Latest Notice - GED 225 - Sec 1 - Spring 2020

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General Education Department

GED 225: Introduction to Archaeology
Spring 2020

Dear All,

Our new project will be in two part: Preparing a responsible tourism management plan for an
archaeological site and Preparing a presentation of a new archaeological site

Part 1: Preparing a responsible tourism plan for an archaeological site


1. For preparing this work please read the chapter Archaeological Tourism from the provided
course reading manual.

2. Follow the guidelines discussed in the given PPT under the title “feature of responsible

3. Explain why particular feature is required for good management of archaeological site and for

4. Always keep two things in mind: your management plan should have features to preserve the
archaeological site and should provide all possible support (of course, in our socio-cultural
circumstance) to the tourists.

5. For understanding the demand of tourist, you can consider yourself a tourist and ask yourself
what supports you expect from an archaeological site to make your tour successful.

6. For understanding the management plan, give some brainstorming about the features we
discussed. Think, how and why particular feature is necessary for your site.

7. You can prepare a map (if possible) of your archaeological site, and show the location of
different services available to the tourists.

8. Add photographs of different services available to the tourists.

Part 2: Preparing a presentation of a new archaeological site


1. Collect at least 15 different photographs of ULAB Permanent Campus.

2. Make sure, your collected photographs represent all important features of ULAB Permanent

3. Explain the photographs, (what is the particular photograph describing about particular
features of ULAB Permanent Campus)

4. You will also provide the reason why you have chosen particular picture.

5. Prepare in PPT with enough information/text.


1. Add COVER PAGE mentioning your name, ID, course title, course code, sec, term

2. Word limit: 1000 words for Part 1

3. Writing font: Times New Roman

4. Writing font size: 12

5. Line space: 1.5

6. Paragraphs should have headings in Bold

7. Leave space (1 inch) in margin

8. Paragraph alignment should in ‘Justify’.

9. Use your name for file name, such as Michael_GED 225_Part 1 & Michael_GED 225_Part 2

[PS: failure of following above mentioned instruction may result in marks deduction. For
example, of you do not add cover page, 5 marks will be deducted]

Don’t Do’s:

1. Avoid copying from someone else’s work (similarity in two or more scripts will result in
marks deduction)

2. Avoid copying from internet sources.

3. Plagiarism will be taken seriously.

Submit to:

Last date of submission: Saturday, 25 April, 2020 by 5:00pm.

Please do not hesitate to contact if you need any assistance.

Best of luck!

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