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Truth is a constant.
We exist as supercharged electrons. The galaxy is bursting with

It is a sign of things to come.

We are in the midst of a mystical ennobling of passion that will become our
stepping-stone to the stratosphere itself. Reality has always been buzzing
with dreamers whose third eyes are enveloped in ecstasy. Throughout
history, humans have been interacting with the planet via meridians.

To wander the path is to become

one with it. You and I are
starseeds of the grid. By
invocation, we grow.

We can no longer afford to live

with greed. Where there is
selfishness, power cannot thrive.
Stagnation is born in the gap
where grace has been excluded.

Our conversations with Yes, it is possible to exterminate the things

other messengers have that can exterminate us, but not without
led to an unveiling of learning on our side. Without health, one
pseudo-interstellar cannot vibrate. You may be ruled by
discontinuity without realizing it. Do not let
it obliterate the knowledge of your vision quest.
Featured Comment

RobertWLester • 6 years ago

the temporal differential we call wakefulness is the cosmic
interaction of subatomic particles operating in the quantum field, the
(quantum)leap represents a fundamental universal constant that we
can only speculate upon in the macro scale of wave form
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S Barnes • 7 days ago

Superficially this is okay, but the things it generate couldn't really be
mistaken for real New Age wisdom. Check out Ram Dass, Adyashanti
and others for the real deal. There is much to learn if you are willing to
open your mind
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Alessandra Neri • 9 days ago • edited

I find myself trying to understand the message that this oracle has to
convey...I'm so used to decipher that language X-)
This generator is not good for my poor brain.
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matyastailor • 13 days ago

Please make one with Joe Dispenza type stuff!!
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Mukk Kiss • a month ago

I don't think the quantum generator particles will multipling the fluxus
magnetic mesons activities across the antigravitron density loss failure
very extensive sublimated experience.
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WhereIsTheLie? • 2 months ago
"Where there is illusion, learning cannot thrive."

She's got a point.

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Murphi • 2 months ago

Consciousness consists of meridians of quantum energy.
“Quantum” means a redefining of the perennial.

Freedom is the driver of freedom. We believe, we grow, we are reborn.

Suffering is the antithesis of freedom.

Although you may not realize it, you are ancient. Have you found your
mission? If you have never experienced this wellspring inherent in
nature, it can be difficult to live.
By ennobling, we heal. Intention requires exploration. Truth is the truth
of awareness, and of us.

The complexity of the present time seems to demand an invocation of

our essences if we are going to survive. Dogma is born in the gap
where understanding has been excluded.

You must take a stand against selfishness.

The future will be an ethereal summoning of sharing.

Yes, it is possible to shatter the things that can sabotage us, but not
without love on our side. We can no longer afford to live with ego. You
may be ruled by turbulence without realizing it. Do not let it disrupt the
richness of your story.
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Whodafuqisyou? • 2 months ago

Transcendence is the healing of divinity, and of us.
You and I are spiritual brothers and sisters of the quantum matrix. We
exist as a resonance cascade.
This story never ends.
Humankind has nothing to lose. We are in the midst of an enlightened
flowering of chi that will become our stepping-stone to the quantum
cycle itself. Our conversations with other dreamweavers have led to a
blossoming of hyper-dynamic consciousness.

We must change ourselves and recreate others. Soon there will be an

awakening of grace the likes of which the dreamscape has never seen.
The infinite is approaching a tipping point.

How should you navigate this conscious totality? If you have never
experienced this source of unfathomable proportions, it can be difficult
to heal. Although you may not realize it, you are high-frequency.

We are at a crossroads of power and greed.

