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1. Misge Chekole…………………………………….1271/08
2. Rahel Geberegezabher…………………………...1336/08
3. Sindu Woldekidan……………………………......1437/08

Submitted to Mr. Tadesse T.

Submission date:30/04/2012E.C
Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF ABBRIVATIONS.......................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE.........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1
1.1Back ground...................................................................................................................................1
1.1.1. Definition................................................................................................................................2
1.2. Problem statement....................................................................................................................10
1.3 objectives....................................................................................................................................11
1.3.1 General objective.....................................................................................................................11
1.3.2 Specific objective.....................................................................................................................11
1.4. Scope and limitation of the project.............................................................................................12
1.4.1. Scope of the project.................................................................................................................12
1.4.2. Limitation of the project..........................................................................................................12
1.5. significant of the project.............................................................................................................12
CHAPTER TWO......................................................................................................................................13
2. Literature review...........................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................................15
3. Material and methods....................................................................................................................15
3.1. Material selection......................................................................................................................17
3.2. Methodology..............................................................................................................................18
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................19
4. Design analysis.............................................................................................................................19
4.1. Net depth of water application...................................................................................................19
4.2. Irrigation frequency at peak demand and irrigation cycle..........................................................20
4.3. Gross depth of water application................................................................................................20
4.4. System capacity.........................................................................................................................21
4.5. Sprinkler selection and spacing..................................................................................................21


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

4.6. Power requirement to pump the water........................................................................................25

4.7. Discharge of sprinkler nozzles...................................................................................................26
4.8. Size of main line, sub main line and laterals..............................................................................26
4.9. Operation and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems.....................................................................27
4.9.1. Operation of Sprinkler Systems..............................................................................................27
4.9.2. Maintenance............................................................................................................................27
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................................30
5. Result and discussion....................................................................................................................30
5.1. Cost analysis..............................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER SIX.........................................................................................................................................32
6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................................32
6.1. CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................32
6.2. RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................................................33
APPENDIX 1; performance of sprinklers (7)...........................................................................................35
Appendix 2; Soil texture and profile (7)...........................................................................................36


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

Figure1. 1 - Schematic of a pressurized irrigation network layout (Phocaides, 2000)....................3
Figure1. 2. Components and general layout of sprinkler irrigation systems...................................5
Figure1.3; Impact Sprinkler Mechanism........................................................................................6
Fig 1.4 Fully portable sprinkler irrigation system..........................................................................7
Figure.3.1 Sprinkler head.............................................................................................................15
Figure 3.2 methodology flow chart..............................................................................................18
Figure 4.1 effect of pressure on the water distribution of sprinkler..............................................23


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

Table 4.1 irrigation efficiency of sprinklers.................................................................................20
Table 4.2 soil infiltration rate.......................................................................................................21
Table 4.3 performance of sprinklers.............................................................................................22
Table4.4.Maximum sprinkler spacing of rectangular (a) and square pattern (b)..........................23
Table 5.1 result and discussion....................................................................................................30
Table 5.2 cost analysis table.........................................................................................................31


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

PVC=polyvinyl chloride

Dnet=net depth of water application

Dgross=gross depth of water

IF=irrigation frequency

Q=system capacity

q=discharge of individual sprinkler

SL= sprinkler lateral spacing

Sm=sprinkler main line spacing

I=average application rate

N=number of sprinklers

HT=total pump head

Hm=pressure head

Hf =friction head

Hs=suction head

Hsf=friction head loss

Hr= riser height


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

Before each one we would like in the direction of thanks to God who provide our great
ideas and strength. After that we would like to thanks our parents they facilitated to us
any necessary things. Next we would like to thanks our teacher Mr. Tadesse T. who
informed us the correct approach of our work.


Design of sprinkler for irrigation system 2012E.C

Sprinkler is a method of irrigation on which water is sprayed into the air and allowed to fall on
the ground surface somewhat resembling rainfall. The spray is developed by the flow of water
under pressure through small orifices or nozzles. The pressure is usually obtained by pumping.
With careful selection of nozzle sizes, operating pressure and sprinkler spacing the amount of
irrigation water required to refill the crop root zone can be applied nearly uniform at the rate to
suit the infiltration rate of soil.
Pipes used for the sprinkler irrigation system are usually light in weight hence can be
conveniently installed and transported in the field from one place to another. The pipes need to
be flexible, and capable to sustain the desired pressure and temperature; and durable. In this
system the water is supplied from the water source through network of pipes and sprinkler
nozzles located at a fixed height and a velocity which breaks water jet into small droplets that fall
on to the soil or crop surface. As water is not allowed to flow over land surface, the water losses
in the process of conveyance and distribution are completely eliminated. Hence compared to
surface irrigation methods, high irrigation efficiency is achieved in sprinkler irrigation method of
water application. The sprinkler irrigation system requires less labor than surface irrigation. This
method is highly suitable for soils where water lost through infiltration is very high.


1.1Back ground
Irrigation is an artificial method of water application to soil to enhance the production of crops in which
water is supplied to supplement the water available from rainfall, soil moisture and the capillary rise of
ground water. Sprinkler systems have revolutionized the development of irrigated agriculture which is the
method of irrigation by which water is sprayed on the land surface in the form of artificial rain [ CITATION
INT \l 1033 ]. To create the precipitation, water under pressure is ejected through the nozzle of a device
called a sprinkler. Sprinkle irrigation systems are available in various designs and irrigation capacities
Water. It is a mechanism through which water is distributed in a spray so that a residential lawn or garden
is irrigated. Sprinklers may take extraordinarily large forms, such as the irrigation systems used by
professional farmers, and also relatively smaller form such as the typical lawn or garden watering
sprinklers and the fire suppression systems.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]

Efficient water application with sprinkler irrigation involves the design and operation of pumps, pipes,
and sprinkler devices to match soil, crop, and resource conditions. Thus, sprinkler systems can be
designed and operated for efficient irrigation for a wide range of conditions.[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
Sprinkler irrigation also facilitated the expansion of irrigated agriculture onto lands classified as
unsuitable for surface irrigation. Initially the labor required to transport the system across the field
impeded the adoption of sprinkler irrigation. [ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ] Through the labor required for
sprinkler irrigation has been reduced significantly. Reduced labor requirements enabled producers to
irrigate more frequently with smaller water applications which diminished unintentional leaching and
increased the potential to store precipitation in the crop root zone while satisfying crop requirements.
Sprinkler irrigation is an improvement over conventional surface irrigation which stimulates natural
rainfall by spreading water in the form of rain uniformly over the land surface when needed at required
quantity in a uniform pattern.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]


