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Summer Training Report



Submitted by

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree


Master of Business Administration

Under the guidance of

Dr. Namrata Khatri
Assistant Professor
Submitted to the


Affiliated to



Myself Ritika Rawal undersigned, a student of Department of Business & Industrial
Management, Surat, declare that the project report entitled “ Impact of advertisement on
consumer behaviour” from 18th may 2020 to 4thth July 2020 prepared & submitted to Dr.
Namrata Khatri, Asst. Professor of Department of Business & Industrial Management,

This is my own work & the report prepared there in is based on my study and experience,
during the tenure of my study.

I will not use this project report in future and will not submit the any other university or
institute or any other publisher without written permission of my guide.

I further declare that the result of my finding & research in the subject is original in nature
and has not been previously submitted either in part or in whole to any other institute or
university for any degree. If it is found, I shall be only responsible for its consequences.

Place: DBIM, Surat. Rawal Ritika

Date: Roll No. 104

Certificate from the department (format shall be provided separately)

No good task can be completed without the help of others. After the completion of this
project, I feel it is necessary to think who helped me and co-operated with during the project.

I would like to take an opportunity to express the feeling of gratitude towards Veer Narmad
South Gujarat University as a part of Comprehensive Project Report as a duty of syllabus
of MBA course.

I take opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Renuka Garg, Professor &
Head of Department of Business & Industrial Management, for her indirect but consistent
encouragement to the research and development.

I express my profound sense of gratitude to Dr. Namrata Khatri my project guide, who
provided me undeviating encouragement, indefatigable guidance and valuable suggestions
throughout the research project. I am very sincerely & heartily grateful to her for providing
me a great break by selecting me as a researcher under her.

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family and my friends for supporting me
spiritually throughout writing this research and my life in general.

F.Y M.B.A.
ROLL NO. 104

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1Advertisement: ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Historic Evolution of Indian Advertising: ...................................................................................... 7
1.3The Concept of Advertising ............................................................................................................ 8
1.4 Role of Advertising in Modern Business World:.................................................................. 9
1.5 Consumer beahvior ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Why is consumer behavior important? ........................................................................................ 12
1.7 What affects a consumer behavior. .............................................................................................. 12
1.7.1. Marketing campaigns .......................................................................................................... 13
1.7.2. Economic conditions ........................................................................................................... 13
1.7.3. Personal preferences .......................................................................................................... 13
1.7.4. Group influence .................................................................................................................. 13
1.7.5. Purchasing power................................................................................................................ 14
Chapter 2 : Literature Review
2.1 Literature Review: ....................................................................................................................... 16
Chapter 3 : Research Methodology
3.1. Title of study: ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Problem statement: ................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Objectives of the study: .............................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Significance of the study: ............................................................................................................ 19
3.5 Variables: .................................................................................................................................... 20
3.6 Research design: ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.6.1Research Approach: .............................................................................................................. 20
3.6.2 Sample Size: ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.7 Source of Data collection:- .......................................................................................................... 20
3.7.1 Primary Data:- ...................................................................................................................... 20
3.7.2 Secondary Data:- .................................................................................................................. 21
3.8 Statistical Tools and Analysis: ..................................................................................................... 21
3.9 Benefits of the study : ................................................................................................................. 21
3.10 Limitations of the study : .......................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 4 : DATA ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 5 : Findings And Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 37
5.1 FINDINGS .................................................................................................................................... 38
5.2 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 39




In a competitive market , it is important for advertising managers to grab consumer’s

attention through advertisement and sales promotion . A sizable marketing budget is spent on
advertisement .The trend of using digital media platforms for advertisement is growing . This
study intends to explore the importance of various media advertisement on consumer
behavior (CB) stages such as awareness (AWR) , interest (INT), conviction (CON) , purchase
(PUR) and post-purchase(PPUR).
The consumer expectations of information from various media such as tv , radio , newspaper ,
magazines and the Internet are entirely different. The Characteristics of different media and
its immediate and long-term effects on consumer are also varied (Doyle & Saunders , 1990).
For instance , TV allows high-quality audio-visual content and is most suitable for businesses
catering to the local markets (Petersen,2018).
Broadcast media such as TV and radio are among the popular media in India because of its
mass reach (Farooq & Latif, 2011;2009).In India , newspapers play an important role as an
effective medium of communication .This is due to its reach in almost every part of the
country . India has the largest newspaper market in the world with over 330 million daily
newspaper circulations (Jayaraj ,2011).Advertiser still prefer traditional mediums such as TV
and print for advertisement (Statista , 2011). Of the total advertisement spend, TV
advertisement spend in India was 44.7 percent and print advertisement spend was 15.5
percent .The digital advertisement spend was the third largest with a growth rate of 15.5
percent (Pahwa , 2017). This ia because of the increasing number of Internet users after the
entry of Reliance JIO in the Indian telecommunication market.