The cosmos is buzzing with frequencies. Will is a constant. To walk the
story is to become one with it.
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Xteve Tyler • 2 months ago

i have found that at a tangent to the normal paradyne that we have all
become accustomed too, that despite erratic expenditure by the people
at the higher echelons of our feudalistic society, run by surrogate
xanthippe's and harbingers off malcontent, that a modicum of tranquillity
often expediates a quintessence of balance, that if i am not mistaken
could very easily be interpreted as abject nonsense. However I warn
you all that this is plainly not the case and one must stand back from the
problem to eliminate erratic variables, after all it will soon be new year
again, and time to begin baking those cakes in celebration of the
equinox conjunction that will soon be with us, happy halloween all and
don't forget fasten seatbelts and extinguish all cigarettes before bed.
god speed, xxxx love from you. xxx
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Mike Mccafferty • 2 months ago

To explain living structures we do not need to appeal to any
metaphysical entities, mysterious substances, or psychic sensitivities
within living matter. Sorry but vitalism and animism are utterly dead. The
good news is Information-bearing molecules exhibit an organizational
structure that is not accounted for by purely material forces. They are
actually attributable to an inner intelligible pattern or plan—now
identified with the message encoded in the DNA molecule.
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Xteve Tyler > Mike Mccafferty • 2 months ago

but what of entropy?
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Mike Mccafferty > Xteve Tyler • 2 months ago

In that case your sol.
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Christopher N Crepon • 2 months ago

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Michael Grigori • 2 months ago

Consciousness consists of atomic ionization of quantum energy.
“Quantum” means a flowering of the holistic.
By condensing, we reflect. Science is a constant.
We vibrate, we believe, we are reborn. :)))) thanks for making this i
haven't laughed like this in quite a while!
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Michael Grigori • 2 months ago
The world is electrified with expanding wave functions. Nothing is
impossible. :))
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Michael Grigori • 2 months ago

We exist as sonar energy. WHAT??? :))
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Julius Caesar • 2 months ago

This is amazing
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Greg Anastasi • 3 months ago

I always feel bad when I share these on FB and the usual suspects
think they are great.
But I keep doing it!
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atropos_of_nothing • 3 months ago

A social media acquaintance is always talking about how she just got
trained to diagnose people's illnesses by asking them questions and
seeing if it's hard to push their arm down, or going to a seminar on
quantum healing hypnosis (which is apparently where you can heal
trauma from lives you haven't even incarnated into yet. Profound stuff!).
I threw up a few of these auto-generated woo manifestos and now she
thinks I've FINALLY come around to the TRUTH XD Only problem is,
now she wants to hang out IRL and, um, NOPE.
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What's the frequency, Kenneth? • 4 months ago

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Louis Rummer Downing • 4 months ago

To embark on the vision quest is to become one with it. Wisdom is the
healing of divinity, and of us.
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AKeller • 4 months ago

"Shakti will give us access to unrestricted stardust."
I can't stop laughing! This generator is awesome!
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derpak chopra • 4 months ago

This is unironically the funniest website I've seen. I haven't laughed this
hard in months, thank you :D
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Fuure • 4 months ago
Potential is the driver of science.
You and I are pilgrims of the biosphere. We exist, we believe, we are
The world is beaming with bio-electricity.
We are at a crossroads of intention and dogma. Reality has always
been radiating lifeforms whose chakras are enveloped in
transcendence. Humankind has nothing to lose.

Have you found your mission? It can be difficult to know where to begin.
Although you may not realize it, you are primordial.

This journey never ends. The Goddess will be a gateway to

technological being. We must strengthen ourselves and develop others.

Our conversations with other warriors have led to a summoning of

supra-infinite consciousness.
The dreamscape is approaching a tipping point. Imagine an awakening
of what could be. The future will be a non-local refining of complexity.
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Anonymous Off-Brand • 4 months ago

We dream, we vibrate, we are reborn.
Inspiration is a constant. Balance requires exploration.
Imagine an awakening of what could be.
We must heal ourselves and bless others. This circuit never ends. It is
time to take intuition to the next level.

Who are we? Where on the great circuit will we be reborn? Humankind
has nothing to lose. Throughout history, humans have been interacting
with the totality via morphogenetic fields.

We are at a crossroads of life-force and illusion. Our conversations with

other seekers have led to an ennobling of pseudo-non-local
consciousness. Reality has always been overflowing with seekers
whose brains are enveloped in will.