1.1.1. Definition
Irrigation is the use of water to the land to provide adequate moisture for crop production and also it
can be defined as the application of water supplementary to that supplied directly by precipitation for
the production of crops.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]Irrigation includes the development of the water
supply, the conveyance system, the method of application, and the waste water disposal system, along
with the necessary management to achieve the intended purpose. In more arid areas, rainfall during
the growing season falls short of most crop needs and thus irrigation makes up for the shortage.
[ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ] Even in areas of high seasonal rainfall, crops often suffer from lack of
moisture for short periods during some part of the growing season. These therefore underline the
importance of irrigation in attaining crop production targets. Notwithstanding the foregoing
potentials, irrigation systems have inherent application limitations that make field calibration and
irrigation scheduling critical for proper use of the applied water.[ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]
Types of Irrigation Systems
There are two basic types of irrigation systems namely open canal systems and pressurized piped systems
and thus it is implemented through surface and pressurized systems, characterized by the mode of
transport of the water onto the point of application[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ] .There are four basic methods,
of water application, which are subsurface irrigation, surface gravity irrigation, trickle/drip irrigation and
sprinkler irrigation.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ] A pressurized irrigation system is a network installation
consisting of pipes, fittings and other devices properly designed and installed to supply water under
pressure from the source of the water to the irrigable area. Pressurized piped systems generally consist of
sprinkler and tickler/drip irrigation systems.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Components of Pressurized Irrigation Systems
The main components of all pressurized irrigation systems (as shown in Figure 1.1) according to
Phocaides [ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]are:
 the control station (head control unit)
 the mains and sub mains (pipelines)
 the hydrants
 The manifolds (feeder pipelines) and the laterals (irrigating pipelines) with the emitters/sprinkler.


Figure1. 1 - Schematic of a pressurized irrigation network layout (Phocaides[ CITATION ZHU02 \l
1033 ])
Head Control
This consists of a supply line (rigid PVC, or threaded galvanized steel) installed horizontally at a
minimum height of above ground. It is equipped with an air release valve, a check valve, and hose outlets
for connection with the injector, a shut-off valve between the two outlets, an injector and a filter. Where a
gravel filter or a hydro cyclone sand separator is required, it is installed at the beginning of this unit
complex. A pump is needed in a sprinkler system, at the head control, to deliver water against gravity.
[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Main Pipeline
It is the largest diameter pipeline of the network, capable of conveying the flow of the system under
favorable hydraulic conditions of flow velocity and friction losses. The pipes used are generally buried
permanent assembly rigid PVC, black high density polyethylene (HDPE), lay flat hose, and quick
coupling galvanized light steel/PVC pipes in sizes ranging from 50 to 150 mm depending on the area of
the farm.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Sub mains
These are smaller diameter pipelines which extend from the main lines and to which the system flow is
diverted for distribution to the various plots. These pipes are the same type as the mains.
Off take Hydrants
These are fitted on the sub mains or the mains and equipped with a 50-75mm diameter shut-off valve.
They deliver the whole or part of the flow to the manifolds (feeder lines). Furthermore, hydrants serve as


controls for switching between sets and the isolation and/or correction of defective feeder lines.
[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]

Manifolds (Feeder Lines)

These are pipelines of a smaller diameter than the sub mains and are connected to the hydrants and laid,
usually on the surface, along the plot edges to feed the laterals. They can be of any ind of pipe available in
sizes of 50-75 mm diameter.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
Laterals (Irrigating Lines)
These are the smallest diameter pipelines of the system. They are fitted to the manifolds, perpendicular to
them, at fixed positions, laid along the plant rows and equipped with water emitters at fixed frequent
spacing.[ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ]
A water emitter for irrigation is a device of any kind, type and size which, fitted on a pipe, is operated
under pressure to discharge water in any form: by shooting water jets into the air (sprinklers), by small
spray or mist (sprayers), by continuous drops (drippers), by small stream or fountain (bubblers, gates and
openings on pipes, small diameter hoses).
Sprinkler Irrigation
In the sprinkler method of irrigation, water is sprayed into the air and allowed to fall on the ground
surface somewhat resembling rainfall. The spray is developed by the flow of water under pressure
through small orifices or nozzles. The pressure is usually obtained by pumping. With careful selection of
nozzle sizes, operating pressure and sprinkler spacing the amount of irrigation water required to refill the
crop root zone can be applied nearly uniform at the rate to suit the infiltration rate of soil. Sprinkler
irrigation systems are broadly categorized into set and continuous-move systems. In set systems, the
sprinklers are stationary while irrigating, whereas sprinklers move, in either straight or circular paths,
while irrigating in the case of continuous-move systems. The set-move or solid set system is sub-divided
into portable and periodic-move systems.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ] The portable systems are either
hand-moved or tractor-moved (end-tow, side-row, side-move, gun and boom). In these systems the
sprinkler laterals are moved manually or mechanically between irrigation sets the periodic-move
category, also called the self-propelled or ‘wheel lines’, are suitable for low to medium height crops.
[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
In solid set systems, the sprinklers may be attached directly to the pipe lines in the case of low growing
crops or attached to a riser for vegetables and taller crops such as citrus and grains. The fixed/permanent
set systems consist of sprinklers attached to buried laterals which are installed to cover the entire field.


Usually, a line/lateral or a block of laterals is irrigated at once and the next irrigation set is the adjacent
lateral or block of laterals. In both solid and permanent set systems, movement within set irrigation events
is facilitated by valves which are strategically installed in the pipe network. Continuous-move systems
include travelers, center pivot and linear move systems.
In this method, water is carried is through a network of pipes under medium to high pressure and is forced
through a nozzle of small diameter and sprayed on the ground or crop like a rain. It tends to simulate the
rainfall but in a way such that the run-off and deep percolation losses are avoided.

