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Types of test: Achievement Date:

Type of assessment: Summative Name:

Grade level:10
Time allotted: 50 min.
Number of items: 11
Maximum number of marks is [22]

Course objective: To explain how Earth’s major physical features were formed
Lesson objectives:

 Explain the processes that occur along convergent boundaries.

 Determine the consequences of colliding plates
 Explain the processes that occur along divergent boundaries.
 Determine the results of plates that are moving apart
 Determine the effect of transform-fault boundary on the Earth’s crust.


 Allow students 1 minute to write their names and read the instructions for students.
 At the beginning of the test students will be given 5 minutes of reading time.
 Announce the start and the end time for the reading with the interval of 5 minutes.
 Students are allowed to use dictionary during reading time.
 Announce remaining time twice, when 15 min. and 5 min. are left.
 Students may not stand up from their seats until all papers are collected by invigilator.


 Don’t open examination paper until instructed to do so.

 At the beginning of the test you will be given 5 minutes to read the text and questions.
 You may use dictionary only during this time.
 Wait until invigilator announces the start time for it.
 You must NOT write answers to questions during the reading time.
 Write in black or blue pen.
 Calculator is required for this paper.
 After finishing the test remain in your seat until all papers are collected.
Practicality: Can be completed within available resources and time. Test has clear instructions
for instructors/test administration.

Reliability: Answer key is provided for clear scoring, test has appropriate appearance.

Test-wiseness factor is taken into consideration, thus variety of test items are used to ensure
student-related reliability

Validity: Test items measure objectives; irrelevant details aren’t measured. Test items are
related to the content.

Authenticity: Appropriate academic language is used, related to natural world, life and age

Washback: Text and questions will help students to reflect on healthy life style and think
about the effects of this bad habit.
Read the text and answer following questions.
Plate Tectonics
The crust is broken into more than a dozen great slabs of rock called tectonic plates.
These plates float on a partially melted layer of the mantle. The plates carry the earth’s
continents and oceans. The theory of plate tectonics explains how most of the major
features of the earth’s surface were formed. The way the plates move determines the
kinds of landforms that are formed. It also determines where earthquakes occur.
There are three kinds of movement that happen at the boundaries between the plates.
At divergent boundaries, tectonic plates move apart, or rift, from each other. When a
rift occurs on a continent, it creates a gap into which water flows. This creates lakes
and when the gap continues to widen, it creates seas. The Red Sea, for example, was
formed when a rift occurred between the African and Indo-Australian tectonic plates.
When a rift occurs in the ocean, liquefied rock, called magma, rises up to fill the gap
between the separating plates. The magma creates new crust on the edges of the two
plates. The separation of the plates and the new crust helps to enlarge the ocean floor.
The built-up crust forms long underwater mountain ranges called ocean ridges.
At transform boundaries, plates slide past each other along what are called faults. This
movement does not create landforms, but it does create earthquakes along the
boundary of the two plates. The North American Plate moves in a northwest direction.
The Pacific Plate moves in a westward direction. The San Andreas Fault in California is
a boundary between the two plates. Many earthquakes occur along this boundary.
At convergent boundaries, two tectonic plates move toward each other and collide.
There are different convergent plate boundaries. Oceanic-oceanic convergence where
two plates made of oceanic crust converge. One plate subducts under the other,
forming a trench. The subducted plate melts and becomes part of the mantle. Often,
underwater volcanoes form near the boundary in the other plate. Oceanic-continental
convergence occurs where an oceanic plate converges with a continental plate. The
oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate because it’s denser. A trench forms
at the boundary. Often, mountains or volcanoes form on the continental plate near the
boundary. Continental continental convergence occurs where two continental plates
converge. One plate subducts, melts and becomes part of the mantle. A mountain range
forms in the other plate where crust is “squashed” together.
Plate B

Plate A

1. Describe what happens to Plate A as it collides with Plate B? Why? [2]


2. Predict what geologic features could result out of this plate boundary (three possible answers).

3. What do you expect to find parallel to a trench?[1]

a) Hotspot
b) Volcano arc
c) Rift valley
d) Ocean ridge
4. Describe the three types of convergent plate boundaries. [2]


5. Which of these is false about lithosperic plates ?

1. _______________a. have the same thickness everywhere.

2. _______________b. include the crust and upper mantle.

3. _______________c. thickest in the mountain regions

4. _______________d. vary in thickness.


6. Explain the meaning of “plate tectonics”. [1]


7. What is difference between oceanic crust and continental crust? [1]

8. Compare and contrast what happens when tectonic plates move towards each other,
away from each other or past each other. [4]


9. Do you think there are more convergent or divergent plate boundaries on Earth?
Justify your answer. [3]


10. How is a transform boundary different from a convergent and divergent boundary? [2]


11. A map of tectonic plates is included with the reading passage. The arrows show the
general movement of the plates. Based on this, how do you think the Atlantic and
Pacific ocean will change over the next 100,000 years? Defend your answer.


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