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Cite This: ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10, 79−88

Classics in Chemical Neuroscience: Chlorpromazine

Debra Boyd-Kimball,* Katelyn Gonczy, Benjamin Lewis, Thomas Mason, Nicole Siliko,
and Jacob Wolfe
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Mount Union, Alliance, Ohio 44601, United States

ABSTRACT: The discovery of chlorpromazine in the early 1950s revolutionized the clinical
treatment of schizophrenia, galvanized the development of psychopharmacology, and standardized
protocols used for testing the clinical efficacy of antipsychotics. Furthermore, chlorpromazine
expanded our understanding of the role of chemical messaging in neurotransmission and reduced
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the stigma associated with mental illness, facilitating deinstitutionalization in the 1960s and 1970s.
In this review, we will discuss the synthesis, manufacturing, metabolism and pharmacokinetics,
pharmacology, structure−activity relationship, and adverse effects of chlorpromazine. In
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conclusion, we summarize the history and significant contributions of chlorpromazine that have
resulted in this potent first-generation antipsychotic maintaining its clinical relevance for nearly 70 years.
KEYWORDS: Chlorpromazine, antipsychotic, schizophrenia, psychopharmacology, dopamine, history

Schizophrenia is a severe, chronic psychological disorder
notable modern synthetic routes to chlorpromazine hydro-
chloride was patented by Wang in 2012 under Patent
characterized by the presence of positive, negative, and CN102617509 (A). This synthesis, which includes the
cognitive symptoms.1−4 Until the mid-20th century a diagnosis substitution of 2-chlorophenothiazine with N,N-dimethyl-3-
of schizophrenia historically meant a lifetime of confinement to chloropropylamine followed by neutralization with hydro-
an asylum.5−7 Standard treatments of the time were electro- chloric acid, provides yields that are higher than those of
convulsive therapy (ECT) and prolonged sleep therapy, which traditional methods (>90%). This higher yield is attributed to
were employed with agitated patients.5,7−10 The introduction the use of sodium hydroxide and tetrabutylammonium
of chlorpromazine (CPZ) in the early 1950s catalyzed the bromide as the condensing agents, strict control of the raw
development of psychopharmacology11 and expanded our
material ratio, and an indicator for the end point of the
understanding of chemical signaling in neurotransmission.12
Additionally, CPZ helped to reduce the public stigma salification reaction (Scheme 2).22
surrounding mental illness, leading to the deinstitutionalization
of those with schizophrenia.6,7,10,13 In this review, we attempt
to synthesize a portion of the literature on CPZ to describe the
CPZ, produced in the United States under the brand name
synthesis and basic properties of this first-generation Thorazine, was approved by the Food and Drug Admin-
antipsychotic that has persisted for almost 70 years as the
istration (FDA) for the treatment of schizophrenia in 1957.23
“gold standard” to which all other antipsychotics are compared.

CPZ was primarily manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline under
CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS the brand name Thorazine in tablet form, but its production
CPZ, 3-(2-chlorophenothiazin-10-yl)-N,N-dimethylpropan-1- was discontinued in 2016.24 USL Pharma was granted FDA
amine (CAS Registry No. 50-53-3), is a low-molecular weight approval for the production and sale of CPZ on July 9, 1974.
phenothiazine derivative (molecular weight of 318.1). The first Two weeks later, West-Ward Pharmaceuticals was granted
synthetic route to CPZ was reported from the laboratories of FDA approval on July 25, 1974.25 Many other U.S.
Rhô ne-Poulenc by Paul Charpentier, and U.S. Patent manufacturers gained FDA approval for the sale of CPZ but
2,645,640 A was issued on July 14, 1953 (Scheme 1).14,15 In have since discontinued production of the drug. It is currently
the original synthesis, the chlorophenothiazine (2) was manufactured by companies in the United States under the
prepared by the cyclization of 3-chlorodiphenylamine (1) generic name chlorpromazine hydrochloride, by USL Pharma
with sulfur in the presence of an iodine catalyst and heat. The in tablet form, and by West-Ward Pharmaceuticals in
cyclization yielded the 2- and 4-chlorophenothiazine isomers
intravenous (iv) form. In tablet form, CPZ is available in
that were separated by fractional crystallization. Deprotonation
of 2 with sodium amide was then followed by addition of N,N- doses of 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg.26 In injection form, CPZ is
dimethyl-3-chloropropylamine. Distillation of the ethereal available at a strength of 25 mg/mL.27
extract yielded CPZ (3), which was then recrystallized as the
hydrochloride.14,15 Received: May 29, 2018
Since its first synthesis in 1951, various other routes to Accepted: June 21, 2018
produce CPZ have been recognized.16−21 One of the more Published: June 21, 2018

