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Never give up.

By Jakub Madhani

The final fight, Rocky Balboa faces a

near death experience but has the will
not to give up! The fight took place in
Russia, the home town of his opponent
Ivan Drago.​ Despite​ the whole crowd cheering on Ivan, Rocky Balboa uses the crowd's
energy as positive fuel to win the fight of his lifetime. When the fight starts it's clear Ivan
Drago is beating him up. It seems as if Rocky has no chance to win this fight at the end of
round 1, he is still down. Round 2 Rocky gets knocked out again. When he’s down the whole
crowd thinks they have won. Ivan has clinched the fight but wait. All of sudden Rocky gets
back up and gives it his all despite being bruised and bloody. Rocky fights his heart out and
the crowd turns and starts cheering him on, chanting Rocky, Rocky, Rocky! The energy is
crazy and contagious giving Rocky more fuel and before you know it, Rocky has become the

Boxing is a sport where you can never take anything for granted. It is not just about fighting,
boxing teaches you many life lessons and skills that help you in your everyday life. Even
though you may have talent, that is not enough to succeed. The will to win is worth much
more (Sammons, 1999). Boxing is also about not giving up, you can get hit and knocked out
but it's how you come back. “It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get
hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how
winning is done!” (Balboa, 2006). In this essay I will tell you about the history of boxing,
along with the pros and cons of boxing.

History of boxing.
The first visual that anyone had on boxing was in
Sumerian relief carvings from the 3rd millennium
BCE (Before Current Era) in Iraq. The first place to
really make boxing a sport was Greece. Greece
enjoyed boxing a lot therefore soon after the sport of
boxing was even played outside of their borders. In
the 23rd Olympiad was the first time boxing was
introduced as a sport. Generally fights were usually
for bragging rights ​howeve​r there are records of the
winners from big competitions actually winning
gold, livestock and many more. Also boxing matches
did not have rounds or a weight limit. Matches only ended when one fighter was not able to
fight anymore or had admitted defeat. (History of boxing… 2020). The Roman Empire
started combat sports, however with the popularity of gladiator fights fought by slaves they
did not care too much about a sport that did not end in someone dying. ​During this time
fighters wore leather thongs on their wrists, and then added metal spikes; ​however ​those were
only worn by gladiators. The Romans also invented the boxing ring which started as a circle
but now it's a square.

​How to wrap your hands

As I said​ previously​ boxers used to wear leather thongs on their wrist but now we have
advanced to hand wraps.
Wrapping your hands is a mandatory thing to do before putting your gloves on it protects
your hand ​while​ in the glove and while you are punching. Here’s how to wrap your hands.

1. Start by putting the loop on your thumb.

2. Take the wrap and wrap three times around your wrist however you want.

3. Next you wrap it through your thenar webspace (Which is the skin in between your
thumb and index finger) and up around to your knuckles, You want to keep on doing
that three to four times.

4. Put the rap threw each finger and after you take it threw the finger wrap it back
around to your knuckles.

5. Now that you wrapped around your whole hand now work back to your wrist and
velcro it. Once you've completed all the steps, you're done!

​Pros of boxing
Boxing is a sport where you
need a lot of coordination,
strength and helps with mental
health. Boxing is not just all
violence, it also comes with a
lot of benefits.

Enhanced Cardiovascular
Good cardiovascular health
protects you from heart
diseases, helps you burn
calories and lose weight. You don’t just need to just run to increase your cardiovascular
health. Boxing is a amazing way to improve your cardiovascular health. ​As lon​g as you keep
your heart rate up and have enough stress on your lungs and heart, boxing is a great way to
help cardiovascular health.

I​ mproved Total-Body Strength

Punching, and kicking takes a lot of upper body, lower body and core strength, especially
when you are hitting the bag. Most bags are 100 pounds. ​During​ a workout you will be
punching a lot and you can get very fit and strong. Most boxers have very little body fat

Decreased Stress
Boxing can also decrease a lot of stress. When you think about punching and kicking the
whole time so you should be able to get some anger out. After everything you do you will be
so tired you won’t even be worrying about anything. The only thing that you would be
worried about is trying to get your breath back.

​ Cons of boxing

Since​ boxing is a very intense

sport there are a lot of negative
things that come with it.


Since​ boxing is a high-intensity

sport, injuries are very common.
Injuries range from severe brain
damage, black eyes, and broken teeth. Injuries to the fingers and hands are common as well.
muscle injuries are another big injury that boxers are prone to. (Miller,2020).

​ oes not help with self defense

Boxing is mostly about punching and when boxers need to defend themselves when they get
into a fight they don’t know how to use their bare fists because most of the time they are
wearing gloves. Boxing also follows rules and if they need to fight outside of a ring Boxers
don’t really know how.


In conclusion, boxing is a sport that improves a lot of skills; but there are lots of cons that
come with boxing. If you want a sport that increases confidence, and healthy living boxing is
the best all around sport. Boxing is a sport that anyone can play, you don’t need to be fit or
skinny you just need the will to box because nowadays everyone thinks you need to be fit or
skinny but you don’t. Boxing teaches so many life lessons and you can learn so much from
this magnificent sport. I hope you can try boxing and feel the amazing feeling that boxing
makes you feel.

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Jakub 3 3 1 1 3 6 6 3 1 27
Jakub 3 3 2 2.5 3 6 6 3 1 29.5
​ ibliography 

hauser , Thomas. “Boxing: Additional Information.” ​Encyclopædia Britannica​, 

Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 26 July 1999,​.  

“History of Boxing - Origin and Evolution.” H

​ istory of Boxing - Ancient, 
Amateur and Professional Boxing​,  

Miller, Jackson. “What Are The Pros And Cons Of Boxing?” ​PunchPrime,​ 10 July 2020,



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