people and use your good intercultural skills to help resolve any
problems of internal integration.
PART A: (02 Marks) How would you address these challenges?

Aleksei Petrikov joined your team six months ago as junior business analyst, just after
graduation from university in Russia. He has a brilliant, analytical mind but he resists working
with other employees, even in team settings where collaboration is expected.
PART B: (02 Marks) Given the importance that you place on teamwork, how should you
handle the situation, considering cultural competency and other Communication Challenges in
a Diverse, Global Marketplace?
PART C: (02 Marks) How do you think different ethnocentric approaches to doing business
might damage international business relationships?

QUESTION 4: (Total 06Marks)

PART A: Defend with examples, why there is a need to change attitude towards methods of
communication at all levels of management, considering the COVID-19 situation (03 Marks)

PART B: You are the CEO of a company. Your employees believe that you are a very strict
person and don’t like to listen to criticism. How will you change this opinion of your employees,
considering the most appropriate type and method of communication? (03 Marks)

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