This research is relevant because for a marketer , prioritizing the usage of different media
platforms for advertising is providing to be a conundrum . Today , the advertising cost of
each media is very high , and any inappropriate media strategies can be a costly decision .
Thus, it is essential for advertising managers to understand various media advertisement and
its impact on CB.

Various theories of CB posited that there is a relationship between advertisements and

different stages of CB. Ranjbarian , Shaemi , and Jolodar (2011) establishment that TV
advertisement affect attention , INT and desire . Nysveen and Breivik (2005) stated that the
effects of radio advertisements are less on changing consumers’ attitude and behavior .

However , very limited research works were conducted considering all the five stages of CB.
In the present study , the researcher has attempted to explore various advertising media
affecting CB at each stage. This study is of utmost relevance to the current situation of the
advertisement market , as this will give crucial insights regarding balancing between
traditional and digital media.

1.2 Historic Evolution of Indian Advertising:

The Indian advertising has a long back history. At the beginning of the 20th century the main
medium for advertising was press especially newspapers though it was only the privilege of
the upper class.

In 1930 the talkies and radio emerge as media. 1950 decade proved to be the water shed years
for advertising when many industries came up, Burmah shell propagated kerosene by transit
advertising on vans, cinema advertising began, Calcutta got the privilege of having India’s
first advertising club in 1956, leading advertising agency press syndicate emerged.

In the decade of 1960’s the India’s first advertising convention was held in Calcutta in 1960,
the movement started for the shift from production concept to product concept, Asian
Advertising congress was held at New Delhi.

In 1970’s decade as the shift began from product concept to sales concept, role of promotion
increased, there was a magazine boom and Asian Advertising Congress was held at New
Delhi. In the decade of 1980’s marketing concept began to emerge because of intense
competition and every activity began to direct towards customers.

Expansion of advertising agencies started, and TV emerged as a powerful advertising

medium with the advent of color transmission in 1982. TV medium was expanded, and it was
made available to more than 50% of the population. There was a media boom and different
types of magazines emerged to cater the needs of various groups. Concept of sponsored
programmed started.
With the entry of multinationals, the 1990’s decade is proving a crucial year for Indian
Advertising. Because of intense competition, every marketer used to try to push his products
and used promotion vigorously. Each medium is used to reach to the target customers.

The advent of cable TV proved a turning point for Indian advertising. CNN was the first
electronic channel to be beamed to India besides that other private channels emerged as Zee
TV, El TV, Star Plus, Star Sports, ESPN, Sony, NEPC, Home, Jain TV, Asia music, Zee
cinema, Movie Channel by Doordarshan etc.

1.3The Concept of Advertising

Advertising is the component of a company’s marketing system that involves delivery of

messages to target customers that emphasizes the benefits of your brand, products and
services . A few common communication tools such as advertising are used in a advertising
al plan. Goals of advertising include building brand awareness, creating favourable brand
attitudes, gaining market share, inducing loyalty and growing sales.

To reach its advertising goals, a company develops an effective advertising all mix, which is
a combination of strategies including advertising , personal selling, , direct marketing, sales
advertising and public relations through a cost-effective allocation of resources. In large
companies ,the marketing department or advertising department has many roles. It determines
the advertising al mix, establishes the budget, allocates resources, coordinates the campaign ,
supervises any outside resources, and measures the results.

Manufactures often develop an advertising al mix for each segment of the distribution
channel. To promote a product to large retailers that sell its products, a manufacturer often
develops an advertising al mix for each segment of the distribution channel. To promote a
product to large retailers that sell its products, manufacturer might want to use a mix of
personal selling ,advertising , and buying discounts. This is known as the push policy.(The
manufacturer pushes the product to the retailer). The same manufacturer might use a different
advertising al mix of local and national advertising, in-store displays, sales advertising , and
public relations to reach consumers. The pull policy directs advertising s towards the
consumers. It is used to create customer interest and demand .

Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to

purchase their products. This communication is usually through various forms of paid
media—TV and radio commercials, print ads, billboards and more recently, product
placement , social media and online ads. Ads are placed where advertisement to drive the

consumption of their product, while non-profit organizations may place ads to raise
awareness or encourage a change in behavior or perception.

1.4 Role of Advertising in Modern Business World:

Advertising is a tool of marketing for stimulating demand and for influencing the level and
character of the demand.

1.4.1 Manufacturer’s Need of Advertising:

1. It creates customers for products

2. Widens the market

3. It backs up the company salesman and makes the retailer’s job easier.

4. Enables to inform about the changes in products or services.

1.4.2 Retailer’s Need for Advertising:

1. It gives the retailer a local personality

2. Advertising gives him a quick turn over’

3. It does a selling job for the inefficient retailer.

1.4.3 Consumer’s Need for Advertising:

1. Time is saved in shopping

2. Tells from where the goods can be obtained

3. It equips the customers with the facts he needs to make an intelligent choice

4. It has educative value

5. It also do reminder function

6. Impels the consumers to aspire for better standard of living.

1.5 Consumer behavior :

Consumer purchasing behavior signifies the methodology of buyer towards buying a

product. Marketing efforts therefore also emphasize on consumer’s consumption of services,
thoughts and exercises. The manner in which consumer purchases a product is extremely
important to advertisers. It includes understanding a set of choices(what, why, when, how
much and how often) that the consumer gives over the time.

