Dilip On Einstein: Another View of Special Relativity

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D ilip Rajeev

Einstein’s assertion of
the constancy of the
speed of light in vacuum,
suggests the presence of
a vacuum. A vacuum by
definition has no properties, let
alone the property of holding
motion, or even of holding an
imaginary purely mathematical

The Transcendental
Aesthetic of Kant defines
space as a property of the mind, by which the sense of the outer is
endowed. Mind here refers to planes of the observed universe
processing perception for the observer. What is perceived as constancy
of the speed of light in vacuum is but the constancy of what the mind
processes, endowing perception. In two orthogonal domains, space and
time, the processing is such that 2-norm is a constant in every interval of
perception. This, is the special theory of relativity.

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