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4 . It has enriched research and development facilities v R i o Yes yes no no = Temporary competitive advantage The research
development department of Grameenphone is really vast . The investment grammenphone put in their research is vast
compare to the other telecommunication in bangladesh . Since 2019 grameenphone along with Telenor , Huawei and pathao
is researching about Deepfake, Artificial Intelligence, deepfake, emergence of mass industrial IoT, mass expansion of 5G ,voice
activated chat-bots for homes, and tech awareness factors such as screen time control and mobile-driven green technology
.The extensive research program that has been running by Gp helps to attract customers and get investment from other
companies , thus it creates value for Grameenphone . At the moment Its rare for other telecommunication company to
research and develop about the above technologies cause it requires a lot of capital for these research . But in the future it
might not be costly to imitate for robi and banglalink because they could directly buy these technologies when its fully
developed from other companies like huwaei or xiamoi etc . Mainly researching these technologies takes a lot of time ,
manpower and investment rather then directly buying it from other companies . So Grameenphone should always focus on
the research department , it not only just to attract customers , it also help Bangladesh for developing technologically . So it
can be said that this strength of Grameenphone can considered as temporary competitive advantage . ( Grameenphone
limited , 2019 ) ANALYZATION OF GRAMEENPHONES STRENGTH USING VRIO FRAMEWORK 1. It always keeps up with the latest
technology V R I O yes yes no no = Temporary competitive advantage The world of technology is constantly evolving with new
innovation . So its important to keep up with all the recent technology . Grameenphone is always the first telecommunication
company to introduce new innovation in Bangladesh for example Gp was the first to introduced GSM technology , 3g and 4g
services in Bangladesh . As Telenor is partnered with grameenphone so Telenor transfer their knowledge and technology to
Grameenphone over the years . Currently they are working with huwaei to introduce 5g network service in Bangladesh which
would attract people who are using other telecommunication services . So it creates value for gp to bring more customers to
use theirs services . Its rare for other telecommunication system to keep up with latest technology because they lacks the
capital to bring something new like Grameenphone . But in the future companies like robi and banglalink can easily imitate the
technology beacuse they directly buy the technologies from other companies where else gp is one of the companies which
helps to create the technologies . So in the future grameenphone should always look for new and updated technology so that
they attract more customers . Through vrio framework it can be determined that this capabilities of Grameenphone is
securing them as temporary competitive advantage . (Grameenphone limited , 2019 ) 2 . It has 24/7 customer service V R I O
yes no no no = competitive parity The main objective of Grameenphones customer service is to be the best customer service
in Bangladesh to gain competitive advantage over other companies in the market . The responsibility of their customer
service is to position itself as the most reliable, friendly and quality service provider in the industry that provides that provides
segment based services beyond expectations. Their customer service also helps them to obtain insight about theirs products
and services . As it is 24/7 customer service so it helps them maintain their customers and make good a impression of them
towards customers . so it can be considered as valuable . But its not rare for grameenphone to be the best customer service
provider because robi and Bangla link also provides the same quality services as them . In the future grameenphone,s
customer service should try to solve any customers problem faster than any other telecommunication companies . It would
help them to attract more customers . This capabilities can be consider as competitive parity . 3. It has the best management
team that consists of experts from both home and abroad V R I O yes yes no no = Temporary competitive advantage There
are about 4,728 employees works in Gp . Among them 97 percent are national and the rest of them are internationals . GP
follows ethical strategy to recruit and manage employees . Grameenphone provides a lot of benefits to their employees which
motivates the employees to work harder and effectively . As grameenphone is a joint venture company with Telenor . So
motivates the employees to work harder and effectively . As grameenphone is a joint venture company with Telenor . So
Telenor send professional expert from foreign to teach the employees how to work more efficiently . For example Mr jens
Becker was appointed as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) effective from 15 August 2019. Before joining Grameenphone, he was
CFO of T-Mobile Poland (formerly Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa) from 2007 to 2016 and was engaged with consultancy and
entrepreneur ventures since then. It creates value for Grameen phone to recruit foreign specialist like MR jens Becker (CFO) ,
Rade kovacic (CTO) , Ole Bjorn (CFAO) etc to manage the company properly .Its rare For other company to have such
diversified management team like GP at the current moment . But its not costly to imitate for companies like robi to bring
some specialists from foreign countries to manage their team more efficient and effectively . Every year the total revenue of
robi are increasing so they could recruit specialist from foreign countries. In the future gp should recruit more specialist so
that they could help the company to generates more profit and run smoothly . This capabilities can be considered as
temporary competitive advantage . ( Grammenphone limited ,2020 )

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