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‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Inst Tools rss SPONSORED SEARCHES meq question answer app multiple choice que: electrical engineering meq app all types of questions Ads by Go q Home » Top 100 Control Systems Objective Ques Answers meqo dn Top 100 Cont: ~~ Systems Objective sire Pneumat Diagrams Questions & sins ANSWEYLS _ tensmie G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comtop-100-conol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 5 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < 2 } Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. We prepared an article on ¢ OAisbySe Systems Objective Questions & An q Test your skills on control system: meq o wishes for your exam preparation dn Control Systems Objecti . neert Questions & Answers rm Roslan Bin Hydrauli Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Control Systems CUCM ne tran, Ananya on Transmitt & G ABBAS K ‘PE Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! 1. In an open loop cor system sania on Chromato Questions > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 2146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... ) we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. on the control output (d) None of the above Ans: a 2. For open control sys . Ods by Go which of the folloy statements is incorrect | meq o (a) Less expensive 7 (b) —_ Recalibration is not requir maintaining the required quality bid output 7 ( Construction is simple maintenance easy (d)_ Errors are caused by disturbar _Roslan Bin Hydrauli . Pneumati Ans: b Diagrams . Schematic 3. A control system in w . Ananya on the control action Fransmitt somehow dependent or . G ABBAS K output is known as Gauge Loz Hassan Mz (a) Closed loop system Problemd (b) Semiclosed loop system VFD, and! () Open systern sania on (d) None of the above Chromate Questions > 3146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... F we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers (a) decrease (b) increase (be unaffected (d) any of the above Ans: a ads by Go qa 5. Which of the followir meqo an open loop control sys ? dn neert (a) Field controlled D.C. motor (b) Ward leonard control 7 (c) Metadyne (d) Stroboscope Roslan Bin. . Hydrauli Ans: a Pneumat . Diagrams 6. Which of the folloy schematic statements is Ananya on necessarily correct for « ™""™"* control system ? G ABBAS K Gauge Loz (@) Input command is the sole 4. on age responsible for providing the ¢ Probleme action VFD, and t (b) Presence of non-linearities « saniaon Chromato malfunctioning Questions (A Lace evnanciva ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & | Transducers (a) size of the system the control action depends « (b) the control action depen system variables (the control action depends + OAdsby Go input signal q (d)_ the control action is indepenc meq o the output dn Ans: d neert 8 . _has_ tendency oscillate. a (a) Open loop system goslan Bin (b) Closed loop system Hydrauli Pneuma (c) Both (a) and (b) Diagrams (d)_ Neither (a) nor (b) Schematic 7 Ananya on Ans: b Transmitt 9. A good control sys casarsx has all the folloy °“#'* features except Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and t (a) good stability (b) slow response sania on (2) good accuracy Suntan > 5146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... |] we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. tne ariver ¢ (a) Clutch (b) Eyes (0) Needle of the speedometer (d) Steering wheel Onds by Co (e) None of the above 7 Ans: c meq o 11. The initial resp: dn when tune output is neert equal to input is called 7 (a) Transient response (b) Error response oslan Bin (Dynamic response Hydraul (d) Either of the above Diagrams Schematic Ans: a Ananya on 12. A control = sys Tansmite working under unkn cassasx . . Gi Loz random actions is called ““*"* Hassan Mz (a) computer control system Problem c (b) digital data system VED, and} (c)_ stochastic control system sania on Chromato (d) adaptive control system Questions > e146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . HR Interview Questions and Answers J} Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & ) Transducers. (J. partially closed (d)_ any of the above Ans: a 14. Any exter! . . OAds by Go introduced signal affec the controlled outpu meqo called a dn (a) feedback (b) _ stimulus ncert (0 signal 7 (4) gain control Ans: b Roslan Bin. Hydrauli 15. A closed loop syste Pneumati Diagrams distinguished from ¢ schematic loop system by which 01 snanyaon following ? Transmitt G ABBAS K (a) Servomechanism Gauge Lo: (b) Feedback Hassan Mz (Q) Output pattern Problem ¢ (d) Input pattern \VFD, and t . sania on Ans: b Chromato se . Questions ie < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 7186 