Figure1. 2. Components and general layout of sprinkler irrigation systems.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Classification of sprinkler irrigation system
Sprinklers are of various types as detailed below
A, Based on method of water application
i. Rotating sprinklers: It is also known as revolving nozzles system. It is the common type used in
agriculture. These sprinklers are available in wide range of sizes and cover relatively large areas.
Generally most of the sprinklers are having rotating nozzles to spray the water around their axis
in 3600. The speed of rotation is about 1 rpm. The rate of rotation greatly affects the distribution
of water. For maximum coverage a sprinkler head should rotate at a speed less than 1 rpm.
Sometimes it may rotate as slowly as 1/ 5th rpm. [ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ]These are classified
Impact type sprinklers: These sprinklers have one or more nozzles that discharge jet of water into the air.
Small size nozzles are placed on the riser pipe and fixed at desired spacing along the length of lateral. The


laterals are laid above the ground surface.[ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ] The sprinkler heads remounted
above the corps height and rotated from 0 0 to 3600. The most common type of nozzles of used with the
impact sprinkler is a constant diameter nozzle made of brass or plastic. The discharge of these nozzles is
proportional to the square root of operation pressure.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]

Figure1.3; Impact Sprinkler Mechanism[ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]

Gear driven type sprinklers: Sometimes rotating sprinklers are driven by small water turbine located in the
base of sprinkler. These are called gear driven sprinklers. These sprinklers rotate smoothly without the
flash that occurs each time as the arm of sprinkler strikes the jet.[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]

Reaction type sprinklers: These are normally rotated by the torque produced by the reaction of water
leaving the sprinkler. They do not wet large area as compared to the impact or gear driven sprinkler and
operated at much lower pressure of about 0.7 to 2 kg/cm².[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Fixed head type sprinkler: These are similar to the micro jets which sprays water like umbrella shape.
Many-fixed nozzles sprinkler produce small droplets and operate at pressure of about 2 kg/cm².
[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
ii. Perforated pipe sprinkler system: This consist of drilled holes to a portable lateral to distribute
the water at uniform rate. The width of wetting strip may range from 3 to 10 m. This system is
designed for relatively low operating pressure of about 0.25 to 1 kg/cm² and at an application rate
of 12.5 to 50 mm/hr. As water is applied at slight higher rate, it is suitable for soils having


moderately higher infiltration rates. This system is suitable for lawn, garden and small vegetables.
[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]

B, Based on portability
Depending upon the movement of lateral, sub main, mainline, pumping unit the system is classified into
different types.
i. Fully portable system: It means entire unit of sprinkler system can be shifted from one place to
another place. This system has portable filtration and pumping unit, portable light weight main
line and laterals made up of aluminum or HDPE so that it can be moved from one field to another
field wherever there is a water source. The initial investment in this type of sprinkler is not high
but the labor cost is more.[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]

Fig 1.4 Fully portable sprinkler irrigation system[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
ii. Semi-portable system: It is similar to the fully portable system except that the location of
filtration unit and pumping plant is fixed near the water source. This system may be used on
different fields whenever there is extended mainline but it is not possible to use on more than one
farm unless there are additional pumping plants.The initial investment on this type of system is
higher than fully portable system and labor cost is comparatively less.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
iii. Semi-permanent system: This system has permanent mainline, sub main, filtration unit, pumping
plant with stationary water source. Only the lightweight laterals and sprinklers head are portable.
In this system, the mainline and sub main are usually buried below plough depth to avoid
interference with cultivation practices.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
iv. Fully permanent sprinkler system: It has permanent filtration unit, mainline, sub mains, laterals and
pump plant. The mainline, sub main and lateral are buried in the ground at about 60 to 90 cm depth so
that, there should not be any interference of the system with cultivation practices. In this, sprinkler head
is permanently located on the riser pipes. [ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]


C. Based on precipitation rate
The precipitation rate for a sprinkler system is the average precipitation rate of all sprinklers in an area.
The sprinklers are also classified on the basis of precipitation rate as given below;
i. Low volume sprinkler: Precipitation rate will be less than 13 mm/hr.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
ii. Medium volume sprinkler: Precipitation rate will be between 13 to 25 mm/hr.[ CITATION Jam \l
1033 ]
iii. High volume sprinkler: Precipitation rate will be more than 25 mm/hr.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
D. Based on principle of operation
Most sprinklers particularly those used for field crops are activated by hammer mechanism. It includes.
i. Whirling sprinkler: Jet of water is emitted from the end of arm results in a rotary movement in
the reverse direction and at high speed. Its construction is simple and operates and requires low
pressure only. The diameter of coverage is small and is mainly used for orchards and gardens.
[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
ii. Turbo hammer-sprinkler: In this type the water jet operates a wheel, which activates the hammer
and causes the sprinkler to turn. It is manufactured from plastic material. It has low discharge and
used for irrigating orchards and gardens.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
iii. Propeller sprinkler: The water jet strikes the propeller which rotates at high speed around its
shaft and causes a circular motion of the sprinkler. The propeller breaks up the jet very fine drops
resulting in low irrigation intensity. It is manufactured with few components most of which are
made up of plastic. It is used in solid set system for field crops.[ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]
iv. Mini-sprinkler: The water jet strikes a bearing that possess one or two channels causing the mini
sprinklers to rotate quickly and distribute water. It is manufactured from plastic materials and
used in solid sets in orchards and gardens. It gives low discharge at operating pressure of about
1.5 to 2.0 kg/cm².[ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ]


E. Based on movement

i. Set-move irrigation system: This system can be moved from one set position to another by
hand or mechanically. Set move system remains stationary as long as water is applied, then
system is shutoff, the sprinkler laterals are drained and it is moved to the next set position
repeatedly until the entire field has been irrigated. The set move systems have single main line
laid through the center of the field with one or more laterals on each side of main line.
[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
ii. Solid set system: It has sufficient laterals and sprinkler heads to irrigate entire field
simultaneously. The laterals are laid in the field early in the crop season and remain for the entire
season. This system is used for crops requiring short and frequent irrigations.[ CITATION INT \l
1033 ]
iii. Continuous move system: continuous move systems have laterals and sprinklers that remain
connected to the mainline and moved continuously as water is supplied. These systems are
popular in areas where the labors are costly or there is shortage of labor for moving lateral and
sprinklers from one place to another. There are three types of continuous move system.
[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]


1.2. Problem statement
In many areas of the world, the amount of rainfall is not adequate to meet the moisture requirements of
crops and in some areas on which sufficient amount of water is available, farmers spend most of their
time in their garden so as to water their garden &crops manually and in this case crops and vegetables
becomes eroded with high amount of falling water, uneven distribution, wastage of water and leaching of
soil and its mineral content occur due to improper irrigation system. Hence, successful crop production
often requires adequate provision for irrigation. So these proper sprinkler technology can be used which
enhances water and energy savings in all sectors of agricultural, industrial and residential applications.