In general terms “Consumer is a person who consumes”, especially an individual belonging

to a specific gender, age, sex, religion etc. and who obtains product or services for direct
utilization or ownership rather than for resale or use in production and manufacturing. In
other words, it can be said that the Consumer is an individual who purchases goods or
services for individual use and not for resale or reproduce.

Consumer buying behavior implies something other than just how an individual buys
product. Marketing efforts therefore also focus on consumer’s consumption of services, his
action and thoughts. It clarifies the arrangements of choices that a consumer makes while
buying . It is significantly important to know consumer reaction towards various products,
their characteristics, price, and advertisement pattern, in order to ensure strong competitive

Consumer buying behavior is the procedure involved when people or groups select, use, or
arrange products, services, thoughts or experiences to satisfy needs and wants. Consumer
behavior is the scientific learning of how people purchase, what they prefer to purchase,
when they need to purchase and why they purchase i.e. the reason to purchase . It additionally
attempts to evaluate effect on the consumer with the help of groups such as family, friends,
reference groups, and society as a whole.

The four P's, Product, Price, Place and Promotion are all part of consumer motivating forces.
Other significant factors in the consumer environment are changes in the economy,

technology, politics, and culture which influence their buying incentives. All of these various
stimuli are kept together in “the buyer’s black box” and will probably observable results in
buyer reaction as decision of product, sum and purchase timing. Consumer Behavior is also
explained as the procedure and actions people carry on while selecting, searching for,
purchasing, utilizing, evaluating and discarding of products or services which results in
satisfying their needs and wants.

Consumer behavior allows a number of things:-

• It opens up door for evaluating demand,

• Measures behavior in society, brings an unmistakable comprehension about how
brands behave,
• Forecasts how the organization can serve their expected customers in the most
proficient manner,
• It is the base for the people to come into terms of one’s own expenditure.

Indeed, the investigation of consumer behavior is relatively a rich science that incorporates
elements from psychology, marketing, economic, consumer politics and many other fields of
scientific examination.

Consumer buying behavior includes two important types of elements i.e. tangible elements
for example the concrete product or service, yet in addition intangible elements as mental
procedure and systems of beliefs, values and self-realization . It is significant for any
producer or seller firm to comprehend the buyer and accordingly develop their marketing
strategy, but still the buyer or consumer repeats to be a riddle, sometimes reacting as per the
dealers’ expectations and on other occasions just declining to buy the product from the
similar dealer.

The advertiser provides stimuli however his soul is doubtful of the buyer’s reaction. This
stimulus is a mix of product, brand name, shading, style, packaging, intangible services,
promoting, shelf display, advertising, distribution, publicity and somemore. Today the
different types of media, particularly electronic have great influence on the consumer’s
buying process. Technological developments in the field of data information, biotechnology,

genetics and intensive competitions in all products and services are likewise affecting a huge
factor in consumer choices.

1.6 Why is consumer behavior important?

Examining consumer behavior is significant because this method marketers can understand
what influences consumers’ buying decisions. By comprehending how consumers decide on a
product they can fill in the gap in the market and examine the products that are needed and
the products that are proficient. Studying consumer behavior also helps advertisers decide
how to present their products in a method that evaluates maximum impact on consumers.
Understanding consumer buying behavior is the key secret to reaching and connecting your
clients and changing them to purchase from you.

A consumer behavior analysis should reveal:

• What consumers assume and how they feel about various choices (brands, products,
• What affects consumers to choose between various alternatives;
• Consumers’ behavior while researching and purchasing;

• How consumers’ condition (friends, family, media, etc.) Affects their behavior.

Consumer behavior is often affected by various factors. Advertisers should examine

consume purchase patterns and figure out purchaser trends. In most examples, brands affect
consumer behavior only with the things they can control; like how IKEA looks to compel you
to spend more than what you instance to every time you walk into the store.

1.7 What affects a consumer behavior.

Many things can influence consumer behavior, but the most repeated factors influencing
consumer behavior are:

1.7.1. Marketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns affects the purchasing choices a lot. If done correct and regularly, with
the correct marketing message, they can even persuade customers to change brands or opt for
more costly variable. Marketing campaigns can even be utilized as reminders for
products/services that need to be purchased repeatedly but are not necessarily on consumers’
top of mind (like insurance for example). A good advertising message can affect impulse

1.7.2. Economic conditions

For costly products especially (like houses or cars) economic environment play a big part. A
positive economic condition is known to make customers more confident and willing to
indulge in buying irrespective of their own financial liabilities. Consumers make choices in a
longer time period for costly purchases and the purchasing process can be affected by more
personal factors at the similar time.