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare) your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. (a) Leg movement Ans: b 17. By which of following the control ac . . OAds by Go is determined when a 7 walks along a path ? meqo (a) Brain 7 (b) Hands (Legs neert (d) Eyes 7 Ans: d 18. is a closed — ®siansin — Hydrauli system. Pneumati Diagrams Schematic (a) Auto-pilot for an aircraft (6) Direct current generator Ananya on Transmitt (c) Car starter (d) Electric switch G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Ans:a Hassan Mz Problem c 19. Which of the follov veo. anat devices are commonly | sania on as error detectors chromato Questions inctrinmante 7? < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 8146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and ) instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. wel 20. Which of the folloy should be done to mak unstable system stable : Oddsby Go (a) The gain of the system sho a decreased (b) The gain of the system sho | meqo increased 7 () The number of poles to th transfer function should be increas nee (d) The number of zeros to th 7 transfer function should be increas Ans: b Roslan Bin. . Hydrauli 21. increases the st« pneumati _—_ Diagrams state accuracy. Schematic (a) Integrator Ananya on Transmitt (b) Differentiator (Phase lead compensator G ABBAS K (d) Phase lag compensator Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Ans: a Problem c VFD, and t 22. A.C. servom sania on resembles Chromate Questions > 9146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare! your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & 3 Transducers. introduction of neg feedback which of following will not decr ? Oddsby Go (a) Band width a (b) Overall gain (0. Distortion a (d) Instability dn Ans: a bid 24, Regenerative feedl 7 implies feedback with Roslan Bin. (a) oscillations Hydrauli e Pneumati (b) step input Dlagren (c) negative sign Schematic (d) positive sign Ananya on Ans: d Transmitt G ABBAS K 25. The output of caugetoz feedback control sys Hassan Mz must be a function of Problem ¢ ), and I (a) reference and output sania on (b) reference and input Chromatq Questions fe) innit and feedhack sional < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 1046 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 26. ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. is an open control system. (a) Ward Leonard control Odds by Go (b) Field controlled D.C. motor qa (Q) Stroboscope meqo (d) Metadyne a dn Ans: b neert 27. A control system ' . . . . ™ excessive noise, is likel suffer from Roslan Bin. (a) saturation in amplifying stages Hydrauli Pneuma (b)_ loss of gain Diagrams (©) vibrations Schematic (d) oscillations Ananya‘on Transmitt Ans:a G ABBAS K 28. Zero initial conditior Sse a system means Hassan Me Problem c VFD, and! (a) input reference signal is zero (b) zero stored energy sania on (©) ne initial movement of moving Chromato Questions ty cvctam ic at ract and nn an > 16 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the if ittervews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. i ’ t (a) The order of the system (b) The time constant (c) The output for any given input (d) The steady state gain Onds by Go Ans: q 30. The band width, mene feedback amplifier. 7 (a) remains unaffected a (b) decreases by the same amo the gain increase 7 (c) increases by the same amo the gain decrease Roslan Bin (d) decreases by the same amo Hydraul the gain decrease Preumati iagrams Schematic Ans: ¢ Ananya on 31. On which of _ Transmite following factors does cassask sensitivity of a closed “™#*'* i Hassan Mz system to gain changes passan Mi load disturbances deper vro. ant sania on (a) Frequency Chromatd (b) Loop gain Questions > 1246 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... a HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions asked inthe final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. wh (b) rises quickly (0 decays slowly (d) decays quickly Ans: d Ads by Go. 33. The second derive qi input signals modify W incqo of the following ? 4 in (a) The time constant of the system a (b) Damping of the system (©) The gain of the system 7 (d) The time constant and suppre oscillations Roslan Bin. (e) None of the above Hydrauli Pneumati Ans: d Diagrams Schematic 34. Which of the follov jranyaon statements correct "sm any closed loop system — cAssask Gauge Loz (a) All the co-efficients can have Hassan Mz value Problem c (6) All the co-efficients are alway; VFP-and! zero sania on (Q) Only one of the static err Chremato Questions efficiante hac a finite nnn-zarq valit < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 19148 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . 3 Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & i close to unity or a pl margin close to zero ? Transducers. The system is relatively stable ES The system is highly stable © d ( ( (0) The system is highly oscillatory ( None of the above Ans: c 36. Due to which of following reasons exces bond width in co systems should be avo ? (a) It leads to slow speed of respo (b) ( (d) It leads to low relative stability Noise is proportional to band \ None of the above Ans: c 37. In a_ stable cor system backlash can c. which of the following ? (a) thy Underdamping Avardamning hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Ads by Go. q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumati Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions > 1418 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare! your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & 3 Transducers. system which of following elements is used ? (a) Error detector (b) Final control element (c) Sensor (d) Oscillator Ans:d 39. In a control system output of the controll given to (a) final control element (b) amplifier (comparator (d) sensor (e) none of the above Ans: a 40. A controller, essenti (a) sensor (b) clipper (comparator < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Ads by Go. q meq 0 dn neert ™ Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and 1 instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 2 Transducers. (a) Servo signal (b) Desired variable value (co) Error signal (d) Sensed signal Ans: a 42. The on-off controller system. (a) digital (b) linear (Q) non-linear (d) discontinuous Ans: d 43. The capacitance, in fc current analogy, analogous to (a) momentum (b) velocity (2) displacement (d)_ mass Ans: d 44. The temperature, u! hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and ensors & Ads by Go. q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions > 16146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. (capacitance (d) charge ()_ none of the above Ans: a . Ads by Go 45. In electrical-pneun °“““”“ q system analogy the cur considered analogous _ 7° dn (a) velocity (b) pressure neert (co) air flow 7 (d) air flow rate Ans: d Roslan Bin wo. Hydrauli 46. In liquid level — Pneumati . Diagrams electrical system anal schematic voltage is consid , rianya on analogous to Transmitt (a) head gauged (b) liquid flow (Q)_ liquid flow rate Hassan Mi (d) none of the above VED, and! Ans: a sania on Chromato Questions > 748 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 } Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. 1 {@)-reciprocar or conauctance (e) none of the above Ans: b 48. In force-voltage anal .. : OAds by Go velocity is analogous to “““"“ q (a) current meq o (b) charge (Q) inductance dn (d) capacitance a Ans:a 7 49. In thermal-elect analogy charge Roslan Bin . Hydraulic considered analogous tc Pneuma Diagrams (a) heat flow Schematic (b) reciprocal of heat flow Ananya on (Q._ reciprocal of temperature Transmitt (d) temperature GABBAS K (e) none of the above Gauge Loz Ans: d Hassan Mz Problem c . VFD, and I 50. Mass, in force-vol : sania on analogy, is analogous to Chromato Questions ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. ALSO READ : AUTOMATIC INTERVIEW QUESTION: 51. The transient resp: Ads by Go. of a system is mainly du qa (a) inertia forces meq 0 (b) internal forces 7 (stored energy (d) friction a Ans: ¢ 7 52. __ Signal will bec Roslan Bi zero when the feed! jiydrautic signal and reference s fisgams are equal. Schematic Ananya on (a) Input Transmitt (b) Actuating (©) Feedback Gaugeun! (d) Reference Hassan Mz Ans: b Problem c * VFD, and f 53. A signal other than... reference input that ti gene 19146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and | instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & ) Transducers. (J control element (d) reference input Ans: a Ads by Go. qa meqo 54. The transfer functic dn applicable to which of following ? (a) Linear and time-in variant syst (b) Linear and time-variant systen Roslan Bin. (c)_ Linear systems Hydraulic (d) Non-linear systems Pneuma Diagrams (e) None of the above schematic Ans: a Ananya on Transmitt 55. From which of . G ABBAS K following transfer func Gauge toz can be obtained ? Hassan Mi Problem c (a) Signal flow graph VFD, and! (b) Analogous table sania on (c) Output-input ratio Chromato Questions (d) Standard block system < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 2046 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... o + we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & M Transducers. (a) Manipulated variable (b) Zero sequence (c) Actuating signal (d) Primary feedback ads by Go Ans: a 57. The term backlas) 44.40 associated with 7 (a) servomotors — (b) induction relays (Q) gear trains a (d) any of the above Ans: Roslan Bin Hydrauli . Pneuma 58. With feedback Diagrams : Schematic increases. Ananya on (a) system stability