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The Time of the Curious

by rosarlei

Step by Step


There are four (4) main things that create magic

and drive human behavior.

1. Realizing a vision (Caelings)

2. Playing the Game (Terralings)

3. Following curiosity (Templings)

4. Finding a bigger challenge (Spatlings)

It’s likely you are like me: a Templing

Here is what you want to know:


How to live when you are a TEMPLING

Ch. 1
Here are somethings to get you started

Your primary driver in life is your Curiosity: That Because you are driven by curiosity and make choices
means that good and exciting things happen to you on the spot, you become susceptible to betrayal.
whenever you follow it. Even if they are bad, you
Being betrayed or abandoned will trigger Shame, which
eventually heal them and don't regret them.
will cause you to isolate yourself. 
Regret is the thing you are most scared of. 
You also consume enormous and varying amounts of
This is because Templings are keenly aware of the way information. That is because Templings thrive inside of
TIME works. a Maze. It is also why you want to find the answers for
yourself instead of asking someone who knows. Because
Your awareness and sensitivity to TIME make you
the whole point is to solve the Maze yourself, you'll
someone who excels at jumping into opportunities
want to find a more difficult one once you do.
when they reveal themselves.

Not seizing opportunities is the quick Path to having no


A lack of joy will cause you to lose direction and behave

poorly. That will make betrayal more likely to happen in
your life. 

Recipe for Magic

The trick is to design your entire life so that you can always act on and pursue the
things that make you curious. This is how you eventually become useful, ef cient,
strong and productive in society.

Recipe serves Prepared for

Templing Beginner Level 1 1 1

Ingredient Amount Scaled amount

walking 2-3 day

speak/ write your ideal 1 day

face a fear 1 day

dare a shame 1 day

expose yourself to cold PLUS 1 % day

clean dust 1 day

make bed 1 day

allow feeling of hunger 3 day


Closing thoughts

You have natural wisdom, which set's you up as an "elder".

The problem is you have also to be a fool. Being wise and
fool, come together. And if your ego gets enamored of the
wise part, it will try to act cool and be triggered by those
who treat you like a fool. That will cause you to enter a
paralyzing dilemma.

Remember: One of your biggest enemies is the comfort and

speed of technology.

a prediction: Five years from now, it will be mainstream to "scrap."

Spending money on expensive things will no longer be seen as cool.

Curious people will have the most popular channels on social media.

If you liked this, follow me on the different social media I use

to learn more. I post different content on each.

be well,


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