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By: Breakout Room 8

Peeraya Rujjanavet 6280143

Wuttipong Sarawutvinai 6280168

Daniel Chun 6280236

Koravee Gurung 6280711

Define the terms – Ordinary World
Ordinary World is part of Act I in Classic Story Structure. It also know as
“In-Authentic State”. It’s the state when the main characters is not yet know
who he/she will become. The stage will show the normal life of the character
and the problem are out of the main character’s idea which this stage begin
mostly in the beginning of the movie before another stage, “Call to Adventure”,
begin. As there will be many thing happen in another continued stage,
Ordinary World is set as a contrast.
Define the terms – Call to Adventure
A call to adventure or as known as “ the big event” this usually occurs
within the 10-20 first minutes of the film. It’s the shift event, taking the main
character from their ordinary world. This usually challenge them
internally/externally, forces them living outside their comfort zone to the
challenge that awaits them. A good call to adventure is the one where it keeps
on pushing the character to accept the challenge by raising up the stake that
he/she cannot refused, forcing them to the adventure achieving their goal, in
which at first he/she may refused to it. And it could have both inner and outer
problem happening at the same time.
Discuss Eliot’s Ordinary World
Elliot is living with his family, living a
normal, simple life and struggle to become
noticed by his family. He is the one that
indirectly outcast by his family as we see in
the first scene where he is told to get pizza
instead of joining the game. Elliot character’s
is portray as unpopular which is why he is
mostly ignored by his brother and sister.
Discuss Eliot’s Adventure World
Eliot’s call to adventure
world happened when
he first encounter E.T.

Eliot’s Special world is

just like ordinary world
but with E.T.

He encounter various
obstacles during the
time in special world.

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