1.7.3. Personal preferences

Customer behavior can also be affected by personal factors, likes, hate, priorities, morals, and
norms. In companies like fashion or food personal choices are perfectly powerful.
Advertisement can, of course, help but at the end of the day customers’ choices are greatly
affected by their preferences. If you’re vegan, it doesn’t matter how many burger joint ads
you see, you’re probably not gonna start eating meat because of that.

1.7.4. Group influence

Peer pressure also affects consumer conduct. What our family members, classmates,
immediate relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances think or do can play a significantly
important role in our choices . Social psychology influences consumer behavior. Choosing
fast food over home-cooked meals, for instance, is just one of such circumstances. Education
levels and social factors can have an effect.

1.7.5. Purchasing power

Last but not least, our purchasing power plays a significantly important role in influencing
our behavior. Unless you are a billionaire, you will take your budget into power before
making a purchase decision. The product may be excellent, the advertising could be on point,
but if you don’t have the money for it, you won’t purchase it. Segmenting customers based on
their purchasing capacity will help advertisers determine eligible consumers and achieve
better results.


2.1 Literature Review:

1. Senthil. M. Dr. N.R.V Prabhu S. Bhuvaneswari (2013) make styudy on customer’s

opinions towards advertising in the online shopping and social networking web sites by
distributing both physical and online questionnaires as well as conducting in-depth
interviews. Now-a-day consumers believe that advertisements on the internet are more
believable as compared to other mediums and very few people believe in magazine
advertisements. The study suggested that most reputable and well-known companies may
be more likely to meet these expectations and may help to lend credibility to the medium.

2. Harshini C.S. (2015) found that the Social media is changes the tradition of peoples
rapidly. People are gradually using social media to search for information instead of other
media such as television, magazines, radio. So, the Companies, need to generate effective
online advertising strategies because internet is now the best stage to capture large
number of consumers. Therefore, online advertisement plays an important role in current

3. Muhammad Aqsa and Dwi Kartini (2015) found that the continuous development of
technology increases the internet users dramatically. The internet is operated by the
gadgets like PC, laptop, mobile phones, tablets and other media. So, to apprehension the
large strength of consumers, online advertising is very necessary. The study also found
that although online advertising is effective, but it can only be targeted to those only who
used the internet continuously.

4. Dr. P. Sadhasivam and A.Nithya Priya (2015) found in their study that there is a rapid
development in new communication technologies. Mass media and social media has been
influencing the individual level of thinking, feeling and acting towards the various issues.
In this study the researchers also found that television advertising and online advertising
both plays an important part for the growth of any product and services.

5. Prithvi B.J and Mihir Dash (2013) study and compared the effectiveness of radio, print
and internet advertising over and above TV advertising. They take a sample of 151
consumers in Bangalore selected through suitability sampling. It was found that print
advertising was considered to be better than radio and internet advertising in terms of
attention grabbing, eye-catching and attractive. It was found that print advertising was
considered to be better than radio advertising and possess the potential to change attitude.
On the other hand, it was found that internet advertising and radio advertising were
considered to be better than print advertising in terms of entertainment.

6. Simran R. Kalyani (2014) attempted to investigate the effect of jingles and music in
advertising. This role memory trigger and entertainer is examined in the study. Jingles or
music of popular advertisements were considered. The study concluded that music/jingles
encourage product image and lead to better memorability. It is further stated that
consumers are more sensitive to the jungles of the advertisements that relate to their


3.1. Title of study:
“Impact of Advertisements on consumer Behavior”

3.2 Problem statement:

The reason people lost interest was the fact that the role of advertisements was falling apart
due to the fact that consumers attitude and interest, long term use of products and
user’s unwillingness to switch products .Consumers giving preference to various medium for
visiting advertisement. The researcher therefore intended to study briefly the impact of
advertisement on consumer behavior.

3.3 Objectives of the study:

The main aim of this research is to determine the Impact of advertising on consumer buying
behavior. In specific terms the objectives of the research are:

1.Know the effectiveness of advertisements on consumer buying behavior

2. To find out if there are other reasons why people purchase products.

3. To identify which personality used in advertisements gets the attention of

consumer .

4 .Identify the factors influencing most to consumers buying decision

5. Comparing different media advertising platforms

3.4 Significance of the study:

This particular research focuses on the impact of advertisement on the user’s behavior. It
explores the factors which are affected by the advertisement and significantly influence the
buying behavior of the consumers. The study will help the viewers to understand the
consumer behavior purchasing the products so that they can devise appropriate strategy to
advertise their product in a best possible way.

Inform consumers on how advertisers try to persuade them to purchase their products.

Inform producers, companies and marketing organizations and advertising agencies if their
strategies are effective. (Generates results)

Help consumers understand the effects of certain deceptive messages in adverts.