Transmitt (b) _ sensitivity G ABBAS K (0. gain Gauge Lo: (d) effects of disturbing signals Hassan Mz Ans: Problem c ns a VED, and! 59. By which of saniaon : Chromato following the — Sys questions > 2146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 } Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and ) instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. welts 60. In a system zero ir condition means that (a) The system is at rest and no + is stored in any of its components OA#¥S° (b) The system is working wit a stored energy mene (0) The system is working witl reference signal 7 mi neert ns: a mr 61. In a system low fric co-efficient facilitates Roslan Bin. Hydrauli (a) reduced velocity lag error Pheama (b) increased velocity lag error Diagrams Schematic (0) increased speed of response (d) reduced time constant « Ananyaon system Transmitt . G ABBAS K Ans: a Gauge Loz 62. Hydraulic TOI Hassan Mz . . Problem c transmission system veo, andt analog of sania on Chromato (a) amplidyne set Questions ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . 3 ‘Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & 3 voltage analogous to Transducers. analogy a) capacitance b) (c) current ( (b) reciprocal of capacitance ( ( (d) resistance Ans: b 64. The frequency and ° domain are related thre which of the following? (a) Transform and F Integral Laplace (b) Laplace Transform (0 Fourier Integral (d) Either (b) or (©) Ans: a 65. An increase in gail most systems, leads to (a) smaller damping ratio (b) larger damping ratio hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Ads by Go. q meq 0 dn neert ™ Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... ows we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & 1 transducers. loop systems for specifi input signal. (a) acceleration (b) velocity Ads by Go. (9 position (d) all of the above a Ans: d ae wee dn 67. A conditionally st oe rt system exhibits =; —"" stability at Ly (a) low frequencies (b) reduced values of open loop ¢_Resian Bin iydrau (c) increased values of open loop — pneumat (d) none of the above paerams: Ans: b Ananya on Transmitt 68. The type O system soe G ABBAS K at the origin. Gauge Lo: (a) no pole Hassan Mz Problem c (b) net pole VED, and! () simple pole (d) two poles Chromata (e) none of the above Questions ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & ) Transducers. (¢ simple pole (d) two poles Ans: 70. The type 2 system h an Ods by Go at the origin. q (a) no net pole meqo (b) net pole dn (d simple pole (d) two poles neert Ans: d 71. The position and velc = Roslan Bin errors of a type-2 sys frni) are Preuma Diagrams Schematic (a) constant, constant (b) constant, infinity Ananya on Transmitt (c) zero, constant (d) zero, zero G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Ans: c¢ Hassan Mz ., Probl 72. Velocity error cons (rp, anat of a system is meas! . sania on when the input to ‘hromato - . Questions evctam ie unit > 25146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 } Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... i we have an article for electronics and ) instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. 73. In case of type-1 sys steady state acceleratio (a) unity (b) infinity Ones 60 (c) zero a (d) 10 meq o Ans: b dn 74. If a step functio) — "et applied to the input : mr system and the ou remains below a cet ,oconsin level for all the time, ‘yd! Pneumati system is Diagrams Schematic (a) not necessarily stable Ananya‘on (b) stable Transmitt (unstable G ABBAS K (d) always unstable Gauge Loz (e) any of the above Hassan Mz . Problem c Ans: a VED, and! 75. Which of the followii | sariaon Chromato the best method questions > 26146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems 2 } Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & ) Transducers. (¢) Nyquist plot (d) None of the above Ans: a 76. Phase margin o : Ode by Go system is used to spe qi which of the following ? meq o (a) Frequency response Al (b) Absolute stability (c) Relative stability neert (d) Time response 7 Ans: c 77. Addition of zeros Fesansin Hydrauli transfer function ca _ Pneumati : . Diagrams which of the following ? schematic Ananya on (a) Lead-compensation Sranemitt (b) Lag-compensation (c)_ Lead-lag compensation G ABBAS K Gauge Loz (d) None of the above Hassan Mz Ans: b Problem c VFD, and! 78. technique is oy . Sania on applicable to nonli chromato Questions evetam 7 > 2746 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and ) instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. ull 79. In order to increase damping of a b underdamped system w of following compensa may be used ? (a) Phase-lead (b) Phase-lag (c)_ Both (a) and (b) (d) Either (a) and (b) (e) None of the above Ans: a 80. The phase lag prodi by transportation relays (a) is independent of frequency (b) is_inverseh’proportior frequency (Q_ increases linearly with frequer (d) decreases linearly with freque Ans: ¢ ALSO READ : PROGRAMM/ 1OGIC CONTROIIER hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Ads by Go q meq 0 dn ncert Roslan Bin Hydraul Pneumati Diagrams Schematic ‘Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions > 20146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. (a) Low-level oscillations (b) High-level oscillations (0) Conditional stability (d) Overdamping Ans: a Ads by Go a 82. Which of the folloy meqo can be measured by the of a tacho-generator ? 