1.3 objectives
1.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this project is design of sprinkler for irrigation system.

1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of this project are:-
 To determine geometrical analysis of the components of the machine
 To design the components that incorporated in the system with suitable materials and data.
 To validate the efficiency of the machine with that of the existing irrigation mechanisms.
 To draw 2D and 3D modeling of the system.


1.4. Scope and limitation of the project
1.4.1. Scope of the project
In this design project from collecting of relevant data from different data sources up to designing and
assembling of each components of the system have been included.

1.4.2. Limitation of the project

 It cannot be used for areas wider than 1.5hectar farm areas of garden/crops.
 It is only applicable for small scale vegetative crops.

1.5. significant of the project

 To increase work performance and increase productivity.
 For healthy growth of crops.
 Prevent the wastage of water.
 Soil conservation and effective use of land.
 Minimize man power and save work time.


2. Literature review
Datta (2000); compared sprinkler irrigation with furrow irrigation for potato crop and found that the
application and water use efficiency were higher with sprinkler irrigation. Further, he reported 35% water
saving over furrow irrigation. However, the storage and distribution efficiencies were reported to be
higher with furrow method.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
Agrawal and Agrawal (2001); they compared sprinkler irrigation with surface irrigation and found that
there was increase in the total irrigated area from 10 to 15 %. Besides, the time required for each irrigation
was reduced by 30 to 50 % due to use of sprinkler irrigation. There was no marked increase in operational
cost of sprinkler irrigation per unit area due to reduced labor and increased area under irrigation. Sprinkler
systems such as portable rain- guns can be used to apply a desired depth of water during pre-sowing
and subsequent irrigations in grain crops.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Malhotra (2003); he compared sprinkler irrigation with manual irrigation method for various crops
and calculated water savings by individual crops and reported that the available water is used to the
maximum benefit with sprinkler irrigation. The application of water through sprinklers has improved on-
farm irrigation efficiencies up to 80% under the prevailing climatic conditions.[ CITATION Got09 \l
1033 ]
Suryawanshi and Pampattiwar (2005); they have compared the sprinkler irrigation with surface
irrigation and found that the water application, distribution, storage and water use efficiency were higher
for sprinkler irrigation with 13.9% increase in yield due to sprinkler irrigation. , the net irrigated area
increased substantially when sprinkler irrigation was introduced. The cropping intensity was also higher
in the agricultural university farms when sprinkler irrigation was introduced. These studies indicated that
the efficiency of the sprinkler system is higher than the traditional method of irrigation. [ CITATION Jam \l
1033 ]
King et al (2000); He stated that to maximize production efficiency, two irrigation management issues
required attention, that is, irrigation scheduling and uniformity. The evaluation of sprinkler systems


typically involves an assessment of the volumetric discharge rate and the uniformity of the discharge.
[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
Benami & Ofen,(2003;). According to Benami & Ofen , the role of sprinkler irrigation systems can be
categorized as direct and indirect benefits. The direct benefits includes; increase in crop production output
through higher yield to attain self-sufficiency in food, cultivation of cash crops, land value appreciates
manifold which makes wealthy the land holders, domestic water supply to towns and villages, hydro-
power generation at dam site and canal falls. And the indirect benefits are; increase in gross domestic
product of the country, increase in revenue from sales tax on food grains, increase in employment, retards
migration to cities for livelihood, farm laborers get higher wages, creation of more jobs/incomes and rise
to whole array of agro-based industries.[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
Jensen& Hathoot et al,( 2004). They have designed sprinkler irrigation system which is suitable for all
types of soils, more particularly coarse, sandy and gravelly soils and for crops which do not have high
water requirement like wheat, cotton, potatoes, tobacco, groundnut and vegetables. However, this
Sprinkler irrigation system is not recommended for crops having high water requirement such as rice, jute
coffee, tea, and cardamom. [ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]
( Alderfasi and Nielsen, 2001). The main objective of this study is studying the effect of sprinkler
irrigation systems and irrigation frequency on water use efficiency and economical parameters of crop
production to determine the best treatment which will achieve the highest water use efficiency and
maximum net income. the idea was to apply water more than once per week and to evaluate its effect on
water saving, irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), yield and growth characteristics and financial
parameters using two types of sprinkler systems, solid set and hand move laterals. [ CITATION Got09 \l
1033 ]
Kalyan et al (2011): he stated that the need for systems that make agriculture easier and more sustainable
has increased within the past few years. The ability to conserve two of the most important resources of a
farmer, (i.e. Water and time), has been the latest challenge. A system that provides this ability - through
the use of efficient and reliable methods such as, sprinkler irrigation technologies is certain to help the
farmers so as to get a better yield and on a larger scale, help the agricultural and economic growth of the
country.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Scherer (2005); he stated that there are four basic methods, of water application, which are subsurface
irrigation, surface/gravity irrigation, trickle/drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation. A pressurized
irrigation system is a network installation consisting of pipes, fittings and other devices properly designed
and installed to supply water under pressure from the source of the water to the irrigable area. [ CITATION
Got09 \l 1033 ]