1. Advertising effectiveness

2. Interest


4.Post-Purchase Behavior

5. Purchase

6. Consumer Behavior

3.6 Research design:

3.6.1Research Approach:

In this research paper quantitative approach has been used. In which we are using the Survey
research method of quantitative research method. The survey research means we are going to
conduct a questionnaire for people. By which we will generate the data.

3.7 Sample Size:

A size of around 150 respondents was taken under consideration. Through the questionnaire
in which the different age group people can answer and by which we can differentiate the
difference of value of advertisement in generation.

3.8 Source of Data collection:-

3.8.1 Primary Data:-

Questionnaire method is used for getting primary data. In which survey is done for the
different age group of people.
Primary data are those which are gathered specially for the report, at hand is directly through
questionnaire & personal information.

3.8.2 Secondary Data:-

The data has been collected from articles and journals. Which are collected form the internet
and different magazine and newspapers. Which are used in analysis the research.
Limitations of the study :
The sample size could have been more if we had access to a larger number of people. And
secondly, research could have included a more diversified range of variables to analysis the
same topic from a different perspective.

3.9 Statistical Tools and Analysis:

The data gathered from the respondents were put in the Excel to analyze the various factors
and dependability of variables. The data are analysis through the market analysis research

3.10 Benefits of the study :

The main benefit of this study is to compare different media advertisement platforms and
their effectiveness towards consumer perception. From this study it would be easy to
understand that which m

3.11 Limitations of the study :

The sample size could have been more if we had access to a larger number of people. And
secondly, research could have included a more diversified range of variables to analyse the
same topic from a different perspective.



1. Which advertising media gets your attention?

A total number of one-hundred and fifty three(153) were given representing One hundred
and Ninety percent of cases (190.1%). Sixty three (63) respondents selected Internet
representing seventy seven point eight percent of cases (77.8%). One fifty eight (58)
respondents selected television representing Seventy two point five percent of cases (72.5%).
Newspaper was selected sixteen (16) times representing nineteen point six percent of cases
(19.6%). Ten responses were also given to billboards representing eighteen point five percent
of cases (18.5%). Radios was selected Six times representing Seven point eight percent of
cases (7.8%). This responses show that even though people may be exposed to advertisement
on several media platforms, the frequency of exposure varies.

The information is illustrated in table 1

Table :- 1.
Which advertising Response Percent Cases N Percent
media gets your

Internet 62 40.9% 77.8%

Television 58 38.14% 71.5%
Newspaper 16 10.31% 19.6%
Billbordd 10 6.52% 12.4%
Radio 6 4.10% 7.8%
Total 153 100.0% 190.1%

2. What time of the day are you often exposed to advertisements?

According to responses given to the question “which times of the day are you often exposed
to advertisements?” most people are usually exposed to advertisement in the evening. This
question was a multiple choice question. One hundred and sixteen (152) responses were
generated from this question amounting to one hundred and seventy-three percent (173.8%)
of cases. Out of this total number of responses, evening was the highest with fifty two(52)
representing fifty nine point nine percent (59.9%) of cases. Exposure to advertisement in the
morning was second with thirty six(36) responses representing forty point eight percent
(40.8%) of cases. Afternoon was next with thirty three (33) responses representing thirty
eight point two percent (38.2%) of cases. Exposure to advertisement at late night was the
least with thirty one (31) responses representing thirty four point nine (34.9%) of cases.

This information is shown in Table 2.

Which times of the Response Percent Cases N Percent

day are your often
exposed to ads?
Morning 36 23.47% 40.8%
Afternoon 33 21.97% 38.2%
Evening 52 34.46% 59.9%
Late night 31 20.08% 34.9%
Total 152 100.0% 173.8%

3.How often do you skip commercials on TV?

The question is to indicate how often people skip advertisements on television and was an
linear type of question. One hundred and fifty two people responded were generated from
this question. Out of this people neturally selected the options that was 1 never , 5 always.
The data represents the information

Which often do you skip Response Cases N Percent

commercials on TV?
1 ( never ) 11 7.2%
2 24 15.8%
3 54 35.5%
4 37 24.35%
5 ( Always ) 26 17.1%
152 100.0%

Fifty-four (54) respondents selected 3 as they never and always skip the advertisements on
TV with thirty-five-point five percent and thirty seven people (37) with not always as four

with points twenty four point three percent (24.3%). Seventeen point one percent (17.1%) of
responses with (26) twenty six selected 5 as always they skip the commercials on TV and 1
as they never skip advertisements are (11) peoples with seven point two percent responses
that they never skip commercials .this question indicates that the respondents likely often skip
and never skips the advertisements on television.

4. Which internet platform exhibits maximum advertisements?

This question that which platform exhibits maximum advertisements is social media sites.
Now a-days social media has become an effective platform for advertisement with very low
cost and pulling numerous results and customers. One hundred and fifty three respondents
were generated from this question with social media as an good platform with people of 96
ninety six selected this platform with sixty two point seven percent(62.7%). The second
platform for medium is OTT platform(Netflix, hotstar prime etc) people of (22) twenty two
with (14.4%) fourteen point four percent and (15) respondents selected google search with
(9.8%) nine point eight percent. Others and music apps with (4.36%) four point thirty six
percent of (7) respondents and (8.72) eight point seven two percent of thirteen
respondents(13) respectively.

