Definition of Savings

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Definition of Savings

At the outset ‘let us go through the conceptual aspect of savings .Generally we feel
this what do we have in our hands after meeting the expenses are savings.

Who collect small saving?

Organization collecting small saving
 01 Postal Department
 02 Insurance Company
 03 Non-Government Organization (NGO)
 04 Co-operation
 05 Others

When people want to save?

For answering this question, you should have a clear understanding about two
1. Disposable Income:
Is the income that is left in our hands after discharging the tax liabilities.
2. Discretionary Income:
The amount of an individual's income that is left for spending, investing or saving
after taxes and personal necessities (such as food, shelter, and clothing) have been

Types of Saving
Domestic Savings:
The domestic savings are the aggregate of public savings and private savings.
Domestic Saving= Total Public Saving + Total Private Saving

Public Savings:
Public savings comprise of the excess of government tax receipts over current
expenditure (developmental and non-development) and the profits of government
Types of Saving Public Saving Current Expenditure Total Tax Collection & Profit
of Government Enterprises
Private Savings:
The private savings absorbed by the government are loans from the public, small
savings and various special funds.
Voluntary Sayings:
The savings in our hands after meeting the expenses.
Justification for Marketing Small Savings
The following arguments justify the application of societal marketing principles:
 Inculcating Saving habits
 Seeking the Co-operation of the Common people to the Development
 Making the Scheme lucrative
 An Assault on Bad Habits
 Making the Saving Schemes Cost Effective
 Removing the Inadequacy of financial resources
 Improving the Quality of Customer Services

Trust areas in mobilizing small savings

These areas are given bellow:
 Rural segment
 Vulnerable urban segment
 Most Sensitive Segment
Definition of Small Savings
 The small saving intend to appeal to the common people who save little out
of their earnings. Small savings are substantially contributed by the urban
segment. Small savings are generated by low and poor segments of the
 Small saving refers to such type of saving that are small but collect regular
basis as deposits.
Example: 10 taka per week collected in a co-operative society.

Marketing Small Savings

For mobilizing small savings, organizations involved with collecting savings
should take acute marketing strategies.
As marketing is the process of creating, communicating and distributing value for
the customers that are society, so organizations can use marketing as managerial
device to inform, induce, sense and serve users of the services.
Service Mix for Small Savings
Since we go through the services product for our small savers, it is very natural
that while formulating service mix we take into consideration a number of factors.
 Rural areas
 Urban areas
 Formal Sectors
 Informal Sectors
 Farming income
 Industrial income
Service Mix for Small Savings Against this background, it is significant
that we focus our attention on both categories-
 Actual customer
 Prospect
 Need and requirement
 Their potentials
 Their present and future problems
 Their cultural and regional consideration
Service Mix for Small Savings In the process of mobilizing
small saving a number of organization come forward
 Public sectors
 Private sectors
 Non-banking organization

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