Ancient Philosophy - Final - Baculpo

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Rogationist Seminary College-Cebu


Rev. Fr. Kristian Irvin Taok, RCJ

Name: Jovanne Baculpo, AB-PHILO-2 Rogationist of the Heart of Jesus

The purpose of skepticism in the perspective of student in Philosophy is to maintain the doubts,
hesitations, and worries. Likewise, to develop the capacity and limits of student. The
development of Skepticism in the Philosophy is very important to know the reality and the truths.
Additional developed skepticism looked in some of Socrates opinions and in some of the
Sophists. 1Socrates, in the early Platonic dialogues, was always questioning the knowledge
claims of others; and in the Apology, he said that all that he really knew was that he knew
nothing. Socrates’ enemy, the Sophist Protagoras, contended that man is the measure of all
things. This thesis was taken as a kind of skeptical relativism: no views are ultimately true, but
each is merely one man’s opinion. 2Another Sophist, Gorgias, advanced the skeptical-nihilist
thesis that nothing exists; and if something did exist, it could not be known; and if it could be
known, it could not be communicated. I want to thank in skepticism to know the truth in ancient
and modern development.

This personal experience of skepticism is the one who really motivate and inspire me to think
deeper about the doubting in my life. It is also to maintain my doubts in life that God give me the
opportunity to think deeper about doubts and happiness moment in my life. I want to develop my
doubts in life with no regrets and shame. Being a skeptical is my pleasure to know my desire in
life. I know that sometimes there is lacking and missing in my journey as a seminarian. While I
must seek my ordinary pleasures of life, all of us know the identity that I will contented of being
attentive on comfort, fun, and safety is beneath our dignity as a human being. The skepticism is
very important of human because it delivers and guide the person to develop their doubts and
behavior intention.  Therefore, believe in yourself and everything is open to the doubts who
really wanted to continuing develop their life as they live the happiness in life.

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