The data is represented in following figure.

5. Please indicate your evaluation of the advertisements you have been
exposed to?

Responses given to the question “Please indicate your evaluation of the advertisements you
have been exposed to?” was one-hundred and fifty (150). This was a multiple choice question
giving respondents the chance to select more than one option. Majority of the respondents
indicated with forty three (43) responses representing fifty four percent of cases (54%) that
the advertisements they were exposed to be informative . Responses for attractive was forty
(40) representing fifty point seven percent of cases (50.7%). Entertaining was Twenty six
(26) representing thirty two point seven percent of cases (32.7%). Response for effective and
simple was twenty one (21) representing twenty six (26%) percent of cases. This represents a
total of one hundred and eighty nine point four percent of cases (189.4%).
This information is shown in table 5

Please indicate your Responses Percent N case Percent

evaluation ads you
have been exposed to
Simple 21 13.73% 26%
Attractive 40 26.77% 50.7%
Informative 43 28.51% 54%
Entertaining 26 17.26% 32.7%
Effective 21 13.73% 26%
Total 150 100.0% 189.4%

6.Please indicate your evaluation on different media of advertisement?

Different advertisement has different aspect of which channel to be used as it can be seen that
Simple advertisement are more effective on radio but at the same time they are least effective
on internet .If we take informative it is more effective in case of newspaper and less effective
in case of billboards. Taking another example of effectiveness, it is least affected on
Television and radio, moderately effect on newspaper whereas highly affected on internet
hence the type of advertisement should be decided depending upon which channel of
advertisement to be selected.

7. Do you believe in advertising messages?

The question “do you believe in advertising messages” has the objective of finding out the
level of trust people have in advertising messages. Out of the one hundred and fifty two(152)
respondents, ninety six (96) answered “yes” representing sixty three point two percent
(63.2%) of the total number. Fifty six (56) people answered “no” representing thirty-six point
eight percent (36.8%) of the total number.

This information is shown in figure

8. Do you think advertising is important?

Majority of the respondents including those who do not believe advertising messages
consider advertising to be important. Out of the total one hundred and fifty one (151)
respondents, sixty-four(146) representing ninety six point seven percent (96.7%) answered
“yes” and one (1) representing two percent (3.3%) answered “no” to the question “do you
think advertising is important?”.

The Data is represented in figure

9. How often do you buy product based on the advertisements?

The respondents were asked if they buy products solely based on advertising. Hundred (100)
people answered “occasionally” representing sixty five point eight percent (65.8%) of the
total number. Eleven (11) people answered “once a week” representing seven point two
percent (7.2%) of the total number. Fourteen (14) people answered “once per two week”
representing nine point two percent (9.2%) of the total number. Twenty seven (27) person
answered “monthly” representing Seventeen point eight (17.8%) of the total number of 152
This information is shown in figure

10. Besides from advertisements which other factors influence your

purchase decision?

Responses given to the question was one-hundred and fifty two (152). This was a multiple
choice question giving respondents the chance to select more than one option. Majority of the
respondents indicated with thirty six (36) responses representing sixty three point two percent
of cases (63.2%) that the factor which influences the purchase decision is pricing . Responses
for brand name was thirty seven(37) representing sixty five point eight percent of cases
(65.8%). Reputation was twenty five (25) representing forty three point four percent of cases
(43.4%). Response for packaging was nineteen (19) representing thirty three point six
(33.6%) percent of cases. Social norm was twelve (12) representing (20.4%) twenty point

four percent of cases and choice overload with (16) sixteen respondents of (27.6%) twenty
seven point six percent of cases. This represents a total of two-hundred and sixty six point
five percent of cases (266.5%).

This information is shown in table

Factors influencing Responses Percent N case percentage

purchase decision.
Buy now pay much 7 4.7% 12.5%
Choice overload 16 10.35% 27.6%
Social norms 12 7.65% 20.4%
Pricing 36 23.71% 63.2%
Packaging 19 12.6% 33.6%
Reputation 25 16.28% 43.4%
Brand name 37 24.69% 65.8%
Total 152 100.0% 266.5%

11. Which factors make advertisement more effective?

The slogan factor is considered more moderate while making an advertisement as seen from
chart there is an approximate equal amount of customers who feel slogan is least effective.
Use of slogan , hence can be considered as a necessity while advertising a product but it is
not fully dependable media.
Caption has also a moderate affect on advertisement as seen from chart. Media on the other
hand is highly effective for advertising a product as can be seen on the chart that the bar of
four and five rank has the highest vote.
Colour combination have impact on some people whereas equal amount of those people
consider it as least or moderately effective.
Presence of sports star or an actor has median effect which can be seen through the chart that
all the ranks have more or less equivalent number of votes.