© 2018 American Chemical Society 79 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00258

ACS Chem. Neurosci. 2019, 10, 79−88
ACS Chemical Neuroscience Review

Scheme 1. Original Synthesis of Chlorpromazine (3) Reported by Charpentier14,15

Scheme 2. Recent Synthesis of Chlorpromazine Hydrochloride22


CPZ has no hydrogen bond donors, two hydrogen bond
chlorpromazine 5-sulfoxide (A), mono-N-demethylchlorpro-
mazine (B), di-N-demethylchlorpromazine (C), 7-hydroxy-
chlorpromazine (D), and glucuronic acid conjugates (Figure
acceptors, and a cLogP of 5.80.28 Together, these properties
1).30,34−36 These metabolites are produced by specific hepatic
conform to Lipinski’s rules and are consistent with the
cytochrome P450 (CYP) isozymes. For example, CYP1A2 and
acceptable drug metabolism and pharmacokinetic (DMPK)
CYP3A4 have been found to catalyze the mono-N-
parameters and central nervous system (CNS) penetration of demethylation, di-N-demethylation, and 5-sulfoxidation of
CPZ. The metabolism of CPZ varies based on its method of CPZ. Additionally, CYP2D6, with the assistance of CYP1A2,
administration. If administered orally, CPZ undergoes has been shown to be the primary isozyme that performs the 7-
extensive presystemic first-pass metabolism.29 This metabolism hydroxylation of CPZ.29,35−37
can be quantified by the bioavailability of unchanged CPZ that A genetic component of pharmaceutical drug metabolism
reaches circulation (F%). This value has been reported as low has been reported as a factor contributing to the wide range of
and variable ranging from 4 to 38%.30 It has been seen that pharmacokinetic values for CPZ. Genetic polymorphisms
orally administered CPZ begins to appear in systemic among the P450 enzymes, specifically CYP2D6, have been
circulation after a mean lag time of 0.4 h and is subsequently shown to lead to the emergence of two different phenotypes:
absorbed for an average of 2.9 h. The average peak extensive metabolizers and poor metabolizers. More specifi-
concentration of unaltered CPZ after this absorption was cally, the CYP2D6 polymorphism is known as the
calculated to be 0.079 μg/mL, occurring 2−4 h after debrisoquine/sparteine polymorphism.29,38 Such polymor-
ingestion.31 phisms could account for the variation in pharmacokinetic
Alternatively, when CPZ is intravenously administered, the values among experimental patients. Genetic testing can be
drug avoids extensive first-pass metabolism and the average done before experimentation to eliminate this variable.29
clearance rate has been calculated to be 1.06 L h−1 kg−1. Additionally, care must be taken when comparing reported
Additionally, the average volume of distribution at a steady pharmacokinetic data, particularly with respect to historical
state was found to be 8.88 L kg−1.30 As expected, upon studies, in light of such subject specific metabolic variation.

