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Annexure-DM. ‘Candidate has to prepare the Marks/Grades/CGPA to Percentage Conversion Certificate (In Case of Semester Pattern Candidates) CONVERSION CERTIFICATE (For Graduate Degree Programme) Name of the Degree/Examination Passed: BE ( MECHANICAL) ‘Year of Passing: 2018 Name of the Passing University: North Maharashtra University Name of the Candidate: Vipinkumar Pramodkumar Yadav Name of the College; R. C, Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur. Semester SPA Semester 696 Semester ae ‘Semester-IT eis Semester-IV sa ‘SemeaterV ‘Semester-VI Semester VIL ‘Semester-VIIT ‘Agaregate (CGPA) obtained on the basis of Total SGPA of all Fight Semesters forthe qualifying Degree Examination: 6.$7/10= (6.87 —0.75)X 10= 58 (The details are available on the University website www, in) 1, Vipinkumar Yaday have read all the rules of admission and on understanding these rules, I have filled this On Line Application form for admission to First Year of Three Year Degree Course in Bachelor of Law, (Regular Full Time Course) 2020-2021, The information given by me in this Conversion Certificate is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I’at later stage, itis found that Ehave furnished wrong information and / or submitted false certificate (s), T am aware that my admission stands eancelled and {ces paid by me will be forfeited, Further E will be subjected to legal and / or penal action as per the provision of the law (___Nipinkumar Yadav) Name of the candidate we Signature of the candidate hi emma EAN NDAD LRN I! 2 PERM, MEGN.NO# -2012015400389347 Inte Tey, Shear jon Research amo ‘Sat ee Seminar-It [iv [237442 industnal visi — 227332 tree Resource pee CONUIOF ‘Aided Design and Commuter Aided Manufacturing are cae Breeiea 4, | 40. ‘ioa} 3 46 | 56 |"100) 3. 1 ar Activities) Els c}? sftolae te 9 io] 30/8 | 8 psitao| a | 9 SO) LO) C) 7 ape} a} ao zufac{ io] 20.0 120130 molec df at iol €0.0 Rosana apeccourenicncisiomscaar . 00 PASS EXAMS! 'SGPA: SEM 1:6.96(WP:! TIL6.13(WP 53.22%) 51 COPA: 6.57(WPI56.¢ if inh» DATE: 08 JULY 20: ‘VIkG,70(WP:57,91%) SEM VII:6.52(WP:55, 65%) SEM VILI:8.04(WP:68.39%) SIRO a 18) SEM 11:6.04(WP:52.30%) SEM 1V:5,52(WP:44.00%) SEM V:6.65( WP: boss) SEM, x cERER ik HE K & ANSE TE, (MECHANICAL) EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY¥,2016 SHAT NOS 645580 TRS CENTRE — 240081 PERM, REGY. NO. COLLEGE: (240081) SES'S R.C,Patel Institute of Technology, Shipur 2012015400389347 SAME: YADAV VIPINKUMAR PRAMODKUMAR (PREMA) OH pean |someer | suiecr ame cuane| cr | cmNGr “Raw a ur (125101) Heat Taneter ° £ 15,00 2) Ice (125102) internal Combustion Engine |r o 18.00 is Mb-1 125103) Machine Design-1 P > 16.00 pe Tone (125104) Theory of Machines P E 15.00 ee aes £25105) tndustrat Engiieenng and P c 21.00 he Saety ¢ NT Lab |{125306) Heat Trensfer (Lab) P D 6.00 ie ICelab ao) Internat Combustion Engine Pp c 7.00 Np-1 Lab [2322089 Machine Desgn- (a) . 8 8.00 TON-11 Lab |(125300} Theory of Machines-1I (Lab) | P € 7.00 CG tab |(125310) Computer Graphics (Lab.) P A . 