3. Material and methods
Component of sprinkler irrigation system
Pumping Unit: Sprinkler irrigation systems distribute water by spraying it over the fields. The water is
pumped under pressure to the fields. The pressure forces the water through sprinklers or through
perforations or nozzles in pipelines and then forms a spray. A high speed centrifugal or turbine pump can
be used for operating sprinkler irrigation for individual fields. Centrifugal pump is used when the distance
from the pump inlet to the water surface is less than eight meters. For pumping water from deep wells or
more than eight meters, a turbine pump is suggested. The driving unit may be either an electric motor or
an internal combustion engine.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
Tubing: Mains/sub mains and laterals: The tubing consists of mainline, sub mains and laterals. Main line
conveys water from the source and distributes it to the sub mains. The sub mains convey water to the
laterals which in turn supply water to the sprinklers. Aluminum or PVC pipes are generally used for
portable systems, while steel pipes are usually used for center-pivot laterals. Asbestos, cement, PVC and
wrapped steel are usually used for buried laterals and main lines.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Couplers: Couplers are used for connecting two pipes and uncoupling quickly and easily. Essentially a
coupler should provide
 a reuse and flexible connection
 not leak at the joint
 be simple and easy to couple and uncouple
 Be light, non-corrosive, and durable.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]


Sprinkler Head: Sprinkler head distribute water uniformly over the field without runoff or excessive loss
due to deep percolation. Different types of sprinklers are available. They are either rotating or fixed type.
The rotating type can be adapted for a wide range of application rates and spacing. [ CITATION Jam \l
1033 ]

Figure.3.1 Sprinkler head[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]

Fittings and accessories: The following are some of the important fittings and accessories used in
sprinkler system.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
 Water meters: It is used to measure the volume of water delivered. This is necessary to operate
the system to give the required quantity of water.
 Flange, couplings and nipple; used for proper connection to the pump, suction and delivery.
 Pressure gauge: It is necessary to know whether the sprinkler system is working with desired
pressure to ensure application uniformity.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
 Bend tees, reducers, elbows, hydrants, butterfly valve and plugs.
 Fertilizer applicator: Soluble chemical fertilizers can be injected into the sprinkler system and
applied to the crop. The equipment for fertilizer application is relatively cheap and simple and can
be fabricated locally. The fertilizer applicator consists of a sealed fertilizer tank with necessary
tubing and connections. A venture injector can be arranged in the main line, which creates the
differential pressure suction and allows the fertilizer solution to flow in the main water line.
[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Selecting the most appropriate sprinkler systems
While selecting a sprinkler system, the most important physical parameters to be considered are:
 The crop or crops to be cultivated.
 The shape and size of the field.
 The topography of the field.


 The amount of time and labor required to operate the system.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Selecting sprinkler system capacity
A sprinkler system must be designed to apply water uniformly without runoff or erosion. The application
rate of the sprinkler system must be matched to the infiltration rate of the most restrictive soil in the field.
If the application rate exceeds the soil intake rate, the water will run off the field or relocate within the
field resulting in over and under watered areas.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
The sprinkler system capacity is the flow rate needed to adequately irrigate an area and is expressed in
liters per minute per acre. The system capacity depends upon on the: Peak crop water requirements during
the growing season; effective crop rooting depth; texture and infiltration rate of the soil; the available
water holding capacity of the soil; pumping capacity of the well.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Therefor by taking the above criteria’s in to consideration we have selected to irrigate an area of 1.5hectar
which have square size of each length of 122.5m to irrigate small scale vegetative crops (wheat crop in
our case) in medium texture, loam soil. The reason why we select these specifications is that most
sprinklers are only used for small scale areas of up to 2hectar and most of the time this medium texture
loam soil is suitable for small scale vegetative crops having infiltration rate of about 5-6 mm/hr.
[ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]

3.1. Material selection

Material selection is one of the most crucial issues in any design process. Properly selected materials for
the design make our design acceptable and cost wise affordable .to select good piping materials for any
design the following criteria’s should be taken in to consideration;[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]

 Availability of the material in the market

 Maximum joint strength and chemical resistance
 Durability in time of use
 Availability of fittings materials and its accessories etc.
Therefor based on the above criteria’s we have selected a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic pipe which
have the following properties[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
 Cheap and easy to assemble
 Very common to use
 Flexible and good joints strength
 It is Durable and long last construction material
 Density=1380kg/m3


3.2. Methodology


Figure 3.2 methodology flow chart



4. Design analysis
Preliminary sprinkler irrigation design steps
The preliminary design factors that need to be established are: depth of water application per irrigation,
irrigation frequency, duration of irrigation per set and required system capacity (flow rate). All these
design parameters are derived from the data on climate, water, soil and plant.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]

4.1. Net depth of water application

The depth of water application is the quantity of water, which should be applied during irrigation in order
to replenish the water used by the crop during evapotranspiration. The computation of the net depth of
water application requires the following inputs:[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
 the available soil moisture (FC-PWP)
 the allowable soil moisture depletion (P)
 the effective root zone depth of the crop (RZD)

The maximum net depth to be applied per irrigation can be calculated, using the following equation:

dnet = (FC-PWP) x RZD x P……………………………..(1)

dnet =140x 0.7 x 0.5 = 49mm

dnet = readily available moisture or net depth of water application per irrigation for the selected crop (mm)
FC = soil moisture at field capacity (mm/m)

PWP =soil moisture at the permanent wilting point (mm/m)

RZD =the depth of soil that the roots exploit effectively (m)

P = the allowable portion of available moisture permitted for depletion by the crop before the next
In order to express the depth of water in terms of the volume, the area proposed for irrigation must be
multiplied by the depth:[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Volume of water to be applied (m3) = 10 x A x D Where: A=area proposed for irrigation (ha)

V= 10 x 15000 x 49 =753m3 D = depth of water application (mm)

4.2. Irrigation frequency at peak demand and irrigation cycle

The peak daily water use is the peak daily water requirement of the crop determined by subtracting the
rainfall (if any) from the peak daily crop water requirements.[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]


Irrigation frequency is the time it takes the crop to deplete the soil moisture at a given soil moisture
depletion level. After establishing the net depth of water application, the irrigation frequency at peak
water demand should be determined using the following equation;[ CITATION Got09 \l 1033 ]
Irrigation frequency; IF= =49 /5.8
Where: IF = irrigation frequency (days)
Dnet = net depth of water application (mm)
Wu = peak daily water use (mm/day)

4.3. Gross depth of water application

The gross depth of water application (dgross) equals the net depth of irrigation divided by the farm
irrigation efficiency. It should be noted that farm irrigation efficiency includes possible losses of water
from pipe leaks.[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
Dgross= ………..……………………………………… (2)
Where; E = the farm (or unit) irrigation efficiency.
The farm irrigation efficiency of sprinkler systems varies from climate to climate. FAO (1982) proposed
the following table.[ CITATION Che14 \l 1033 ]