comparison of the oral and iv administration of CPZ, the data
gathered on its pharmacokinetics vary. The mean half-life and PHARMACOLOGY
AUC values are listed in Table 1. AUC, or area under the
plasma drug concentration versus time curve, indicates the CPZ demonstrates a high affinity for dopamine (DA) receptors
bodily exposure after administration of a drug.32 and acts as a receptor antagonist by inhibiting adenylate
CPZ undergoes dramatic metabolism that ultimately results cyclase activity. The first in its class, CPZ became the “gold
in at least 17 recoverable metabolites from urine or plasma standard” against which other first-generation, and even
samples.33 The five main metabolites of CPZ include second-generation, antipsychotics were compared.39,40 While
CPZ has several active metabolites that cross the blood−brain
Table 1. Comparison of Mean Half-Lives and AUC Values barrier, including 7-hydroxychlorpromazine, it has been shown
with Various Methods of Administration30 that unaltered CPZ is primarily responsible for the CNS
response.41 The primary pharmaceutical activity of CPZ is
formulation mean half-lifea (h) AUCa (ng h−1 mL−1) dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) antagonism with therapeutic
oral, 25 mg 5.48 (1.72) 27.80 (14.90) concentrations across a range of 60−80%. Therapeutic
oral, 50 mg 9.52 (4.55) 81.80 (79.20) concentrations resulting in levels of D2R occupancy of >78%
oral, 100 mg 11.05 (2.80) 247.00 (127.00) account for extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) as explained by
iv, 10 mg 11.10 (4.33) 135.00 (24.50) the fast-off D2R theory of antipsychotic action. Positron
emission tomography (PET) imaging has shown that many
Numbers in parentheses indicate standard deviations. conventional antipsychotics, such as CPZ, occupy D2Rs for a
80 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00258
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ACS Chemical Neuroscience Review

Figure 1. Scheme of primary metabolites found in urine samples.34−37 Letters indicate the type of enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the designated
cytochrome P450 isozymes: (A) 5-sulfoxidation, (B) mono-N-demethylation, (C) di-N-demethylation, and (D) 7-hydroxylation.

period of time longer than those of many atypical question about the efficacy and blockage of the 5-HT neuronal
antipsychotics, which wear off quickly following an oral dose. system by CPZ remains. For most 5-HT receptors, a low
This increased duration of occupancy is due to the tighter binding affinity is reported.41,44 A notable exception to this is
binding of CPZ, and other typical antipsychotics, to D2Rs in the 5-HT2A receptor subtype that exhibits Ki values similar to
comparison to those of atypical antipsychotics. Such prolonged that of the D2R (Table 2).42−45 However, the high 5-HT2A
stimulation of D2Rs by CPZ contributes to the high rates of occupancy does not necessarily provide a unique clinical profile
EPS observed in patients.42 While the binding affinity of CPZ for CPZ because atypical antipsychotics, like clozapine, share a
for other dopamine receptors has been tested, the D1, D3, and similar blockage of this receptor, signifying that D2Rs most
D4 receptors show low affinity, designating the low likelihood likely play the largest role in the clinical profile of the
of these receptors playing a role in the antipsychotic activity antipsychotic activity of the drug. Therefore, at typical clinical
(Table 2).41−43 dosages, blockage of the 5-HT2A receptor by CPZ appears to
For a majority of its history, CPZ was mainly studied as a be just as likely as blockage by atypical antipsychotics.45
D2R antagonist. More recently, the study of the binding Additionally, contrasting studies report that while CPZ
interactions of CPZ has been expanded beyond the DA system demonstrates 5-HT2A receptor inhibition in vitro, this
to include other receptor sites. In particular, the serotonin (5- pharmacological profile is lost in vivo.46
HT) system has been extensively investigated; however, some CPZ is also a known adrenoceptor antagonist, which
contributes to its antipsychotic effect. CPZ has shown a high
Table 2. Summary of Select Inhibitor Constants Associated affinity for the α1A and α1B subtypes of this receptor, which is
with Chlorpromazine coexpressed in the frontal cortex and thalamus.47 Within rats,
CPZ has a 4-fold higher affinity for the α1A adrenoceptor
receptor Ki (nM) subtype, which is higher than that exhibited at D2Rs.47−49 The
serotonin44 inhibitor α1A adrenoceptor could account for the antipsychotic
5-HT1A 3115 activity of CPZ because psychosis is a symptom due to
5-HT1B 1489 hyperactivity of adrenergic receptors.49 Additionally, at high
5-HT1D 452 doses, CPZ has also been shown to increase hippocampal
5-HT1E 344 acetylcholine release. While several atypical antipsychotics can
5-HT2A 3.32 induce this response at a lower dose, it is suggested that CPZ
5-HT2C 15.55 increases acetylcholine release through inhibition of terminal
muscarinic M2 autoreceptors.50