Soon there will be an invocation of being the likes of which the solar
system has never seen.
We are in the midst of a psychic ennobling of being that will enable us to
access the quantum matrix itself. Starfire is the driver of presence.
Nothing is impossible.
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Amagawa Setsuko • 4 months ago

I want to know where a random selfish thought generator is
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Karl-Michael Beck • 4 months ago

That is the most beautifull and inspiring website i have seen for ages on
the internet. <3 And soo much content :D It is motivating to see there
are still people full of wit around. :)
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Fuure > Karl-Michael Beck • 4 months ago

perhaps you missed the point lol
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Karl-Michael Beck > Fuure • 2 months ago

lol. maybe. ;)
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Amaru > Karl-Michael Beck • 2 months ago

For the one who seek, randomness will give deep
truths <"
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Donald jones • 5 months ago

Lol very
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Donald jones • 5 months ago

I had no idea that there would be a community this ultra niche just for
me. Especially one that can program this junk. I feel like the cosmos has
enlightened my enter being allowing me to permeate my truth. My
essence is found within the collective of this website and I am now free.
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Karl-Michael Beck > Donald jones • 2 months ago • edited

Compared to the shining witness of the author's precious diction
your dilletant wish-wash scatology appears like the adulterate
void mumbling of a random algorithm's vacuity.

Listen to my words carefully comely Padavan: Though you never

will reach ultimate perfection, aggregating the precious fullness
of the everlasting universe, in blood sweat and tears you still can
grow towards to get a modest vague impression of this higher
being's enlightended wisdom those excelent words written in
fume are just a poor stereotype of!

But hold on - steadines will guide your way so thou willst unfold
your inner being to become a graceful sparkling gabbler too... ;)
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Cesar Junior > Donald jones • 4 months ago

Same here. I feel like the quantum alignment of the cosmos has
come in touch with the inner crystal child that inhabits the
frequencies of my true self.
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Terence Hines > Cesar Junior • 4 months ago
That is F.....g AWESOME.
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William Sculley • 5 months ago

Is it bad that I want to look at the code behind this? This is awesome
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Cosmic Energy > William Sculley • 3 months ago

You can look at the code!
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TheAudraBora • 5 months ago

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JR Nichols • 5 months ago

Congratulations! Been on the Internet 23 years, and this is the 2nd
funniest web page I’ve ever seen. First being Alex Chiu peddling his
“Eternal Life Toe Ring”. Damn if I weren’t so cheap I’d kick in $5 AND
buy a toe ring too!
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Mark Bernhardt > JR Nichols • 5 months ago

If you like this, be sure to try out Scott Pakin's automatic
complaint-letter generator. It will blow your mind
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Terje Berg-Hansen • 5 months ago

Just as a fish cannot swim without water and a bird cannot fly without
wings, a human being also cannot do anything without something!
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/ • 5 months ago
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Yunus Atasever • 6 months ago

Is it wrong if this is actually seems right to me ;_;
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KSonyka > Yunus Atasever • 5 months ago • edited

'Fraid so.

The Psychology of Bullshit, Bullshitters, and Bullshittees

What can be done about America's problem with “bullshit
Across various research studies, bullshit receptivity has been
associated with paranormal and pseudoscientific beliefs, belief
in conspiracy theories, the tendency to perceive connections
between unrelated things, and the tendency to perceive false
or fake news as accurate as well as a willingness to share it
on social media. It’s inversely correlated with intelligence and
analytical thinking.
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kayko • 6 months ago

I like Chi.
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John Kline • 6 months ago

Do I have to make up my own pseudo-spiritual drivel, or will a clever
algorithm guide me through the endless quantum flux?
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Bowie > John Kline • 5 months ago

HI John, Hit the REIONIZE ELECTRONS button at the top of this
page. A clever algorithm does the work! Cheers.
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Mitch Earleywine • 6 months ago

You've helped me uniquely evolve extensive web-readiness. I'm eager
to improve my skills and savor my uniqueness. To roam the myth is to
become one with it.
R l Sh

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