Table 4.1 irrigation efficiency of sprinklers[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]

Assuming a moderate climate for the area under consideration (E=0.75) and applying the above
equation, the gross depth of irrigation should be:
Dgross= =49/0.75

4.4. System capacity


The next step is to estimate the system capacity. The system capacity (Q), can be calculated using
equation below;[ CITATION Jam \l 1033 ]
10 A∗Dgross
Q= ……………………… (3)
Where; A= design area (ha)

Dgross= gross depth of water application (mm)

I= irrigation cycle (days)

Ns= number of shifts per day

T= irrigation time per shift (hr)

In order to achieve the maximum degree of equipment utilization, it is desirable, but not always
necessary, that the irrigation system should operate for quarter day (6 hours) per shift at 2 shifts per day
during peak demand and take an irrigation cycle of 7 days to complete irrigating the 1.5 ha. [ CITATION
Got09 \l 1033 ]



4.5. Sprinkler selection and spacing

The selection of the correct sprinkler depends on how the best fit spacing with a certain pressure and
nozzle size can provide the water at an application rate that does neither cause runoff nor damage the crop
and at the best possible uniformity under the prevailing wind conditions.[ CITATION INT \l 1033 ] The
selected sprinkler should fully satisfy the irrigation water requirements and the irrigation frequency . It
should be pointed out that in order to avoid runoff the sprinkler application rate should not exceed the basic
soil infiltration rate.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

Table 4.2 soil infiltration rate[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]


Table 4.3 performance of sprinklers[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

The above Manufacturers' tables can be used to select sprinklers and their spacing. Reference to this table
will reveal that for the same nozzle an increase in pressure will result in a larger wetted radius and higher
discharge. Also, for the same pressure a bigger nozzle would result in a higher discharge.[ CITATION
foo01 \l 1033 ]
For our design, where a precipitation rate of 5-6 mm/hr is compatible with the soil and crop, there are
several nozzle size, pressure and sprinkler spacing combinations to choose from the above manufacturer
table.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
 A 4.0 mm nozzle at 300kPa and 12 m x 18 m spacing, gives a precipitation rate of 5.0 mm/hr.
 The same 4.0 mm nozzle at 350kPa and 15 m x 15 m spacing, gives a precipitation rate of 5.16
mm/hr, and at 12 m x 18 m spacing, gives a precipitation rate of 5.37 mm/hr.
 A 5.0 mm nozzle at 300kPa and 18 m x 18 m spacing, gives a precipitation rate of 5.25 mm/hr.
 The same 5.0 mm nozzle at the same spacing under 350kPa, gives a precipitation of 5.68 mm/hr.
Another aspect to consider in selecting a sprinkler is pressure. Lower pressures are preferable as long as
the uniformity of application is not compromised. The Coefficient of Uniformity (CU) is a measure of the


uniformity of water application. As a rule; the selected sprinkler should have a CU of 85% or more.
[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

The effect of pressure on the water distribution from a sprinkler is demonstrated in Figure below from J.
Keller and R. D. Bliesner [ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

Figure 4.1 effect of pressure on the water distribution of sprinkler[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
Assuming that all three spacing fit the land, the next step is to find out how the winds will affect the
spacing. For this purpose, the mean wind velocity of the windiest month of the year is considered.

Table4.4.Maximum sprinkler spacing of rectangular (a) and square pattern (b)[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033

(a) (b)

N.B; It should be noted that in the rectangular pattern better distribution is obtained when the lateral is
placed across the prevailing wind direction but for variable wind directions, the square pattern gives
better uniformity than rectangular pattern where the average wind velocity of Ethiopia in September is
10km/hr and in October 11 km/hr,[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]

The sprinkler spacing should be based on 50% of D for square pattern and 60% of D x 40% of D for
rectangular pattern. The next step is to determine whether the three possible spacing above (15 m x 15 m,
12 m x 18 m, 18 m x 18 m) satisfy the wind requirements.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]


For the wetted diameter of the 4.0 mm nozzle at 350 kPa is 30.5 m. From the above tables, the spacing
for a square pattern for 11 km/hr wind speed is 15.25 m (0.5 x 30.50). Therefore, since 50% of D is
greater than the 15 m spacing between sprinklers and 15 m spacing between the laterals, the wind
requirement is satisfied. [ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

Similarly for a wind speed of 10-15 km/hr, 40% of D and 60% of D for the 12 m x 18 m spacing are 12.2
m (> than 12 m sprinkler spacing) and 18.3 m (> than 18 m lateral spacing) respectively. Therefore, the
wind requirements are satisfied both for the 15 m x 15 m and the 12 m x 18 m spacing. [ CITATION
Che14 \l 1033 ]

Let us determine whether the same sprinkler with a 4.0 mm nozzle would satisfy the wind requirements at
the 12 m x 18 m spacing at 300kPa. At this pressure, the wetted diameter is 26.60 m. 40% of D and 60%
of D are 10.64 m (< than 12 m sprinkler spacing) and 15.96 m (< than 18 m lateral spacing) respectively.
For the 15 m x 15 m spacing, 50% of D is 13.3 m (0.50 x 26.60), which is less than the sprinkler and
lateral spacing of 15 m each. Therefore, the 4.0 mm nozzle operating at 300kPa pressure does not meet
the wind requirements either under 12 m x 18 m spacing or 15 m x 15 m spacing as the wetted diameter is
too small compared to the desired spacing requirement.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
Following the same procedure, the 5.0 mm nozzle does not meet the wind requirements at either 300kPa
or 350kPa and 18 m x 18 m spacing. It meets the wind requirements at 12 m x 18 m and 15 m x 15 m
spacing, but the precipitation rate of these last two spacing exceeds the soil infiltration rate. Therefore,
they are not compatible with the infiltration rate of the soil. Hence, the 5.0 mm nozzle cannot be
considered.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
The 4.5 mm nozzle would meet the wind requirements at 300kPa and a sprinkler spacing of 12 m x 18 m
and 15 m x 15 m. However, the 12 m x 18 m spacing exceeds the infiltration rate of the soil.
Therefore; the 15 m x 15 m spacing for the 4.0mm nozzle operating at 350kpa pressure and delivering
1.16m3/hr at an application rate of 5.16 mm/hr, is acceptable as a potential spacing.[ CITATION foo01 \l
1033 ]
1) Optimize sprinkler and lateral spacing; for the individual sprinkler discharge rate and application
rate(constrained by soil infiltration rate);[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
q=Sm∗Sl∗I …………………………………………… (4)
Where, q= discharge rate for the individual sprinkler for the area ( sm × sl )
sm= sprinkler spacing along laterals
sl = lateral spacing along mainline
I = average application rate
I= , if not limited by soil intake rate