5-HT3 977
5-HT5A 118
5-HT7 21 Although CPZ has been extensively characterized as binding to
dopamine44 a variety of targets (Table 2), relatively few structural binding
D1 112 mechanisms have been elucidated because of the age of CPZ.
D2 2 First crystallized from solution by McDowell in 1969, the
D3 5 functional propylamine moiety present on CPZ was found to
D4 10.8 be facing the A-ring with its chlorine substituent.51 This
D4.2 26.2 conformation was initially of some debate, but simple overlay
D4.4 15.9 studies of this A-ring-facing conformation with DA placed both
D5 133 the A-ring and protonatable tertiary amine in positions similar
adrenoceptor47 to those of DA (Figure 2).52 These observations were
α1A 1.5 eventually validated by potential energy calculations and
α1B 5.6 molecular dynamics simulations with phenothiazine, xanthine,
81 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00258
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ACS Chemical Neuroscience Review

because of its ionic interactions with the anionic phospholipids,

phosphatidylinositol (PI) and phosphatidylserine (PS);
however, it has been demonstrated that CPZ is preferentially
bound to phosphoinositides present on the inner leaflet when
compared to PS.63 This claim was supported by work that
determined polyphosphoinositide levels in erythrocytes were
upregulated in the presence of CPZ.64 This points to the
possible physical sequestration of CPZ by the these densely
charged phospholipids that could ultimately lead to the
disruption of intracellular signals by phospholipase C-
generated second messengers, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
Figure 2. Structural similarities between DA and CPZ. An early (IP3) and diacylglycerol (DAG).63,64 Although these studies
overlay study by Horn and Snyder52 made the astute observation that focused on erythrocytes because of their easily quantifiable
if the propylamine arm of CPZ faces the A-ring, this would cause the morphological index, this principle could be applied to other
A-ring and propylamine to line up with the aromatic ring and amine lipid bilayers because of their universally anionic inner leaflets.

found in DA. This was later confirmed as the biologically active form
of CPZ by further work.53,54
CPZ is an antipsychotic medication that works at all levels of
and thioxanthene derivatives that indicated critical van der the CNS, with subcortical levels being the primary target.8
Waals interactions between the side chain and the chlorine A- CPZ was at one time the main drug for the treatment of
ring substituent existed. Increasing such van der Waals forces schizophrenia but has since been discontinued by many
was clinically associated with an increased level of D2R pharmaceutical companies.23,24 Studies have shown that use of
binding, antipsychotic efficacy, and EPS.53,54 CPZ can result in weight gain, sedation, movement disorders
Although a co-crystal structure is sorely lacking, one fairly (tremors and shaking), and orthostatic hypotension. Ortho-
well understood interaction is between CPZ and the D2R, static hypotension is usually observed when CPZ is
where the drug exerts its greatest clinical effects. Earlier work administered in higher doses.65 Some of these EPS side effects
suggested that CPZ must contain a protonatable amine to are seen with many antipsychotic drugs and are the main
effectively bind the D2R as both quaternary ammonium and concern when prescribing CPZ.66 EPS most often occurs when
dimethylsulfonium derivatives showed substantially decreased D2Rs are highly occupied, resulting most often in acute
D2R affinity.55 Schetz and Floresca concluded that the cationic dystonic reactions or tardive dyskinesia.42 These are usually
amine group of CPZ bound to a highly conserved aspartate seen when the dosage of CPZ is changed, especially in children
residue on the third transmembrane helix of the D2R. This and young adults.67 Additionally, CPZ can cause drug-induced
SAR was most likely responsible for bringing CPZ into the parkinsonism.68 This side effect is often seen in elderly patients
ligand binding site crevice of the D2R.56 A tryptophan residue within the first few months of treatment.69 The presence of
in the sixth transmembrane helix that sits on one side of the EPS in schizophrenic patients using CPZ was initially thought
binding crevice in a cluster of aromatic residues is considered a to be an indicator that proper dosages had been achieved.
molecular switch that is responsible for D2R activation. Binding Further evidence and research showed that EPS could worsen
of DA to the D2R results in flipping of this molecular switch psychotic symptoms to the point that they were irreversible
and a conformational change, whereas CPZ binding does and lethal in some cases.70 Research has shown that decreasing
not.56,57 This most likely can be attributed to a lack of or the dose of CPZ to <600 mg/day reduced the risk of the onset
improper steric clashing between the bulky aromatic residues of EPS to levels equivalent with those of second-generation
that are thought to cause D2R activation upon DA binding.56 drugs for schizophrenia treatment.66 The most commonly
Thus, in a primitive sense, CPZ does “blockade” the D2R to reported side effects of CPZ include drowsiness, sedation, dry
exert its effects. mouth, and nasal discomfort. CPZ negatively affects various
An additional area of which some characterization has systems in the body, including the cardiovascular, respiratory,
occurred is the binding of CPZ to cation-selective pentameric endocrine, metabolic, and immune systems. It also commonly
ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs), such as nAChRs and the has negative effects on many organs, such as the eyes,
5-HT3R.58 These receptors allow for the fast conversion of a intestines, liver, and skin.71 Many of these negative effects are
chemical signal to an electrical signal at synapses, and CPZ typical of first-generation antipsychotics and are the reason that
appears to modulate their activity in different ways. In second-generation drugs were developed.72