7 neert (a) Acceleration (b) Speed a (c) Speed and acceleration (d) Displacement Roslan Bin. (e) None of the above Hydrauli Pneuma Ans: b Diagrams Schematic 83. __ is not a final CON 4../50n element. Transmitt (a) Control valve g asbas (b) Potentiometer Hassan Mz (c) Electro-pneumatic converter Problem d (d) Servomotor VFD, and! Ans: b sania on Chromato Questions 84. Which of the follov > 20146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... . we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & F Transducers. to minimum (b) The range of measured vai from set value (c) The range of measured vai through which the air output che from maximum to minimum Ondsby Go (d)_ Any of the above q (e) None of the above mene Ans: dn 85. In pneumatic cor neert systems the control v 7 used as final coi element converts Roslan Bin. Hydrauli (a) pressure signal to electric sign Pneumat (b) pressure signal to position che Dleerams (0) electric signal to pressure sign. (d) position change to pressure si Ananya on Transmitt (e) none of the above G ABBAS K Ans: b Gauge Loz 86. Pressure error car 1essan Me Problem c measured by which of vo. andr following ? sania on Chromato Questions Differential bellows and strair (a) > 2046 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare! your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & 7 Transducers. devices is used conversion of co-ordinai (a) Microsyn (b) Selsyn (c) Synchro-resolver (d) Synchro-transformer Ans: ¢ 88. The effect of « damping is to (a) provide larger settling lime (b) delay the response (c) reduce steady state error (d) any of the above (e) none of the above Ans: ¢ 89. technique gives q transient and _— stak response (a) Root locus (b) Bode (Nyquist (d) Nichols < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraul Pneumati Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions > 3146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & | Transducers (b) lag at high frequencies and | low frequencies () lag at low frequencies and | high frequencies (d) none of the above Ads by Go Ans: c q 91. Which of the followii _ ™9° the non-linearity cause: dn ? servomotor ? a (a) Static friction (b) Backlash () Saturation (d) None of the above Roslan Bin Hydrauli Preumati Ans: Diagrams Schematic 92. can be extende: — . Ananya on systems which are t_ transmite ing ? varying . G ABBAS K Gauge Loz (a) Bode-Nyquist stability methoc (b) Transfer functions Hassan Mj Problem c (c) Root locus design VED, and! (d) State model representatives sania on Chromato Ans: d Questions > 22146 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1] interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. (a) at rest without any energy ste it (b) working normally with refi input Co) working normally with 4.4. 6, reference input 7 (d) at rest but stores energy meq o Ans: d dn 94. Which of the folloy : nce is electromechanical de ? mr (a) Induction relay Roslan Bi (b) Thermocouple Hydraulic (9 VDT Preuma iagrams (d) Any of the above Schematic (e) None of the above Ananya on Ans:c¢ Transmitt . . G ABBAS K 95. A differentiator Gauge to: usually not a part ¢ . control system because Probleme VFD, and t (a) reduces damping sania on (b) reduces the gain margin Chromato estio (c)_ increases input noise * " > 346 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... Q we have an article for electronics and @ instrumentation graduates for preparing the , interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. (a) oscillatory (b) critically damped (c) overdamped (d) underdamped (e) none of the above Oddsby Go a Ans: d meq o 97. In a control sys integral error compensa steady stateerr — "rt mr (a) increases (b) minimizes (0) does not have any effecton —_osian Bin (d) any of the above Hydraulic Pneuma Diagrams Ans: b Schematic 98. With feed back = ananyaon Transmitt reduces. G ABBAS K (a) system stability Gauge Loz (6) system gain vassan (c) system stability and gain Problem (d) none of the above VFD, and | . sania on Ans: b Chromato Questions hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! > 4146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare) your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. voltage (d) Constant