12.Have you purchased any product recently after coming across

The questionnaire asked people if they have purchased any product recently after coming
across the advertisement. Ninety three (93) respondents answered “yes” representing sixty
two percent (62%) of the total number of responses. Fifty-seven (57) respondents answered
“no” representing thirty eight percent (38%) of the total number of responses given.
The data for this question is shown in figure

13. Which product do you often purchase most viewing on advertisements?

Responses given to the question was one-hundred and fifty one (151). This was a multiple
choice question giving respondents the chance to select more than one option. Majority of the
respondents indicated with thirty six (36) responses representing sixty three point Six percent
of cases (63.6%) that the product is purchased on viewing advertisements is Fashion product .
Responses for electronic product was thirty (30) representing Fifty five percent of cases
(55%). Beauty & health was twenty eight (28) representing fifty point three percent of cases
(50.3%). Response for Grocery & health was eighteen (18) representing thirty two point five
(32.5%) percent of cases. Books & audible was sixteen (16) representing (26.5%) twenty six
point five percent of cases and sports products with (14) fourteen respondents of (25.8%)
twenty five point eight percent of cases. This represents a total of two-hundred and sixty nine
point six point four percent of cases (269.6%).

This information is shown in table

14. Which personality influences you most in advertisements?

The question states that which personality influences you the most is Actors with (56) fifty
six respondents of (37.1%) thirty seven point one percent selected actors as their influencers.
The second is sportsperson of (41) forty one people selected with (27.2%) twenty seven point
two percent of cases. People of (33) thirty three respondents selected others with
(21.9%)twenty one point nine percent. And youtubers and singers of people respondents of
(15) fifteen and (6)six with (9.9%) nine point nine percent and (3.9%) three point nine
percent respectively.
The data is presented in this figure.

15. Gender?

One hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires were distributed. All one hundred and fifty
questionnaires were collected and there was no disqualified questionnaire. Majority of the
respondents were males. There were seventy four (74) females out of the total nmber one
hundred and fifty (150)respondents representing sixty-three percent (49.3%) of the total
percentage of respondents. The male respondents were seventy six (76) out of the 150
respondents representing fifty point seven percent (50.7%) of the total number of
respondents. The chart below shows the gender distribution of respondents in figure

16. Age?

The questionnaire provided an age range specification of eighteen to twenty-one years(18-

21), twenty-two to twenty-five years (22-25), and twenty-six to thirty five years and thirty
five years(26-35) and above (35andabove). Most of the respondents who were randomly
selected fall between the age range of twenty-two to twenty-five years (22-25) representing
sixty-nine percent (36.8%) of the total number. Respondents between the ages of eighteen to
twenty-one years (18-21) presented (36.8)and twenty-six years and above (26 -35)
represented of the total number(17.1%).Respondents with (35and above) were four
percent(4%) of the total number.

The age distribution of respondents s represented in figure



• Out of 150 respondents ; 50.7% were males and 49.3% were females.
• The age group was from18-21 and it was seen that 42.1% that is the majority of
people were from the age of 22-25 years ,rest were from 18-21 years .
• Out of 152 respondents the most attractive media for advertisements was internet with
77.8% and the next to it was television with71.5%.
• The respondents often exposed to watch advertisements at evening time with 59.9%
and the rest of the time in morning with 40.8%
• Out of 152 respondents, the majority of respondents the majority of responses skip the
commercials on Television with 35.5%.
• Social media internet platform exhibits maximum advertisements with 62.7% and the
next platform of OTT ( Netflix, Hotstar etc ) with 14.4%.
• Out of 150 respondents, the majority of responses are exposed with the
advertisements that are informative is 54% and Attractive with 50.7%.
• As per the findings on different media advertisements simple advertisements are more
effective on Radio , entertaining advertisements on television and informative
advertisements on Newspaper.
• Out of the 152 respondents, people believed in advertising messages were 63.2% and
the rest were 36.8%.
• Out of 152 respondents , the respondents think that advertising is important are
96.7% and the rest with 3.3%.
• On the basis of advertisements, majority of people buy product Occasionally with
• The factors that influence more purchase decision of consumers is brand name with
65.8% and that influence less is Buy now pay much later with 12.5%.
• The media factor makes advertisements more effective and on other hand color
combination have impact on some people it is moderately effective.
• The product that is purchased often viewing the ads is fashion product with 96% and
are not purchased is Art, Handicraft products with 15.9%.
• The respondents purchased product after coming across the advertisements were 62%
and the rest were 38%.

• The Personality of actor influences most in advertisements with 37.1%.