nAChRs, CPZ physically obstructs the ion channel.59 Photo-
affinity studies have indicated that CPZ can bind at sites near
both the cytoplasmic and extracellular portions of the HISTORY AND SIGNIFICANCE IN CHEMICAL
transmembrane pore.60 In contrast, CPZ binds directly to NEUROSCIENCE
the 5-HT3R ligand binding site and antagonizes serotonin The serendipitous discovery of the neuroleptic properties of
function.61,62 chlorpromazine grew out of the simultaneous investigation of
In addition to binding with multiple receptors, CPZ has phenothiazine derivatives for a variety of clinical applications.
been shown to interact with lipid bilayers. Because of its bulk Phenothiazines make up a class of molecules that were
phenothiazine ring structure, CPZ easily diffuses into originally developed in the late 19th century in the dye and
bilayers.63 This is stabilized by the hydrogen bonding of the textile industries; during the early 20th century, however,
phosphate group from membrane phospholipids with the phenothiazines were recognized for their antiseptic and
propylamine moiety of CPZ.54 CPZ was found to be antiparasitic properties and explored for antihistaminic proper-
preferentially sequestered on the inner leaflet of membranes ties, but research on known phenothiazines was halted because
82 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00258
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ACS Chemical Neuroscience Review

of toxicity concerns. During World War II, the Allied forces in While the use of CPZ spread quickly across Europe, Heinz
southeast Asia experienced a restricted supply of quinine for Lehmann (Montreal) and Smith Kline & French Laboratories
the treatment of malaria and researchers turned again to (Philadelphia), now GlaxoSmithKline, can be credited with
phenothiazines.73 Aminoalkyl derivatives of phenothiazine introducing CPZ to North America.73,91 Lehmann initially
were synthesized74 but were devoid of antimalarial activity.73 tested the sedative effects of CPZ compared to those of
The lack of antimalarial properties was confirmed by secobarbital in healthy volunteers, and concluding that CPZ
researchers at Rhône-Poulenc Laboratories in France, who induced “selective inhibition”, or a sedation that did not impair
continued to study these derivatives for their antihistaminic cognitive function, Lehmann set up a clinical trial of CPZ on
properties, notably bringing promethazine (Phenergan) to the 71 psychiatric patients that was the first published in North
market as a clinical allergy treatment in 1947.73,75 Con- America.8,92,93 Smith Kline & French Laboratories obtained
currently, other researchers, including Daniel Bovet and Henri- the license from Rhône-Poulenc to market CPZ in the United
Marie Laborit, were studying the ability of these antihistaminic States and brought CPZ to market in 1954 under the name
compounds to alleviate stress and shock reactions. Laborit, a Thorazine. Originally approved by the FDA as an antiemetic,
French army surgeon, was particularly interested in identifying CPZ was first used in the United States as a hypothermic agent
a pharmacologically active agent with hypothermic and during surgery rather than in psychiatric use;73,91 however, in
sedative effects to induce an artificial hibernation that could 1953, Frank Ayd (Baltimore) had become the first psychiatrist
prevent surgical shock.76 Laborit used promethazine in authorized by the FDA to study CPZ. Nevertheless, in 1954,
combination with dolantine creating his “lytic cocktail” and N. William Winkelman (Philadelphia) and Willis H. Bower
noted that anxious patients were relaxed and calm following (Boston) independently published work on the clinical use of
surgery,77 consistent with the reported use of promethazine as CPZ in a range of psychiatric disorders while Ayd published
a sedative to calm patients with manic depression.78 his findings on CPZ in 1955. Collectively, these publications
At Rhô ne-Poulenc, Simone Courvoisier analyzed the prompted the general acceptance of CPZ in the management
sedative properties of all the antihistaminic agents Paul of psychiatric illness in North America.73,94−97 It is estimated
Charpentier and his team had synthesized since 1944 and that 2 million patients were prescribed CPZ in the first 8
determined promazine appeared to be a promising option;73 months,5 resulting in $75 million in gross sales for Smith Kline
thus, Charpentier undertook the synthesis of promazine & French in 1955.73 Agranulocytosis,98 liver toxicity, and EPS