18,00 TT/EDP/SS |(1.25311) Industriel P At | 10,00} 20,00 [Training/eDP/Spedat Study SEM Vt gp 1126112) Machine Design 11 P E 5.00 | 15.00 WAC — |(126113) Numerical analysis and P 5 Icomputational Methods age |(G26114) Metrology and Quality P 8 2 leona He #Tursol/e |(126115) Turbomachinery P o i ’ (2261 16) Project. and Business P > aI Hanagement be 4MD-ttab |(126317) Machine Design-tl (Lab) P © & sTurbobte-t1( 126318) Turtiomachinery (Lab) P = : #QC-Lab |{4126318) Metrology ned Quality P a pe }contra (Lab, be 4/64 +-Lab |(126320) Computer Programming in P ° 1 Jcice (kab. ose (226921) Minor project P A 454 (4126322) Semingr-t p 8 oe men |/23.00=6.95 “111:141.00/23.00=¢ SEM VI:154,00, copa: 633 DATE: a7 0cT. 2016 © Revaluation Under Redre: SEM 11:139,00/23,00-6.04 seM SEM 1Vi127,00/23.00=5.52 SEM Vi153.00/23.00=6.65 Tons = Sak SESS B.C Patel Inetmae of Techesgy, Shepur 8.00 | 32.00 $.00-| 15.90 Heetba ee Sin ion 5 5.00 | 20.00 ‘MSM 1123104) Material Science ind 5.00 | 48.00 5.00 | 15.00 6.00} 12.00 8.00} 8.00 8.00} 8.0 700} 7.00 | ' 1 | } ae “2ao08t PERM REGN. NO! 2612015400389347 | } | | ' | oof @9m OM mo 6.00} 6.00 — | 500} 20.00 | — | 5.00) 15.00 | E | S00} 20.00 | e 5.00'| 15.00 | & DB | 600) 18.00 | ty © | 2.00} 14.00 1 3 = $00} 5.00 | fe b 00} 6.00 | s iia.) j & Ji424319) Theory of Mactines| (Lab. B | 600] 6.00 ] = /(124320) Workshop Practice IV 8 9.00} 4.00 | - % 3 i i @ rn frase SEM a coir Oe : ee CGPA: 6.16 OATE 44 July 2016 OF UXARIIRATIONS STATEMENT OF GRADES FE (MECHANICAL) EXAMINATION HELD IN MAY,2015 | SEATNOs 683651 CENTRE: 240081 FERAL REGN.NO® 2017015400380347 COLLEGE: (290083) SES'S R.CPatel Institute of Technelogy. Shitpor NAM: YADAV VIPINKUMAR PRAMODKUMAR (PREMA) | exam | stagecr | summer NAM jcoxenres Grape} cr | ORcr | (201201) Engineering Physics-1 ® | 3.00] D | 6.00] 1200 | {(202102) Engineering Chemtstry-1 Pp 3.00] £ 5.00] 15.00 i 101103) Engineering Matemanics-1 |p | 4.00] ¢ | 7.00 | 28.00 [(101104) Elements of Civil Engineering | P 4.00] B 6.00 | 32.00 [Engineering Mechanics }(101105) Computer Programming P 3.00] Cc 7.00 | 21.00 }(202306) Engineering Science Lab-1 Pp 100} A 9.00 2.00 (101307) Computer Programming Lab | P 1.00) 0 6.00 6.00 (101308) Elements of Civil Engineering | 100} 2 6.00 600 Mechanics tab (102309) Workshop Practice-f Pe 1.00] A 3.00 9.00 (201320) Sor stas-1 Pp | 200] 8 | 8.00] 16.00 (202121) Engineering Physics-tt P | 300] > 6:00} i800 (202112) Engineering Chemistry | 3.00] € 5.00 | 15.00 (262223) Engineering Mathematics-11 | 4.00) & 5.00 | 20.00 (aG2114) Giements of Etectncata = |p =| 3.00} € | s.00 | 5.00 Oats SEngeene Grav a n 3.00] 5.00 | 1500 aK an | 5.00 Bement stiuccuiteat eg (102316) Engineering Science Lab | P 100] A 9.00 9.00 (102317) Engineering Drawing and » 200] ¢ 7.00 | 14.00 flemems of Mechanical Enginnerng }(202318) Elements of Electrical & z= Loa} A 3:00 2.00 fetectronies Engineering Lab (102319) Workshop Practice-I1 P 1.00] a+ |1000] 10.00 102320) Sort Sils-tt ® | 200] ¢ | 3.00] 1.00 Environmental Studies (Avat Course) |? | a.00| ces | ooo} goo JICES- Completed, NCES- Not [Competed ) Tem] TaD, PASS EXAMS SGPA: SEM 1/160,00/23.00=6.96 SEM 11:139.00/23.0 04 : a cay an RESULT: Pass ayy aes DATE 92 3ULY 2035 —— (CONTROLLER ATES GUN ATONS

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