Anything / Nothing Out of The Ordinary. Everything / Something Was Calm and Quiet. I Came Back To The

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A strange story
That was a cold and stormy night. Everybody / anybody went to bed earlier than usual, but I decided to
stay in the living room reading my new novel about mystery. Suddenly, something / nothing happened in
the kitchen, I heard a strange noise. I stood up and went rapidly to see what was happening. I couldn’t see
anything / nothing out of the ordinary. Everything / something was calm and quiet. I came back to the
living room and kept on reading my book….when I opened the second page, I heard a noise coming from
the front window and a shadow disappearing in the night…when I looked through the window I saw
nobody / anybody. It was a very rare night. Every time I tried to read my book something / nothing
inexplicable happened. Was the mysterious novel becoming true??...I examined everywhere / nowhere
in the living room, I was trying to find the odd thing that was producing the strange noises but I could
find anything/ nothing…finally, I decided to go to bed and forget about that scary night.

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

everybody somebody anybody nobody

everything something anything nothing
everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. This bag is empty, there isn’t _______________ in it.

2. I’m lonely. I have ____________________ to talk to.
3. I lost my watch. I’ve looked for it _______________.
4. She said ______________, but I didn’t understand her.
5. Did you go _______________ interesting for your vacation?
6. I like the people here. ________________ is very friendly.
7. ’What are you doing here? ’ ’I’m waiting for _______________.’
8. It’s a secret. Don’t tell _________________.
9. We don’t go out very much, because there’s ____________________ to go.
10. ’How much does it cost to visit the museum?’ ’__________________. Why?’
11. They live __________________ in the south of France.
12. It’s a nice hotel. It’s comfortable and _________________ is clean.

1. Ken never uses his car. He goes _________________ by motorcycle.

2. I’m bored. I don’t have _____________________ to do.
3. Tom lives ________________ near Toronto.
4. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them _________________.
5. ’What did you have to eat?’ ’________________. I wasn’t hungry. ’
6. I don’t like this place. There’s _____________ to go.
7. Let’s have dinner. _________________ is hungry.
8. I want _______________ to read. I’m going to buy a magazine.
9. The house is empty. _________________ lives there.
10. You’re right. _______________ you say is true.
11. ’Do you know ______________ in Tokyo?’ ’Yes, I have a few friends there.’
12.______________ broke the window.

1. You can have a shower. There’s ________________ in the bathroom.

2. Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember __________________.
3. Their house is full of books. There are books __________________.
4. ’What’s in that suitcase?’ ’_______________ It’s empty. ’
5. Stay at home. Don’t go __________________.
6. Do you have ________________ you need?
7. Dan has gone ______________. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going.
8. The tank is almost empty. There’s _______________ a station near here.
9. ’What’s wrong?’ ’I have __________________ in my eye.’
10. Tim doesn’t have _________________ to help him.
11. ’Do you know Bob?’ ’Yes, __________________ knows him. ’
12.There’s ______________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?
Complete the sentences using past simple or continuous tense:
How many people ................................... ( sit )in the living room when you .................................( arrive )?
He ................................. ( break ) his foot while he ........................................ ( play )football last Saturday.
We ........................................... ( walk ) down by the river when it ................................ ( start ) to rain.
He ........................................... ( wait ) half an hour before they ...................................... ( arrive )
I ................................................ ( cut ) my finger while I ...................................... ( peel ) the potatoes.
My friends ............................................. ( read ) books while I .............................................. ( play ) computer
He .......................................... ( come ) into the room, .............................................( tako ff ) his coat
and ............................................( sit ) down.
She ........................................... ( put on ) her coat, ................................................ ( take ) her bag
and ....................................................... ( leave ) the house.
The children ………………………….. (play) happily when mother ………………….. (arrive) home.
I …………………………… (meet) Peter while I ……………………. (shop) this morning.
Everyone ……………………….. (talk) and suddenly the lights …………………… (go) out.
I ………………………….. (hear) a strange noise and the dog ……………………. (begin) to bark.
She ………………………… (go) to school, ………………….. (take) out her textbook and ………..(begin) to
I ………………………….. (have) dinner when I suddenly ………………………. (hear) a loud bang.
While Tom …………………… (play) the piano, his mother ………………….. (do) the washing-up
When I ……………………. (do) the washing up, I …………………… (break) a plate.
He ........................................ ( paint ) the bedroom when suddenly he .................................. ( fall off )the ladder.

Read the story and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or continuous tense:
While I ........................................... ( shop )with my friend last Saturday, we ................................... ( see ) an
We .......................................... ( have ) lunch outside a cafe, when it ........................................
( happen )
A woman .......................................... ( cross ) the street, when a boy on a bike ............................ ( come )
round the corner very fast.
The boy ......................................... ( not/look ) and he .................................( hit ) the woman.
When I .......................................... ( see ) it, I ...................................... ( take out ) my mobile phone and
I ............................................. ( phone ) the police.
A policeman .......................................... ( arrive ) while we ...................................... ( wait ) for the ambulance, and
he ............................................( ask ) us some questions.
While we ....................................... ( talk ) to the policeman, the ambulance ........................... ( come )
and ..................................... ( take ) the woman and the boy to hospital.
Later, while I ..................................... ( listen ) to the radio, I ................................ ( hear ) a news report about the
accident. The people were fine.

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