derivatizes and, in December 1950, synthesized CPZ. On the were observed and reported, but the neuroleptic effect of CPZ
basis of the promising results of in vitro and in vivo laboratory was determined to outweigh the risks for most pa-
tients.8,68,92,99−106 Haase later suggested that a “neuroleptic
tests,79,80 Laborit tested the activity of CPZ in his lytic cocktail
threshold” in which the dosage could be therapeutically useful
and observed that patients were relaxed and calm not only after
without producing EPS would be optimal;107 however,
surgery but also before surgery. On the basis of such
therapeutic dosages of CPZ could not be disentangled from
observations, Laborit predicted the implication of these agents
EPS effects.108−110
in treating psychiatric disorders.81 Pharmacodynamic and
The first meta-analysis on the clinical efficacy of
pharmacokinetic studies showed that CPZ possessed a broad
chlorpromazine in the treatment of schizophrenia was
range of pharmaceutical activities, including, but not limited to, published in 1960 and highlighted the need for standardized
antipyretic, anticonvulsant, adrenolytic, antiemetic, and anti- methods of scientific inquiry to be used in the clinical study of
fibrillatory activities.80 On the basis of this wide range of CPZ and any other such agent.111 Indeed, the first reports on
pharmacological activity, CPZ was commercialized in 1952 in the use of CPZ were small in scale, and many lacked the use of
France by Rhô ne-Poulenc under the commercial name appropriate controls. This is an issue that Lehmann himself
Largactil meaning large in action.73,82,83 highlights in retrospect,93 and while Elkes’ contribution to the
CPZ was first administered to a hospitalized manic patient in development of these methods was significant,73,82,90,112 Elkes’
January 1952 as an adjunct therapy. The patient rapidly calmed study reported the effect of CPZ in a number of psychotic
and, as therapy continued over a period of 3 weeks, remained conditions that included only 13 patients with schizophrenia.89
calm, ultimately being discharged from the hospital.84 Jean The first large-scale controlled studies of CPZ in schizophrenic
Delay and Pierre Deniker were the first to administer CPZ patients were conducted in numerous U.S. Veterans Admin-
alone as a pharmaceutical agent in psychiatric patients at istration (VA) neuropsychiatric hospitals113,114 and through
Hôpital Sainte-Anne in Paris. Delay and Deniker confirmed the the National Institute of Mental Health Psychopharmacology
efficacy of the agent in calming agitated or psychotic patients Service Center (NIMH-PSC).115 In the first VA study, CPZ
but noted that a dose significantly higher than that reported by was tested against promazine, phenobarbital, and a lactose
Laborit was necessary to achieve these effects when CPZ was placebo in a double-blind, crossover study that lasted 24 weeks
administered alone.85 On the basis of the observed effects, in total and found the efficacy of CPZ was significantly greater
Delay proposed the term neuroleptic to classify CPZ and any than that of promazine and the two control agents.113 The
agent producing a similar slowing of motor activity.86 The use second VA study used CPZ as a positive control in a double-
of CPZ in psychiatry spread quickly through Europe to the blind, 12-week study to test therapeutic efficacy of other
Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik in Switzerland where Felix phenothiazine derivatives.114 These studies focused solely on
Labhardt published work on the efficacy of CPZ in treating the therapeutic efficacy of CPZ in men, with both studies
schizophrenia87,88 and to the University of Birmingham in largely dominated by chronic schizophrenic patients.113,114
England where Joel and Charmain Elkes conducted and The NIMH-PSC study attempted to address these limitations
published the first controlled test of CPZ.89 Elkes’ study was in the experimental design by limiting the patient pool to those
blind and self-controlled and notably introduced randomized newly admitted with no hospitalization in the prior 12 months
trials and placebo-controlled research methodology into and utilizing mixed-gender groups for each treatment at each
psychiatry.73,82,90 of the nine collaborating hospitals. The therapeutic efficacy of
83 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00258
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ACS Chemical Neuroscience Review

