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Lesson Plans from Edumate

Grade 6

Lesson 1 - Musical Culture of Vietnam

Introduction to Indochinese Musical Cultures
Musical Culture of Vietnam

Bilingual/International Period

(I) Guess Where  (10 minutes) 

Students will be given a sheet of paper where they will write their answers. 
Pictures will be flashed on the scree, and the students need to guess where can one find that place, is it in
Vietnam, in Cambodia, or in Laos. 
After the activity,  the class will exchange papers and the class will give the correct answers, identifying the place
that were used in the activity. 

(W) Introducing Indochinese Countries (5 minutes)

The teacher will then ask the students what they understand with the term "Indochinese."
The students will then be shown  a map of French colony/empire and will be asked to interpret what the map is
all about.
Then another map will be shown, that of French Indochina, and students will be asked to identify the places in
the map. 

(G) Reporting on Vietnamese Musical Culture (20 minutes) 

The Vietnamese students in the class will then be asked to say something about Vietnam which they think their
classmates do not know yet about Vietnam. 
Then the Vietnamese group will explain the following topics about Vietnamese Musical Culture.
1.) Elements of Vietnamese Music
a.) No absolute pitch
b.) Ornamentation
c.) Sentiment
d.) Free and Metrical Rhythm
e.) Heterophonic and Hetero-rhythmic
2.) Folk Music 
a.) Chèo
b.)  Xẩm  or Hát xẩm
c.) Quan họ
d.)  Ca trù
e.) Hò
e.)  Nhạc đám ma

(G/W) Song Study (5 minutes) 

The reporting group will then teach the class a traditional/folk song form Vietnam
The class ends with the entire class singing a Vietnamese traditional song. 

International Period 

(W/I) Surprise Quiz (10 minutes) 

The reporting group will give a 5-question quiz to their classmates about the things they have reported last

(G) Continuation of the Report (15 minutes)

The International Vietnamese students will then continue the report on Vietnamese Musical Culture, focusing on
the different musical instruments of Vietnam. 

(W) Audio-Visual Materials (10 minutes)

To give their classmates a better idea of how the instruments are played and how they sound, the  group will
play video clips of the different musical instruments they have reported on. 

(W) Review of the Traditional Song of Vietnam (5 minutes) 

The class ends with a review of the traditional song of Vietnam taken up in the first period. 
Core Tactic – Group Reporting
This tactic gives the students an opportunity not only to explain things but to share with their classmates things
about their culture and their music. It also gives the reporting group the chance to show their classmates how to
properly pronounce terms in Vietnamese language. Finally, it gives the students the feel how it is to be the
teacher even just for a period that will hopefully improve all the more the way the behave during class time. 
Our World of MAPEH 8, Vibal Publishing House
This textbook is all about Asian Musical Cultures. In Unit one of this book a lesson is particularly
allotted for Indochinese musical culture, exploring the musical cultures of Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos.

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