Q A 116.6
I= = =0.78 mm/h ; Which is less than the soil infiltration rate, Here assume I=1mm/h to
A 15000
minimize evaporation losses in windy climate.
Putting the values q=Sm∗Sl∗I = 1000 q=3.75l/min

Number of sprinklers (n);

A 15000
n= = = 66.67=67
S l × S m 15∗15

4.6. Power requirement to pump the water

The power requirement to pump the water for a sprinkler system is given by

P=Q ST ×9.81 × H T …………………………………….. (5)

H T =H m + H f + H r + H s + H sf Where;

P =power (KW) H f = total frictional head in the lines (m)

m3 H r = maximum raiser height from the pump

QST = Total discharge rate for the system ( )
level (m).

H T = Total pumping head (m)

H s = suction head (vertical difference between

H m= pressure head required to operate the pump level and source water level (m)

sprinklers at minimum required Hsf= friction head loss in suction line (m)
pressure (m)

But Hm can be determined from the operating pressure (i.e. p=350kpa)

P= ρ *g*Hm

p 350,000
Hm= = =35.67m; and
ρ∗g 1000∗9.81

Hf=5%hm=1.7838m[ CITATION OEC07 \l 1033 ]


1m≤Hr≤2m for vegetative crops[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

(take Hr=1.5m for our case) and assume the water is supplied from the supply canal (i.e.Hs =0) so,Hsf=0
(since water is supplied from the supply canal)[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

HT =35.67+1.7838+1.5=38.95m

There for; P=116.6*1/3600*9.81*38.95=12.38kw

4.7. Discharge of sprinkler nozzles

q=C ac √ 2 gh…………………………………….. (6)
Where; q= discharge;
ac =cross sectional area of the nozzle or orifice ;
g = acceleration due to gravity; h = pressure head; c = coefficient of discharge which is a function of
friction and contraction losses (varies from 0.95 to 0.96, for good nozzles)[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

q=0.95∗4∗¿10-3√ 2∗9.81∗35.67 =0.105m3/s

Total flow through laterals is given by

Qm=N*q where; N=number of sprinklers


4.8. Size of main line, sub main line and laterals

Function of main lines & sub mains is to convey the required quantity of the water at the desired pressure
to all lateral lines under maximum pressure conditions. Allowable H f in main line is 3 m for small
systems and 12 m for large systems &assume that the length of main lines is almost equal with the length
of sub mainlines.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
Friction loss for different lateral pipe materials is estimated by:
k ×c × L Q m
Hf = F ………………………………….(7)
D 2 m−n


Where, L = length of lateral pipe (m); g = acceleration due to gravity (9.81 ); K s = for pipe material

from standard table; k = friction factor that depends on pipe material; Q =flow rate ( , gpm); D
=diameter of pipe (mm); F = friction factor (F = 1 if there is no out let between up and downstream
locations along pipe).[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

Since we are deigning this system for small systems, we take Hf =3m and assume there is no out let
between up and downstream locations along pipe (i.e.=1)[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

Length laterals pipes

The length laterals pipes for a square irrigation area of 1.5hectar (15000m 2) and 15m spacing sprinklers is
given by;[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
l=L-15m but L=√ A =122.5m

l= √ A−15 m=√ 15000=122.5m-15m=107.5m

Length of sub main pipe (Ls)
Ls=L-2*12m=122.5-30=92.5m=length of mainlines
Assume that the thickness of main line pipes is 2mm.[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]
Considering Darcy weisbach equation we have the values of k=0.811f/g, c=277778,m=2,and n=1 from
standard table;[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ][ CITATION INT \l 1033 ]
3= (0.811*277778*107.5*7.0352)/(9.81*D3)

4.9. Operation and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems
4.9.1. Operation of Sprinkler Systems
Proper design of a sprinkler system does not in itself ensure success. It should be ensured that the prime
mover and the pump are in alignment. While laying the main and lateral pipes, always begin lying at the
pump. This necessarily gives the correct connection of all quick coupling pipes. While joining couplings,


it is ensured that both the couplings and the rubber seal rings are clean. In starting the sprinkler system,.
The pump must attain the pressure stated on type-plate or otherwise there is a fault in the suction line.
After the pump reaches the regulation pressure, the delivery valve is opened slowly. Similarly, the
delivery valve is closed after stopping the power unit. The pipes and sprinkler-lines are shifted as required
after stopping. Dismantling of the installation takes place in the reverse order to the assembly described

4.9.2. Maintenance
General principles regarding the maintenance of the pipes and fittings and sprinkler heads are given
Pipes and fittings
The pipes and fittings require virtually no maintenance but attention must be given to the following
 Occasionally clean any dirt or sand out of the groove in the coupler in which the rubber
sealing ring fits. Any accumulation of dirt or sand will affect the performance of the
rubber sealing ring.
 Keep all nuts and bolts tight.
 Do not lay pipes on new damp concrete or on piles of fertilizer. Do not lay fertilizer sacks
on the pipe.

Sprinkler heads
The sprinkler heads should be given the following attention:
(a) When moving the sprinkler lines, make sure that the sprinklers are not damaged or pushed
into the soil.

(b) Do not apply oil, grease or any lubricant to the sprinklers. They are water lubricated and
using oil, grease or any other lubricant may stop them from working.
(c) Sprinklers usually have a sealed bearing and at the bottom of the bearing there are
washers. Usually it is the washers that wear and not the more expensive metal parts.
(d) After several season's operation the swing arm spring may need tightening. This is
done by pulling out the spring end at the top and rebinding it. This will increase the
spring tension.
In general, check all equipment at the end of the season and make any repairs and
adjustments and order the spare parts immediately so that the equipment is in perfect
condition to start in the next season.