thioridazine and fluphenazine was tested against CPZ, and 70 years, CPZ has withstood the test of time, and it is only
while this study found no significant difference in the fitting that CPZ holds a special place as a classic in chemical
therapeutic effects of the phenothiazines tested, it did begin neuroscience.

to cast doubt on the hypothesis that extrapyramidal symptoms
were necessary for clinical effectiveness.115 AUTHOR INFORMATION
While CPZ was broadly prescribed worldwide by the 1960, a
mode of action was still unknown, and studies had failed to Corresponding Author
reach a consensus about the recommended dosage. In 1962, it *Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of
was reported that discrepancies in earlier CPZ studies could Mount Union, Alliance, OH 44601. Phone: 330-823-3674.
have been due to the hypothermic effect of the drug.116 When Fax: 330-823-8531. E-mail:
the hypothermic effect of the drug was controlled, Carlsson ORCID
and Lindqvist reported that CPZ blocked dopamine receptors Debra Boyd-Kimball: 0000-0003-3059-0024
in mice, resulting in a feedback mechanism that increased the
synthesis and metabolism of catecholamines,117 which was Author Contributions
further supported by reports of increased dopamine synthesis K.G. wrote the section on drug metabolism and pharmacoki-
and metabolism induced by CPZ118−122 and led to the netics. B.L. wrote the section on chemical synthesis. T.M.
proposal of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia.123 wrote the section on structure−activity relationships. N.S.
Evidence of the CPZ blockade of dopamine receptors was wrote the section on pharmacology. J.W. contributed sections
reported in the mid-1970s,124−126 lending further support to on manufacturing information and adverse effects. D.B.-K.
the mode of action of CPZ and the dopamine hypothesis of wrote the abstract, introduction, and history and significance in
schizophrenia.127−130 chemical neuroscience sections. K.G., B.L., T.M., N.S., and
Prior to the introduction of CPZ, patients diagnosed with D.B.-K. prepared figures and tables. All authors contributed to
schizophrenia may have been secluded from society living out the editing of the final manuscript.
the remainder of their lives in the confines of a hospital; Notes
however, CPZ made the symptoms of schizophrenia more The authors declare no competing financial interest.

manageable, and more individuals with schizophrenia found a
life outside of the institutional care system. This helped to REFERENCES
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