current, constant v and constant power (e) None of the above Ans: d Ads by Go 100. Which of the folloy 4 can be measured byLVD) —meqo (a) Displacement dn (b) Velocity a (Acceleration (d) Any of the above 7 Ans: d Roslan Bin. 101. directly cony Hydrau _ Pneumati temperature into voltag Pisrams Schematic (a) Thermocouple Ananya‘on (b) Potentiometer Transmitt (c) Gear train G ABBAS K (4) LVDT Gauge Lo: (e) None of the above Hassan Mz Problem c Ans: a VED, and! 102. The transfer func. saniaon Chromato technique is considere: questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 846 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. < hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. Systems having stability probl ” (b) (© dis-turbances (d) All of the above Systems having multiple input Ans: d Ads by Go 103. Which of the follov a is the output of | "0 thermocouple ? dn (a) Alternating current neert (b) Direct current 7 () AC. voltage (d) D.C. voltage (e) None of the above Roslan Bin Hydrauli . Pneumati Ans: d Diagrams Schematic 104. A.C. servomotor . Ananya on basically a Transmitt (a) universal motor G ABBAS K (b) single phase induction motor S4use Le (two phase induction motor Hassan Me (d) three phase induction motor — Probleme VFD, and t Ans: c sania on Chromato 105. The first order coi Questions > 3646 ‘0142020 HR Interview Questions and Answers INSTRUMENTATION INTERVIEW QUESTIONS HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que... < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-qu ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems J} Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers. W QUES we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Transducers. none or tne apove ) (ap Ans: ¢ 106. Which of the folloy is exhibited by Root | Ads by Go diagrams ? / q (a) The poles of the transfer fu meq o for a set of parameter values (b) The bandwidth of the system 7 (The response of a system to neert input - m (d) The frequency response of as — (e) None of the above Roslan Bin Ans: a Hydrauli . Pneumati Click on the below button to laun _ Diagrams Quiz. Schematic Answers available in the Quiz. ‘Ananya on Transmitt G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VED, and! Share your feedback on the quiz sania on Next Quizzes: Chramatg Questions A f vin P? © > fors-answers! ars ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions! asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job, HR Interview Que. interviews. Here we presented Transducers. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & Share With Your Friends « PREVIOUS ARTICLE Flectro < hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! Next Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions > 8146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems . HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions U asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the interviews. Here we presented the top 100 Sensors & Lp Ttanscuces. Serial Paran Communic = Optin § Oadsbyco ation on 7 ser Interview Questions Questions meqo & Answers and dn Answers neert m Nuclear Block Instre Magnetic diagram — ation _Roslan in Resonance Algebra Spect Spectrome Objective py Diagrams ter Questions Schematic Questions RA Ananya on nswers Transmitt G ABBAS K LEAVE A COMMENT Gauge Loz Your Comment Hassan Ma Problem o VED, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 39146 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 40145 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! a5 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 4206 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmitt G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! ass ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmitt G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Mz Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 4aia5 ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert Roslan Bin Hydraulic Pneumat Diagrams Schematic Ananya on Transmit G ABBAS K Gauge Loz Hassan Me Problem c VFD, and! sania on Chromato Questions < > hitps:instrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 45145, ‘0142020 ‘Top 100 Objactve Type Questions-Answers on Control Systems HR Interview Questions and Answers J Top 100 Sensors & Transducers Questions and Answers for Freshers... HR Interview Questions and Answers : HR questions: asked in the final round of a job interview. Prepare your answers to crack the job. HR Interview Que. we have an article for electronics and instrumentation graduates for preparing the 1e top 100 Sensors & interviews. Here we presented Transducers, Ads by Go q meq 0 dn neert PLC Courses < > hitps:finstrumentationtools.comitop-100-conrol-systems-objectve-questions-answers! 45145,

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