The following points are to be observed while storing the sprinkler equipment during the off
(a) Remove the sprinklers and store in a cool, dry place.

(b) Remove the rubber sealing rings from the couplers and fittings and store them in a cool,
dark place.
(c) The pipes can be stored outdoors in which case they should be placed in racks with one
end higher than the other. Do not store pipes along with fertilizer.
(d) Disconnect the suction and delivery pipe-work from the pump and pour in a small quantity
of medium grade oil. Rotate the pump for a few minutes. Blank the suction and delivery
branches. This will prevent the pump from rusting. Grease the shaft.
(e) Protect the electric motor from the ingress of dust, dampness and rodents.

Trouble Shooting
The following are the general guidelines to identify and remove the common troubles in the sprinkler
1. Pump does not prime or develop pressure
 Check that the suction lift is within the limits. If not, get the pump closer to the water.
 Check the suction pipeline and all connections for air leaks. All connections and flanges
should be air tight.
 Check that the strainer on the foot valve is not blocked.
 Check that the flap in the foot valve is free to open fully.
 Check the pump gland (s) for air leaks. If air leaks are suspected tighten the gland (s)
gently. If necessary repack the gland (s) using a thick grease to seal the gland
 Check that the gate valve on the delivery pipe is fully closed during priming and opens
fully when the pump is running
2. Sprinklers do not turn
 Check pressure.


 Check that the nozzle is not blocked. Preferably unscrew the nozzle or use a small soft piece of
wood to clear the blockage. Do not use a piece of wire or metal as this may damage the nozzle.
 Check the condition of washers at the bottom of the bearing and replace them if worn or
 Check that the swing arm moves freely and that the spoon which. moves into the water stream is
not bent by comparing it with a sprinkler which is operating correctly.
 Adjust the swing arm spring tension usually it should not be necessary to pull up the spring by
more than about 6 mm.

3. Leakage from coupler or fittings

The sealing rings in the couplers and fittings are usually designed to drain the water from the pipes when
the pressure is turned off. This ensures that the pipes are automatically emptied and ready to be moved.
With full pressure in the system the couplers and fittings will be effectively leak-free. If, however, there is
a leakage, check the following:
 There is no accumulation of dirt or sand in the groove in the coupler in which the sealing ring fits.
Clean out any dirt or sand and refit the sealing ring.
 The end of the pipe going inside the coupler is smooth, clean and not distorted.
 In the case of fittings such as bends, tees and reducers ensure that the fitting has been properly
connected into the coupler.

5. Result and discussion
From the above design of our project we have determined the geometric analysis 0f each components of
the system and their dimensions according to their material properties and different constant parameters.
We have also checked the efficiency of the designed machine which is better than that of the existing
mechanisms based on the following criteria’s[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]

 The existing irrigation mechanisms were tedious and time consuming for farmers to
accomplish the irrigation process.
 Since the existing mechanism is manually operating, it causes erosion of soil and
unevenly distribution of water for all crops so it leads to loss of production but the
sprinkler system that we have designed can makes evenly distribution of water for all
crops. [ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]

Table 5.1 result and discussion

no Part name material dimension quantity
1 Centrifugal pump 1


2 Main line Pvc pipes L=92.5&di=50mm,t=2mm 1
3 Sub main line Pvc pipes L=92.5m,D=50mm 1
Laterals Pvc pipes L=107.5m,D=50mm 4
Riser pipe Pvc pipes L=1.5m 67
4 Sprinkler nozzle D=4mm 67

5.1. Cost analysis

Materials Cost
Material cost is the cost which is paid for all materials used for designing the components of the machine.
The cost of each material depends up on the size or dimension of the material and the current price per
length of the materials (PpL) in the market. Currently the price of polyvinyl plastic (PVC) pipes in the
market is 10birr for1meter long pipe.[ CITATION ZHU02 \l 1033 ]
Actual price=price per length*length of pipes*n

Table 5.2 cost analysis table

Part name Type of Size/dimension(m Price per Quantity(n) Actual
material ) length(ppl Price
Main line Pvc L=92.5mm 10birr 1 925birr
Sub main Pvc L=92.5mm 10birr 1 925birr
line pipe
Lateral Pvc L=107.5m 10birr 4 1075birr
Riser pipes Pvc L=1.5m 10birr 67 1005birr
Sprinkler pvc 50birr for 67 3150birr


head one
Centrifuga 5000birr 1 5000birr
l pump
Total 15105birr

Labor cost
Labor cost is a cost which is paid for the workers of the components in order to get the desired
system of these components. This cost is paid for assembling and installing processes. By taking
these processes in to consideration we assumed to employee two workers for two days of each
with 150 birr per day the total labor cost is assumed to be;

Total labor cost=600birr

Total cost= Total labor cost+ Total material cost=15105+600=15905birr
Contingency cost
Contingency cost=10%of total cost=0.1*15905=1590.5birr (cost for other expenses)
Therefore; final total cost=15905+1590.5=19495.5birr



This project work is about design of sprinkler for irrigation system. It is completed in successful manner
by designing all the components of the system with their necessary dimensions. The machine so designed
keeps wise use of land and avoid wastage of resources such as soil and water. In addition, the machine is
easy for maintenance and the task can be performed easily in a successful manner. From this we can
conclude that our project plays a vital role for reducing of labor time, proper use of land, healthy growth
of crops, conservation of natural resources and for increasing productivity of farmers and it is ready for
manufacturing process if we get the appropriate fund and different facilities are available.


From the above project we also would like to recommend that farmers should use this new and modern
sprinkler irrigation mechanism so as to save their working time, increase their productivity and anyone
who wants to manufacture or to modify this machine can deal on it & it will be very important to solve
many problems regarding to agricultural application and the prototype of this project in addition to paper
work can facilitate students to enhance their creativity and innovation capacity in order to solve many
agricultural problems.


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7. food and agricultural organization of united nations(FAO)sub regional office for east and south africa
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APPENDIX 1; performance of sprinklers[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]


Appendix 2; Soil texture and profile[ CITATION foo01 \l 1033 ]


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