5.2 Conclusion:

The research was a study on Impact of Advertisements on consumer behavior. The role of
advertisement is important and influences the purchasing behavior of consumers. On the
basis of analysis online marketing is the effective source among the various media
advertisement which spares time and cost of promotions and another reason is accessibility of
variety of products. The role of advertisements is important in influencing the buying conduct
of consumers. The advertising should be genuine, correct and serve the informational needs
of the consumers. The marketers should use informative and effective content to create
awareness in the consumers. The marketers should invest more in social media platform as it
is an effective tool for advertisement. People generally don’t purchase product with their
emotions, they purchase a product after having the proper knowledge about that product. And
a proper promotions can create awareness and good perception in the consumers mind which
ultimately impacts the purchase motive of the consumers.



1. Which advertising media gets your attention? (You can choose multiple answers).
o TV
o Radio
o Internet
o Newspaper
o Billboards

2. What time of the day are you often exposed to advertisements? (You can choose
multiple answers).
o Morning
o Afternoon
o Evening
o Late night

3. How often do you skip commercials on TV? ( 1 never, 5 always)

1 2 3 4 5

4. Which internet platform exhibits maximum advertisement?

o Social Media Sites (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
o OTT Platforms (Netflix, Hot-star, Prime, etc.)
o Music Apps (Wynk, Gaana, etc.)
o Google Search (Google AdWords)
o Others

5. Please indicate your evaluation of the media advertisements you have been exposed
to. (You can choose multiple answers).
o Simple.
o Attractive.
o Informative.
o Entertaining.
o Effective.

6. Please indicate your evaluation on different media of advertisement.
Simple. Attractive. Informative. Entertaining. Effective.

9.2 Perception of advertising

7. Do you believe advertising messages?

Yes. No.
If yes, why?

8. Do you think advertising is important?

Yes. No.

9.How often do you buy product based on the advertisement?

o Once a week
o Once per two weeks
o Monthly
o Occasionally

10.Besides From advertisement, which other factors may influence your purchase
decision? (You can choose multiple answers)
o Buy now, pay much later
o Choice overload
o Social norm
o Pricing
o Packaging
o Reputation
o Brand Name

11.Which factors make advertisement more effective?

( In which 1 least effective & 5 is most effective )

1 2 3 4 5
Color combination
Presence of film/sports star

12.Have you purchased any product recently after coming across the advertisement?
Yes. No.

13.Which products do you often purchase most viewing on advertisement?

(You can choose multiple answers)
o Electronic product
o Fashion product
o Sports product
o Grocery and household
o Beauty & Health
o Art, handcart,& Collectibles
o Books & Audible

14.Which personality influences you most in advertisements?

o Sportsperson
o Actor
o Singer
o Youtuber
o Others


Male female

18-21 22-25 26 -35 36 & above.

1.8 Impact of covid-19 on advertisements:

As the danger of the Covid-19 (caused by the coronavirus) pandemic expands, it is

also significantly affecting businesses across industries. Advertising like many other
organization faces tough challenges ahead as administrators and companies put in place
precautionary measures to keep employees safe.

Current impact of covid-19 on advertising industry is :

- Stopping advertising investments for the inappropriate reasons: this includes cost reductions
dictated by procurement or by senior management.
-The suspension of advertising investments for good reasons: these are advertisements that
were in media that no longer exist (inflight magazine) or advertising campaigns that are too
-No halt in investments: 1/3 of the brands have not quite advertising. Either they continued
because they were still operational (food retailers), or they were no longer functional but
chosen to adjust their message to the context.

It is evaluated that the coronavirus crisis if it ends in May, will prompt to a 10% drop in
advertising revenues over the whole of 2020. The fall in advertising income is between 40
and 90% depends upon the type of media over March and April (the impact on April is, of
course, total since the confinement started only in mid-March, leaving around ten days of

Advertising investments: a lot of reductions and a few increases

Of the 44 advertisers for which we have figures, 75% have decreased their advertising
investments in April 2020. Despite what might be expected, 25% took advantage of the
period to increase them, sometimes in very significant proportions. The brands that have
overinvested during the confinement are active in tpraditional retail (except for low-cost

retail), FMCG, home furnishings, internet and mobile access. A huge exception is Coca-Cola,
which has completely halted its advertising investments.

Decline in agency revenues

For most companies in the division, three fifths (or even one half) has become the rule
because advertising investments (on which a percentage is taken) have dissolved like snow in
the sun. Depending on the agencies, the figures we have had access to show an influence,
over April 2020, of -54% and -91%.

In an immediate and almost broad move, advertisers have halted their advertising
investments. While most campaigns were postponed, some were halted. Agencies saw their
billing shrink very sharply, leading to cost-cutting measures. Hopes rekindled with the
deconfinement and with the summer period which, for the countries of northern Europe, will
rhyme with holidays on the spot. Brands could, therefore, reinvest.

The behavioral changes brought about by the crisis could, however, lead brands to review
their copy in terms of publicizing messages. Consumer expectations are changing: the need
for reinsurance, refocusing on essential components such as the family and the home. In the
end, in-depth work will have to be done to restore meaning to advertising and display a
coherent discourse regarding values.


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